HomeMy WebLinkAbout92-124 ~:. ~.~:.. 000 . ') -=~____ .0,. . ~ 3l !NDEXEII MI~RUfILMEO ....' '\ .J. _ :::92- 16586 BK 2028 PG 80: OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUHTY AI. *JOAN McCALL, NOH AVE COUNTY RECORDER* 03/31/92 3:00 P.M. PAGE . 1 OF 8 MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 Ne RESOLUTION NO. 92-124 A RESOLUTION MODIFYING THE MORAVE COUNTY GENERAL PLAN, SETTING FORTH A GENERAL PLAN ALTERNATIVE WHICH SHALL PROVIDE A FRAMEWORK BETWEEN SEVERAL POSSIBLE PLANNING AND REGULATORY OPTIONS AVAILABLE TO THE COUNTY IN THE DRAFTING OF A NEW MOHAVE COUNTY GROWTH COORDINATION PLAN, AN UPDATE TO THE CURRENT GENERAL PLAN FOR MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at a special meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on March 30, 1992, a public hearing was conducted to modify the adopted Mohave County General Plan, setting forth a growth alternative which shall provide a framework between several possible planning and regulatory options available to the county in the drafting of a new Mohave County Growth Coordination Plan, an update to the current General plan for Mohave County, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission is required to recommend to the Board of Supervisors a County General Plan which may be adopted as a whole, or by successive actions adopt separate parts of the plan corresponding with functional divisions of the subject matter, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission at their meeting on March 11( 1992 did resolve to forward a Statement of Policy [see Exhibit "A"] and the preferred base map alternative [see '~.. .' . ~r\ 2 OF 8 2023 PG 303 (FEE~92-16586) Resolution No. 92-124 Page 2 Exhibit "B"] to the Board of Supervisors for their consideration and adoption, with eight (8) members voting: seven (7) aye, one (1) nay, thus a majority casting affirmative votes of the members, and WHEREAS, the alternative proposed by the Planning Commission establishes different geographic patterns for the County's future growth and development, ranging from compact growth in and adjacent to existing urban areas, freestanding urban areas to dispersed growth throughout the County [see Exhibit "B"], and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission sought to recognize existing and developing areas of the County, stating that the smaller existing communities would continue to develop under their current growth style, and WHEREAS, several designations of density were identified: Extraterritorial Zone (ETZ), being the areas of development adjacent to existing municipal urban areas, with densities to be determined at a later date; Urban Development Areas having densities identified as 2-5 dwelling units/acre average; Suburban Development Areas having densities identified as one (1) dwelling unit/ 1-5 acres average; and the Rural Development Areas having densities identified as one (1) dwelling unit/ five (5) acres and up, and .. . . 3 OF 8 2028 PG 804 (FEE~92-16586) Resolution No. 92-124 Page 3 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has stated that "The General plan Development Policy presenting Alternatives Analysis is in fact itself a "Development Policy", and is only a framework within which to "develop" the General Plan Policy update.", and WHEREAS, the Commission desires to suggest a "starting point" alternative based on these guidelines: A. Fluidness of structure to respond to changes in demand for an area. B. Full growth policy to maximize use of improvements within the focus area of the plan. C. Flexibility to allow development within an area outside that covered within the General Plan, Based upon local resident input. D. Zone classifications are not concrete, any may be amended. E. This alternative is not now being "adopted" as the Mohave County General Plan. WHEREAS, the only recommendation which the Planning Commission is making to the Board of Supervisors is to provide a "structure" called the "General Plan Alternative", within which the planning consultant may proceed to develop the General plan utilizing all of the above stated recommendations and guidelines, and WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, the county seat, and in the Mohave Valley News, Havasu Herald, The Daily Spectrum and the Desert Echo, newspapers of general . . . . PAGE 4 OF BK 2028 PG 8 80S (FEE~92-16586) Page 4 Resolution No. 92-124 circulation in Mohave County, Arizona and posted March 12th and 13th, 1992 as required by Arizona Statutes. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their special meeting on Monday, March 30, 1992, approved and adopted the recommended "functional division" of subject matter being the "General Plan Alternative", as recommended by the Planning Commission, to provide a "structure" by which the "elements" of the Mohave County Growth Coordination General plan Update may be developed. Such elements shall be for review and consideration of the GENERAL PUBLIC, other agencies, interested parties and the Planning Commission, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors recognizes that the new definition of Rural setting forth a minimum of five (5) acres and up for minimum lot sizes would not require citizenry to have to seek amendments to the general plan (after its adoption) if they were to desire to create two (2) additional parcels to the five (5) acre size. That the Planning Commission would give every consideration for such parcel breakouts taking into account the environmental impacts of water quality, hillside protection, floodplain/ drainage areas, and wetlands and sensitive habitats, and .' . . PA6t 5 OF 8 BK 2028 PG 806 (FEE~92-16586) Page 5 Resolution No. 92-124 NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Consultant, Dr. Robert Freilich is to consider all input from all sources in the development of the "Draft Plan Elements" of Natural Resources, Land Use, Economic Development, Housing, Transportation, Water and Wastewater, Community Design, Public Services and Facilities and Sub-area and Community Plan Policies. To include any additional comments submitted for his consideration prior to the development and release for PUBLIC COMMENT of the "Draft General Plan". That the elements and the resultant draft general plan be made available to the PUBLIC, and other interested agencies, groups, and organizations for their review and comment as soon as possible. MORAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: ,~ =007 f{/~~ ~/ Lois J. Hubb~rd, Chairman , . . .-- '<.... rR._~~.. .~~..~_liHnr [ -.-..... -~ . .... . STATEMENT OF POLICY PAGE 6 OF 8 BK 2028 PG 807 (FEE~92-16586) REGARDING General Plan Development Policy Alternatives Analysis Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission, after diligently reviewing all comments, suggestions, and public input, as well as reviewing the recommendations from the ad hoc subcommittee and the Developers' Council, hereby make the following statement regarding the recommendations which are to be made to the Board of Supervisors: 1. The General Plan Development Policy presenting Alternatives Analysis is in fact itself a "Development Policy" I and is only a framework within which to "develop" the General Plan Policy update. 2. The Alternatives suggested by the consultant (Dr. Freilich) were only given as a starting point from which to build, based upon the comments, suggestions and recommendations from various interested parties. 3. Several public workshops, combined workshops with ad hoc subcommittee members and Commissioners, as well as informal meetings with the Developers' Council, have generated considerable cOIDments and recommendations. 4. All comments and recommendations will be utilized to guide the future work of the consultant when "f ine tuning" the details of the alternative which the Commissioners desire to use as the "starting point" from which to finalize an acceptable Alternative Development Policy for the General Plan Update. 5. The Commissioners desire to suggest a "starting point" alternative based on these guidelines: A. Fluidness of structure to respond to changes 1n demand for an area. B. Full growth policy to maximize use of improvements within the focus area of the plan. C. Flexibility to allow development within an area outside that covered within the General Plan, based upon local resident input. EXHIBIT A 80S R!"S.:#= '12 - 12 J.{ . . PHUC: BK 7 OF 8 2028 PG 808 (FEE~92-16586) Statement of Policy - P & Z Commission Page 2 D. Zone classifications are not concrete any may be amended. E. This alternative is not now being "adopted" as the Mohave County General Plan. 6. The only decision which this Commission is making at this time is to provide a "structure" within which the consultant may proceed to develop the General Plan utilizing all of the above stated recommendations and guidelines. 7 . The ul timate structure for the "General Plan Policy" will not be decided until August, 1992, after continual review of the consultant's progress. And, prior to that time additional PUBLIC, ad hoc subcommittee review and subsequent recommendations will be received. 8. This Commission will not adopt the ultimate plan until the above policy has been followed, giving full consideration to all comments and recommendations of interested groups and parties. , i4 Adopted this-L'L-day of /~ ., Planning and Zoning Commission. 1992 by the Mohave County ~~ /I ~e-/ ~V:/~ ( ~ Lou Colombo, Chairman . . ~~HAVE'COUNTY PLANNING AND~ ~OMMISSION RECOMMENDED GENERAL PLA~ :ATIVE I I I H\R 1.~W!R ~~W..J_R I~W 6 I, r 'I ~ I i -_.~~\ I T I I 42 .. I.~~_...f..~..__.~.. ~ r. .Tl N T " . PAGE BK 8 OF 2028 PG 8 809 (FEE~92-16586) < ~ o EXTRATERRITORIAL ZONE (ETZ) D URBAN DEVELOPMENT AREAS 1::3 2-5 DWELLING UNITS/ACRE ACRES CI DEVELOPMENT AREAS RURAL DEVELOPMENT AREAS '_pWElllNO UNIT / S ACRf:S ANO UP D (' ...... .......1- o \ .. '\, ~ NOTE: Smaller communltl.. '*111 d......op under cu..-rtl'nl oro....lh .tyl.. o v EXH BIT B ~t)S ReS :#: q2- '2'1 MOH~~E CO~NTY PLANNING AND Z~ COMMISSION RECOMMENDED GENERAL PLAN ~NATIVE I I I I I I 1 U TI A H 1 1 I I I I I, ~"lR16~l.RI,~.!'.. 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