HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-127 '""'"".:;,c..-,,,-.' 86;) fflDEXEll /'') 1ll1C000!L1,U __>..,t,:; . ' .. " ~""O.- 305 15. \)1( 171t.l>1I- .. OFFICIAL RECORDS OF NOHAVE COUNTY, ~ *JOANMoCAll, MOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER* 05/09/90 11:00 A.M. PAGE 1 OF 3 .. BOS RECORDING FEE 0.00 NC ",..,,, " RESOLUTION NO. 90-127 A RESOLUTION REZONING THE NORTHWESTERL~ 200 FEET OF LOTS 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7, BLOC 1, BERR~ ACRES, SECTION 4, . TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 16 WEST, FROM: C-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) ZONE, PROPOSED TO BE: C- MO (COMMERCIAL MANUFACTURING/OPEN LqT STORAGE) ZONE, LOCATED IN THE KINGMAN AREA, MOHA,VE COUNTY, ARIZONA WHEREJ~, at the regular ~eeting .of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on May 7, 1990, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted to Robert J. & Karen A. Sizemore, King~an, Arizona, for a rezoning ~ ti:~"1iJJ [~ from existing C-2 (General commerci~l) zone to C-MO (Commercial ~ Manufacturing/Open Lot Storage zone, :located in the Kingman area, and WHEREAS, this. property is loc<;ited approximately four (4) miles northeast of the Route 66/1-40 interchange. This property is located approximately 530 feet east of the southeast corner of Gordon and Scudder Avenue, and WHEREAS, the applicant is ~equesting this rezone to establish a diesel repair qnd towing shop. He has provided for removal of junk, metal, & debris from these lots at his own expense. The applicant desires .{! the C-MO (Commercial "~'~='~_'''~''_===~===-'''''''''=C=~'''-_'_''<''~---=O=....-.-.=i.~~~~_="=.~,,=... ~"'"-_.'--'-=f='=-~-~-----'==~O==-~<====";"'==- . ..- ~ rm e;;-.t~ :.':;\\~ F;~(~~ ~"'11 \['\'i~1 ~ m'" ".i')I,t, J.:'-~~ r~> ,e",,' Q.J,;i.' ",_"""::O:-",,,=~~4~~" Resolution No. 90-127 "'''' ,,);' 'Y" PAGE 2 OF J BK 1716 PG 89 (FEEt90- 30515) Page 2 Manufacturing/Open Lot Storage) zone so he can store automobiles on his lot, and WHEREF.~, the lots surrounding the subject property are occupied by a variety of industrial and commercial uses. There is a significant amount of C-2H (Highway Commercial/Open Lot Storage) and C-M (Commercial Manufacturing) zones in this area. Berry Acres has developed and seems to be developing in an industrial direction. Approval of this request would not be contrary to the spirit of the area, and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on April 18, 1990 did generate a recommendation of approval of the zone change request with the following conditions noted: 1. The applicant comply with all applicable prov~s~ons of Sections 25, 26, 27, & 31 of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations. 2. ~'he erection of the view obscuring fence be completed within one (1) year of the approval of the zoning by the Board of Supervisors. 3. ~~hat the driveway access and business parking lot be paved with two i[ 2 H ) inch asphalt and the yard be covered with a dust-proof surface. If crushed rock is used for the dust proof surface then the soil shall be sterilized to prevent weeds or other vegetation from growth. 4. That building permits be obtained and/or current building(s) be brought to code, thatth,e paving and yard surface cover be completed within sixty, (60) days of the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the building (s) . ":.__~_~~_l~ -'=*"'~~~'l'''' ~ .t..._"""-"'=-~-"'fW~~_~~ .. ~ cq~ !.\~~'~I if~:j 1;- '9'" ~! ~".'1 i;({f~ '-:;;i1\ . 'It"'. ~!f:!!{'i "il~~~ t~ ;'i: Resolution No. 90-127 PAGE J OF J BK 1716 PG 90 (FEEt90- 30515) Page 3 5. Such zone change shall not be effective for at least thirty (30) days after final approval of the change in zoning classification by the Board, being June 6, 1990, as per A.R.S. 11-829E. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Mohave Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona on April I, 1990, and posted March 30, 1990 as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their nJgular meeting on Monday, May 7, 1990 approved this change in zoning as recommended by the Mohave county Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS z::r~l/~~~ Lois "J. Hubbard~Chairman ATTEST: U,6 T: L,J;~A~' Pat Chastain, Clerk --~~""",""'-""=..-=,.,,.,";--~....==-..a=.==-~_~