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TNOEXEQ M'CROALMED :::91- 2016 BK 1841 PG 9, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY, A: *JOAN McCALL; MOHAVE COUNTY RECORDEr u1/14/91 8:00 A.M. ~AGE 1 OF ~ MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 Ne RESOLUTION NO. 91-6 A RESOLUTION MODIFYING THE ADOPTED SOUTH MOHAVE VALLEY AREA PLAN, TO INCLUDE AN ADDITIONAL AREA CONTIGUOUS TO THE DEDICATED PLAN FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, MULTIFAMILY, COMMUNITY PARK, AND COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL USES, TO BE PART OF THE REVISED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on January 7 1991, a public hearing was conducted to modify the adopted South Mohave Valley Area Plan, to include an additional area contiguous to the dedicated plan, being a portion of Section 7, Township 17 North, Range 21 West, occupying the northeast corner of Vanderslice Road and Highway 95, located in the South Mohave Valley area, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission is required to recommend to the Board of Supervisors a County land use General Plan which is designed to conserve natural resources, aid public spending, and promote the health, safety, convenience, and general welfare of the public, and WHEREAS, Section 7 is located approximately 12 miles south of Bullhead City and is bounded on the south by Highway 95 and on the west by Vanderslice Road on the north by Ft. Mojave Indian Reservation Road and on the east by Rancheros Lane. Most of this ',. . ~AGE 2 OF 5 BK 1541 PG 969 (FEE091- 2016) Page 2 Resolution No. 91-6 section is occupied by Delta City Units 1-4. Unit 5 was abandoned and is slated to be partially replaced by Desert Arroyo, Tract 4116. This area plan amendment is being initiated by the applicant to facilitate the zoning for Desert Arroyo. The 1980 Mohave valley South Plan shows this area as agricultural- residential in nature. The plan makes mention of Units 1-4 but has no specific references to Unit 5 or the rest of Section 7, and WHEREAS, the applicant has proposed multifamily units along the Flamingo Road and Vanderslice Road and commercial uses on portions of Vanderslice Road and on Highway 95. The rest of the west half of this section is proposed to be single family residential with a central park that will also function for drainage purpose. The rest of the section is proposed to remain with its current zoning and designated land uses, and WHEREAS, the Commission staff received few inquires regarding this case and has not felt it prudent to hold a public meeting as most of the owners in the section reside out-of-state. Since the submittal of the original proposal the applicant has requested a modification to the proposal to allow for multifamily uses. No proposal was submitted for the northeast quarter of this section. The Commission evaluated the applicants proposal and made some modifications. The modified proposal would allow '-'"' " . ~PAGE 3 OF 5 BK 1841 PG 970 (FEEt91- 2016) Page 3 Resolution No. 91-6 for multifamily potential uses on the north and west perimeter of this section with commercial potential uses on the south and a portion of the west perimeter excluding the Mohave County facilities. The Planning Commission will consider a neighborhood commercial potential at the northwest corner of the proposal after public review of the plan and design. - If none are forthcoming from the applicant then the Multifamily potential shall prevail. The remainder of the W~ of Section 7 is proposed to be single family residential potential. No provisions are being made for the park area and this will be further addressed in the zoning for the proposed park parcel. These modifications are more clearly delineated in Exhibit "A". In addition, all mul tifamily developments will be restricted to duplexes, four- plexes and zero lot line structures. A change of use may be applied for by the applicant to allow for the insertion of a senior citizen center in the multifamily potential that would meet the minimum criteria for same. The Commission requires the E~ of Section 7 remain with its current designations until the consultant updates the plan for this area, and WHEREAS, the Commission recommends APPROVAL of this modified proposal to amend the South Mohave Valley Area Plan for Section 7 as outlined in Exhibit "A", and '<>.. ~.. . . . . PAGE ~ OF 5 BK 1841 PG 971 (FEEt91- 2016) . Resolution No. 91-6 Page 4 WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona on December 21, 1990 and posted December 20, 1990 as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, January 7, 1991 approved and adopted this update of the South Mohave Valley Area Plan as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (~~ 114~ Lois J. Hubbard{ hairman :j- ...... . It' Ill, ~ IOl :2 Q !\j r ~ ~ \ \ Q) " " " C . ~ <: c.; ~ f- I' ~IJ"'''L'T~''''. I T _....'T I l- t-- . ~"O<.E" C60'~'''''c.. ~ f-- -""',, ,. .. :j./~ -I'-.. /-..=, \ t -';-...' - - - - ~~;I':''''~I--''~~ ~~ I.....C..-1~m-.-"~~ ~ .. .,...;.;;.;., - -'-- -- ., ...:....:...::.: ," -.. _ _ _ _ f-- _ ..~.:.:.:...:\ "-"',1 -- -- --~- .' ~ ~ ~ 1.:;~/ r~.;,~~ ;:: = ~ == ::::; rA..... _L "'M $Q ;:: =!: = . :;;.. % T : , "" 'if- '" - ~ - /' "\ ,,- \- - r ~ ; :t': . " :::. ~r I - : - ~ == .&..-,..., 0." '''''' ~, ~ 1.1I r TI 1'1 = - \. f TIT ....1-- ~ - ~ I I J /!- ~- ~= <:1.....r...,.~I..T -~E i ==~ ~-...- "mA"~ S<lt:r= ~t=: ,_ '-- - .. '-- 1-,---- lot-- _ '( f--I-- _~ -- 2 ~J-- ;:E -,.r Cc"'S'~<:; ~ r-- ~t::: - I--r- : -f- -- i--J-- '-- , ,- .. t:r- Of _t-- -- ~ '-- - I-- ;--- "J-- - :z _r- ::! _t-- -- Ei i-- - i-- '(J-- - :t _I-- '" _f- __ l '-- - I-- ;...- 0 J-- - ___ I-- p.- I I-- J . ~ ~t: /TCTOJAMSNT ~. 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