HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-051 ;i~ ....."',,"'j ;(~'} y~ ,..~' ii,"::,' ~IL, 'i:~,~r~~~ '1',,,;,. ;,:W~ ',,.,,;.; ~.:,:0~1'1 . NO. 90-51 f '-::90- :.t 1422 F.H: 16'73 F'G n~~ I OFFICIAL RECORDS ur 110HAIJE COUNTY, ARIZ. " **JOAN McCALL, nOHAVE COUNTY RECORDERI~ I 90/02/21 2:05 P.M. F{,GE 1. OF ':' BY: i, HDHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I REeOHO If-.lG FE.E 9.0(1 1'lC I I t . il'4!Jt.XED MICROFILMED PROOfED A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE ABANDONMENT OF CERTAIN RECORDED ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAYS IN TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 14 WEST, SECTION 29 GILA & SALT RIVER BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN TilE VICINITY OF BLAKE RANCH ROAD/INTERSTATE 40 INTERCHANGE, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on February 20, 1990, a public hearing was conducted to determine the abandonment request from the t f, I' l r I applicants Scott Cook, Vice President, Tri-Valley Distributing, Inc., and James A. Cardwell, Jr., Vice President, Petro, owners of property directly adjacent to the requested abandonment, and WHEREAS, Jack Stovall, with Stovall Engineering l l r' I I I i Mr. Corporation will represent the petitioners in the Road Vacation request, and WHEREAS, the requested abandonments were recorded as part of I the Parcel Plat for Cedar Hills Ranches, Recorded September 9, 19B2, Book 2, Parcel Plats Pages 5 - 5C, Fee B2-47596, and WHEREAS, new rights-of-way were set forth and accepted by the County in the redesign of Parcel 74A, Cedar Hills Ranches through the reparcelled plat of Parcel 74A, Recorded March 4, 19BB, Book 3, Pages 39 - 39A of Parcel Plats, Fee BB-B515, and I I I I I I ~,1~; ["~,',i,'~,,1,.', r~t~~,J l':;j:;.!) . . PAGE 2 OF 5 BOOK 1673 PAGE 774 (FEEt 90- 11422) Resolution No. 90-51 Page 2 ffifEREAS, the portion to be abandoned is delineated on said plat consisting of a parcel sixty (60') feet in width tapered at either end connected to two (2) locations on the realignment of Blake Ranch Road, Alternate roadway dedication and accepted by the Board of Supervisors and recorded as well as a sixty (60') foot right-of-way running parallel to Blake Ranch Road between Nellie Drive and the afore described sixty (60' ) foot abandonment, except for a thirty (30') radius at Nellie Drive and Blake Ranch Road, and WHEREAS, the petitions submitted are requesting the abandonment of certain dedicated recorded road rights-of-way as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR NELLIE DRIVE A portion of the North half of Section 29, Township 21 North, Range 14 West of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Mohave County, Arizona, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the most westerly corner of Parcel 52 as shown on CEDAR HILLS RANCHES, amended recorded September 27, 19B2, reception No. B2-49269; Thence North 61 degrees 22' 12" West, 30.01 feet to the beginning of a curve concave easterly having a radius of 30.00 feet; Thence northerly along said curve through a central angle of B9 degrees 5B' 21" and are length of 47.11 feet; Thence North 2B degrees 36' 09" East, 214.95 feet; Thence North 21 degrees 39' 14" East, 64.62 feet; . . Resolution No. 90-51 PAGE 3 or 5 BOOK 1673 PAGE 775 (FEEt 90- 11422) Page 3 Thence North 79 degrees 55' 54" East, B6. B6 feet to a corner of said Parcel 52; I,. ~ 1 Thence South 2B degrees 36' 09" West, 363.3B feet along the westerly line of said Parcel 52 to the point of beginning. The above described parcel of land contains 20.444 square feet or 0.469 acres more or less. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR BLAKE RANCH ROAD A portion of the North half of the Section 29, Township 21 North, Range 14 West of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Mohave County, Arizona, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the most westerly corner of Parcel 52 as shown on CEDAR HILLS RANCHES, AMENDED recorded September 27, 19B2, reception no. B2-49269; Thence North 2B degrees, 36' 09" East, 363.3B feet along the westerly line of said Parcel 52 to a corner of said Parcel 52 and the True Point of Beginning; Thence South 79 degrees, 55' 54" West, B6.B6 feet; Thence North 21 degrees, 39' 14" East, 70.54 feet to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of Blake Ranch Road; Thence North 79 degrees, 55' 54" East, 54B.51 feet along said northerly right-of-way; Thence North 74 degrees, 15' 30" East, 20B.43 feet along said northerly right-of-way; Thence South B2 degrees, 03' 05" East, 149.33 feet to a corner of said Parcel 52; Thence South 74 degrees, 15' 30", West, 34B.15 feet to a corner of said Parcel 52; Thence South 79 degrees 55' 54" West, 501.71 feet to the True Point of Beginning. The above described parcel of land contains 50,BI0 square feet or 1.166 acres more or less. ~.\~.~~ :::/I-! ;,\';"\1 '-~.t,~~.: ~~~~~1 "::,::"1 ~":!J{'~.' . . . Resolution No. 90-51 PAGE It OF ~ BOOK 1673 PAGE 776 (FEEt 90- 11422) Page 4 WHEREAS, these abandonments were initiated by the applicants because they are no longer needed by the public, they were anticipated by the Board of Supervisors through the acceptance of I, the Reparcel Platting of Parcel 74A of Cedar Hill Ranches and they affect no other citizen except the applicants, and j I [ , f I I I' I I I WHEREAS, in evaluating this abandonment request the County Engineering department has recommended that the above referenced right-of-ways be abandoned, and WHEREAS, information available to this Board indicates that this abandonment will leave no adjoining or affected properties without legal or physical access, or result in the extinguishment of a useful roadway, and WHEREAS, this abandonment does not affect any portion of the right-of-way for Blake Ranch Road or Nellie Drive as it intersects Blake Ranch Road, and WHEREAS, no utilities are located within the subject right- ~'. of-way, and WHEREAS, the notice for public hearing before the Board of Supervisors was posted at the Board of Supervisor's office, Mohave County Court House, and Public Defender's office on PAGE 5 OF 5 BOOK 1673 PAGE 777 (FEE~ 90- 11422) t. f l: . . . ..;~-\,~ ....~/t~ \~(\1 "liJ. ~;.!rj ",''1)j Resolution No. 90-51 Page 5 February 2, 1990 as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has the authority to abandon said road right-of-ways pursuant to A.R.S. 2B-1902 and Article 1.12 of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations, and WHEREAS, title to the abandoned road right-of-ways shall vest in the owner ( s) of land abutting the vacated roadway in accordance with A.R.S. 2B-1902, and ~~~ NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors ;}li;;' hereby abandon the dedicated recorded road right-of-ways as herein described in the legal descriptions, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FUR'l'HER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors hereby adopts this Resolution No. 90-51 and instructs the Clerk to record this Resolution with the County Recorder. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS /i/r ~, -v