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JAN 25'90 -800 AM, .
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WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board
of Supervisors held on January 8, 1990, a public hearing was
conducted to determine whether approval should be granted to Dean
Thomas, Scottsdale, Arizona for a rezoning from existing A-R/36A
(Agricultural-Residential/Thirty-Six Acre Minimum Lot Size) to
'-:; M-X (Unlimited Manufacturing) zone, located in the Franconia
area, Mohave County, Arizona, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors after hearing the
testimony relating to this rezoning application and comments from
legal counsel did continue the proposal until the next meeting to
allow legal counsel, staff and the applicant to revise this
resolution to reflect the conditions that were discussed at the
Planning and Zoning Commission and this hearing in a legally
sufficient document, and
WHEREAS, at the special meeting of the Board of Supervisors
held on January 22, 1990, a public hearing was conducted to
determine whether approval should be granted to Dean Thomas,
Scottsdale, Arizona for a rezoning from existing A-R/36A
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Resolution No. 90-15 Page 2
(Agricultural-Residential/Thirty_Six Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone,
located in the Franconia area, Mohave County, Arizona, and
WHEREAS, a public hearing before the Mohave County Planning
and Zoning Commission on December 13, 1989 did generate a
recommendation of approval of the request with the following
contJi . ns noted:
.1. That the owner/developer/applicant obtain legal access
to the property off of Interstate 40 at Mile Post 13.5
and erect an elevated roadway that would cross the
Santa Fe Railroad and the Sacramento Wash to the
proposed property. This elevated roadway would meet
the design approval of the Santa Fe Railroad Company
and the County Engineer. Upon completion this
structure and associated right-of-way to the site shall
be dedicated to Mohave County for use as a public
thoroughfare. That this be accomplished prior to any
intended use as proposed by this rezoning request on
the property;
That the owner/developer/applicant obtain all of the
permi ts necessary for the operation as proposed for
this site from the State of Arizona and the County be
in receipt of these permits before use commences on the
3. That this joint venture facility shall be expressly for
the recycling of paper and other waste materials. The
proposed facility will only accept nonhazardous solid
waste mainly in the form of household trash, paper
recycling stock and municipal/industrial wastes. No
hazardous wastes, as otherwise defined herein, will be
processed or disposed by the facility. The Zoning
Authority reserves the right to approve all subsequent
uses and place appropriate conditions and restrictions
as the Zoning Authority may impose upon any subsequent
uses. This would be accomplished through the
application to the Board of Supervisors who after
reviewing the request may refer the matter on to the
Planning Commission for Hearing and Recommendation of
specific action of the Board.
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Resolution No. 90-15
Page 3
4. Due to the nature of this proposed facility, any
household waste will either come into the facility
already source separated or as a unit depending on
negotiated contracts with clientele. If source
separated (the preferred means) , the paper and
recyclable materials will be directed to the paper
recycling/processing plant with the remainder going to
the Soils Regeneration Site or the landfill. If the
solid waste comes into the facility as a unit, an area
will be provided in the paper recycling plant to allow
for source separation that would assure non-dispersal
by wind or other elements.
5. The paper recycling facility will contain the
administrative offices, employee showers and service
area, an unloading area for the incoming waste
material, separation units to sort the waste material
(such as aluminum, ferrous metal, glass, plastics, low
grade paper, high grade paper, etc.), pulverizing
equipment for the paper, and the pulping equipment for
processing the paper. All materials received at this
facility with the exception of paper to be used for
soils regeneration shall be either packaged, labeled or
otherwise properly stored for shipment off site for
further manufactured processing or sent directly to the
landfill site for disposal. No further manufacturing
process other than soils regeneration is authorized at
this facility unless reviewed and approved by the Board
as outlined in No. 3 above.
6. The landfill shall be restricted to a site of one-
hundred and twenty (120) acres in size on the parcel
; known as Tax Parcel 207-31-07, as submitted by the
applicant. This site shall be located totally outside
of the flood prone area that currently traverses the
site. Flood control will be addressed and approved by
the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. This
landfill site size is achieved by subtracting the
three-hundred (300') foot strip for greenbelt and flood
control and the designated twenty-five (25') foot strip
for access and inspection road as proposed by the
7. The owner/developer and all future owners shall be
bound by SUBTITLE "D", the federal environmental
standard for solid waste disposal or its replacement
act in its entirety, as well as any applicable Arizona
State or federal regulations. It is further
conditioned that an independent laboratory acceptable
to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
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Resolution No. 90-15
Page 4
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checks the water samples from the groundwater
monitoring wells that are required by the SUBTITLE "0"
regulations, or other applicable regulations, at a
minimum of eight (8) times a year (evenly dispersed)
during the first year to provide background
identification, then reverting to quarterly thereafter.
A copy of these reports shall go to the Mohave County
Health Department. Mohave County retains right to
establish the frequency of the well monitoring. The
monitoring frequency shall be reviewed at a minimum of
bi-annually by the County Health Department.
8. It is acknowledged that the Soils Regeneration Site
proposed allows for the mitigation of potential
environmental hazards associated with the special
handled waste commonly found in normal landfill
operations. These wastes which include RV septage,
grass clippings and organic material, waste materials
from the paper recycling process, contaminated soils
(nonhazardous), industrial (nonhazardous), utility,
sump and municipal sludges and septic pumpings are
blended with indigenous soils, generated from the
overburden removed from the landfill cell to produce
three (3) usable products for the landfill operation
and for possible resale. These are daily cover, final
cover, and topsoil for reclamation of the landfill and
resale. The aforementioned operation is authorized
upon approval of methodology and operation by the
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality.
9. The use permitted on the subject property shall not
include the acceptance of any form of sludge, including
. sludge from waste treatment plants, water supply
treatment plants, pollution control facilities, or
domestic sewage, from an source located outside of
Mohave Count, Arizona, and or Lau hlin, Nevada or
Needles, California consistent with E. T. Technologies
ability to handle such waste in accordance with Arizona
Department of Environmental Quality regulations,
unless otherwise specifically approved by the Board of
Supervisors, such application shall not be unreasonably
withheld in the event that acceptable sludge as defined
herein is required for the proper operation of the
soils regeneration site, consistent with E.T.
Technologies ability to handle su~h waste as permitted
by Arizona Department of Environmental Quality.
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Resolution No. 90-15
Page 5
10. The owner/developer or subsequent owner/developers will
be required to develop and maintain a complete waste
manifest on each load/bundle/container or other measure
of receipt of waste material received at this facility.
This waste manifest shall be compared with the waste
profile to determine how the waste was generated, types
of products which may be in the waste including any
Material Safety Data Sheets, a complete trail as set
forth by the Environmental Protection Agency as it
pertains to Potentially Responsible Parties (PRP's) and
the method of receipt to include shipping documents.
In the case of special handle waste received at the
site, a laboratory analysis of the waste verifying that
the material is nonhazardous and conducive for soils
regeneration shall be required and permanently
retained. Upon acceptance of waste, the client is to
be assigned a Waste Code Number which must be placed on
the Nonhazardous Waste Manifest required for each load
of material. All records generated shall be maintained
throughout the life of the facility and that
arrangements be made with the County to retain such
records in a permanent repository should the site
close. Further I the county must be notified
immediately of any attempt to dump hazardous waste on
the site facility.
11. Future facilities anticipated and tentatively approved
by this rezone request are contingent upon the approval
of the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and
subject to current and subsequent Environmental
Protection Agency Regulations that would pertain to the
operation; the more severe of those regulations or
guidelines shall prevail; the future facilities
referred to above are as follows:
a. A plastics recycling facility which will include
separation/sorting areas, processing units. These
units would consist of a low thermal steam process to
melt the plastic. The melted plastic would be
containerized and stored for shipment to outside raw
product manufacturers.
b. Car crusher/scrap metal recycling facility.
c. Tire recycling facility that
steel or glass belts and reduce the
powder which would be containerized
other outside manufacturers.
would remove the
tires to a fine
for shipment to
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Resolution No. 90-15
Page 6
d. Glass recycling, by color and type,
containerized and shipped to outside manufacturers.
12. The Planning Commission after public hearing also
recommended approval of a Zoning Use Permit (ZUP) for
the specific purpose of allowing the storage of
flammable liquids in the form of bulk fuels on the site
and recommends the Board authorize the same. These
materials are flammable liquids and will be stored
above-ground in approved tanks located north of the
warehouse. One (1) 10,000 gallon tank of diesel will
be authorized for general equipment fuel and one (1)
500 gallon tank of diesel will be allowed for emergency
power generation. One (1) each 1,000 gallon tank of
leaded and unleaded gasoline will be authorized. These
tanks will be meet the minimum separation as required
by the County Fire Marshal, utilizing the most
currently approved fire code guidelines.
13. Sewage disposal will be provided by using a septic
system. The County Environmental Health Department
shall permit the system. The system will be designed
and installed in accordance with the Mohave County
Health Department Regulations. The materials contained
in the septic tank will be authorized to be processed
through the Soils Regeneration Site Facility. NO
HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS or materials, as def ined herein,
and by the Environmental Protection Agency shall be
deposited in this septic system. The owner/developer
shall provide the same records of fingerprint as
required by outside generators.
i 1
14. 'The use permitted upon the subject property shall
prohibit the acceptance, storage, handling or
process~ng of hazardous waste. For the purposes of
this condition, hazardous waste shall include that
waste defined in Arizona Revised Statutes 49-921 et
seq, 40 CFR 261, R18-8-261, any other applicable
Arizona State or federal regulations, and such
definition to include waste or material contained in
the list of hazardous materials as identified by the
Environmental Protection Agency's most current listing
of Hazardous Materials and Compounds.
15. The use of the property subject to the zoning change
shall not permit the incineration, burning, or thermo
oxidation of combustible materials, whether solids,
liquids, or gaseous waste, including hazardous waste or
materials as defined in number 14 above.
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The applicant shall provide flood control to protect
the property, such flood control sufficient to prevent
the escape, transportation, or movement of any material
from its position upon the property; such flood control
must comply with guidelines set forth by the Mohave
County Flood Administrator; under no circumstances
shall any waste, processed or unprocessed, escape the
boundaries of the site during heavy rains or floods.
The applicant shall maintain liability insurance for
any and all environmental damage, to include ground
water contamination, soil contamination, air
contamination, or any harm which might accrue to the
residents of Mohave County, or to Mohave County, a body
politic and as identified by the Arizona Department of
Environmental Quality or the United States
Environmental Protection Agency in a dollar amount of
One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence. A
complete copy of the most current policy shall be
delivered each anniversary to Mohave County. For the
purposes of this requirement a certificate of insurance
IS NOT acceptable, only the complete policy with all
addendums will be acceptable.
If at any time the owner/developer/operator(s) or
subsequent owner/developer/operator(s) violate the
conditions specified herein, the property shall upon
thirty (30) days notification by registered mail
(receipt return requested) from the Board of
Supervisors or their designate cause the violated
condition to be corrected or provide a plan, acceptable
to the County Board of Supervisors to correct the
. violation within fifteen (15) calendar days of the
receipt of such notification. Failure to comply with
this condition may cause this rezoning to revert back
to its prior classification, namely, A-R/36A
(Agricultural-Residential/Thirty Six Acre Minimum).
Mohave County further retains the additional right to
enjoin the applicant, E. T. Technologies, Inc., Terra
Quest, or any other individual, corporation, or joint
venture which is doing business upon the property
subject to this zoning classification, from violating
any conditions specified herein, such injunction to
include the right to close any and all facilities upon
the property which operate in violation of the
conditions specified herein, and to prohibit any and
all uses which violate the condition specified herein.
This reserve power would also include the closing of
the landfill site in accordance with "Subtitle 0" of
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Resolution No. 90-15
Page 8
the United States Environmental Protection Agency
Regulations or its replacement act in its entirety at
the expense of the owner as identified herein. The
operation of this facility under the conditions
outlined herewith indicates acceptance of these
conditions in their entirety.
19. The owner/developer/operator(s) must commence
development of this property through the design of
plans for the elevated roadway and purchase of legal
right-of-way, the submittal to the Arizona Department
of Environmental Quality for permitting approval for
the purpose as outlined and conditioned herewith and be
able to show proof of same within one (1) year of the
approval of this rezone. Extensions of time may be
granted in one (1) year increments by the Board of
Supervisors upon request by the applicant or his
assign. Failure to do so will revert the zoning of
this property back to its prior classification, namely,
A-R/36A (Agricultural-Residential/Thirty Six Acre
Minimum). Any request for extension shall be granted
if the Board concludes that due diligence is being
exercised to develop the property in accordance with
the conditions enumerated.
20. That a minimum lot size of 415 acres be established.
Applicant agrees to accept and handle all
generated within Mohave County and delivered
site at no charge.
to the
22. Applicant agrees to accept and purchase at prevailing
rates all trash separated by glass, plastic, aluminum,
paper, and ferrous metals all as a result of programs
instituted and carried on by any of the political
subdivisions of Mohave County.
23. Such change shall not be effective for at least thirty
(30) days after final approval of the change in
classification by the Board, being February 21, 1990,
as per A.R.S. 11-829E, and
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Resolution No. 90-15
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WHEREAS, this area is a typical desert landscape.
parcel is best accessed by Interstate 40 and/or Route 66 at the
Franconia Station Interchange at Mile Post 13.5.
It can be
located in Section 8, Township 16 North, Range 19 West.
request for a recycling facility has been continued from previous
The questions, in the past, reference ownership, has
been cleared up by the applicant.
Concerns that staff had in
relation to site development have been addressed by the
Staff and the developer have reached a conditional
agreement that relates to the development of the property, and
[" -~ ......
~2:~ WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Mohave
-~ ;:==J
Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman,
Mohave County, Arizona on December 22, 1989, and posted December
20, 1989 as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave
County Zoning Regulations, and
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Resolution No. 90-15
Page 10
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors,
at their special meeting on Monday, January 22, 1990 approved
this change in zoning as recommended by the Mohave County
Planning and Zoning Commission, with additions made by the Board
of Supervisors,
such change subject to the conditions outlined
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Lois J. Hubbq)(d, "'c airman
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