HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-131 $) ~'?I .....'.'..'...,' ~:':' ';~~ ~J ~'rnl '."."," , ,'j ~.~ ; '.}} :;~ " .~.~.~~} ..3 . fNMtm MICROFlLM~ :::90- 38059 BK 1733 PG 320 Ii OffICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY, AZ. *JOAN McCALL, MOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER* 06/07/90 3:20 P.M. PAGE 1 OF 4 BOS RECORDING FEE 0.00 NC RESOLUTION NO. 90-131 A RESOI,UTION REZONING 'l'HE W~ SE% SE% SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 39 NORTH, RANGE 16 WEST, FROM: A-R/1A (AGRICULTURAL-RESIDENTIAL/ONE ACRE MINIMUM LO'r SIZE) ZONE, PROPOSED TO BE: C-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) ZONE, LOCA'l'ED IN THE ARIZONA STRIP, MORAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on June 4, 1990, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted to Bill Evans, Littlefield, Arizona, for a rezoning from existing A-R/1A (Agricultural-Residential/One Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone to C-2 (General Commercial) zone, located in the Arizona Strip, and WHEREAS, this property is located in a portion of Section 17, Township 39 North, Range 16 West. It is located approximately 2.5 miles southeast of Mesquite, Nevada and approximately one-half (1/2) mile east of the Arizona/Nevada state lines, and WHEREAS, access to this property is provided via Elbow Canyon Road which begins at Highway 91 in Clark County, Nevada, extends to the Arizona state line in Township 39 North, Range 16 West, and continues easterly approximately four (4) miles to the w~ SE% SE!..t Section 17, which is the location of the subject ['" ,.,1 ."....,'..".. 1j" ;. '.-:' ~ ~ , . , \~ ~;. '< 'V ( . , ' ~ " f' '! I"~ .", \ 1"'1 . ~ /..., """"" . ... PAGE 2 OF 4 BK 1733 PG 321 (FEEt90- 38059) Page 2 Resolution No. 90-131 property, and WHEREAS, the applicant intends to est:ablish a store, bar, and laundromat on the premises. This parcel is currently vacant and the area has a relatively small rural population, and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Commission on May 9, 1990 did a generate Zoning recommendation of approval of the zone change request with the following conditions noted: 1. The applicant comply with all applicable prov1s10ns of Section 25, 26, 27, & 31 of the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance. 2. That a building permit be obtained. 3. That Arizona Department of Environmental Quality approve the sewerage system for this development. 4. Arizona Department of Water Resources determines that there is adequate water supply to serve this project. 5. Arizona Department of Environmental Quality approves the water supply and distribution system. 6. That if food services are constructed that the Mohave County Health Department grant approval of the facility under their guidelines. 7. That underground utilities be utilized in accordance with Arizona Corporation Commission regulations. 8. That any parking provided be comprised of asphaltic concrete, Standard Specification #171 or better, and that such paving be completed within ninety (90) days of the Certificate of Occupancy granted the building(s). 9. If construction has not commenced within one (1) year of the effective date of this rezone request, the zoning shall revert to A-R (Agricultural-Residential). ~-----'~~-'_..~....'...-'-"--'"-"~-'--' ',"_.I~... Resolution No. 90-131 PAGE 3 OF . 4 BK 1733 PG 322 (FEE~90- 38059) PClge 3 10. SubmittCll Clnd recordCltion accordClnce with Article Subdivision RegulCltions. of Cl PClrcel Plat prepClred in 3.16 of the MohClve County 11. The establishment of minimum lot ClreCl bClsed on the size of the pClrcel per the recorded PClrcel PlClt. 12. EClch pClrcel shClll have legal access. 13. The commercial parcel shall not exceed five (5) acres exclusive of road easements and the lot size of the remaining agricultural parcel will be established via the Parcel Plat. 14. The creation of a "deep" rather than "shallow" five (5) acre parcel be created, thus allowing access to the rear property and better development of this parcel. 15. The Parcel Plat shall show any surface drainage ways or FEMA zones. 16. That the Board of Supervisors accept the dedication of a forty-two (42') foot right-of-way and an eight (8') foot PUE along Elbow Canyon Road as it is contiguous to this property through the approval of the resolution authorizing this zone change and that the dedication statement and dedication(s) be shown on the plat. 17. Such zone change shall not be effective for at least thirty (30) days after final approval of the change in zoning classification by the Board, being July 4, 1990, as per A.R.S. ll-829E. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Mohave DCli1y Miner, a newspClper of generCl1 circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona on May 18, 1990, Clnd posted May 18, 1990 as required by Arizona Revised StCltutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations, and r'" :fd [.",\i "_~>'~"l i/:;1~:'~ ---~-----~~~_'---"~-~'_'~"_-_"------'-_~---~"-------'--'-~~~"'~~ f") /' ~ ....'."....,'..' " "\, t~>~ : ,'~ " J->.; t.".."'."." ~ ',:) "I) ~. \ ~': .;( .'.:":~ ~. \.-i \";'..', ~ ,~ ' :'t~~ .~_ ...:.1 . . PAGE 4 OF 4 BK 1733 PG 323 (FEEt90- 38059) Page 4 Resolution No. 90-131 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, June 4, 1990 approved this change in zoning as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS \11.11""""""" ^::rTEST ~\ \ ~ 0.',' ~ """"', t," r,,'" ....... ~-?' Il /~~/ Lois J. Hubb~d: Chairman j ~ (; ,,:{b~"~:"'~4~~'t7';t; I~'~ :~~~a~ain, Cl~rk \ ". ;,1 "P') " """..".1"