HomeMy WebLinkAbout91-174 MUHHVt. LUUNIY 1 B~P · 1'1 H r;. U L j 4 1 J . 1 j 1'1 U . U U L r. U L fNDEXE'Cl' . 2 "1/ill;ft0j ll.l.',~ Lt ~- 31!56~ 8K 1905 PG 311 ICtAL RECORDS OF OH \IE ~ ~AN . "cCALL," '. ~UHT . . 06/18/91 2100 P~:...PAGE 1, 4 8QARO OF SUPERVlwo RECOROIHG:fEE . . 0.00 He ll);OUL(:>,)U(,)L . RESOLUfJ.tION NO. 91-174 ^ RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH APPROVAL OF A FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN FOR FAIRWAY ESTATES (formerly known DS LAKEVIEW VILLAGE), TRACT 4097-B, A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OP. 'l'UE E~ NEJ.( SEC'l'ION 35, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, GIJ..A & SALT RIVER BASE & MERIDIAN, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH MORAVE VALLEY AREA, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA WHEREAS, at the special meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on June 17, 1991, a public hearing was conducted to determine the final subdivision plan for FAIRWAY ESTATES, Tract 4097-D, located in the South Mohave Valley area, and WHEREAS, the owners/subdividers of this tract are Glen L. & Pearle A.. Ludwig, San Bernardino, California. The en9 ineer " responsible for the preparation of the drainage report and deeign of this subdivision is Glen L. Ludwig, J.ludwig Engineering, San Bernardino, California, and WHEREAS, reviews have been received from the County Engineer/Floodplain Administrator, Mohave County Health Department, Sorrenson Utility Company, Bermuda Water Company, Arizona Department of Water Resources, and the Arizona Department '-' of Environmental Quality and considered or incorporat.ed in the evaluation of this final tract, and RGsolution ID:6027530732 No. 91_4 MAR 02'94 15:19 No.002 P.03 MOHAVE COUNTY . Page 2 , i L.. area, approximately one-half (.5) mile east of State Highway 95, and three (3) miles south of Bullhead City, and WIIEREAS, this subdivision is located in the Mohave Mesa WHEREAS, the approval ~f this subdivision is based on the understanding of the Board of Supervisors that all streets within the subdivision will be constructed and paved with asphaltIc concrete in accordance with standard specification #171, but in no case Shall it be . less than Mohave County Standards; the streets will include curb and gutter on the interior streeta; grading and drainaqe related improvements will be made as recommended by the design engineer in the . drainage reports; arrangements will be made to extend underground electric and '-- telephone service to each lot in accordance with Arizona Corporation Commission Regulations; all lots and street centerline monuments will be staked and monumented in accordance with standard specification No. 102; fire hydrants will be provided at locations prescribed by the Fort Mojave Mesa Fire Department; street name and regulatory eigns' will be installed in accordance with the requJ.rements of the Mohave County Subdivision Regullltions and as recommended by the design engineer and as a condj,tion of approval the owner/subdivider is responsible for the compl.etion of improvements and shall provide an assurance for all required subdivision improvements in accordance with Article V of the Subdivision Regulations, and '-. - WHEREAS, Mohave County has received Arizona Department of EnvJ,ronJnental Quality approvals for the water and sewer systems. ;- 1'0I~' 11i CFEE.'t-J1S") Resolution No. MOHAVE COUNTY 1D:6027530732 91.4 MAR 02'94 15:20 No.002 P.04 . Page 3 i.he assurances cover the cost of installing these site improvements and Certificates of Approval to Construct have been obtained. HOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board approves the said final plan conditional to the following: 1. The developer will make the same commitments for iloprovements in the prospectus to the State Real Estate Commission as is required for approval of this tract by the Board. \...- 6. 7. 8. 2. Arizona Department of the water and sewer subdivision. Environmental Quality approves system installation for this 3. The water system will provide adequate flows for fire protection. Fire hydrants conforming to the minimum County standards shall be provided and located no more than seven hundred and fifty (750') feet apart and/or fire hydrants acceptable to the Fort Mojave Mesa Fire Uepartment at the location they prescribe. The owner/subdivider shall cause the drainage related improvements to be completed as recommended by the project engineer and outlined in the detailed drainage report. 4. 5. Mountain View Road Shall be constructed entirely within the forty-two (42') foot right-of-way by the subdividerlowner with allowance to realigning itself with the centered portion of Mountain View Road as it continued south of the subdivision. If the property owner to the east agrees to joint venture this section of Mountain View Road, you will move the roadway to the centerline. Public utili ty easements and drainage easements shall. be depicted on or across all lots where determined by the design and they shall be properly noted in the dedication statement on the final plat. The FEMA designated floodplain shall be depicted and/or noted on the final plat. 'J.'h~ fJ.na}, Pl;t ~ T~ ~~097-B 1nclud~ng !-~,~ ~J..cation ~il ~.ed to ~ priperly ~~xecute~ andZ.g.~ ~~!fled ~y. all partie~ ~av ~g ~~ reco~~ tit~~ inte~~~ in .~~~,le land being .~U[)'dlv~.ded annrtcl1;!ded o~ thia .suDdiv l,~.:i.~n bO~!l~~ PAGE 3 OF , .1It 1905 PI 113 (Fl'E'91-315M) IVIUMHVt. LUUr'l I T iLJ.OUL(.:),)U(,)L riM" VL J.... J...J'LJ. I'U .VVL r .V..J "Resolution No. 91.4 . Page 4 9. An a8Bu~~ and/~J; .!!!Eety ahall be providad .:l:!! th.~ ~unt !?! th~ ~ov-ed cost "estimate for all !"_~quired ~ite !~prov~mentB. 10. There are several concerns noted in the final staff review comments which are ministerial in nature or relate to the drainage design for this tract. The drainage related changes which were addressed in a meeting between the Project Engineer and the Assistant Public Works Director in May, 1991 must be completed to the satisfaction of staff, and the related changes to the construction plans must be made prior to the recordation of this Tract 4097-B. The Director of Planning and Zoning shall verify the completion of these items prior to presenting the plat to the Chainnan of the Board for signature. NOW 'l'HEREFORE BE IT FURTHER HBSOLVED, upon receipt of or evidence that these conditions have been met together with the executed mylara and appropriate recording fees, "the Director of Planning and Zoning will obtain the necessary signatures from the County Departments and officials and cause the final plat to be recorded. NOW THEREFORE DE IT FURTHER ImSOLVED, t:hat notice of hearing has been met and published throughout this subdivision process and the public was afforded notice of this final action through advertisement of the Board of Supervisor's Meeting for this date. MORAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS \.n' (~;, #' /{d/ ~-rL- Lois J. HUbbaPd, Chairman , tQGE19cd ~ 31t (FEE"I-31564)