HomeMy WebLinkAbout91-300 It . . RESOLUTION NO. 91-300 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH APPROVAL OF A CHANGE OF USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A METAL FABRICATIONS PLANT IN AN A-D (AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT) ZONE ON PARCEL II-H-A RECORD OF SURVEY, IN THE NE~ SECTION 76, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 16 WEST, LOCATED AT THE KINGMAN AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK, LOCATED IN THE KINGMAN AREA, MOHA VE COUNTY, ARI ZONA WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held November 4, 1991 a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted to Art Umbaugh, agent for LAMINAID'S of Mission Viejo, California for a Change of Use Permit to allow the establishment of metal fabrications plant in an A-D (Airport Development) zone, located at the Kingman Airport Industrial Park in the Kingman area, and WHEREAS, Kingman Airport Industrial Park is located approximatelx 3.5 miles northeast of the eastern I-40 and Highway \'\" 66 intersection. The subject property is accessed from Highway 66 via Industrial Parkway east approximately 430 feet to Industrial Boulevard thence north approximately 930 feet to Mohave Airport Drive thence east approximately 2800 feet to Olympic Way thence north approximately 1030 feet to the northeast corner of Finance Way and Olympic Way, and 2- 14 . . Resolution No. 91-300 Page 2 WHEREAS, review of floodplain map #040058-2170B indicates this area to be clear of a designated floodplain. The site is currently vacant. Surrounding land uses consist of a mixture of industrial and commercial uses and some vacant land. The applicant desires to establish a fabrications plant for the manufacture of movie reels and drafting table tops. As required in the regulations any new use must be reviewed by the Commission and approved by the Board of Supervisors. The Mohave County Airport Authority has recommended their approval of this request, and WHEREAS, public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on October 9, 1991 and did generate a recommendation of APPROVAL of the requested Change of Use Permit contingent upon the following conditions: 1. The applicant comply with all applicable provisions of Section 13.1 (A-D zone) of the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. 2. Th~ applicant comply with all applicable provisions of Sections 25, 26, 27, and 31 of the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. In addition to compliance with Ordinance 87-1 (Dark Sky Ordinance). 3. Submittal of change of use fee prior to the Board of Supervisors meeting of November 4, 1991. 4. That appropriate zoning/building/environmental permits be obtained. . . Resolution No. 91-300 Page 3 WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona on October 20, 1991, and posted October 18, 1991 as required by the Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, November 4, 1991 approved this Change of Use Permit as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission, subject to the conditions outlined herein. MORAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: Lois J. Hubbard, Chairman Pat Chastain, Clerk ~'~, . . Mr. Jim Neblett Director, Mohi1ve Cllunty Planning and Zoning 1,675 Highway (,(, Kingman, AZ X(,401 ~ ;;.w., :. ;11.. &~~,'. iI<~100 ",''i1!. !!.{i; .. -.~ Dear Jim: On September .1, 1991, Laminaids purchased Parcel II-H-A at the Kingman Airpllrt Industrial Park. The intended use ll[ this parcel is [or a metal fabrication shop. The primary usc will he the manufacture of aluminum drafting table tups and movie rewind spools. I respectfully request th,1I yuu put this item un the next P & Z Commission and Board u[ Supervisurs agenda for approval u[ this use. The property owner is ready to proceed with construction. Sincerely, F\ L;r~- ~im Wilkinson Executive Director Mohave County Airport Authority, Inc. · 7000 Flightline Drive · Kingman, AZ 86401 · (602) 757-2134 .-, . f h ;j.4iAvASU UNITES r--, . ( STEEL BUILDING SYSTEMS L080 W. ACOMA BLVD., LAKE HAVASU CITY, ARIZONA 86403 PHONE: (602) 855-2415 FAX. (602) 855-0121 Sept. 13, 1991 Mohave County Planning & Zoning Dept. P. O. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 ATTN: Jim Neblett With reference to your request to our John Carfield on 9/12/91, the proposed usage for the building to be located on Parcel II-H-A at Olympic Way and Finance Way, Kingman, Arizona will be the fabrication of honeycomb sandwich panels for movie and printed circuit board industries. Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above address. Art Umbaugh, Agent for Laminaid's, Mission Viejo, CA AU/It ~, . ~~ September '2(J, 1 ')'J1 M. Jim !/irectur, P.,(,75 Hi k~~n, ell have County Planning and Zoning a y (,(l Z XMOI Dear Jim: As you instructed, I have received permission from Sill Roper, Pat Holt and R,'n Bernstein to place the change of use of Pareelll-H-A at the Kingman Airport Industrial Park (10 the next Planning and Zuning Commission agenda. Enclosed is back up material for the proposed use by Laminaid's. If I can provide additional information, please contact me. Sincerely, /1, ~__/ .ft ,. f / i Jim \Vilkinson Mohave County Airport Authority, Inc. · 7000 Flightline Drive · Kingman, AZ 86401 . (602) 757-2134 . . Report on evaluation of Laminaids THIS INFORMATION IS NOT CONFIDENTIAL Laminaids lS a sole proprietor California business which is requesting to purchase approximately 1 acre of land at the Kingman Airport Industrial Park to use as a manufacturing plant for metal fabrication products. The metal fabrication operation is a machine shop type operation which shapes metal (primarily aluminum) into the finished products. Specific activities include cutting, shaping and welding. Finished products include metal drafting board portion of digitized drafting tables and large motion picture bulk rewind spools . The company anticipates constructing a 4,960 sq. ft. building initially and as business dictates, building a second facility on the same parcel. Employment It is anticipated that this sale will create 7 jobs initially and the ultimate number of employees is projected to be 15-25 operating out of Kingman. The company estimates that three of the initial number of the employees will be relocating to Kingman. The remainder will be hired locally. Hazardous Materials The metal fabrication business requires no hazardous or toxic materials for operation other than small amounts of preadhesive and cleaning fluid for equipment maintenance. Normal inventory of these items should not exceed 5 gallons each. Adhesives used are non- flammable. Permit Information The operation requires no ADEQ or EPA permit for the proposed operation. Municipal water and sewer use It is anticipated that the proposed operation will have only domestic water~,.and sewer use. At 25 GPO per employee, the operation would have a water consumption and sewer discharge of 175 gallons per day. If the ultimate number of employees is hired the consumption will be 625 GPO. No chemicals will be flushed into the sewer system. Reputation The company has been operating in Mission viejo, California for over 15 years and has had no apparent problems or complaints from any regulatory agencies. They appear to be an asset to the community. Financial Stability The company reports annual sales $250,000 to $300,000 with a profit margin of 22+ percent. The most recent quarterly Income Statement (attached) indicates first quarter sales of $58,721.11 with a net . . loss of $6,315.62. Company proprietor reports that this loss is an anomaly since he had some unusually high expenses related to the construction of additional equipment during this quarter. The balance sheet indicates assets of $13,774.68. The current rent in Mission Viejo has been raised to approximately $33,000 per year which has in part helped the owners to decide to relocate. Upon relocation to Kingman, the land acquisition and moving cost will be completely recovered in two to three years. ~~ :- -------.. -- -.- r . , " . ....- ......~-. )...- - ~ E l FTM ENDLES.S LOOP FILM SYSTEM The Christie Endless Loop Film System (ELF) now makes it possible to project over 4 hours of film continuously. At the end of the feature it is no longer necessary to return to the booth for rethreading, and since the film never comes in contact with the floor during con- tinuous rethreading. it stays cleaner and sc'r:Jtch free. Each feature is only loaded once through the projector, so the chance of misthreading or misframing is eliminated. The secret to the ELF's success is its simplicity. By incorporating a revolutionary platter design, the non-round plotter gently guides the film in__~ - -g8(1~18 loops.--The film-is-never push-ed or pulled, it is gently metered onto' the plotter by on independent feed arm. No pusher arm to stretch or damage film. Operation of the ELF is os easy as with 0 stan- dard plotter. Making up or breaking down a show is simple. A new feature is made up by loading onto the regular platter located above or below the ELF. Using the standard make-up table, this is quickly accomplished. The feature is then run onto the ELF during the first showing; with a Simple splice, it becomes a continuous film system. ' , . '., ~ , !-. ,.... , . - ~ : I"' , :t As a safety feature, each ELF comes with a unique fail safe/split film detector, an electronic sensor which will stop the film before a break or tear causes any problem. '" The ELF Is everything you wont in 0 continuous film handler and more. With 0 flick of a switch the ELF plotter converts to a conventional 3 Disk Autowind 3R. No other system can offer the flexibility and dependability of the ELF and most important of all - you receive Christie Quality and Christie Integrity. It's an Endless Loop and an Autowind 3R . Over 4 hours of film capacity on one endless loop plotter · Electronic fail safe/split film detector . Endlass loop plaUer converts to standard Autowlnd in seconds. just flip 0 switch . Simplified adding or removal of trailers without disturbing tI~e print \ · Prevents misfhreoding and misfrClming . Eliminates scratching and dirt buildup due to film touching the floor during relhreading CHRISTIE -._.__.~- ELECTRI(: CORP. -I-:- ~.-- - ",..\--+ II . _ __ .... .. .. .. .... ....~,...." ~ ....,~..... -' J .' . t. ,'- -. ....;.~ "{'~"'.1' . ~ f\' (0'.".. - ,...... '-'I{t"""( .",.11"".""" ._ ..1_ _ ,,'~.t_,_~..1t_. :~, :~:"~/:'. ,,~..;.,;; I\),~ ';'/'..."/H/.(/U.,",. ., ,'."ff ?,.J.:: ~=-i-!.;.j: E. ffH~=-:r.,' _ :J1..)".\'ltlljJ/~1 ~ 1 .. 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Series THREE precision digitizers utilize a microprocessor to calculate the cursor position from information detected by circuitry strategically placed in the sur- face. Kurta's unique design provides for transmission of a signal to the surface from either a comfortably sized, durable metal pen or 16-button cursor. Combined with low-power out- put, this small transmitting source elim- inates RFt problems. Therefore, magnetic media ~.l'~C'" (such q..~, diskettes) that may-corne in contact with the passive surface will not be affected. The family ')f Series THREE digitizers are thin, li~htweight surfaces which allow for easy customer set-up. Each product in this family of digitizers, fVt~" Ii ~~'\l r ")/7- ~ \e,~bSr\ 7- ~tJ\~C\~N'\GA $- .2:. &. ~~1\e\..~~ /...-r cO \~.:\~, / /.i111v~~t ~.,/:,:;:~ '. / /' ----- available in five sizes (12"x12", 12"x18", 30"x36", 36"x48", 42"x60") employs a common electronic control card which allows you to interchange various size surfaces while maintaining software and firmware compatibility. Series THREE provides modularity, flexibility and the performance to match your needs. KurtS\'s microprocesSJr design provides lor a variety of data manipulation func- tions without tying up your host processor. The built-in power supply eliminates the :ieed for wall mounts. Custom logos ~ I. ,iill/ ...... .... '. .,'. are available for OEM custo- mers. These unique pro- ducts otler you the reliable alternative in cligitizers.