HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-182 \\ R'S" ",. .~,,(:, ..,. --<--. ~ . ".,.-.."'" " :r-.0' \~ 'v , .'~' ff~;'~ , .~",J, "-:'. '..,,..-;-' ',':;.~ '-,.<- ,.' mOEXEQ .,;i~ ~t ~90- 451.00 Bit 174-9 PG 419 DFFIC!AL RECORDS OF nDHAVE COUNTY, AZ. *JOAN ~cCALL, MGHAVE COUNTY RECORDER* u7i06190 2:00 P.i!. f'AGE 1 DF " BOS RECORDING FEE 0.00 Ne RESOLUTION NO. 90-182 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE LA SENITA AREA PLAN, TO BE PART OF THE REVISED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR MOHAVE COUNTY WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on July 2, 1990 a public hearing was conducted to adopt the LA SENITA AREA PLAN to be part of the revised Comprehensive Plan for Mohave County, and WHEREAS, with the rapidly increasing population of Mohave County, the Kingman general vicinity is in need of more specific land use plans. Ki ngman' s ar'ea popul ati on is i ncreas i ng at a steady rate as are other areas within Mohave County. The State Land Department, working through the County Planning Staff and Kingman Planning Staff, reviewed and recommended a new land use zoning plan for the following area: Section 32, Township 22 North, Range 16 West, and WHEREAS, the La Senita Area Plan covers all of Section 32, located in Township 22 North, Range 16, West. The site is within one (1) mile of the City of Kingman's northeast corporate boundary. This site is bounded on the north by Northern Avenue, on the south by Gordon Dri ve, on the east by Cast 1 e Rock Road, and on the west by Bank Street, State Highway 66 is approximately one-quarter (1/4) mile east of Section 32's southeast corner, and --.:-.'~ ===i>=;"- ~'''~ ~, 1 ; J , I I , , , i i , ; , j 1 j .....~ ,. , , '" c?AGE 2 OF 4 ~u ~~~o fir l~n "..~... ..,~" ru ....""'..... {i=EE~9Q- I.~...-.i'f' ~..JJ.U"'I Resolution 90-182 Page 2 WHEREAS, Section 32 is in an undeveloped area. 1 tis bounded by commercial corridors on the northern and western edges. An elementary school occupies approximately thirty (30) acres on the southern boundary. The City of Kingman's water booster station is situated at the southeastern corner on approximatelly one (1) acre of the site, and WHEREAS, the site has relatively flat topography with a gentle north to south slope. Two (2) major drainage channels cross the northern half of the parcel. Traversing the northwestern corner of Section 32 is Mohave Wash which is approximately 150 feet wide and is unimproved. Diagonal Way Wash, which is behind a six (6') foot high dike, is in the northeastern corner of the parcel, and WHEREAS, a market study conducted by consultants for the State Land Department determined the following land uses to be suitable for the site, which are: Single Family Residential, Apartments, Mobile Homes, Patio Homes, and Neighborhood Commercial, and WHEREAS, the consultants examined various alternative plans and submitted the following suggested land use acreages: Single Family Residential, 230 acres; Apartments, 88 acres; Mobile Homes, 37 acres; Patio Homes, 100 acres; Neighborhood Commercial, 89 acres; and a new High School, 66 acres, and WHEREAS. the Pl anni ng and Zon i ng Commi ss i on recommends APPROVAL of the proposed Area Plan contingent upon the following conditions: ..... .~,.-.""-=--~ ,'"" ...."""'!'- ~ ',~'~' I;';,,,,-=,, f~::,:, ,':'~""" p..-' .. Resolution No. 90-182 PAGE 3 OF 4 BK 1749 PG 421 (FEE~90- 45100) Page 3 1. That the plan indicates the future dedication of a forty-two (42') foot ri ght-of-way along North Bank Street, Northern Avenue, Cast 1 e Rock Road, and Gordon Drive with an eight (8') foot public utility easement along North Bank Street, Northern Avenue, Cast 1 e Rock Road, and Gordon Drive as it is contiguous to this property to be made by subsequent property owners within the plan area. 2, That the interior streets as depicted in the plan be designated as seventy (70') foot collector streets with the necessary 1 and dedi cat ion by future property owners for right-of-way and public utility easements. 3. That the plan indicate provisions for buffering La Senita School from surrounding land uses (i.e.: solid block wall, six (6') feet in height). 4. That the appropriate buffers be provided for residential land uses &1011g the major arteri a 1 roads (North Bank Street, Northern Avenue, Gordon Dri ve, and Cast 1 e Rock Road) as specifi ed in the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations. 5. That the Mohave Union School Distritt #30 be consulted about the viability of a high school site in this "'r.ea. If a high school site is not desired by the school district, that~e seventy (70) acre apartment site be designated for single family resi'dential and the sixty-six (66) acre high school site be designated for multifamily uses. 6. If mobile home subdivisions are inserted, they shall provide for the creation of standards similar to those in mobile home parks to prevent undesirable development. A mobile home subdivision with lots less than six thousand (6,000) square feet in size shall provide for and insure management of common open space areas. WHEREAS, the Commission heard testimony from the Arizona State Land Department and County staff, whi ch outlined the proposed area p 11 an, and WHEREAS, the Pl anni ng and Zoni ng Commi ss ion is requi red to recommend to the Board of Supervi sors a County Land Use Comprehens i ve Pl an whi ch is designed to conserve natural resources, aid public spending, and promote the health, safety, convenience, and general welfare of the public, and --""-........""""""'~,....._.- -. :::..~::...:.:-~..~ I "\ II" - ~ "- " '." r::,~~~ 'Wl ~~ '~-~'"'"'~~~'"-_.~---'-'--.-,,---,-~,._-~,,~.-- '-c j -PAGE + OF ~ BK 1749PG 422 (FEE~90- 45iOO) Resolution No. 90-182 Page 4 WHEREAS, the Plannin9 and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on June 6, 1990 at which time the Commission, by a vote of 7-1, recommended the La Senita Area Pl an, as presented by the State Land Department, be recommended for approval to the Board of Supervisors, and that they further recommend the Board approve the same, and WHEREAS, the Pl anni ng, and Zoni ng Commi ss i on recommends the expans i on of the Building Overlay Zone to this Plan Area and further recommends the Board of Supervisors approve the same, and WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was pub 1 i shed in the Mohave Daily Mi ner, a newspaper of general ci rcu 1 at ion in Ki ngman, Mohave County, Ari zona on June 15, 1990 and posted June 15, 1990 as required by Arizona Revised Statues and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, July 2, 199D approve and adopted the La Senita Area Plan as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ,~ /0Ze-U~J y ~;==--,=--"""",<""",,..;;,,,,,,,,,,.,; ::...~,....,.- Sect.lon 32. T,22 N~'i>R'(., W s...v4....-l:\I C> ~...'5-\v.u.;t: DIAGONAL WAY , WASHi " .. .~;. .. ~ . ..... '.'~I"'~~. ' _ .' 7.:>=. . Nt: l<ln CT "'I '~... '.;-~. .. ~.. ! I j M.ct'(\ tMOHAVE WASH =L..)~ ~':._~A~_, . :29-28 "~.-rj',:,-".~ -..........-:~...:... ~. ,.)7~~,;;;'t..~-:-: ....~i~~r.~:...7;\..;~.- ~~~ ~.;-""~~\..,:..~.. -..;.....,~ /-.... ...... ........ ;.::..,- ~. ';:~,.~~1iE:;F~~-j '- .1, __~ ~ _ ~) [;'-..;;../.. .,.;:..""'~''-c- _,..',+. _ ~..-:'.i\.'!~OAcres .-- -.- -' ........>-:....."....--- ,.-- ~ .._.~....~.-----~--~ :"L':' '-SFO ,,,./ ".,,~.._..'~ ~~,-/,... ,.,':...~'-~ . ",'."-, .. . ---~:...'--. . --.-::--" "",-, ~-' !J3 :-~~~;~~ 1 / /~~'kr ~? ... ... ... .. '~~":;;:~; ~. . .:~ -";0-". "" .~;:,~~~~l '~~GLE.FA~Ji~y'/ !~ 1!OOAcres 11 _...-.~ - -- -' . ./-":,/ ~ --- -~~..:.~'~'~:::- . GordOn Drive Jot all .!ill' 27. 'It 211.2.5-< -,_. LA SENITA PLAN KIHGJldANMUNICJPAL WATER FACJUTY .l{"I,,,,,,..e..""'ry LQ.I"\c\ ll'i>~S SIngle Family R.esldenthllJ 161 230 S:nQ\.<<. Fo.....;..\\{ Ras. PBtla Homes 60 100 St=A. ,~., " } '" ' Mobile Hom_ 20 37"KM.: l~ob'\Lt.~,w\..~"""k 'po"""''' ::." RM. M.lA.lt'i-fo.m. .lu Ra.\. Comm...eial ....... 89 ^ t"L. ~ "" '" '-'O"MW\4~<>i...::t High School 6lS to ,~.,':"',~\"~~,..,.~..."",,.. c:...~.l;. <"., -r- RIghts.Of.WrrandWash_ 172 172* .,,_. ......... ..eu:..i~~j::." TOTALS16 610 _~,;V[~AP~'. 12~~:~E '- . Rlqht:lJ.Of..W.y and Washe-a are not Included In Gro_ Total:ll.l~ ia4ldI-.L..nCt u-.- Gros:s Acr.t.g.'" .''''~~' "'"' "'-__e" ,._" , ,~ ," IndUd.. th.'r:sn.... at rlqht-of."",.y and washes ACREAGE LAND USES NET GROSS 0- 200 .$00 SO~.~. F::::f=~~ MAY1990'" HNC;;';;' ARIZONA STATE LAND DEPARTMENT ,'::'r,iL_ .c .,c.-r.. "::~--:;'r:"'':: .::::::..':::- ' KINGMAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN ...,-'. MOHAVE:COUNTY 'ce. __ -'''~ PREPAREOIN CQOPER,HION WITH'THE' ARIZONA. STATE LAND DEPARTMENT TOWNSHIP, 22 NQRTH;RAN'GE:t6 WEST'- .-,- ;:::~--:----<,_ . ,. ~. '~..~ '." . .. Section' 32 . T22 N': R\!. W OT ~o.Y'\ I I i f-."- GC>f'dOn Drive KINGMAN MUNICIPAL WATER FACILITY LA SENITA PLAN Ap.artm~t:a ACREAGE NET GROSS 167 2:30 60 100 20 37 40 IllS 22+ lilt 35 641 o 200 400 'o~.'~' ~~~~ LAND USES Slnqle f.mily R..idenU.t P8tlo Home. MobU. Hom.. ARIZONA STATE LAND DEPARTMENT ,-: ::_:_c;~ ..:'~:.. -'-a. =- ~~-'? ~:-~'.:: -=~ KINGMAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN ., -" MOHAVECOUNTY',: '___. _..,- PREPARED IN COOPERATION WITH THE ARIZONA STATE LAND OEPARTMENT TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH. RANGE,16 WEST ~~=~..:.== "