HomeMy WebLinkAbout91-265 ~ ol.., /: Y) . lliD_EXEC' ~. ,~~; - - ~,.\.\.v.. ~1Iio\J";"'ii: .... 7'\~"''' ~"'"-'. :.I~ /.~',-./ ~~ '''-'':~\ '- '. " ,,:,',"'""':-.' -. ~ -:.':. .:-:.:. .-:~~( .... ..\.,~.\ _..".;.~" i:r 1 .., ',d'J~';., ~:~~\.! ..""Y '~ ,r;,':" ~91.-' 55282 8K 1957 PG 372 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MGHAVE CQUHTY AZ. fJOAN McCALL, MOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER* 10/C9/91 2~OO P.M. PAGE 1 OF 5 MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE O.DO Ne RESOLUTION NO. 91-265 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH APPROVAL OF A PETITION OF EXCEPTION FOR STREETS LESS THAN STANDARD WIDTH WITHIN MOON RIDGE, TRACT 4119, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH MOHAVE VALLEY AREA, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the special meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on October 7, 1991, a public hearing was conducted to determine the approval of the Petition of Exception for streets less than standard width in Moon Ridge, Tract 4119, located in the South Mohave valley area, and WHEREAS, this proposed subdivision is located approximately two and one-half (2.5) miles south of Bullhead City's southern most boundary and is approximately one and one-quarter (1.25) miles east of Highway 95. This project is'accessible via Highway 95, south to Joy Lane, east approximately one (1) mile to the intersection of Joy Lane and Mountain View Road, north approximately one-half (.5) mile to Hammer Lane, east one- quarter (.25) mile to Van Mouwerick, then south approximately one-quarter (.25) mile to Moon Valley, Tract 4121, and WHEREAS, the preliminary plan depicts approximately five (5) acres subdivided into sixteen (16) individual lots. The proposed . ':.... . . Resolution 91-265 Page 2 PAGE 2 OF 5 BK 1957 PG 373 (FEE~91-55282) minimum lot size for this project will be 9,800 square feet with a maximum lot size being proposed as 12,375 square feet. This property is bordered on the north by the proposed Sun Desert subdivision, on the south by the proposed Pine River Estates subdivision, on the west by Tierra Del Rio, Tract 4048-D, and on the east by unsubdivided properties. These projects are located on the western alluvial slope of the Black Mountains and are subject to flash flooding and sheet flow runoff. The Pine River Estates subdivision, Sun Desert Estates subdivision and the Moon Valley tract, have been consolidated into one (1) comprehensive drainage study by the consultant, and WHEREAS, the South Mohave Valley Area Plan has designated this area as having a potential for single family residences. The overall density for this project will be approximately 3.2 units per acre, and WHEREAS, water service will be provided by the Bermuda Water Company, Inc. This property proposes to have private individual disposal systems for sewage disposal. This, project is located within the Mohave valley Irrigation and Drainage District, and WHEREAS, the preliminary subdivision plan for the subject project was approved by the Board of Supervisor on January 14, 1991 with standard Petitions of Exception. It was determined by '- . . Resolution 91-265 Page 3 the County Engineer tha t the PAGE '3 OF 5 BK 1957 PG 374 (FEE~91"55232) street widths wi thin this subdivision did not meet the county's design standards. Consequently, the County Engineer recommended an additional Petition of Exception in order to rectify this concern, and WHEREAS, Petition of exception was submitted for the following Exception: A. Streets less than standard width, The special circumstances or conditions which warrant these deviations from the design standards are as follows: 1. The granting of this petition will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other adjacent properties because: A. The design specifically provides for greater safety and health measures. Due to the nature of this design, there is no impact on adjacent property. B. The design provides for circulation for and use of the property in conformance to the regulations as was ruled previously in the approved petition. C. The entire project is designed with inverted streets with concrete curbs to control drainage and pass drainage through the project without damage and minimize maintenance costs to the County. The 100 year storm flows are contained within the improved street section, a special feature of the project design. WHEREAS, the Commission, at their meeting on wednesday, September 11, 1991 recommended APPROVAL of this Petition of Exception based on the aforementioned justification, as depicted in Exhibit "A". . . . Resolution 91-265 Page 4 PAGE ~ OF 5 BK 1957 PG 375 (FEE~91-55282) NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, October 7, 1991 approved this petition of exception as recommended by the Commission and outlined herein. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: BeC~t~~~ 4 r....~.. ' '11 ~y ;, ,~ -j -< -0 () )> r (J) z -j -l :::0 rrl c.n rrl -j , (J) rrl () -j ~m :ti 0 tI'} ~~ z (J) ~~: -to ~~ ~t+ 0::0 f ...... t~ ~ ~G) .D ...... n, - ...... I '-0 '" " tIl ~r:- ~~ I en 3:;0 ;0 :X::l: ;:: < 3: 3:::t. C ",- a 1>", 0 t:> ", ",t:> Z 1>0 Cl ;::en 0 z 1> 1> ~ oGl 0 0(11 III 'l:-i Z ;:: 0 0;:: (11 ~6 en ~~ ;0 0 0 0", (f) en c; a C ~ ~ ;0 -; (11 <. 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