HomeMy WebLinkAbout92-042 J . ~D) b .' ;Y j j i i I , I 1 1 "J ;~, I I 1 I I I 1 I I I i I I I I j ~'1 ! BEING RE-RECORDED TO CORRECT TYPE OF FACILITY . ." ..-., 5 l' V I..~n MICRO;:f1~1R .JI ~..~W . . ~ 2-' 6159 BK 20~ PG 16:: OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY AZ. *JOAH McCALL, MOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER* 02/04/92 2:00 P.M. PAGE 1 OF 2 MOHAVE COUHTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 He RESOLUTION NO. 92-42 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH APPROVAL OF A CHANGE OF USE TO ALLOW THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A WELDING AND FABRICATION FACILITY IN AN A-D (AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT) ZONE ON PARCEL IV-M-A RECORD OF SURVEY, LOCATED AT THE KINGMAN AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK, LOCATED IN THE KINGMAN AREA, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held February 3, 1992 a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted to Matthew and Paula Acton, Acton Welding, of Kingman, Arizona for a a welding Change of Use to allow the establishment of aR--a.,i.,r~f.t.--R~.- fabrication facility and -s-erv-iee---bu-s-~ft€-&&-~l?~-a-:&i:efl in an A-D (Airport Development) ---............. zone, located at the Kingman Airport Industrial Park in the Kingman area, and WHEREAS, public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on January 8, 1992 and Cifd ge~te"'~a recommendation of APPROVAL of the requested Change of- Use contingent upon the following conditions: 1. The applicant comply with all applicable provlslons of Section 13.1 (A-D zone) of the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. .&;. The applicant comply with all applicable provisions of ~ Sections 25, 26, 27 and 31 of the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. Compliance with Section 27. P (Site Plan Requirements) and Ordinance 87-1 (Dark Sky Ordinance) is also required. INDEXED r~ICROFlLMm' #92- 7990 8K 2008 PG 14- OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY AZ. ~ *JOAN I1cCALL, 110HAVE COUNTY RECORDER* 02/14/92 2:00 P.M. PAGE 1 OF 2 ,_~ MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~ RECORDING FEE 0.00 NC 2. . " Page 1 . MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MOIIA VE COUNTY, KINGMAN, ARIZONA REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 3, 1992 The Board of Supervisors of Mohave County met in Regular Session this 3rd day of February, 1992, at approximately 10:00 AM. In attendance were Lois J. Hubbard, Chairman; W.J. "Bill" Roper, Pat Holt, Ron Bernstein, Members; David J. Grisez, County Manager; William J. Ekstrom, Mohave County Attorney and Pat Chastain, Clerk of the Board. Chairman Hubbard requested that it be noted that Supervisor Foster was absent. Motion was made by Supervisor Roper, seconded by Supervisor Holt and unanimously carried to meet in Executive Session at 9:00 AM for legal counsel in accordance with A.R.S. 38-431.01 (A) (3) & (4) to discuss items noticed on the agenda with an asterisk prior to the Special meeting to be held February 18, 1992. Chairman Hubbard requested that it be noted that Supervisor Foster was now in attendance. There being no further additions or corrections to the draft of the minutes for the ,January 20, 1992, meeting, motion was made by Supervisor Holt and seconded by Supervisor Roper to approve the minutes as most recently drafted. The following votes were recorded on the motion: Supervisor Holt-Yes, Supervisor Roper-Yes, Supervisor Bernstein-No, Supervisor Foster-No, Chairman Hubbard-Yes. Motion carried by majority. Chairman Hubbard now recognized David J. Grisez, P.E., Mohave County Manager, who presented a plaque of appreciation to Rita Johnson, wife of Jeffrey Johnson, Mohave County Financial Services Director, for his service to Mohave County. The audience joined the Board in a round of applause. Motion was made by Supervisor Holt, seconded by Supervisor Bernstein and unanimously carried to approve the following Planning and Zoning Consent agenda minus items 2-10 and 2-11 as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission and as presented by Jim Neblett, Mohave County Planning and Zoning Director: 1. Evaluation of a Zoning Use Permit (ZUP) for the establishment of a recreational vehicle (R- V) park in a C-2 (General Commercial) zone on a portion of the N1/2 SE1/4 Section 21, Township 14 North, Range 20 West, located 500 feet north of Lake Drive on Highway 95 located in the Lake Havasu City area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-26) 2. Evaluation of a Zoning Use Permit (ZUP) for the expansion of a retail plant nursery in a C-2 (General Commercial) zone on Lot 28, Lake Havasu Highlands, Tract 1001, Section 21, Township 14 North, Range 20 West, occupying the northwest corner of Tourmaline Street and London Bridge Road, located in the Lake Havn~~lI Ci ty area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-27) :L Hezoning of a portion of SE1/4 :"';I!;J /1 SE1/4 Section 20, Township 14 North, Hange 20 West, From: ^-H u\gricl1lll1ral-Residentiall zone, Proposed to be: C-2/1A (General Commercinl/O!l(' Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone, located in the Lake Havasu area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-28) 4. Evaluation of a petition of abandonment to reduce the eastern portion of right-of-way for Riverfront Parkway to twenty-two (22') feet, located in Section 23, Township 17 North, Range 22 West, located in the South Mohave Valley area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-29) 5. Evaluation of a petition for abandonment and reversion to acreage of Lots 8 & 16, Block A, Fort Mohave Mesa Ranchos, located in Section 26, Township 19 North, Range 22 West, occupying the northeast corner of Joy Lane and Highway 95, located in the South Mohave Valley area. (APPROVED- Resolution No. 92-30) 6. Evaluation of a petition of exception for inverted street, single tiered block and P. U. E. 's on the front eight (8 ') feet of lots in JOY LANE PLAZA, Tract 4098, a resubdivision of Lots 8 and 16, Block A, Fort Mohave Mesa Ranchos, lying within the Sl/2 of Section 26, Township 19 North, Range 22 West, located in the South Mohave Valley area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92- 31) . ? Page 1 . MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MOlIA VE COUNTY, KINGMAN, ARIZONA HEGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 3, 1992 The Board of Supervisors of Mohave County met in Regular Session this 3rd day of February, 1992, at approximately 10:00 AM. In attendance were Lois J. Hubbard, Chairman; W.J. "Bill" Roper, Pat Holt, Ron Bernstein, Members; David J. Grisez, County Manager; William J. Ekstrom, Mohave County Attorney and Pat Chastain, Clerk of the Board. Chairman Hubbard requested that it be noted that Supervisor Foster was absent. Motion was made by Supervisor Roper, seconded by Supervisor Holt and unanimously carried to meet in Executive Session at 9:00 AM for legal counsel in accordance with A.R.S. 38-431.01 (A) (3) & (4) to discuss items noticed on the agenda with an asterisk prior to the Special meeting to be held February 18, 1992. Chairman Hubbard requested that it be noted that Supervisor Foster was now in attendance. There being no further additions or corrections to the draft of the minutes for the .January 20, 1992, meeting, motion was made by Supervisor Holt and seconded by Supervisor Roper to approve the minutes as most recently drafted. The following votes were recorded on the motion: Supervisor Hal t- Yes, Supervisor Roper-Yes, Supervisor Bernstein-No, Supervisor Foster-No, Chairman Hubbard-Yes. Motion carried by majority. Chairman Hubbard now recognized David J. Grisez, P.E., Mohave County Manager, who presented a plaque of appreciation to Rita Johnson, wife of Jeffrey Johnson, Mohave County Financial Services Director, for his service to Mohave County. The audience joined the Board in a round of applause. Motion was made by Supervisor Holt, seconded by Supervisor Bernstein and unanimously carried to approve the following Planning and Zoning Consent agenda minus items 2-10 and 2-11 as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission and as presented by Jim Neblett, Mohave County Planning and Zoning Director: 1. Evaluation of a Zoning Use Permit (ZUP) for the establishment of a recreational vehicle (R- V) park in a C-2 (General Commercial) zone on a portion of the N1/2 SE1/4 Section 21, Township 14 North, Range 20 West, located 500 feet north of Lake Drive on Highway 95 located in the Lake Havasu City area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-26) 2. Evaluation of a Zoning Use Permit (ZUP) for the expansion of a retail plant nursery in a C-2 (General Commercial) zone on Lot 28, Lake Havasu Highlands, Tract 1001, Section 21, Township 14 North, Range 20 West, occupying the northwest corner of Tourmaline Street and London Bridge Road, located in the Lake Hnvn~"ll (~i ,~' area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-27) :L Hezoning of a portion of SEl/4 :--il!;t II SE1/4 Section 20, Township 14 North, Range 20 West, From: A-H (Agricultural-Residential) zone, Proposed to be: C-2/1A (General Commercial/On\' Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone, located in the Lake Havasu area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-28) 4. Evaluation of a petition of abandonment to reduce the eastern portion of right-of-way for Riverfront Parkway to twenty-two (22') feet, located in Section 23, Township 17 North, Range 22 West, located in the South Mohave Valley area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-29) 5. Evaluation of a petition for abandonment and reversion to acreage of Lots 8 & 16, Block A, Fort Mohave Mesa Ranchos, located in Section 26, Township 19 North, Range 22 West, occupying the northeast corner of Joy Lane and Highway 95, located in the South Mohave Valley area. (APPROVED- Resolution No. 92-30) 6. Evaluation of a petition of exception for inverted street, single tiered block and P.U.E.'s on the front eight (8') feet of lots in JOY LANE PLAZA, Tract 4098, a resubdivision of Lots 8 and 16, Block A, Fort Mohave Mesa Ranchos, lying within the S1/2 of Section 26, Township 19 North, Range 22 West, located in the South Mohave Valley area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92- 31) . Page 2 . " MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MOHA VE COUNTY, KINGMAN, ARIZONA REGULAR MEETING, FEBHUARY 3, 1992 7. Evaluation of a request for an extension of time for processing of the approved preliminary subdivision plan for FAIRWAY ESTATES, Tract 4097, formerly known as Lakeview Village, being the El/2 of the NEl/4 Section 35, Township 19 North, Range 22 West, located in the South Mohave Valley area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-32) 8. Rezoning of Lot 19, Mohave Mesa, Tract 1021, Section 27, Township 19 North, Range 22 West, From: C-2 (General Commercial) zone, Proposed to be: C-MO/IA (Commercial Manufacturing Open Lot Storage/One Acre Minimum Lot Size) occupying the northeast corner of Lakewood Road and Torrance Road, located in the South Mohave Valley area. (APPROVED- Resolution No. 92-33) 9. Evaluation of a Zoning Use Permit (ZUP) for the establishment of a mobile home as a residence in a C-l (Neighborhood Commercial) zone on Lot 3, Block F, Golden Shores Unit #1, Section 15, Township 16 North, Range 21 West, located on Beach Drive 700 feet east of Willow Road, located in the South Mohave Valley area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-34) 10. Rezoning of the SEl/4 Lot 13, Paradise Acres Unit #1, Section 14, Township 21 North, Range 18 West, From: A-R/2A (Agricultural-Residential/Two Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone, Proposed to be: A-R/IA (Agricultural- Residential/One Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone, occupying the northwest corner of Crystal Drive and Horn Road, located in the Golden Valley area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-37) 11. Extension of time for approval of Monte Carlo Mobile Home Park, located on Parcel 5, Section 12, Township 21 North, Range 19 West, occupying the northeast corner of Laguna Road and Highway 68, located in the Golden Valley area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-38) 12. Evaluation of a petition requesting the abandonment of the westerly twenty (20') feet of the existing fifty (50') foot road easement, being Hassayampa Hoad, on the east boundary of Parcel 322, Section 20, Township 21 North, Range 18 West, located in the Golden Valley area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-39) 13. Evaluation of a petition requesting the abandonment of the existing seventy- five (75') foot road right-of-way, being Calle Sonoita, beginning at the Southeast corner of Section 29 extending east seventy-five feet, located in Section 29, rrownship 23 North, Range 16 West, located in the Kingman area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-40) 14. Evaluation of a request for a change of use on Parcel II-N -A for use as an aircraft hanger and service business operation at the Kingman Airport Industrial Park. (APPROVED - HeSll!ulioll No. 92-41) 15. Evaluation of a request for a change of use on Parcel IV -M-A for use as a welding and metal fabrication facility at the Kingman Airport Industrial Park. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-42) 16. Evaluation of a request for an extension of time for the completion of improvements for ARIZONA WEST, Tract 1112, located in Section 11, Township 23 North, Range 15 West, in the Mohave County General area. (APPROVED - Resolution No. 92-43) - --- --~--- Acknowledge receipt of the following petitions for rezone and zoning use permit, and referring them to the Commission for hearing for the March 11, 1992, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting: 1. Rezoning of a portion of Nl/2 NWl/4 NWl/4 Section 21, Township 14 North, Hange 21 West, From: C-2 (General Commercial) zone, Proposed to be: C-2H (Highway Commercial) zone, located west of London Bridge Road 380 feet south of Chenoweth Drive, located in the Lake Havasu City area. 2. Evaluation of a request to modify the South Mohave Valley Area Plan to allow for multiple family uses in portions of Section 23, Township 19 North, Range 22 West, located in the South Mohave Valley area. . Page 3 . .. MOlIA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MOl-lAVE COUNTY, JUNGMAN, ARIZONA REGULAR MEE'I'ING, FEBRUARY 3, 1992 3. Rezoning of a portion of the NE1/4 NE1/4 SE1/4 Section 23, Township 19 North, Range 22 West, From: A-R (Agricultural-Residential) zone, Proposed to be: R-M (Multiple Family Residential) zone, located on Aztec Road 300 feet west of Mountain View Road, located in the South Mohave Valley area. 4. Evaluation of a request to modify the South Mohave Valley Area Plan to allow for commercial manufacturing uses in that portion of Section 14 located west of Highway 95, Township 19 North, Range 22 West, located in the South Mohave Valley area. 5. Rezoning of Lots 11 & 12, Rio Palmas Unit I, Section 14, Township 19 North, Range 22 West, From: A-R (Agricultural-Residential) zone, Proposed to be: C-MO (Commercial Manufacturing Open Lot Storage) zone, located 450 feet west of Highway 95 on Sterling Road, located in the South Mohave Valley area. 6. Evaluation of a Zoning Use Permit (ZUP) for an off premise sign in a C-2 (General Commercial) zone located in the N1/2 NE1/4 SE1/4 Section 3, Township 18 North, Range 22 West, located west of Highway 95 between Lipan Boulevard and Boundary Cone Road, located in the South Mohave Valley area. 7. Evaluation of a Zoning Use Permit (ZUP) for a mobile home as a sales office and temporary open lot storage for highway construction equipment located in an A-R (Agricultural-Residential) zone located in a portion of the N1/2 Parcel 46, Section 10, Township 21 North, Range 18 West, occupying the southwest corner of Aztec Road and Highway 68, located in the Golden Valley area. 8. Evaluation of a Zoning Use Permit (ZUP) for establishment of an above ground propane tank for retail sales in a C-2H (Highway Commercial) zone, located on Lot 10, Block E, Golden Sage Ranchos Unit 65, occupying the southwest corner of Marana Road and Highway 68, located in the Golden Valley area. 9. Rezoning of the northern third portion of Parcel 531, Stockton Hill Ranches, Unit 11, Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 16 West, From: A-R/10A (Agricultural-Residential/Ten Acres Minimum Lot Size) zone, Proposed to be: A-R/3A (Agricultural-Residential/Three Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone, bounded by Calle Castano, Calle Blanca, Illinois and Kentucky Drives, located in the Kingman area. Dean Thomas and Steve Smith, of Franconia Technologies, gave a brief update to the Board regarding the final permits for that facility and advised that construction should begin April 1 and the facility could be in operation by January of 1993. Motion was made by Supervisf)J' Bernstein and seconded by Supervisor Holt to adopt Board of Supervisors Hesolution No. 92-35 - Extension of time for the approved rezoning mos Resolution Nu. ~JO-IG) of a portion of Section 8, 'I'ownship IG North, Hange 19 West. located nor! h of the Franconia 1-40 interchange in the Mohave County General area. The following votes were recorded on the motion: Supervisor Bernstein - Yes, Supervisor Hol t- Yes, Supervisor Roper- Yes, Supervisor Foster-No, Chairman Hubbard-Yes. Motion carried by majority vote. Randy Linquist, representing the developer, addressed the Board regarding the rezoning of Golden Valley Ranchos Unit 15, Block B, Lot 14, being a portion of Section 25, Township 21 North, Range 19 West, From: A-R/2A (Agricultural- Residential/Two Acres Minimum Lot Size) zone, Proposed to be: A-R/1A (Agricultural-Residential/One Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone, located 660 feet south of Bolsa Drive on Mormon Flat Road, located in the Golden Valley area. A short discussion ensued regarding the motion made by Supervisor Bernstein and seconded by Supervisor Foster to APPROVE the rezoning (overturning the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation of DENIAL) with conditions outlined by Jim Neblett, Mohave County Planning and Zoning Director. Supervisor Roper advised that, in his opinion, the Board had a "gentleman's agreement" to refer items that the Board disagreed on with the Commission, back to the Commission for further review. Director Neblett advised that the Planning and Zoning Commission had recommended DENIAL of the rezoning based on the remoteness of the area, the proximity to Highway 68 and the lack of parcel splits in the area. Jim Jones, . Page 4 . ". MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MOHA VE COUNTY, KINGMAN, ARIZONA REGULAR MEE1'1NG, FEBRUARY 3, 1992 Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commissioner, verified that the main concern of the commission was parcel splits without "infrastructure". The motion to approve, subject to conditions, by adoption of Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 92-36 was unanimously carried. The meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors was recessed and the meeting reconvened as the Board sitting as the Board of Directors - Golden Valley Improvement District No. 1. Chairman Hubbard advised that bond counsel had pulled the adoption of a resolution providing for the Issuance and Sale of Bonds for the Golden Valley Improvement District No. 1 - Water Line Project, Construction Project Eloy Road No.1, and therefore, no action was taken at this time. Chairman Hubbard advised that bond counsel had pulled the adoption of a resolution providing for the Issuance and Sale of Bonds for the Golden Valley Improvement District No. 1 - Water Line Project, Construction Project - Stewart Mountain Road No.1, and therefore, no action was taken at this time. Motion was made by Director Roper, seconded by Director Bernstein and unanimously carried to approve the Plans and Specifications for the Golden Valley Improvement District No. 1 - Street Improvement Project, Construction Project - Estrella Road and Egar Road No.1, as presented by Steve Wellington, engineer for the district, at an estimated $600,000 less than previously bid. Motion was made by Director Foster, seconded by Director Holt and unanimously carried to adopt Resolution of Intention No. 92-04 and Notice of Proposed Improvements for the Golden Valley Improvement District No. 1 Street Improvement Project, Construction Project - Estrella Road and Egar Road No. 1. Richard Skalicky, Mohave County Public Works Director, addressed the Board regarding the petitions to Incur Expense for the Golden Valley Improvement District No.1, Water Line Project, Construction Project Zone D. Director Skalicky advised that 408 property owners out of a total of 1045 property owners (39.04%) and 2,983.42 acres out of a total 4,401.44 acres (67.78%) of the property owners returned petitions. Director Skalicky further advised that the total front footage within zone D is 402,446 lineal feet, and that the total front footage of property owners returning petitions is 201,601 lineal feet and that the total percentage of front footage of property owners returning petitions is 50.09%. Director Skalicky requested that the Directors give the Mohave County Public Works Department direction regarding the amount of the petitions returned, as State Statute requires that a majority of front footage property owners sign the petitions. Motion was made by Director Roper and seconded by Director Holt to continue this item and request more petitioners to sign the petitions. A brief discussion ensued regarding a "comfort level" of petitioners signing the petitions. Motion was withdrawn by Director Roper and another motion was made by Director Roper, seconded by Director Holt and unanimously carried to postpone action and require that 55(1" of frontage property owners, in favor of the petition to incur expenses, be submitted for action before the Board of Directors. There being no further business to come before the Golden Valley Improvement District, the meeting was adjourned and reconvened as the Board of Supervisors. Mayor Carol Anderson, City of Kingman, now presented the Mohave County Water Augmentation Authority Ad Hoc Committee's recommendations to the Board. Motion was made by Supervisor Roper, seconded by Supervisor Holt and unanimously _ carried.- to acknowledge receipt of the _J~commeJlga.tionsan(L ref~!'_!l1e~~ _ to the Mohave Action Commission (MAC). A brief discussion ensued regarding the reimbursement of printing and mailing expenses in regard to the Ad Hoc Committee meetings incurred by the City of Kingman. As it was unclear if funds had been budgeted and whether other governmental entities had incurred expenses, no action was taken. Motion was made by Supervisor Foster, seconded by Supervisor Bernstein and unanimously carried to acknowledge receipt and refer to the Public Works Department a petition requesting that roadways in Dolan Springs - Mariposa Road from 16th to 17th Street be accepted into the Mohave County Road System for maintenance. . . Page 5 MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MOlIA VE COUNTY, KINGMAN, ARIZONA REGULAR MEE'TING, FEBRUARY 3, 1992 Motion was made by Supervisor Roper, seconded by Supervisor Bernstein and unanimously carried to adopt Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 92-24 - which would identify, regulate and place traffic control devices in Davis Camp, as recommended by the Mohave County 'l'raffic Committee, as requested by Tom Brady, Mohave County Parks Director. Motion was made by Supervisor Bernstein, seconded by Supervisor Holt and unanimously carried to approve entering into a contract with Cella Barr Associates for Professional Services - Phase IV of Davis Camp, as requested by Tom Brady, Mohave County Parks Director. Supervisor Holt requested that it be noted on the record that this would be funded from State Lake Improvement Funds specifically for Davis Camp. The meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors was recessed and the meeting reconvened as the Board sitting as the Board of Directors - Mohave County Library District. Motion was made by Director Roper, seconded by Director Holt and unanimously carried to approve Mohave County Library District Citizens' Advisory Committee recommendation RE: Application for Library Cards Policy, as presented by Debbie Burnham-Kidwell, Mohave County Library Director. Motion was made by Director Bernstein, seconded unanimously carried to approve Mohave County Library Committee recommendation RE: Audiovisual Policy, Burnham-Kidwell, Mohave County Library Director. by Director Roper and District Citizens' Advisory as presented by Debbie There being no further business to come before the Board of Directors - Mohave County Library District, the meeting was adjourned and reconvened as the Board of Supervisors. Motion was made by Supervisor Foster, seconded by Supervisor Bernstein and unanimously carried to approve the award agreement from the Arizona Department of Public Safety Criminal Justice Enhancement Fund in the amount of $12,637.00 for requisition of equipment and training to establish polygraph capability at the Sheriff's office, as requested by Sheriff Joe Cook, who was in attendance to address questions the Board had regarding this item. Jim Neblett, Mohave County Planning and Zoning Director, addressed the Board regarding the adoption of Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 92-44 - authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Kingman; preparing, adopting and implementing a Joint Development Plan for the Kingman area for new development only. Wayne Malone, a small rancher in the Kingman area, addressed the Board advising that what Mr. Neblett was referring to was House Bill 2345 in which it states that the area to be considered was a three mile radius as well as a twenty mile radius of the City of Kingman. M... Mnlone advised that, in his opinion, this should be placed before the people for n vole. and therefore was opposed to House Bill 2345. County Manager Grisez advised for the record that ARS Section 9- 246.1lIG)2 deals with the 20 mile radius but that it mayor may not include the mea where Mr. Malone resides. Director Neblett reiterated that the action requested at this time would only allow the County and the City of Kingman to discuss future growth in and around the City of Kingman. Director Neblett further advised that the Board may discuss those areas that are "urban" such as Golden Valley but that no action would be taken without Public Hearings. Motion was made by Supervisor Bernstein and seconded by Supervisor Holt to adopt Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 92-44 as discussed. Motion was made by Supervisor Foster and seconded by Supervisor Bernstein to amend the motion to include a member of the Board of Supervisors and two (2) members of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The main motion as amended was unanimously carried. Chairman Hubbard advised that Michael Forrest, from the Lower Colorado River Resource Conservation and Development, was not in attendance for the time set presentation and she would therefore, table this item until he was in attendance. The meeting continued as the time set for Public Auction of Parcels 402-55-08/9 - 402-59-05/6 Lots 2 & 3, Block 126 and Lots 3 & 4, Block 135, Virgin Acres near Littlefield, Arizona. There being no further bids, oral or in writing, Chairman Hubbard declared the land sold to the Biasi Family Trust in the amount of $4,050 as bid by Robert Brooks, Attorney for the Biasi Family Trust. . Page 6 . ,. MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MOHA VE COUNTY, KINGMAN, ARIZONA REGULAR MEETING, FEBRUARY 3, 1992 Motion was made by Supervisor Foster, seconded by Supervisor Bernstein and unanimously carried to adopt Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 92-45 - Tentative Poll workers for the March 10, 1992 - Special elections for Kingman Hegional Hospital District No.1, So-Hi Domestic Water Improvement District, Bullhead City Elementary School District No. 15 - Bond and the City of Kingman Primary Election, as requested by Paul Post, Mohave County Elections Director. The meeting continued as the Public Hearing regarding the issuance of marriage licenses in the Bullhead City area. There being no objections, oral or in writing, motion was made by Supervisor Foster, seconded by Supervisor Bernstein and unanimously carried to adopt Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 92-46 as stated. Supervisor Holt requested that it be noted on the record that the reason for this action was caused from the difficul ty in obtaining a marriage license in Bullhead City, Arizona on the weekends. Supervisor Holt commended Supervisor Hubbard for the work she had done in this regard. David J. Grisez, P.E., County Manager, advised that it was the opinion of the County Attorney that the proper procedure would be to adopt a Board of Supervisors resolution and not an ordinance. Motion was made by Supervisor Bernstein, seconded by Supervisor Roper and unanimously carried to approve the following Consent Agenda items minus item 21- 16 as follows: 1. NOTARY BOND applications for the following: Linda L. Paquette, Kathleen Sperando, Hichard D. Ullery, Julie A. Wayerski, Sherry Quinn, Arleen W. Griffith, Patricia A. Vernon, Barbara McCurdy, Jilma Marriott, Dorrie J. Boranian, D. Derian, Margeline J. Jim, Victoria D. Jones, Gary K. Kellogg, C. Lemon, Kathy L. Minard, David M. Torres. 2. Adoption of Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 92-47 Approval of Improvements and Street Maintenance for Tract 3023 for Crystal Springs Estates n. 3. Acceptance of Improvements and release of Assurances for Arroyo Vista Estates, Tract 4077A, B, C & D. 4. Adoption of the following Resolutions to accept for Street Maintenance for Arroyo Vista Estates 'l'ract 4077: a) Resolution No. 92-48 - Tract 4077 A b) Resolution No. 92-49 - Tract 4077B c) Resolution No. 92-50 - Tract 4077C d) Resolution No. 92-51 - Tract 4077D 5. Approval of Fireworks Display for the Havasu Racing Association, SARA Park, Raceway, Lake Havasll City, Arizona on February 14, 15, 16, 1992 by Western Pyrotechnics Association, Inc. 6. Pursuant to provisions of Merit System Rule 201 - Approval of hiring immediate family member Zelda Wright as an Office Assistant ill in the Public Works Department. 7. Pursuant to provisions of Merit Rule 201 - Approval of employment of immediate family members in the Mohave County Sheriff's office for Deputy Sheriff, Ron Weber and Detention Officer Recruit, Shari Brock and also for Deputy Sheriff Fred Hodges and Corrections Officer Cadet, Debra Reige. ------- -~>--~- 8. Special Event Liquor License for the Ladies Auxiliary of Golden Shores Civic Association, to be held February 22, 1992, at 13136 Golden Shores Parkway, Topock, Arizona. 9. Special Event Liquor License for the Golden Shores Volunteer Fire Department, to be held 12950 Oatman Road, Highway 66 - Golden Shores, Arizona on March 14, 1992. 10. Original Liquor License application for Susan .Jaramillo DBA Pedro's, 140 Meadview Blvd., Meadview, Arizona 86444 - Series No. 12. . . Page 7 MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MOHAVE COUNTY, KINGMAN, ARIZONA HEGULAH MEETING, FEBHUAHY 3, 1992 11. Person and Location Liquor License application for Fred Holquin, DBA Desert Hills Market, 3577 London Bridge Road, Lake Havasu City, Arizona - Series No. 9 12. Accept canvass of Golden Shores Conservation Board member election held November 5, 1991. 13. Appointment of Clem Tracy as Republican Lakeview Precinct Committeeman as requested by the Mohave County Republican Central Committee. 14. Appointment of Jim Abdon as Republican Sara Precinct Committeeman as requested by the Mohave County Republican Central Committee. 15. Treasurer's report - December 1, 1991 through December 31, 1991. 16. Renewal of contract between Silver Ridge Village Nursing Home and the Mohave County Department of Health and Social Services. 17. Acceptance of Public Utility Easement in part of the East 1/2 Southwest 1/4 of Section 6, T18N, R21 W G&SRB&M from Mohave Communities Limited Partnership. 18. Permission to the Mohave County Elections Department to conduct a budget override election on May 19, 1992, for Lake Havasu Unified School District No. 1. 19. Renewal of Extension Advisory Board members terms to January 1994: Jean Gibbs - Community Development; Frank Hunt - Agriculture - Cheryl Berg - 4H; Carol Anderson - Agriculture; Victor Wakimoto - Agriculture. 20. Approval of County Manager's Ordinance Report for the month of December, 1991. 21. Authorization for the Mohave County Elections Department to conduct a Budget override election for Peach Springs School District #8, of 10% of maintenance and operation and 5% of K-3 Special Programs to be held on May 19, 1992. Motion was made by Supervisor Holt and seconded by Supervisor Roper to approve the Biweekly Personnel report for the pay period of December 28, 1991 through ,January 10, 1992, as requested by Joyce Kelly, Mohave County Personnel and Risk Management. The following votes were recorded on the motion: Supervisor Holt- Yes, Supervisor Roper- Yes, Supervisor Bernstein- Yes, Supervisor Foster-No, Chairman Hubbard-Yes. Motion carried by majority vote. Jerry Hill, Mohave County Emergency Services Director, at the request of Supervisor Holt, gave an informative report on the functions of LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) plus Emergency Services duties of Board of Supervisors as individuals, as well as Muhnve County's abilities to respond to any emergency. Bob Ward, Mohave Valley resident, addressed the Board regarding the Mohave County Emergency's Services nbili ty to respond or area of jurisdiction regarding crop dusting pollution in the Mohnve Valley area. --~- Chairman Hubbard removed from the table the presentation by Michael Forrest, Lower Colorado River Resource Conservation and Development Council. As Mr. Forrest was not in attendance, no action was taken by the Board. 'l'here being no further business to come before the Board of Supervisors, the meeting was. adjourned at 11:55 AM. MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Lois J. Hubbard, Chairman A TrEST: r: " L Pa t Chastain, Clerk of the Board