HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-111 5fP !$1 ~1~;::~ .".i~.:~. k:1 ~. ~~,~ ! ....:0.-... ot.: tt' ul>; t " ~}I"'J' .\.'.".1 . RESOLUTION NO. 90-111 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH APPROVAL OF A FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN FOR RIO VISTA. TRACT 4030-A, IN THE SW% SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, GILA & SALT RIVER BASE & MERIDIAN. LOCATED IN THE SOUTH MOHAVE VALLEY AREA, MOHAVE COUNTY. ARIZONA WHEREAS. at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on May 7, 1990, a publ ic hearing was conducted to determine the final subdivision plan for Rio Vista, Tract 4030-A, located in the South Mohave Valley area, and WHEREAS. the owner/subdivider of this ~ract is CPC Land Corporation, an Arizona Corporation. The engineer of record on this project is Ronald C. Fisher, P.E., 2624 E. Beryl Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85028, and WHEREAS, reviews have been received from the County Engineer/Floodplain Administrator, Mohave County Health Department, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, Willow Valley Water Company, Inc., Mohave County Attorney, Mohave County Treasurer, Mohave Valley Fire Department, and considered or incorporated in the evaluation of this final tract, and WHEREAS. this subdivision is located roughly one (1) mile west of Highway 95, is south of Willow Valley Mobile Home Estates, and lies south of King Street, and . Resolution No. 90-111. . Page 2 rn..~'.'.'.".1 ~ih f' ~:' ~ ;l:j WHEREAS. the primary access to this residential lot subdivision is intended from King Street and Evergreen Drive, and WHEREAS. sewage disposal is required to be taken care of as delineated by Arizona Department of Environmental Quality as follows: 1. The buyer shall be made aware that all lots are approved for the use of individual waste treatment systems of septic tanks with evapotranspiration beds. Such systems shall be designed on an individual basis for each lot by an engineer licensed in Arizona. Construction plans for the on-site sewage disposal system shall be approved by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality before building permit is issued. The buyer shall be made aware that the costs of the on-site sewage disposal system may be in excess of $10,000. 2. All residences must be connected to a sewer when one becomes available. r~{~ ,'. I,~,"i .tt~\~~ t:d 3. Low flow toilets (1.5 gal/flush) shall be used in every unit. 4. This certificate restricts each lot to a 3 bedroom unit with no more \ than eighteen (18) fixture units. WHEREAS. the i nformat ion contained in the above referenced ADEQ report shall be included without reference to non-engineered systems in the Real Estate report that is required to be submitted. and WHEREAS. the approval of this subdivision is based on the understanding of the Board of Supervisors that all streets within the subdivision have been cons t ructed with the record i ng of Willow Vall ey Mob il e Homes Estates #18, Tract 1164, and that the knuckle turn and stub roads are to be constructed as per Standard Specifications #171 and 101.100; grading and drainage related improvements wi 11 be made as recommended by the des i gn engi neer in the fW submitted drai nage reports; arrangements will be made to extend underground r :~;'(~ ,}I.., Lb electric and telephone service to each lot in accordance with Arizona Corporation Commission Regulations; all lots and street centerline monuments PAGE 2 OF 5 BK 1716 PG 39 (FEEt90- 30500) , Ij~ .:.W":',ll JIB r..'....',r:'i,". ~~ >.';',"" .....!..". Resolution No. 90-111~ . Page 3 will be staked and monumented in accordance with Standard Specification #102; fire hydrants and an auxiliary pump will be provided at a location prescribed by the Mohave Valley Fire Department; street name and regulatory signs will be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations and as recommended by the design engineer and as a CONDITION OF APPROVAL, the owner/subdivider is responsible for the completion of improvements and shall provide an assurance for all required subdivision improvements not completed in accordance with Article V of the Subdivision Regulations, and WHEREAS, Mohave County has not required that ADEQ approvals be obtained for the water and sewer systems prior to recording the final subdivision plat. The assurances cover the cost of installing these site improvements, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board approves the said final plan conditioned to the following: 1. The developer wi 11 make the same commitments for improvements in the prospectus to the State Real Estate Commission as is required for approval of this tract by the Board. 2. Arizona Department of Environmental Quality statement regarding septic tanks and evapotranspiration ponds be included in the Real Estate report without editing or the addition of bid proposals that are not valid. 3. Compliance with County Engineering Department conditions as follows: a. Article 3.10-50 requires improvement plans be submitted with the final plat. The Resolution P&ZC: 86-176 approving the preliminary plan required the streets be constructed as a condition of approval. b. Parcels A, B, & C must be dedicated as streets with this plat per Resolution P&ZC: 86-176. c. The monuments found for the 1/4 corners must be described indicating the type, size, kind, etc. must be shown on the final plat (Article 3.11-4, 3.11-5C). PAGE J OF 5 8K 1716 PG 40 (FEEt90- 30500) ~n .'ij;i ,~w, i!,!o-~..,:: >tft,~ , f,,~.."j ~,~(f? III.".. ',.11-",.. ' .:l~ .:;. '; l'~.?1 . ,~J, '~i It,'.' 1 " ~ ~;t',;':' . Resolution No. 90-111 . . Page 4 d. As-built improvements plans must be submitted along with the letter certifying all improvements are complete. e. The PUE's should extend around the block corners so a PUE is adjacent to all streets including the stub streets. f. The street centerl i nes must be shown along with the intersection monuments (Article 3.11-5A, 3.11-5E). This was also a condition of approval of Resolution P&ZC: 86-176. g. The name of the stub street between Lots 8 & 9 must be shown on the plat (Article 6.4-24). h. The engineer's cost estimate is not acceptable without his seal on it. This is a violation of State Board of Technical Registration Rule R4-30-304. i. Because of two (2) new special conditions imposed on the subdivision by Resolution P&ZC: 89-125, a statement needs to appear on the final plat indicating that the sewage treatment system for each lot must be designed by an Engineer registered in the State of Arizona and that as soon as service become available, connections to this service must be made. j. The engineer's cost estimate needs to include "As-built" improvement plans, construction staking, centerline monumentation, inspection, and testing. k. A recordation statement needs to be provided on the final plat along with an acceptance statement for the dedication of streets and utility easements (Article 3.12-2)'. 1. The access easement to the well site needs to be shown on the final plat and it's recorded instrument referenced. If the well parcel is not a part of Lot 2, it must be shown as a separate parcel with solid lines and labeled as an excluded parcel (Article 3.11-5A, 3 .11-5G) . 4. The exact status of the well parcel and irrevocable easement rights on Lot 2 be clearly spelled out on the map. 5. The Mohave County Attorney's office shall determine on behalf of the Board of Supervisors the status of ownerships on this well site and approve wording used. 6. Those taxes for 1989 be paid. 7. The final plat for Tract 4030-A including the Dedication will need ~ be properTy executed a~d/~r ratified ~ all parties hav!!,9. any rec~ tltTe interest in the an being suodiVl<fed and inc1uaed on thlS SiilidT vis i on boundary.- - - - - 8. An assurance andhr su11tJ' ~1)_~lJ. ~ Qr~vid~q i~ the 5!.'!)~lmt Qi the approved cost estimate TOr ~ requlred slte 1ll1prOVements. <~ PAGE 4 OF 5 BK 1716 PG ~1 (FEE~90- 30500) . ., ~ . Reso 1 uti on No. 90-111 - . Page 5 '{j,;} , .,,~,! ~.. -. ,;~Fl :Kl~ '-1J; 9. The title report shows an existing twenty-five (25') foot road and ut il ity easement along the north twenty-fi ve (25 I) feet of the N~ S~ Section 27. This easement must be vacated before the final plat can be recorded since a portion of the lots overlay this easement. NOH THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, upon receipt or evidence that these conditions have been met together with the executed mylars and appropriate recording fees, the Director of Planning and Zoning will obtain the necessary signatures from the County Departments and officials and cause the final plat to be recorded, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of hearing has been met and published throughout this subdivision process and the public was afforded notice of this final action through advertisement of the Board of Supervisors' t~ 7~;~Jt f,t;f',>,"J U~~~ meeting for this date. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PAGE 5 OF 5 BK 1716 PG ~2 (fEEt90- 30500) "11, ."'i,t',> W"'! ,''t.;~,~,t~, ~~~'~~..1; h""" ~~2Li