HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-159 ?\.. . \ " \\ ~j' 'f'" ,. '\) ~."- ~: . axED ~~'A~', ..:'~ ~~....i~D ::=90- 45080 BK 1749 PG 35 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY, AZ *JOAN McCALL, MOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER D7/06/90 2:00 P.M. PAGE 1 OF 7 BOS RECORDING FEE 0.00 Ne RESOLUTION NO. 90-159 A RESOLUTION AMENDING PORTIONS OF THE MOHAVE COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS TUROUGH THE ADDITION OF SECTION 32: HOUSE NUMBERING AND ROAD NUMBERING REGULATIONS, WUICH ALSO ADDRESSES THE PLACEMENT AND USE OF STRUCTURE NUMBERS WHEREAS, the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission was requested by the Board of Supervisors to consider changes to the Mohave County Zoning Regulations in the areas outlined in Resolution P&ZC: 90-1, and WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commi ss i on held on June 6 r 1990, a pub 1 i c heari ng was conducted to adopt amendments to the Mohave County Zoning Regulations, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that 1 anguage changes were cons i dered, public comment taken, and the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission, by unanimous vote r recommended to the Mohave County Board of Supervi sors the approval of the following amendment to the Mohave County Zoning Regulations: SECTION 32: HOUSE NUMBERING AND ROAD NAMING REGULATIONS A. Purpose. The principal purpose of these regulations is to provide for the establishment of an official plan for a coordinated system of Road Names or numbers and House or Property Numbers in the County of Mohave and provide for the administration thereof. B. ROAD NAMES OR NUMBERS 1. Offi ci a 1 Map The Commission shall prepare a map indicating thereon the assigned names or numbers for all roads within the unincorporated area of the County of Mohave. . . Resolution No. 90-159 PAGE 2 OF 7 BK 1749 PG 352 (FEE~90- 45080) Page 2 When such map shall have been made and approved by the Board it shall constitute the Official Plan of Road Naming and Numbering. Such map may for convenience be divided into units each separately identified as a portion of the Official Road Plan Map. Units may be adopted or modified separately. 2. Road Name Records The Commission shall keep a record of the names of all roads in the County. When any new road is estab 1 i shed, it shall be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission staff for presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission for naming. When new names or numbers are proposed by any person or department, the proposal shall be referred to the Commission Staff to be checked for duplication, spelling, conformity and property designations. Duplication of names shall not be permitted within a given geographical area unless the proposed name is in general alignment of or a continuation of the existing named road. Different names shall not be approved for a proposed road in any geograph i c area if that road is in effect a continuation of, projection of, or could be related in any way to the alignment of an existing named road. Names with similar spellings, pronunciations or meanings may be construed as being duplications in any specific area. 3. Road Name Establishing, Additions or Modifications a. Road Names, additions or modifications of naming shall be instituted through at least one public hearing held by the Commission and action shall be subsequently by the Board. b. Whenever it is necessary to hold public hearings for purposes of road names, heari ngs may be requested by the Board, or the Commission may on its own initiative initiate a report and set a hearing in those areas where names have been given without regard to order or conformity or duplication, or in areas where subdivision activity is anticipated or in any area where property numbering is to be required. c. Road naming shall be established after public hearings or through recording of subdivision maps. 4. Identification Signs a. It shall be the duty of the Board to establish a standard form and standard placement of signs for i dent ifyi ng all roads as designated by these regulations. . . Resolution No. 90-159 PAGE 3 OF 7 BK 1749 PG 353 (FEE~90- 45080) Page 3 b. When a new subdivision plat is recorded or whenever a road is established otherwise it shall be the responsibility of the subdivider or individual petitioning for establishing the road to provide a sign which shall conform to the County Standards for signs and which shall include a terminal house number where such have been established. c. It shall be the duty of the Board to place name signs terminal house numbers at such intersections or other locations as the Board of Supervisors deems it necessary, and directs. d. The name and terminal house numbers shall be obtained from the Planning and Zoning Commission Staff. C. Road Naming Designations 1. All continuing public roads shall be called "Drive", "Boulevard", "Road", "Avenue", "Street", "Highway", or "Parkway". In areas where appropriate the word "Trail" may be used. 2. Loop roads may be known as a "Circle", or "Loop", however, such naming is not mandatory; but, no other thoroughfare which connects two other streets shall use such designations. (See cul-de-sacs). 3. Connecting Roads Short connecting roads (less than 300 feet long) that tie two streets together by forming a "T" or "Y" intersection and do not continue directly across said roads shall be known as "Ways", and shall be named the same name as one of the two roads it connects. Connecting roads longer than 300 feet may have separate names if not in conflict with other names or they may be called "Ways" as descri bed above. 4. Cul-de-sacs a. Cul-de-sacs that extend to a property line as a convenience for further future development may be treated in naming as though it were a through road. b. Long cul-de-sacs (more than 300 feet). May have a separate name from the street of their origin as long as it is not in conflict with existing names of similar alignment, but will not use destinations reserved for through roads. c. Short cul-de-sacs (less than 300 feet). Shall have the same designated name as the road from which they are served, but shall be known as "Place" "Bay" "Lane" "Court" "Plaza" or "Circle" (or , , , , , compatible meaning names). Depending on the design, separate cul-de- sacs of the same road may use the same name with different compass . . PAGE + OF 7 BK 1749?G 354 (FEE~90- 45080) Resolution No. 90-159 Page 4 designations as a part of the name. d. When more cul-de-sacs are developed on any given road than there are designations available special naming may be employed if first approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission Staff, appealable to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 5. Dedi cated pedestri an ways or easements, if named, shall be call ed IIPath or IIWa1kll. 6. Other Naming a. When necessary, compass designations may be added to sections or segments of existing or future roads where such an addition would be desirable or necessary to eliminate conflict or duplication of house numberi ng, or where des i rab 1 e to i dent i fy port ions of any road wh i ch has variable directions, is rather extensive in length or is part of an overall numbering or designation system. b. Exotic termi no logy may be used for roads if the adaptat i on of such terminology to the County system is justified and compatible with the surrounding area. Exotic means any terminology not mentioned or described by this section. 7. Point of Beginning a. When a lesser road connects with one of greater designation the lesser road begins at the right-of-way line of the greater. b. When two roads of equal magnitude intersect: (1) If a IITII intersection the road that forms the cross on the T shall be determined of greater magnitude. (2) If "Y" or IIX" intersection designation shall be determined by the Commission Staff. c. When two roads of different names meet on a curve the point of beginning for each name shall be the midpoint of that curve. d. Where necessary road name points of origin shall be indicated on subdivision maps. :"O'"'!'" {~ -- ~.1 D. House and Property Numbering 1. The Commission shall establish a basis of coordinated house and property numbering for Mohave County. 2. In order to accomplish this, the Commission may designate the County to be separated into different areas each to have its own bas is of numbering. . ~?AGE 5 OF 7 BK 1749 PG 355 (FEE~90- 45080) Resolution No. 90-159 Page 5 ;;~ ;,;65] .~.,.~~~ ~:_~~~J ..:~ A house or property numbering system in the unincorporated parts of Mohave County shall be approved by the Commi ss i on and Board in order to be valid or recognized. In order to receive said approval such a system must be reasonably compatible with the County system and it must be possible to convert to the County system beyond the existing limits. Where an existing system is in effect by an incorporated municipality and records are available to expand this system, the system shall be extended into the unincorporated area for a reasonable distance until it would meet a common point wherein the County numbering system could commence without causing an un-coordinated interrelationship of numbers. When numbering is established for any area a cross grid reference with a point of beginning shall be determined. Numbering shall originate from this point of origin, and if necessary roads shall acquire compass designations. When established in an area, house or property numbers shall be assigned at 500 numbers to a mile or section as determined by official surveys. The number designation shall be strictly separated as follows: 0-125, for the first quarter mile, 126-249, for the second quarter mile, 250-375 for the third quarter mile, and 376-499 for the last quarter mile. For a standard mil e such a proposal permits 250 odd and 250 even numbers per mile or one number for each 21 feet of property frontage on either side of the road. In areas wherein it appears that no further property divisions could occur numbers may be issued consecutively (odd or even) with adjustment to the allocation system made at each intersection. Where Township lines are offset from each other and it is desirable to continue the common numbering system then the numbering for each side of the road shall follow the numbering for the section within which it lies. Adj us tment of numberi ng shall be made to the compat i b 1 e sect ion 1 i ne if the Township were in exact alignment. Odd numbers shall be used for the North and West side of roads. Even numbers shall be used for the South and East side of streets. Compass directions and designations shall be determined by the Commission. 3. Odd Sized Sections <1 -:1~ '-'~'~i When a section has a dimension greater or less than one (1) mile or 5,280 feet, the 500 number units shall remain the same, but the lengths of the units between numbers shall be proportionately adjusted as the case may be. Such adjustment shall be establ ished for each quarter mi le of the section wherever the difference in measurement may have been applied in establishing the section. ci1 . " Resolution No. 90-159 PAGE 6 OF 7 BK 1749 PG 356 (FEE~90- 45030) Page 6 4. Diagonal Roads Wherever a road is d i agona 1 to the sect i ona 1 gri d pattern the genera 1 compass direction of the road shall be determined and numbering proportioned along such diagonal based on numbers per quarter section wherever the road intersects said quarter section line. If a diagonal road joins a straight road such numbering shall be a continuation of such straight road wherever feasible. 5. Curved Roads In areas where roads wander, are curved, or have no determined direction, over their extended length, for purposes of establishing numbers, house numbering shall be based upon quarter sections intercepted by the road. The length and direction of each such segment shall be determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission Staff, appealable to the Planning and Zoning Commission. ..;-....;~ 6. Extent of Numbering All existing dwellings and all structures suitable for or intended for human occupancy at some basis or level shall be issued a number when the area in which it is located shall be so designated for house numbers. 7. Issuance of Numbers l~ The Commission Staff shall determine and issue numbers wherever required. A house number shall be issued with each building permit or zoning permit when required where house numbering has been designated. Existing and new subdivision maps may have numbers indicated for each lot or parcel in areas where numbering is in effect. Any numbering system established, shall be initiated area-wide and a date established for its being mandatory within that area. Numbering shall not be issued sporadically within any area not designated for numbering. 8. Installation of Numbers Numbers shall be determined and assigned by the Commission Staff. The display number tabs shall be obtained ~ each owner and shall be located i!! such ~ way and be of 1 arge enough size to be read from the road. Where the structure is back from the street or shielded therefrom, a second set of numbers shall be placed where it can be read. - 9. Administration a. All numbers shall be whole numbers, no fractional numbers shall be assigned. " j,.c__ , , , > " / PAGE 7 OF 7 BK 1749PG 357 (FEE~90- 45080) Resolution No. 90-159 Page 7 b. House numbers shall be assigned by written notice to each 1 ocati on. Comp 1 ete and accurate records of numbers issued and ass igned sha ill be kept in map form and such other forms as the Commission may direct. c. No department, official, or public employee shall issue any number which is in confl ict with the provisions of these regul at ions or allow to be used such confl i cti ng numbers on any permit, license or other public record. 10. Initiation of House or Property Numbering or for Road Name Designations. a. Request for house or property numbering or designation studies may be initiated in any area by following methods: 1. By adi l'ect request of the Board to the Commission to commence a particular study. road name one of the 2. By a petition of property owners or residents in the area <lddressed to the Board and said referred to the Commission by the Board. 3. By a resolution of the Commission directed to the Board for authorization granted to the Commission to commence a particular study. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors at thei r regul ar meet i ng on l~onday, Ju ly 2, 1990 approved thi s change to the Mohave County Zoning Regulations as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS , "'."~"\:'j"_:"I~':'r"./~ .",,- ,', ",I, 01..//9$ ~"'# MTEST:?->~~ ', , /-:~{f~2;"ft~]?~8:i\ '. ',' n: ~~ . ?~J'g~/ Lois J, Hubbard:'Chairman ~..+._+-^.__._--'".=="--~ ~-=--"==". - -'-r-,....,'__.....' ,