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NO. 90-1
WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board
of Supervisors held on January 8, 1990, a public hearing was
conducted to determine the approval of
the preliminary
subdivision plan, petition of exception and drainage report for.
Los Lagos, Tentative Tract 4096, a multi-faceted subdivision
located in the S~ and the NW~ of Section 1, Township 18 North,
Range 22 West, and
WHEREAS, the owner/subdivider of this tentative tract is Los
Lagos Limited Partnership, Newport Beach, California. The
Engineer responsible for the preparation of the drainage report
and design of this subdivision is William E. Miller, P.E.,
Holland West, Inc., Englewood, Colorado, and
WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision is a 991 Unit development
on 480 acres and is to be developed in two (2) phases.
proposed subdivision is bounded by Boundary Cone Road on the
south, Lipan Road on the north, Mountain View Road on the west,
and Bison Avenue on the east.
The applicant proposes to have
single family and multifamily residences in Los Lagos. The
drainage of this subdivision will be a continuance of the
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Resolution No. 90-1
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drainage from Sun Valley, Tract 4064.
Sun Valley lies to the
northeast of Los Lagos. The allocation of domestic water use and
recreational water use will be evaluated separately. The
applicant intends to merge his sewage infrastructure with the
treatment plan in the Desert Lakes subdivision.
When sewerage
capacity to the Fort Mojave Indian sewer treatment plat is
available, the subdivision will run a sewage line to Fort Mojave
Indian Reservation and it's future facility, and
WHEI1:EAS, the Commission has. considered the drainage plan as
submitted by the project engineer and as evaluated by the County
Engineer, and
WHEREAS, the Commission at their meeting on December 13,
1989 did recommend conditional approval of the preliminary
subdivision plan for Tentative Tract 4096 subject to the
fOllowing conditions:
1. Phase One (1) of this tract is to be a private
development; however, the construction of the roadways
within the private section are to be constructed of
asphaltic concrete, to include curbs and gutter in
accordance with Mohave County Standard Specification
if! 71 or better, street centerline monuments will be
staked and monumented in accordance with Standard
Specification #102, this shall include the staking of
all individual lots and multifamily housing footprints.
A water supply and distribution system including fire
flows will be constructed to serve each lot. All roads
and access parcels to include spillway easements, shall
be maintained by a homeowners association for Phase I.
All perimeter roads shall be constructed to MOhave
County Standards, constructed on the center lines and
dedicated to the County on the final plat. Bison
Avenue shall be developed to eighty-four (84') feet in
right-of-way width and the owner/subdivider shall
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Resolution No. 90-1
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obtain and dedicate to Mohave County the matching
forty-two (42') feet on the west side of Section 6,
Township 18 North, Range 21 West as depicted on the
plat. Bison Avenue shall be constructed on the
centerline of Sections 1 and 6 as per the design shown.
Bison Avenue shall terminate at Boundary Cone Road.
Vanderslice Road shall continue south of the
intersection of Bison Avenue and Boundary Cone Road;
2. The lakes noted on the plat are not to be utilized for
retention of flood runoff. However, in the event of
unusual water levels, spillways will be designed to
direct overflows into on-site retention basins. The
engineer shall provide detailed improvement plans for
the lakes to include the aeration systems to assure
that the homeowners association has the tools necessary
to maintain the lakes. The owner/subdivider shall
provide a statement from the Mohave valley Independent
Water District addressing the reservation of water
allotment for the lakes and golf course areas;
3. Parcels shall be designated on the final plat allowing
access to the lakes in Phase I of this project, for
both maintenance/spillway and ingress/egress for those
parcels not fronting on the lakes;
4. This subdivision will be connected to the sewage
treatment plant currently being constructed for Desert
Lakes Estates. When the new Fort Mojave Sewerage
Treatment Plants are on-line and can handle the
sewerage from this development, the owner/subdivider
shall switch over to the tribes treatment plant unless
the Department of Environmental Quality approves
continuation of the plant at Desert Lakes Estates;
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The County Engineer has made comments in regards to the
Drainage Report and the preliminary plan as submitted,
the questions involving drainage have been addressed in
meetings with the project engineer by staff, and staff
is confident that all concerns will be addressed and
resolved to the County Engineer's satisfaction prior to
submission of this subdivision to the Board of
Supervisors for final plat action. Should there be a
substantial redesign of the preliminary plan as
presented, due to changes in the drainage plan, the
owner/subdivider will be required to resubmit this
subdivision as a "revised" preliminary plan for review
and consideration. Grading and drainage related
improvements will be made as recommended by the design
engineer as submitted and approved by the County
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The Commission shall review and recommend approval of a
proposed S-D (Special Development) zone and the Board
shall approve a request for such a zone prior to the
submission of the final plat to the Board for action;
7. The owner/subdivider shall present to the staff
documentation to the effect that the owner/subdivider
of Sun Valley, Tract 4064, is in agreement with the
redesign of the southwest corner of their subdivision
as depicted on the preliminary plat presentation prior
to the Board taking action on the final plat for Tract
8. Parcel "U", where it crosses Vista De Luna Lane, Serene
Drive, and Bison Avenue, shall have approved protective
pads to assure the integrity of the EI Paso Gas
Transmission Line. The owner/developer shall provide
staff with an approved design for these crossing points
from EI Paso Gas Company prior to the Board acting on
the final plat. Any armoring required, due to the
direction of drainage or the installation of
infrastructure that would have to cross the
transmission line shall also have the design approval
of the EI Paso Gas Company prior to the filing of the
final plat;
9. A complete conceptual design plan for the multifamily
parcels will be required during the S-D (Special
Development) Zoning Plan approval process;
10. The limits of Phase I shall include the construction of
Parcel B and Parcel E;
11. The construction of the sewer lines shall include stub
outs where necessary to assure that the roads need not
be torn up to connect future real estate construction;
12. The drainage moving down Bison Avenue shall not exceed
specific depths as outlined by the County Engineer, as
this road is an arterial road. A "high point" in the
road and curb-cut (s) will be designed to assure only
minimal drainage is shunted onto Boundary Cone Road;
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13. Due to the immense impact of this development as it
related to the Property Owners Association, the
owner/subdivider or his successors shall be required to
remain a member of the Association as long as he/they
retains vested interest in this project. This
requirement shall be conveyed through the CC&R's to the
subsequent property owners;
14. It is recognized that Parcel "I" straddles Parcel "un;
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Resolution No. 90-1
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15. All usage of the golf course and Drainage Easements
(DE's) for Public utility Easements (PUE' s) shall be
clearly defined in the "as-built" plans to assure
correct maintenance by the Homeowners Association of
those public utility easements;
16. Arrangements will be made to extend underground
electric and telephone service to each lot in
accordance with Arizona Corporation Commission
17. Reviews have been received from the County
Engineer/Floodplain Administrator, Mohave County Health
Department, Bermuda Water Company, Inc., the Arizona
Department of Environmental Quality, the Fort Mojave
Mesa Fire Department, the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe, the
EI Paso Natural Gas Company, and considered or
incorporated in the evaluation of this tentative tract;
1 .
18. Fire hydrants will be provided at locations prescribed
by the Fort Mojave Mesa Fire Department; street name
and regulatory signs will be installed in accordance
with the requirements of the Mohave County Subdivision
Regulations and as recommended by the design engineer,
and as a condition of approval, the owner/subdivider is
responsible for the completion of the improvements and
shall provide an assurance for all required subdivision
improvements in accordance with Article V of the Mohave
County Subdivision Regulations;
19. This project is within the Mohave Valley Irrigation and
Drainage District;
20. A petition of exception is hereby submitted for the
following deviations from the requirements of the
Subdivision Regulations, as follows:
a. Blocks 6, 7" 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, and 15 in Phase II
are all in excess of the 1,320 foot maximum stated in
the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations. Phase I is
private, therefore petitions of exception are not
b. Lots adjacent to fairways which intersect curved
street rights-of-way have non-radial lot lines.
c. Storm water runoff' flowing in some streets will
exceed the runoff generated by the ten (10) year
frequency storm.
d. Certain rights-of-way and easements presently
encumber the property.
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Resolution No. 90-1
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e. Certain lots have non-radial lot lines.
f. The subdivision is designed with lots
along Bison Avenue which are designed as
routes within this subdivision.
g. This subdivision is designed with eight (8') foot
wide public utility easements at the front of the lots
as opposed to a sixteen (16') foot wide public utility
easement at the rear lo~ line as per Article 6.9-1 of
the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations.
The special circumstances affecting said property and/or
that may warrant granting the exceptions are as follows:
1. This proposed development, the streets, lots, and
drainage system is designed around this eighteen (18)
hole golf course and it's four (4) lakes.
2. The adjoining land to the west and south is
unsubdivided portion of the Fort Mojave Indian
Reservation, to the east is unsubdivided, and to the
northeast is in the process of subdivision.
21. The staff further conditions, as is routine for
preliminary approvals, the following:
a. The developer will make the same commitments for
improvements in the prospectus to the State Real Estate
Commission as is required for approval of this tract by
the Board.
b. Arizona Department of Environmental
approves the connection of this subdivision
sewage facility at Desert Lakes Estates.
to the
c. Arizona Department of Health Services approves the
water supply and distribution system.
d. The water system will provide for fire protection.
Fire hydrants conforming to the minimum County
standards shall be provided and located no more than
eight hundred (800') feet apart and/or fire hydrants
acceptable to the Fort Mojave Mesa Fire Department at
the locations they prescribe.
e. The public utility easements shall be depicted on
or across all lots and all parcels shall be designated
as drainage and public utility easements on the final
subdivision plat(s).
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Resolution No. 90-1
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f. The FEMA designated floodplain shall be depicted
and/or noted on the final plat.
g. All side lot lines shall be radial or perpendicular
to the street on the final plat except those outline in
the petition of exception or as allowed per Article
6.7-1 of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors,
at their regular meeting on Monday, January 8, 1990 approved this
petition of exception and preliminary subdivision plan as
recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission
and outlined herein.
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