HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-09 1111 ViTlielri211011,111.11 FEE# 20160 1190 OFFICIAL RECORDS r°*�J� ' OF MOHAVE COUNTY v ._ ROBERT BALLARD, 1 �,, ;, „Qh COUNTY RECORDER +� ,+ • /...• 11/09/2016 03:15 PM Fee: $0.00 PAGE: 1 of 3 MOHAVE COUNTY ORDINANCE 2016-09 ORDINANCE-TERTIARY ROADWAY MAINTENANCE Mohave County,through its Board of Supervisors, establishes by Ordinance the following policy and procedure for the maintenance of certain public roadways within Mohave County. This ORDINANCE supersedes Mohave County Ordinance 92-3 as amended in its entirety. • I. DEFINITIONS 1. PUBLIC ROADWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY: Land acquired by Mohave County by purchase, by dedication from landowners, by roadway easements granted by landowners, or otherwise by law for use as public roadways. 2 ROADWAY DESIGN STANDARDS: Current minimum standards for roadway design pursuant to the Mohave County Standard Specifications and Details. 3. TERTIARY STANDARDS: Roadway that does not meet the above roadway design standards, but has 30 ft. minimum width right-of-way; has been rough graded to a 24 ft. wide travel surface, or 20 ft. in mountainous or hilly terrain as determined by the County Engineer, with 2 ft. wide shoulders; the roadway can be traveled safely by a two wheel drive subcompact car; all brush and trees are removed; and larger boulders and rocks (3 inches and larger) are removed. Wash crossing locations shall be properly graded to preserve drainage. 4. REGULAR ROADWAY MAINTENANCE: Roads accepted for maintenance and public roadways currently being maintained by Mohave County on a regular basis prior to July 1, 1992,or public roadways added to the County Regular Roadway Maintenance Program by the County Board of Supervisors after July 1, 1992. 5. TERTIARY ROADWAY MAINTENANCE: Public roadway maintenance that consists only of roadway surface smoothing and minor repairs,which will normally occur only after all other roadway maintenance operations in the County's Regular Roadway Maintenance Program are completed or the roadway becomes impassible. II.PROCEDURE Under this ordinance, roads will be accepted into the Tertiary Roadway Maintenance Program as follows: 1. At least twenty-five (25) residents of the County shall submit a petition to the Board of Supervisors on a form provided by the Board requesting that a roadway be acknowledged and referred to the Public Works Department so that staff may guide the petitioner on the roadway meeting Tertiary Roadway Maintenance Program requirements. 2. The Board of Supervisors will then consider acknowledging the petition as active and referring it to the Public Works Department for an evaluation and a written recommendation upon petitioner request or consent that the road be presented to the Board of Supervisors for acceptance consideration. 3. Petitions authorized as active by the Board of Supervisors will maintain active status for a period of ten(10) years from date of Board action. 4. The Public Works Department shall supply the Board with information regarding the existing status of the roadway, which may include: a. Does the roadway comply with ARS §28-6705 (B) as amended, on whether it was laid out, constructed and opened before June 13, 1990? b. Does the roadway connect to an existing County maintained road? c. Does the roadway meet Tertiary Standards as defined in this Ordinance? d. What is the estimated average daily traffic served by the roadway? e. How many parcels abut the roadway, and what is the parcel zoning? f. How many improved parcels abut the roadway? g. Does an existing school,church or other public facility abut or otherwise is afforded shortest path access by the roadway? h. Does the roadway involve special engineering considerations? Mohave County Ordinance 2016-09 5. The Public Works Department may specifically recommend remedial road work and improvements, which must be performed prior to the Board of Supervisors accepting the road for any County maintenance, such as, right-of-way alignment, smoothing of surface, or maintaining drainage historic paths to help preserve the roadway. 6. The Board of Supervisors may take any of the following actions: a. Deny the petitioner's request; b. Accept the roadway into the Tertiary Roadway Maintenance Program. 7. By accepting roadways into the Tertiary Road Maintenance Program,the County does not accept responsibility for any major maintenance or realignment of the roadway. In the event that it is determined that continued maintenance of a Tertiary Road is no longer necessary, feasible, or in the overall County best interest, the Board of Supervisors may remove the roadway from the Program. In the event that at a future date the roadway is improved to a standard which meets the roadway design standards for regular maintenance, the Board may accept the roadway into the Regular Roadway Maintenance Program. DULLY ENACTED this 144/ day of 140CMILY, 2016. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS B JEAN I ISHOP, CHAI ATTEST: \SQ�RV I S OfiS co i ' ! o a cc GINNY A ;PERSON, CLERK OF THE BOARD Q �p � y OITAT UEUS * 7� 'RIZO0 7� Mohave County Ordinance 2016-09