HomeMy WebLinkAbout91-150 +60'j) ..lia_."--- ._.- . i?,EXEO 1- ~~.-'28338 f'K 1898 PG 711 'fr....FICIALRECORDS OF nOHAVE eoUNTY AZ. *JOAN rfcCAlL,nOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER I 06/04/91 4:00 P.M. PAGE 1 OF 4 HOHAVE COL~Y BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING-FEE 0.00 Ne RESOLUTION NO. 91-150 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE REZONING OF THE NE~ SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH RANGE 21 WEST, TO BE KNOWN AND SUBDIVIDED AS PALOS VERDES ESTATES, TRACT 4131, FROM: R-E/I0A (RESIDENTIAL RECREATION/TEN ACRE MINIMUM LOT SIZE) ZONE, PROPOSED TO BE: (S- D)C-RE/30M (SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMERCIAL RECREATION/ THIRTY THOUSAND SQUARE FOOT MINIMUM LOT SIZE) AND (S-D)R-O/6M (SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MOBILE HOMES PROHIBITED/ SIX THOUSAND SQUARE FOOT MINIMUM LOT SIZE) ZONES, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH MOHAVE VALLEY AREA, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on June 3, 1991, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted to Joel Purcell, President of Global Financial Services, Inc., Torrance, California for a rezoning from existing R-E/10A (Residential Recreation/Ten Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone to (S-D)C-RE/30M (Special Development Commercial Recreation/Thirty Thousand Square Foot Minimum Lot Size) and (S-D)R-O/6M (Special Development Single Family Residential/Mobile Homes PrOhibited/Six Thousand Square Foot Minimum Lot Size) zones, located in the South Mohave Valley area, and WHEREAS, Section 31 is approximately 3 miles south of Bullhead City'S southern border and 2 miles east of Highway 95. The project site is approximately 2.5 miles east of Highway 95 on the south side of Joy Lane, and . . Resolution No. 91-150 Page 2 WHEREAS, review of floodplain map #040058-2445C indicates portions of this development are within a designated floodplain. Surrounding land uses consist of vacant land to the east, north and south with the proposed Ranch on Joy Lane tract to the west. The size of the development is approximately 58 acres. The developer proposes 264 lots having a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet and maximum of 8,143 square feet. Overall density is 4.52 lots, or dwelling units, per acre; a one acre parcel is reserved for recreational purposes, and WHEREAS, this request is in conformance with the South Mohave Area Plan, and WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and zoning Commission on May 8, 1991, the Commission recommended APPROVAL of the requested zone change contingent upon the following conditions: Due to the mix of residential and recreation uses the Commission recommends this entire subdivision be designated a Special Development (S-D) with accompanying zoning specifications. The Commission recommends APPROVAL of this modified zone change contingent upon the following conditions: 1. stated on the Compliance with the conditions Preliminary Plat approval. 2. The applicant comply with all applicable provlslons of Sections 25, 26, 27, and 31 of the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. In addition to compliance with Ordinance 87-1 (Dark Sky Ordinance). PAGE 20F 4 BK 1898 PG 712 (FEEt91-28338) ReSolution.. 91-150 . Page 3 PAGE 3 OF 4 BK 1898 PG 713 (FEEt91-28338) 3. The owner accepts that whenever a "S-D" zone is granted, each phase of stage of development of building proposals shall be submitted to the planning staff, to be evaluated and compared with the approved zoning plan before any permits may be granted. 4. Any significant change (as determined by the Planning Director - appealable to the Planning Commission) in the approved zoning plan shall require a rehearing on the change before the Commission, with a final determination to be made by the Board. 5. Staff will maintain the most current approved ZONING PLAN on file in the master zoning folder for reviews. 6. The use of this property may not be changed by the owner/developer or subsequent owners as it is approved unless subsequently approved by the Board in accordance with Arizona Statutes Annotated, Title II, Chapter 6, Section 11-832. 7. The rezone shall become effective upon the recordation of the Final Plat. 8. A Special Development prior to the cutoff meeting at which this heard. (S-D) plan shall be submitted for the Board of Supervisors zoning request is desired to be NOTE: The following apply to the zoning of Parcel "S": 9. That the ZONING PLAN be approved for a (S-D)C-RE/30M (Special Development/ Commercial-Recreation/ Thirty Thousand Square Feet Minimum Lot Size) zone in accordance with Section 19 of the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. 10. Parcel "S" shall be designated as the site for future clubhouse and associated facilities. 11. Parcel "S" shall not be split and any other uses other than specified must be reviewed by staff as they would constitute a major change on the S-D plan. 12. A scaled site plan shall be submitted to staff prior to the June 3, 1991 Board of Supervisors meeting. (See #8 above. ) 13. Plans for the proposed pool and other recreational facilities be submitted to and approved by ADEQ and Mohave County Division of Environmental Health. 14. Plans for the recreation facilities be submitted to and appr0v~d by the Mohave County Building Department. 15. Pertinent Zoning (Build i 11'J) r,ormi ts be obtained. "~ ~___,__-~,_~.~,__ L..'_"_.' ~ _ ,- "'~-,_"~~,_,~___L~"_.,,,,._._.._,_ ,.. ... ,'L ,., Resolution No. (/~150 Page 4 \'-. /) PAGE 4 OF 4 BK 1898 PG 714 (FEE~91-28338) NOTE: The following apply to the residential development: 16. The ZONING PLAN be approved for a (S-D)R-O/6M (Special Development/Single Family Residential Mobile Homes prohibi ted/Six Thousand Square Feet Minimum Lot Size) zone in accordance with Section 19 of the Mohave County Zoning Reg~lations. 17. The minimum setbacks for this development shall be the R-O setbacks as per the approved preliminary plan. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the' Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, on May 19, 1991, and posted May 17, 1991 as required by Arizona Revised Statutes ,and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meet~ing on Monday, June 3, 1991 approved this change in zoning as rE'commended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ff~ ~~J/~ Lois J, Hubbard, Chairman