HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-077 '~>~~./h /.;:\. f' /,;"/:,'" ",," /\,..;V ,--"Y~i / '\ I i:rJ../ " V ,,~.....--:.~:----.~ /;,;0;;""<' ,,;>- ~~~ff;l \~Q:t: '::'''+'1~-;:;hJ .f-'>.,] v.~:'~(~,:~ ':o,::~;!,~i -";~<t~ \.. "',-!-!"": ..'. ",--q . c;.,U 'i4;cOCli"~L~;,:'''''' ~,: ~- 215:14 BK 1695 PG 91: OFF!CIALRECORDS OF hOHAVE COUNTY, AZ~ *JOAN McCALL. MOHiWE COUNTY RECORDERK 04/04/90 2:20 P.Il. PAGE :! OF 5 MOHAVE COUNTY SOARD Of SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 Me RESOLUTION NO. 90-77 RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH APPROVAL OF A REVISED PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN FOR THE HOLLINGSWORTH, TRACT 409:1, BEING THE W~ SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 21 WEST, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH MORAVE VALLEY AREA, MORAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA ( WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on April 2, 1990, a public hearing was conducted to determine the approval of the preliminary subdivision plan, petition of exception, and drainage report for The Hollingsworth, Tract 4091, and WHERJE:AS, the owner/developer of this tract is HOLPAL, a California Ltd. Partnership, Santa Monica, California. The Engineer responsible for the preparation of the drainage report and design of this subdivision is William E. Miller, Holland West, Inc., Englewood, Colorado, and WHEREAS, the subject property is surrounded by undeveloped lands, The land to the west and south is a part of the Fort , " Mojave Indian Reservation. Current access to the property is from Boundary Cone Road east of Highway 95, and WHEREAS, the Commission has considered the drainage plan as submitted by the project engineer and as evaluated by the County ._~' , ~ Resolution No. 90-77 Page 2 Engineer, and T~EREAS, the Commission at their meeting on March 14, 1990 did recoIlnnend conditional approval of the preliminary subdivision plan for 'I'ract 4091 with the following CONDITIONS not:ed: i\.. This subdivision is a revised approved preliminary plan that changes the entrance from the former plan and reduces the number of parcels. B. Petition of exceptions Regulations: is submitted for the following Mohave County Subdivision exception of the 1. The inverted crown streets. 2. All blocks backing up on the section line roads be two (2) lots in depth. 3. The '1 width front lot Public Utility Easements. 4. Long blocks with lots averaging 20,000 square feet. C. The approved zoning is for R-l (Single Family Residential) and it allows Mobile Home uses. Mohave County Subdivision Regulations require that lots designed for Mobile Homes be greater than one-,hundred (100') feet in depth (Article 6.7-6B MCSR). Several of the lots in this subdivision do not meet the minimum of one-hundred (100') feet in depth, therefore, they will have to be identified by the owner/subdbTider in the CC&R annexation documentation for this project. Testimony at the Commission meeting iridicated the CC&R's would restrict this to Single Family Residential/Mobile Homes Prohibited use. D. Parcel "U" identified as commercial will remain zoned to R-l (Single Family Residential) until the Mohave County Area Plan for this area can be updated to allow for such a commercial use. E. The County Engineer has made comments in regards to the Drainage report and the Preliminary plan as submitted, the questions involving drainage have been addressed in P~GE 20f 5 8K 1695 PG 913 (FEEm- 2151+) - ._--~_.,_.~---'''--,_....-,---"- "" ~ Resolution No. 90-77 Page 3 meetings with the project engineer by staff, and staff is confident that all concerns will be addressed and resolved to the COounty Engineers satisfactiOon priOor tOo submissiOon Oof this subdivisiOon tOo the Board Oof SupervisOors for Final Plat action. Should there be a substantial redesign Oof the Preliminary Pla.n as presented, due tOo changes in the drainage plan, the Oowner/subdivider will be required tOo resubmit this subdivisiOon as a revised preliminary plan fOor review and cOonsideration. Grading and drainage related improvements will be made as recommended by the design engineer as submitted and approved by the County Engineer. F. The subdivision is designed for sewage disposal through a functioning sewage disposal plant. The owner/subdivider will need to give the cOounty sp(~cific commitments as to how and when and where he will hook up to such a facility. G. The preliminary approval of this tract is based on the understanding of the Commission that the access from Boundary Cone Road via Vanderslice ROoad into phase I, the balance of Vanderslice Road and the northern portion of Jerome Road for Phase II, and the Southern portion Oof Jerome Road as it is contiguOous tOo this subdivision and all of Girard Avenue to include all interior streets in each phase are to be paved with asphaltic concrete, rolled curb on the in'terior streets, in accordance with Mohave County Standards. H. 'rhe approval of this subdivision is based on the understanding of the Mohave County Plannin';J and :Z;oning Commission that all streets within the subdivision will be constructed and paved with asphaltic concre,te in accordance with Standard Specificatiom: #171 and #101.10D of the County Engineering Road Standi3.rds or better, the interior streets will include rolled curb. A water supply and distribution system including adequate pressure and volume for fire flows will be constructed to serve each lot. Grading and drainage related improvements will be made as recommended by the design engineer. Electric and telephone service shall be provided to each lot in accordance ,<ith Arizona Corporation Commission Regulations. All lots and street centerline monuments \'vill be :3taked and monumented in accordance ,,'lith Standard Sp~cification No. 102 of the County Engineering Road Standards. Fire hydrants will be provided at locations prescribed by -the Fort Mojave Mesa Fire Department, Street name and PAGE 3 Of 5 BK 1695 PG 9H (FEE~90- 21514) _.. ,'... ..' "__~._'___m~."____~~.----'--..__ , ."~._~"."._.~.L....c'.L " . y ~ Resolution No. 90~77 Page 4 regulatory signs will be installed in accordanCE! with the requirements of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations and as recommended by the desi<;jn engineer; and, as a condition of approval the owner/subdivider is responsible for the completion of improvements and shall provide an assurance for all required subdivision improvements in accordance with Article V of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations. I. Vanderslice Road, Jerome Road, and Girard .1ivenue shall be twenty-four: (24') in width and centered on the right-of-way. J. A redesign of the currently proposed "berm" that is to be used in conjunction with the one (1') foot non 'lTehicle access will have to be done or the substitution of a (to be agreed upon) solid wall would be acceptable to assure non access. K. This project is within the Mohave Valley Irrigation and Drainage District. L. CONDITION, that the engineer of record submit a NEW PRELIMINARY PLAN to staff for review that meets all the comments as set forth by staff. When all departments concur that the information is correct, the owner/developer may submit for Final Plat. r-1. The following standard conditions are noted that apply to all submittals at this stage: 1. The developer will make the same commitment:s for improvements in the prospectus to the State Real Estate Commission as is required for approval of this tract by the Board. 2. Arizona that there subdivision. Department of Water is adequate water Resources supply to determines serve this 3. Arizona Department of Environmental Quality approves the water supply and distribution system. 4. The water system will provide adequate flows for fire protection. Fire hydrants conforming to the minimum County standard shall be provided and located no more than eight hundred (800') feet apart and/or fire hydrants acceptable to the Mohave Valley Fire Department at the location(s) they prescribe. PAGE 4 OF ~ BK 1695 PG 915 (FEE~90- 21514) -,.:.,.- /-- '. , <'l ') "" Resolution No. 90~77 Page 5 """- ; 5. The owner/developer shall cause the drainage re!lated improvements to be completed as recommended by the project engineer, with changes as noted by the County Engineer/Floodplain staff and outlined in 1:he de1:ailed drainage report. 6. The Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve cl zone change prior to recording the final plat. 7. The minimum lot size shall be 7,500 square feet in area. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, April 2, 1990 approved this pre1iminaI".l subdivision plan as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MORAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ,."""'''', " \".'" """ ,_-" '~ Q, '-it::;!}/) ^ ';"~ " - ,:) '... c' -,+'-~'~ ' 4' ", ,ATTEST: "')C:;c\ , { ..' ,,~~',.2-':1~"',~~~':~:!',:>~~~\ ..~.~ If;).;:~.=;~~}L;;:#~ . '.P~ \~~,?;:~; Cl~rk-L < .... ' . ~,fi" ~ ,:...~ 4'"~ ',' "" J',:,:~ ,i,,~,? '~':,~~" \ i\'" Lof(~ul~~n~ -,.-~~ --:~"'~:; PAGE 5 OF 5 BK 1695 Pi; 916 (FEEi90- 21514)