HomeMy WebLinkAbout90-384 '. "".,c~ RESOLUTION NO. 90-384 INDEXED MICROFlLMEL ~90- 858::;0 BK 1834 PG. 504 OFFICIAL ~(ECOROS Of MOHAVE COUNTY, AZ. Jo;jOAN I1cel~LL, 110HAVE COUNTY RECORDERl! 12120/90 1150 P.M. PAGE 1 OF 5 MOHAVf: COIJNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 Me A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH APPROVAL OF A FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN FOR LONE STAR COMMERCIAL PARK, TRACT 4101, A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, GILA & SALT RIVER BASE & MERIDIAN, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH MOHAVE VALLEY AREA, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA WHEREAS, at the special meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on December 17, 1990, a public hearing was conducted to determine the final subdivision plan, for Lone: Star Commercial Park, Tract 4101 located in the South M:ohave Valley area, and WHEREAS, the owner/subdivider of this tract is Mill Development Company Inc., a California Corporation. The engineer of record on this project is Jack Stovall of STOVALL ENGINEERS INC., .4508 Highway 95, Fort Mojave P.O. Bo~ 2547 Riviera, Arizona 86442, and WHEREAS, reviews have been received from the County Engineer/Floodplain Administrator, Mohave Arizona Department of Transportation, Department, Bermuda Water. Company, Inc., Bullhead City, the County Health the Fort Mojave Mesa Fire --==-....""==-===~~~=,''',..'''._-.~=,._,=,..,=.,,~'==~'"._----- >..."...,"~~=='"".,~=--,=-. ". /-'''''-, 'AGE 2 OF 5 ilK 1834 1'6 505 (fEE~90- 85830) Resolution No: 90-384 Page 2 Department, EI Paso Natural Gas Company, .and considered or incorporated in the evaluation of this final tract, and WHEREAS, this subdivision is located roughly one and one- half (1!j) miles south of the Bullhead City corporate limits and one-quarter (1/4) mile east of Highway 95, on Camino Colorado Road, and WHEREAS, the primary access to this residential lot subdivision is intended from Camino Colorado Road, and WHEREAS, sewage disposal is intended to be taken care of through individual septic tanks, however, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality has indicated that this tract must hook up to sewer if it becomes available, and WHEREAS, the approval of this subdivision is based on the understanding of the Board of Supervisors that all streets within the subdivision will be constructed and paved with asphaltic concrete in accordance with standard specification #171, but in no case shall it be less than Mohave County Standards; the streets will include curb and gutter on the interior streets, and the improvements to Camino Colorado Road and the paving of Camino Colorado Road shall straddle the center line of right-of-'way of each road,vay; grading and drainage related improvements will be -=.'-~'-~-~~~~~~~~-~~<~--="=-""=~~=-~~~.....- !"~~\ )AGE 3 OF 5. 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Resolution No. 90-384 Page 3 made as recommended by the design engineer in the \ drainage reports; arrangements will be made to extend underground electric and telephone service to each lot in accordance with A.rizona Corporation Commission and street Regulations; all lots centerline monuments will be staked and monumented in accordance with standard specification No. 102; fire hydrants will be provided at locations prescribed by the Fort l10jave Mesa Fire Department; street name and regulatory signs will be installed in accordance with the requirements of the l10have County Subdivision Regulations and as recommended .by the design engineer, this shall include "no parking" signage along both sides of Patricia plaza, and as a condition of approval the owner/subdivider is responsible for the completion of improvements and shall provide an assurance for all required subdivision improvement~ in accordance with Article V of the Subdivision Regulations, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board approvl~s the said final plan conditional to the following: 1. The developer i.n accordance .with A.R.S. 32-2181.01 is not required to comply with the filing.of a real estate report provided they sell or lease the property as indicated in their petition on file with the Real Estate Commission. Such petition states t.he described property will be sold in various sales to purchasers. that will be sophisticated and knowledgeable developers that have ready access to any legal and financial advice; 2. Environmental Quality approves system installation for this Arizona Department of the water and sewer subdivision; '=...~~.~=-~~.~~~"-~_._-_._._"~,~..~-~-~--,==~~,:".."""", /'<'-"\ ",-- PAGE 4 OF 5 BK 1834 f'(i 507 (FEE~90- 85830) Resolution No.9Q-384 Page 4 3. The water system will provide adequate flows for fire protection. Fire hydrants conforming to the minimum County standards shall be provided and located no more than seven hundred and fifty (750') feet apart and/or fire hydrants acceptable to the Fort Mojave Mesa Fire Department .at the location they prescribe; 4. The owner/subdivider shall cause the drainage related improvements to be completed as recommended by the project engineer and outlined in the detailed drainage report as approved by the Staff; a grading plan shall be provided as a part of. the improvements plans for this subdivision; 5. The final. plat for.Tract 4101 including tt~ De~~cation will need to be properly executed and/or ratif:led ~ all ~rties having any ~ecord title ~ntE!rest: ~ln the lan~ being subdivided and included on this subdivision bm.mdary ; 6. The owner/subdivider shall. obtain a report from the. Arizona Department of Water Resources indicating that the water supply has been found to be adequate to meet the needs of this subdivision prior to recordiJ:!y the final plat. 7. An assurance and/or ~_urety shall be pro'vided ~ln th~ amount .. 9f the approved cost estimate for all required site improvements; NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, upon receipt of or evidence that these conditions have been met together wi1:h the executed mylars and appropriate recording fees, the DireC1:or of Planning and Zoning will obtain the necessary signatures from the County Departments and officials and cause the final plat to be recorded, and O"'-'.o=""=,__,,_~^,,. "_~_'~'_==~'''''=~,==",,,_..._ ,_"_~._="=-,-_--==--,,,=~~~~,~:'-'-=",,= '",-",,-,,/ PAGE 5 OF 5 BK 1834 PG 508 (FEE~90- 85830) Resolution No. 90-384 Page 5 NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of hearing has been. met and published throughout this subdivision process and the public was afforded notice of this final action through advertisement of the Board of Supervisor's Meeting for this date. MORAVE COUNTY BOARD Ol' SUPERVISORS c:T~ 4:(~C~ Lois J. Hubbard{' C airman . ATTEST: ,""""""""""" "" n \i 'I c: II, ""'~ .. '\\ c,' '~l'I?.s '" >,-", (:,-",~ ~"-......_'" . *:~~~.':. ::' .,~-:,_ " I 0: ~ : ~,' P'ii:t;', J1 ~ta!,.n';':, tlerk '~ C:;~5~_-...'.;<:,\~? -:tJ\{~ ~I ' f-T'1 :: . C.l- \~.... 1#...., w~--:"~ -" -,I' _ \ <~5,\:t('J,"'~'~=;L>./ ~~~) f -~_ 0."> ~,.' t."." ~~' ~'.;f. """=..,.,,..,' ;'r ~,~' '~" ,. n '.., (. ~'" t~, ,~" "'" ,~! 11') L U "-,, ',\\'- """""""."'\ . . PAGE ~ OF ~ BK lS3~ PG 50S (FEE~90- 85830) Resolution No. 90-384 Page 5 NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of hearing has been met and published throughout this subdivision process and the public was afforded notice of this final action through advertisement of the Board of Supervisor's Meeting for this date. MORAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS c:;T ~ ~:g(~ '<-<- '- Lois J. Hubbard(' C airman ATTEST: ,\tlllll"J"'""" ", n\iif'r/- "" ", ,.\ (, .J i I? _, " ",.-<>':' \;,-~-,~-:, 0, 42>-_ :' '-) Pat. h~~ta~n~~-: "Clerk ~ ~-~ ~ ~-'~_._~;"T~~:~:-_;'~~:~~:jl~ (,' 1 r-r';: . .... \..... l,'.,,,. 'I" -:.r' '. ) I _ - '" - '~/~-.J~_._.'~'('~,/ ,~:)'/ _~ Go,) "',t:J'ltl lO_f".,' ..... '~;# J'{-. .........u=""'_...~.". ;'{' ,<...... """ .~ (i ..., f' >-, \ 1,:... \"", "'" I ,"./ If 1 L \.~ \', '\ \", "1/1"1"111,1'\\ . . . . , Resolution No. 90.9 4It Page 5 PAGE 5 OF 7 BK 1826 PG 1002 (FEEt9o- 82262) 5. This request for block lengths in excess of 1320 feet is required due to the curvilinear nature of the plan which allows for good traffic flow within the development. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Conunission staff reconunends CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of this preliminary plat, conditional to the following: 1. A new preliminary plan be submitted for staff review and approval prior to submittal of the Final Plat. 2. Details of right-of-way and street design for Mountain View Road be submitted with revision. 3. Amended drainage report submitted construction needs for Mountain View Road. to reflect f~~ i.~~~ 4. Portion of Mountain View Road adjacent to Parcel A provide a turn around cul-de-sac and that access to El Rodeo Drain not be restricted. 5. Turn around provisions be provided in road segment north of EI Rodeo Drain and access not be restricted to EI Rodeo Road. 6. Easement and permission for sewer line be initiated across EI Rodeo Drain and obtained prior to submittal of Final Map. 7. All lots shall be one-hundred (100') feet in depth or a petition of exception submitted and approved justifying those lots less than one-hundred (100') feet in depth (required for R-l zoned lots to be used for mobile homes.) 8. All corner lots to be 7,000 square feet in area or greater. 9. A six (6') foot high concrete block wall constructed along the rear of the double fronted lots or along the side- front of those lots along Mountain View Road. , ~J ..J ; .~E~ 10. Parcels Band C designated as drainage parcels and dedicated for acceptance by the Board of Supervisors or their function and maintenance be assigned to a permanent corporate entity and CC&R's submitted to reflect that. ~,.~~J: