HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-183 ~,4~,...~ >c,,::) , ,,( , ,/ / \'; \~ V', .' \/ .'1" _ "'.....".,..__~ ~~ ''"-' "~ -' . ~~. ~ ;"".';'..j mo.,.. ~90- 45 :1.0:t BK 1749?G +2 DFF!CIAl RECORDS OF ~GHAVE COUNTY, AZ l.JOAN Me GALL r liGHAVE COUNTY RECQROE~: 07J06/90 2:00 P.i1. PAGE 1 OF -4 80S RECORDING FEE 0.00 Me RESOLUTION NO. 90-183 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE HUALAPAI RANCH AREA PLAN, TO BE PART OF THE REVISED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR MOHAVE COUNTY WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on July 2, 1990 a public hearing was conducted to adopt the HUALAPAI RANCH AREA PLAN to be part of the rev i sed Comprehens i ve Pl an for Mohave County, and WHEREAS, with the rapidly increasing population of Mohave County, the Kingman general vicinity is in need of more specific land use plans. Kingman I s a rea popu 1 at ion is i nc reas i ng at a s tea9Y ,rate as a re other areas . within Mohave County. Developers have hired an out$ide planning firm to work , through the County Planning Staff to review and recommend a new land use zoning plan for the following area: Sections 33 & 34, Township 24 North, Range 15 West; Sections 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17 and portions of Sections 15, 20, 21, 22, 28 & 29, Township 23 North, Range 15 West, and WHEREAS, this NEW Area Plan takes into account the area's only existing subdivision, Valley Vista Estates, Tract 1200, which borders Hualapai Ranch on the east. This plan provides for extensions of right-of-ways emanating from Valley Vista into Hualapai Ranch, and ,'-~ ---.' "-. -....'-- . - - . - - ~.. ~ . -- . -rAGE 2 OF ~ BK 1749 PG 424 (FEE~90- 45101) Page 2 Resolution No. 90-183 WHEREAS, this Area Plan is proposing to incorporate several higher densities of residential development which will include a proportional amount of Neighborhood Commercial, Retail Sales, Multifamily, Public, Quasi-Public, and Manufacturing land uses, and WHEREAS, The subject property is located approximately twelve (12) miles northeast of Kingman and fronts the northern side of "Old" Highway 66. Access to the area will be provided via two (2) primary entrances and one (1) secondary entrance, and WHEREAS, these developments, when complete, will encompass approximately (~ '~~~ thirteen (13) square miles and will sustain a population of approximately . ~- 25,000-32,000 people, and ~. ;~ WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends APPROVAL of the proposed new Area Plan contingent upon the following conditions: 1. That the interior major arterials depicted in the plan be designated as eighty-four (841) foot right-of-ways with the necessary land dedications by future property owners for road right-of-ways and public utility easements. 2. That the interior minor arteries not depicted in the plan be des i gnated as seventy (70 ') foot collector streets with the necessary 1 and dedi cati ons by future property owners for road ri ght-of-ways and public utility easements. 3. That the appropri ate buffers be prov i ded for res i dent i all and uses along the major arterial road (Highway 66) as specified in the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations. 4. Ari zona Department of Env i ronmenta 1 Qual i ty approves the quant ity and quality of the water supply as development occurs through the subdivision process. [;::5~ ~. \ '"- 10.. l,.' ._J . C.. AGE 3 OF ~ BK 1749 PG 425 (FEE~90- 45101) Resolution No. 90-183 Page 3 5. That both the Superintendents's office and Mohave Community College be consulted about the viability of potential facilities in this area. That the State Land Department be advised of this preliminary land use on the State Land and the Board of Supervisors recognizes that this Land Use Plan on State properties is subject to amendment. 6. That the plan specifies the desirability of mobile home parks rather than individual lots. If mobile home subdivisions are inserted, they shall provide for the creation of standards similar to those in mobile home parks to prevent undesirable development. A mobile home subdivision with lots less than six thousand (6,000) square feet in size shall provide for and insure management of common open space areas. WHEREAS, the Commission heard testimony from Phoenix Homes and County staff, which outlined the proposed area plan, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission is required to recommend to the Board of Supervisors a County Land Use Comprehensive Plan which is designed to conserve natural resources, aid public spending, and promote the health, safety, convenience, and general welfare of the public, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on June 6, 1990 at which time the Commission, by unanimous vote, recommended the Hua 1 apai Ranch Area Pl an, as presented by Phoeni x Homes, be recommended for approva 1 to the Board of Supervi sors, and that they further recommend the Board approve the same, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends the expansion of the Building Overlay Zone cover to this Plan Area as approved and further recommends the Board of Supervisors approve the same, and ~. . ....:- '" ,") . '. . .. PAGE ~ OF BK 1749?G ~ 426 (FEE~90- 45101) Page 4 . .. 4, .. Resolution No. 90-183 WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Mohave Daily Miner, a newspaper of general c i rcu 1 at ion in Ki ngman, Mohave County, Ari zona on June 15, 1990 and posted June 15, 1990 as required by Arizona Revised Statues and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, July 2, 1990 approve and adopted this Hualapai Ranch Area Plan as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS :,'~~'l ,.~.::~ ~ ~ ~' ;,...,.;; ";"..1 11,11111"//1, /~/ /44~ 7 .~ Lt:.<:j~N D "'ROA ~""RJl~ickl\-l;\Q.\ uJ/l.im;t~ ~l'\i""",1 l.4'Si!.. 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