HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-084 ~~ " _lr-- ('\":0 .) , " <.~3 . . ffiDEXEll MICROFILMED :::90- 21518 BK 1695 PG 92' OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY, AZ *JOAN /'IcCALL, MOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER 04/04/90 2:20 P./'I. PAGE 1 OF 5 NOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 NC RESOLUTION NO. 90-84 RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN FOR JOY LANE PLAZA, TRACT 4098, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 8 & 16, BLOCK A, FORT MOHAVE MESA RANCHOS, BEING THE S~ SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH MOHAVE VALLEY AREA, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on April 2, 1990, a public hearing was conducted to determine the approval of the preliminary subdivision plan and drainage report for Joy Lane Plaza, Tract 4098, and mIEREAS, the owner/developer of this tract is Dennis Gootrad, westlake Village, California. The Engineer responsible for the preparation of the drainage report and design of this subdivision is Jack Stovall, P.E., Stovall Engineers, Inc. Riviera, Arizona, and mIEREAS, this proposed subdivision is a resubdivision of Lots 8 & 16, Block A, Fort Mohave Mesa Ranchos. The tract will include twelve (12) lots with a 21,800 square foot minimum lot size, This 8.9 acre plan is located on the northeast corner of Highway 95 and Joy Lane. The northern border of this property runs parallel to Wagon Wheel Lane approximately 900 feet to the ~.-.,---..-,------~ -.- ------:--------....------.------.----,--~...--;---.:. '...~- ..~ . . . Resolution No. 90-84 Page 2 south. The southwest corner of the property is located at Calle Valle Vista and Joy Lane, where approximately 280 feet fronts Calle Valle Vista. The developer on this project does not foresee the lots being subject to a 100-year storm peak flow. He is proposing to implement individual on-site retention basins and elevate the finish floor( s) at least two (2) feet above the lowest point on the project site. This proposed subdivision is bordered by several other subdivisions in various stages of development. The South Mohave Valley area has had substantial growth in the recent past and is continuing to grow. The subdivision process is a good tool for controlling desirable <:-r:~ growth, and ~. '.~ \ ~...,j WHEREAS, the Commission has considered the drainage plan as submitted by the project engineer and as evaluated by the County Engineer, and WHEREAS, the Commission at their meeting on March 14, 1990 did recommend conditional approval of the preliminary subdivision plan for Tract 4098 with the following CONDITIONS noted: A. The approval of this subdivision is based on the understanding of the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission that all streets within the subdivision including the alley will be constructed and paved with asphaltic concrete in accordance with Standard Specifications #1,1 and #101.10D of the County Engineering Road Standards or better. A water supply and distribution system including adequate pressure and volume for fire flows will be constructed to serve each lot. Grading and drainage related improvements will be PAGE 2 OF 5 BK 1695 PG 928 (FEE~90- 21518) ""-,,;~~ . . Resolution No. 90-84 Page 3 made as recommended by the design engineer. Electric and telephone service shall be provided to each lot in accordance with Arizona Corporation Commission Regulations. All lots and other monuments will be staked and monumented in accordance with Standard Specification No. 102 of the County Engineering Road Standards. Fire hydrants will be provided at locations prescribed by the Fort Mojave Mesa Fire Department, street name and regulatory signs will be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations and as recommended by the design engineer; and, as a CONDITION OF APPROVAL, the owner/developer is responsible for the completion of improvements and shall provide an assurance for all required subdivision improvements in accordance with Article V of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations (MCSR) . B. Further Conditions of Approval are as follows: -~ ~::-7.','.~,~ ::~:;~ _:......'~ 1. The engineer of record shall provide perc test resul ts and other data as required by Mohave County Environmental Health Department. This data is to be presented at Preliminary Plan review to assure that the subdivision will meet the requirements for the use of individual septic tanks. 2. Abandonment procedure must be accomplished for Lots 8 and 16, Block A of Mohave Mesa Ranchos. 3. A request must be made to modify the Mohave Valley Plan to extend Commercial to the depth of this tract from Highway 95. This must be approved prior to the Recording of the Final Plat. 4. The owner/subdivider must provide evidence that this Tract lies within Bermuda Water Service Area and a co~nitment to serve. 5. The CC&R's will need to appropriate fees before final MCSR. be submitted with the recordation as per the " , , 6. Right-of-way dedications will be required for the East fifty (50') feet of Highway 95 and the forty (40') feet contiguous to the west side of the tract, along Highway 95, to be used as a Frontage Road. An additional twelve (12') feet of right-of-way shall be dedicated on the north side of Joy Lane that is contiguous to this tr~ct as well as the east most five PAGE 3 OF 5 BK 1695 PG 929 (FEEt90- 21518) .~~~-~.... " ,~,-~-~,~--:.~--------_.~--.-----:~-~----~ '. . . Resolution No. 90-84 Page 4 (5') feet of the tract along Calle Valle Vista. Appropriate twenty (20' ) foot radiuses will be dedicated at the corners of Calle Valle Vista - Highway 95 and Joy Lane. 7. The alley abuts with residential uses. A one (I') foot non access easement should be provided along north boundary except for frontage road and a six (6') foot solid fence be erected. A one (1') foot non access easement shall be provided along the east boundary, except for the alley, set back five (5') feet from the property line, a six (6') foot solid block wall shall be erected upon the easement, painted a neutral color, and landscaping provided on the east side of the wall. This setback shall not diminish the size of Lot 13. 8. An explanation for the improvements and maintenance of the seventy (70') foot joint ingress egress easement and parking should be provided. Also identify who shall maintain the three (3') foot block wall as noted. There should be definite locations identified for the thirty/forty (30'/40') foot ingress and egress points off of Joy Lane. 9. Preliminary Plan and Final Plat shall show Building area, and septic/leach system area reserve for each lot (Article 6.7-3 MCSR) the plus 10. The engineer shall correct the Title on the Plan. 11. All dimensions should be shown and the elevation of finish floors in accordance with the drainage report recommendations need to be provided on the final plat. 12. The County Engineer has made comments in regards to the Drainage report and the Preliminary Plan as submitted, the staff is confidant that all concerns will be addressed and resolved to the County Engineers satisfaction prior to submission of this subdivision to the Board of Supervisors for Final Plat action. Grading and drainage related improvements will be made as recommended by the design engineer as submitted and approved by the County Engineer. ,~~. '.-..... 13. CONDITION, that Engineer of record submit a NEW PRELIMINARY PLAN to staff for review that meets all the comments as set forth by staff. When all departments concur that the information is correct, the owner/developer may submit for Final Plat. PAGE + ut 5 BK 1695 PG 930 (FEE~90- 21518) ..~.. ..~.~-.----.~~ '.7~~'''''-~-'''--~-.~ - .' . ' . Resolution No. 90-~ . Page 5 C. The following standard conditions are noted that apply to all submittals at this stage: 1. The developer will make the same commitments for improvements in the prospectus to the State Real Estate Commission as is required for approval of this tract by the Board. 2. Arizona that there subdivision. Department of Water is adequate water Resources supply to determines serve this 3. Arizona Department of Environmental Quality approves the water supply and distribution system. 4. The water system will provide adequate flows for fire protection. Fire hydrants conforming to the minimum County standards shall be provided and located no more than eight hundred (800') feet apart and/or fire hydrants acceptable to the Fort Mojave Mesa Fire Department at the location(s) they prescribe. 5. The owner/subdivider shall cause the drainage related improvements to be completed as recommended by the pro j ec t eng ineer , with changes as noted by the County Engineer/Floodplain staff and outlined in the detailed drainage report. 6. The Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve a zone change prior to recording the final plat. 7. The minimum lot size shall be 21,800 square feet in area. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, April 2, 1990 approved this preliminary subdivision plan as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~ ~ "", .. " , .". . ::l 1/ , ----: /, ~ / (A ~ ;) ~ Lois J. HubQ<<rd, Chairman. (..-" : , " . ~ . - \ -:::::- :ATTEST::~ J:',:,..;:}. \ J ;-c-c ~ Q \~~if :,,/ "'(;;;1- 'CT- '~ Pat'. (,:has tai,n ",,'Clerk , I ~ ; ~ I f I , j I I I , I \ ' . PAGE 5 OF 5 ~K 1695 PG 931 <FEE;90- 215~8) ~ .. ,It . ~ 3 OF 3 BK 1701 PG 103 (FEEt90- 23755) ~'~',~' ~",~ ~ 'Ii '1 f.,i ~~\ if' ~.dJ Resolution No. 90-83 Page 3 Mohave County, Arizona on March 18 and 25, 1990, and posted March 16, 1990 as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, April 2, 1990 hereby abandon the dedicated recorded road right-of-way as herein described, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors hereby adopts this Resolution No. 90-83 and ties it ~ to the conditions of Resolution No. 90-82, and when the applicant meets the conditions, and the Director of Planning and Zoning assures compliance with the conditions, the Clerk is instructed to record this Resolution with the County Recorder. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS <<'h~ J': ;j1/i/ ~ Lois J. Hubba , Chairman