HomeMy WebLinkAbout91-154 ~/~~~ . RESOLUTION NO. 91-154 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE GOLDEN VALLEY AREA PLAN TO PROVIDE FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL USES IN SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 18 WEST, TO BE PART OF THE REVISED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on June 3, 1991, a public hearing was conducted to consider amending the Golden Valley Area Plan. The amendment will be to provide for single,family residential uses in Section 15, Township 21 North, Range 18 West. Section 15 is bounded by Shipp and Redwall Drives, Aztec and Adobe Roads as outlined in the attached "Exhibit A", located in the Golden Valley area, and WHEREAS, the Planning and zoning Commission is required to recommend to the Board of Supervisors a County land use General Plan which is designed to conserve natural resources, aid public spending, and promote the health, safety, convenience, and general welfare of the public, and WHEREAS, Section 15 is located approximately miles west of the Highway 68 and 93 junction and is approximately .5 miles south of highway 68. Section 15 is bounded by Shipp and Redwall Drives, Aztec and Adobe Roads. The applicant is requesting that .. . . Resolution No. 91-154 Page 2 approximately 100 acres on Shipp Drive be designated as potential single family residential land use. The section currently has homes on the south half of the north half of the section. Some of these homes are on one acre lots and some on larger parcels. Review of floodplain map #040058-2325B indicates are two FEMA designated flood zones running through the section and field trips indicated the presence of a number of minor washes, and WHEREAS, a public meeting was held on May 1, 1991 at the Golden Valley Land Owners Building. Five property owners were in attendance. The residents in attendance expressed their oppos i tion to high dens i ty lots in this low dens i ty area and suggested to staff this application be denied. A few residents indicated that six thousand square foot lots were too small and perhaps half acre lots would be somewhat acceptable but basically preferred one acre lots as a minimum lot size. Another concern was the lack of open space for children in the proposed subdivision. Residents also expressed a desire to keep animal uses in the area and feel that this development may initiate future land use conflicts, and WHEREAS, the initial proposal for this subdivision is 433 lots in a 100 acre parcel with provision for a wastewater treatment plant and two small parks in addition to combined drainage and open space areas. The nearest high density project PAGE 7 Of 4 BK 1898PG 722 (FEEt91-28341) Resolution No. ~154 . Page 3 to this section would be Aztec Junction which is on Aztec Road between Highway 68 and Shipp Drive, and WHEREAS, after lengthy public discussion with the citizens affected by this change, area neighbors reconsidered their position except for the neighbor on the twenty (20) acre parcel adjacent to the property, thus indicating their approval of the change. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommend APPROVAL of this amendment to the Golden valley Area Plan, as set forth in Exhibit A, and WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, on May 19, 1991 and posted May 17, 1991 as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, June 3, 1991 approved and adopted this update of the South Mohave Valley Area Plan as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS d~~/L4~ Lois' J. Hubbard; Chairman PAGE 3 OF 4 BK 1898 PG 723 (FEEt91-28341) .. " (~.,~ t:.A t-' LA I~ AIVI t:.1'4 U IVI Cor r'-'" AJS E C T ION 15 T 2 1 N, R 1 8 Wa' ~HAVE COUNTY, ARIZ~ . . ,/ , 9 10_____ I ,~I= DR. I __ 1. l,iH~ ~ "lfiH J RS J : RS: : RS L..: ... IL..J L ---- ----- r,H '=, r' .. :-Vlf- , ~ r . '1 1 1\ I LARJIL. AR ,J:,'L_AR r' .. '-l:l'lir' 'il AR ai' AR.. !ll\ AR I . I' AR : .\ AR U AR ,. L"J L.. "~ L 21 22 LEGEND RS - Residential Single Family RM - Residential Multi-Family CN - 'Commercial Neighborhood CG - Commercial General AR - Agricultural Residential P - Public Park Site ...J . 10 11 ...l'r...._.../f 14 :.\1: :\ AR . .J L,. J TA't:-~ . 1:1,'-' '1' J\L~ ... ARBt6& 0 . r';' -;.~ 'G:~ ~,1 1\ AR i.~ .. JIL,J rr''V /: " AR ! ilL Jl .J! '.- ..::U 14 E&W A J:-t:--f). 22 23 AR PAGE 4 OF 4 BK 1898 PG 724 (FEE~91-28341) GOLDEN V ALLEY I Exhibit A