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AAC R13-4-111-Certification Retentions Requirements
ARS 11-935- Powers and Duties
J.Goins 2 Hrs Crimes in Progress 10-3-19
J.Goins 2 Hrs Deaf & Hard of Hearing 5-30-19
J.Goins 24 Hrs Colt M-16 Armorer Course 3-7-19
J.Goins 8 Hrs Child Abuse 5-23-19
J.Goins 8 Hrs Glock Armorer's Course 10-17-19
J.Goins Active Shooter 8-21-19
J.Goins Decision Shoot 8-21-19
J.Goins Firearms Drills 12-12-19
J.Goins Handgun-Shotgun Qual 3-13-19
J.Goins Rifle Qual 8-13-19
Mohave County Parks 2019 Audit Letter