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RESOLUTION NO. 92-25 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH AN UNDERSTANDING OF INTENT TO ENTER INTO AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FORT MOJAVE INDIAN TRIBE AND THE FORT MOJAVE TRIBAL UTILITY AQTHORITY TO PROVIDE WASTEWATER/SEWER SERVICE TO NON-TRIBAL PROPERTIES NORTH OF JOY LANE ROAD AND SOUTH OF THE SOUTHERN MOST EXTENSION OF THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF BULLHEAD CITY, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA WHEREAS, at the special meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held January 20, 1992, the Board agreed in principle to begin the process of providing urban services, specifically wastewater/sewer service to serve growth at the time of new development for an area of the County that lies north of Joy Lane Road anQ south of the southern most boundary of Bullhead City, Arizona, and WHEREAS, The Fort Mojave Indian Tribe through it's Chairperson, Nora Garcia, has approached the Board seeking a mutual agreement whereby both political entities may through mutual agreement resolve to work together to maintain appropriate levels of public safety, health and delivery of urban services to the aforementioned area, and WHEREAS, the Fort Mojave Tribal Utility Authority (FMTUA), an organization that provides wastewater/sewer service for Tribal . . . . Resolution No. 92-25 Page 2 and non-Tribal property, has the ability to provide wastewater/sewer service to the area north of Joy Lane Road, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has granted a nonexclusive franchise to FMTUA to provide wastewater/sewer service north of Joy Lane Road, and WHEREAS, recent changes in Arizona statutes authorize Mohave County to enter into direct intergovernmental agreements under the provisions of Title 11, Chapter 7, Article 3, with Indian Tribes to jointly exercise powers relative to: 1. The means of supplying County Land Use Regulations, including zoning and subdivision standards, to projects developed by lessees and transferees of agencies and tribes. , 2. The means of applying County adequate public facilities regulations pertaining to water, sewer, drainage, roads, parks and public safety, including dedication and construction requirements and development fees, to projects developed by lessees and transferees of agencies and tribes. WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors adopted an amendment to the Mohave County General Plan and the South Mohave Valley Area Plan via Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 91-61, providing for the Mohave County Wastewater Master Plan for the area north of Joy Lane Road and south of the Bullhead City limits, and . . . . Resolution No. 92-25 Page 3 WHEREAS, entering into an intergovernmental agreement between the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe and FMTUA will allow for the full growth of the population and economy to occur consistent with sound health and land use planning which is in the interest of the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe, FMTUA, and Mohave County, and WHEREAS , County desire the to Fort Mojave enter into Indian Tribe, FMTUA, an intergovernmental and Mohave agreement providing pursuant to A.R.S. 9-461.12 for the purposes of wastewater/sewer service for the areas shown in Exhibit "A" . , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Supervisors, through it's County Manager, directs it's consultant, FREILICH, LEITNER, CARLISLE & SHORTLIDGE of Kansas City, Missouri, through Phase VI: Joint Planning: Indian Tribes, of our professional agreement dated the 3rd day of June, 1991, to prepare an intergovernmental agreement that would provide wastewater/sewer services to an area as indicated by Exhibit "A". NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that negotiations be entered into expeditiously and the draft agreement be brought back to the Board for consideration and passage as soon as possible. . . . . Resolution No. 92-25 Page 4 NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Attorney shall assist in this process of preparation. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors shall cooperate with, deal with the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe, FMTUA in good faith in the development of this intergovernmental agreement and look forward to the same in return. That once completed shall assist each other in the performanc~ of the provisions of the agreement. , NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors at their special meeting on Monday, January 20, 1992 passed this Resolution of Intent to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe/FMTUA as outlined herein. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Lois J. Hubbard, Chairman ATTEST: Pat Chastain, Clerk Attachment: Exhibit "A" . . . . EXHIBIT B: DETAILED TASK DESCRIPTIONS PHASE VI: JOINT PLANNING: COUNTY, STATE AGENCIES AND INDIAN TRIBES 6.1 Meetin2s with State Aeencies and Indian Tribes. Consultant shall meet with up to three (3) state agencies and Indian Tribes (Le., Federal Bureau of Land Management, Arizona State Land Department and Fort Mojave Indian Tribe ),as designated by the County, to determine the nature and scope of anticipated development on existing public lands, and to define methods of applying County (or City, where applicable) development regulations and adequate public facilities standards to lessees and transferrees of public lands. Consultant shall attend three (3) meetings for this Task. 6.2 Draft Inteq:overnmental Aereements. Consultant shall assist the County Attorney in drafting intergovernmental agreements with up to three state agencies or Indian Tribes establishing procedures for applying County or (as applicable) City land use regulations and adequate public facilities standards to development on existing public lands by lessees and transferrees of state agencies and Indian Tribes. , #4749 B-12 5/28/91 /~ 1 2 3 .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 19 19 20 ,21 122 ZJ 24 25 26 27 28 , ~~ ~~ 33 94 35 36 37 28 ~g ~~ :: 45 ~; 48 H.B. 2345 . . . . 9-461.12. Joint actiQ~: c~~ration with state aQencies: land and aei it1es use A. Munic1pal and county plann1ng commissions may upon approval of the1r respective legislative bod1es hold Joint meet1ngs concerning matters and problems which are common or 1mpacting upon such juriSdictions. B. Counties and municipal planning commiSsions, or Iny combination thereof, may make cooperative arrangements for a joint director of plannin9t- AND for such other employees as may be required to operate a Joint staff and may contract to render techn1cal service to another commission in the same area. Such arrangements or contracts shall be approved by the legislative bodies having juriSdiction thereof. . C. State departments, agencies, boardse-- OR commissions or Iny political subdivision intending to acquire, dispose of, or construct upon Iny real property within a municipality shall. prior to such acquisition, disposal, or construction. notify the affected municipality and cooperate to the fUllest extent pOSSible to insureconform1ty with the adopted general plan or part thereof. O. A COUNTY MAY ENTER INTO INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF TITLE 11. CHAPTER 7. ARTICLE 3 WITH STATE DEPARTMENTS, AGENCIES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS OR WITH INDIAN TRIBES TO JOINTLY EXERCISE POWERS RELATING TO: 1. THE MEANS OF APPLYING COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS, INCLUDING ZONING AND SUBDIVISION STANDARDS, TO PROJECTS DEVELOPED BY LESSEES AND TRANSFEREES OF AGENCIES AND TRIBES. 2. THE MEANS OF APPLYING COUNTY ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ' REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO WATER, SEWER, DRAINAGE, ROADS, PARKS AND PUBLIC SAFETY, INCLUDING DEDICATION ANO CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT fEES. TO PROJECTS DEVELOPED BY LESSEES AND TRANSfEREES OF AGENCIES AND , INDIAN TRIBES. Sec. 3. Section 11-1103, Arizona Revised Statutes. is amended to read: 11-1103. Develooment fees: interoovernmeptal agreements: ~UrDO$e~ A county may enter nto an intergovernmental agreement to accept or d1sbur!e development fees for construction of I pUblic facility pursuant to a benefit area plan, INCLUDING AN AGREEMENT VITH A CITY OR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT FOR THE JOINT ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEEDS ASSESSMENT, THE ADOPTION Of A BENEFIT AREA PLAN AND THE IMPOSITION, tOlLECTION AND DISBURSEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT FEES TO IMPLEMENT A JOINT PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT. , Sec. 4. . SeCtion 11-1104. Arizona Revised Statutes, i$ amended to , I ! I 1 ! read: 11-1104. Develq~nt fee ~rOQrJnl reQu1re~n~ A county shill not requ re as a condition of development approval the construction of Iny pUblic faCility or other exaction for whieh a development fee ordinance has been adopted UNLESS THE COUNTY CREDITS THE REASONABLE VALUE OF FACILITIES ADVANCED, DEDICATED OR IMPROVED BY A DEVELOPER AGAINST THE DEVELOPMENT FEES. 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