HomeMy WebLinkAbout92-158 r . ~~~~ . -.... ~:; . ED_ '\W:~~~,f'L~e.U , , ~92- 25236 BK 204.9 PG 501 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUHTY AZ. *JOAN McCALL, MOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER* 05/12/92 3:00 A.M. PAGE 1 OF 18 MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 HC RESOLUTION NO. 92-158 A RESOLUTION TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OR DENIAL, AMENDING SECTION 7, TO INCLUDE NEW LANGUAGE RELATED TO ENFORCEMENT, HEARING OFFICER, APPEALS AND PENALTIES, OF THE MORAVE COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS, DELETING ALL CURRENT LANGUAGE AND INSERTING NEW LANGUAGE WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission held on April 8, 1992 a public . hearing was held as a required step in the procedure for a Commission recommendation on amendments to the Mohave County Zoning Regulations to the Board of Supervisors, and 1 I j j ~ ;1 i i :' il II II II I I I I I I I WHEREAS, a hearing was held to consider an amendment to the Mohave County Zoning Regulations, as shown as "Exhibit A", and WHEREAS, the notice for public hearing for the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in the County Seat, the Mohave Valley News, Havasu Herald, Daily Spectrum, and Desert Echo on March 20, 1992 and was posted on March 23 & 24, 1992, as required by A.R.S. and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations, and " i WHEREAS, the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission, I 1 I i after review of the proposed changes did resolve at their public hearing on April 8, 1992, by a vote of 5 nays/3 ayes, re~ommended . --' r - ,: t : l~~j ~ , I I 1 . I -\ -I I I 1 1 I j I ;esolution No. 92-1~ . PAGE 2 OF BK 2049 PG 18 502 (FEE~92-25236) Page 2 DENIAL of this proposal and further recommended the Board DENY the same, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, in their recommendation did not offer any further recommendation, and WHEREAS, the notice for public hearing for the Mohave County Board of Supervisors' meeting was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in the County Seat, the Mohave Valley News, Havasu Herald, Daily Spectrum, and Desert Echo on April 19, 1992 and posted April 17, 1992, as required by A.R.S. and the Mohave County zoning Regulations, and WHEREAS, the Mohave County Board of Supervisors, after public hearing, did resolve to approve/deny the amendment to the Mohave County Zoning Regulations as presented by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission, at their regular meeting of May 4, 1992, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mohave County Board of Supervisors that the amendment as outlined in this Resolution is hereby denied, MORAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS q~ -f ~'- Lois J. Hubbard{ Chairman ........... .. . Resolution No. 92-158 . PAGE 3 OF BK 2049 PG ~HIBIT "A" 503 (FEE~92-25236) NOTATION: DELETED TEXT IS ~GK THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE MADE TO THE MOHAVE COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 40.1 OF THE MOHAVE COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS. Section 7 VIOL^TIONS, PEN~~TIES, ~~D ^DDITION~ REMEDIES Section 7 ENFORCEMENT, HEARING OFFICER, APPEALS AND PENALTIES AT v~ationo and Pcnaltico: It io unlalj{ful to erect, C9flS~Ct, reconotruct, ma-:i:-Jl'E.a-i-fl-r or uoe any land in any zoning diotrict in violation of :my provioion of thio Ordinance pertaining thcreto. ^n~eroon, ao dcfined hcrein, violating or cauoing the violation of any pro'."ioion hereof, io guilty of a Claoo 2 Miodeme-aflor. Each aflEi cycry day during ,{hich thc illegal crection, consHuction, :l:'cconotruction, alteration, maintenaflcc, or uoc continueD io a separate offenoe. A. ENFORCEMENT 1. It shall be unlawful, and considered a public nuisance per se, to make use of any lot, parcel or piece of property in such a way as to conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance. Likewise, it shall be in violation of this Zoning Ordinance to erect, construct, reconstruct, alter or use a building or any other structure which does not conform to the criteria set forth in the Ordinance. The Board of Supervisors, Planning Director, County Attorney, County Sheriff, County Clerk and all officials charged with the issuance of licenses or permits shall enforce the provisions of this Ordinance. Any permit, certificate, or license issued in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be void. To provide for the enforcement of this Zoning Ordinance, the County may wi thhold all building permits and zoning permits for properties on which a use of the property, building or any other structure exists which does not meet the standards of this Ordinance. 2. A zoning inspector or deputy inspector shall investigate, and report on all notices of zoning violations. The Board of Supervisors shall appoint a hearing officer to hear and determine zoning violations. Individuals determined by the hearing officer to be violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a zoning violation which is punishable by a civil sanction not to exceed the equivalent of a maximum fine of a Class 2 misdemeanor for each violation pursuant to A.R.S. 11-808~ .-j - i~ --' . PA' 4 OF BK 2049 PG 18 504 (FEE~92-25236) Section 7 ENFORCEMENT, HEARING OFFICER, APPEALS AND PENALTIES (continued) So Additional Rcmedieo: ~f any building or otr~~a~B-4G or is-proocd ~e-erected, eenotructed, reconotructed, ~l~ered, m~int~ined, or uoed, or ~ny ~nd io or io propoood to bc uocd in violation of thio Ordinaneā‚¬T thc Bo~rd, the County httorney, thc Inopector, or ~ny adj~ccnt or fl~hborin~ propcrty mmer ,{no io opeci~lly dam~ed by the 'yyiol~tion, in ~d~on to other remedieo pro...;ided by l~,{, may -:i:-fl~\:l-tc injunction, m~nEl-amuo, ~bat:ement, or ~ny other ~propri~tc ~ction or proceedingo to prevcnt or ~b~te or remeve ~he-anla.{ful erection, conotruction, reconotruction, ~lteration, ma-:i:-~~nce, or uoe. B. HEARING OFFICER A hearing officer may be an employee of the County and shall be appointed by, and serve at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors. A review of decisions of the hearing officer by the Board of Supervisors shall be available to any party to the hearing. Any appeal of the Board of Supervisors' decision shall be filed in Superior Court. Go Penalty rcrmit: rropcrty m,ncro oh~ll bc notified that thcy h~vc not ebt~ined propcr permito or th~t thcy ~re in 'yyiol~tion of ~ opecific oection of thc Zoning Ordin~nce. The owner ,Till be given thirty (30) d~yo to cont~ct the rl~nning ~nd Zoning Dep~rtmcnt to t~kc or to initi~~c ~ction to corrcct the viol~tion. If corrccti vc ~ction h~o not becn t~lccn ..Ti thin thc allottcd timc, ~ $100.00 pen~lty fce ohall bc required in ~ddition to the regul~r permit fce. C. ZONING INSPECTOR OR DEPUTY INSPECTOR 1. The zoning inspector or deputy inspector shall review all reported violations of this Ordinance. Upon receiving a report of a zoning violation, the zoning inspector or deputy inspector shall inspect the site of the alleged violation. During an inspection the inspector shall take careful and comprehensive notes as to condition and existing uses of the subject property, location, property owner and address, and specific section(s) of the County Zoning Ordinance corresponding to the alleged violation. .,1 4 . PA. 5 OF 18 BK 2049 PG 505 (FEE~92-25236) Section 7 ENFORCEMENT, HEARING OFFICER, APPEALS AND PENALTIES (continued) C. ZONING INSPECTOR OR DEPUTY INSPECTOR (continued) 2. Should the zoning or deputy zoning inspector determine that a violation is occurring on the subject property, he/she shall personally serve or cause to be served notice to the property owner/alleged violator of the violation. The notice of violation shall cite the nature of the violation, the section of the County Zoning Ordinance violated, information of possible penalties if the violation has not ceased, steps necessary to bring the subject property into compliance with the zoning regulations, and a time frame in which all necessary actions should be completed to correct the noticed violation. 3 . Reinspection shall occur after the given deadline. If the violation still exists at this time, a second notice shall be given to the property owner/alleged violator. The second notice of violation shall set a final deadline for compliance not to exceed two (2) weeks. If the deputy zoning inspector is convinced an attempt is being made in the correction of the violation, an extension, approved by ,the zoning inspector, not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days, may be granted. :1 If all attempts by staff fail to resolve the violation within the time specified in second notice, or by the deadline of any extension, a citation citing a specific section(s) of the Zoning Ordinance which has been violated shall be issued. The citation shall be personally served on the alleged violator by the zoning inspector or deputy zoning inspector at least five (5) working days prior to the hearing. If the zoning inspector or deputy zoning inspector is unable to personally serve the citation, the citation may be served in the same manner prescribed for alternative methods of service by the Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure. Violations for which citations are issued shall be scheduled for a hearing before the Mohave County Hearing Officer. If a citation is served upon an alleged violator other than by personal service, the hearing shall be set for a date no sooner than thirty (30) calendar days from the citation being served. A notification of the specific time and date by which the alleged violator must appear at the hearing office to submit a plea shall be enclosed with the citation. 5 . PAGE 6 OF 18 BK 2049 PG 506 (FEE~92-25236) Section 7 ENFORCEMENT, HEARING OFFICER, APPEALS AND PENALTIES (continued) . D. HEARING OFFICER PROCEDURE 1. COMMENCEMENT a. Every action or proceeding brought before the hearing officer for a violation of the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance shall be commenced by the filing of a zoning violation citation by the zoning inspector or deputy zoning inspector. No notice shall be deemed insufficient for the failure to contain a definite statement of the essential facts constituting the specific violation, if the notice contains a written description and reference to the applicable section of the zoning Ordinance pertaining to the violation. (0" 0: ': t' , I r' .~ \.:.~j b. Pursuant to Section 7C of this Ordinance the alleged violator or his attorney shall appear at the hearing office by the date and time specified in the notice accompanying the zoning citation, and may admit responsibility by appearing in person or by mailing to the hearing office an appearance form provided by the hearing officer or in lieu of such form, a short statement signed by the alleged violator or his attorney admitting the allegations of the notice. Once a formal admission of responsibility is received by the hearing office, the hearing officer shall set a time and place for the determination of penalty for the violation. At the hearing officer's meeting, both the alleged violator and zoning inspector or deputy zoning inspector shall be given an opportunity to state their position on the amount of the penalty to be imposed by the hearing. Without an extension, which may be granted by the hearing officer in extraordinary circumstances, the alleged violator shall correct the zoning violation wi thin thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the hearing officer meeting. 2. COUNSEL a. Pursuant to Section 7C of this Ordinance, the alleged violator or his attorney shall appear at the hearing office by the date specified in the notice accompanying the zoning citation and may deny responsibility by appearing in person or by mailing to the hearing officer an appearance form provided by the hearing officer or in lieu of such 6 . PA' 7 OF 18 BK 2049 PG 507 (FEE~92-25236) Section 7 ENFORCEMENT, HEARING OFFICER, APPEALS AND PENALTIES (continued) 2. COUNSEL a. ( continued) form, a denial signed by the alleged violator or his attorney. Once a formal denial is received by the hearing officer, the hearing officer shall schedule the matter for hearing and notify the alleged violator or his attorney of the date, time and place for the hearing. Upon appearance, it shall be the responsibility of the alleged violator or his attorney to notify the hearing officer of an incorrect address or any different address than what is set forth on the zoning citation. (--,., I ., I I t b. After the submittal of formal denial, the hearing officer shall promptly notify the alleged violator of his right to be represented by counsel. The alleged violator must notify the hearing officer in writing at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the hearing date of his choice to be represented by counsel. The hearing officer may move to continue a hearing if the alleged violator does not make notification of his decision to secure counsel within the aforementioned time frame. c. If the alleged violator fails to appear by the date and time specified in the notice accompanying the zoning citation, the hearing may proceed in his absence and the hearing officer may enter judgement for the County and impose a penalty subject to Section 7D4 of the Ordinance. d. The County need not be represented by counsel at the hearing officer's meeting. Should the County elect to secure counsel, the County must, in writing, notify the hearing officer and the alleged violator at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the hearing of the County's decision to be represented by counsel. Within ten (10) calendar days prior to the hearing, both parties shall produce for inspection by the opposing party a list of witnesses and prepared exhibits, prepared exhibits to be on file at the hearing office. Failure to comply with this provision may result, at the hearing officer's discretion, in the granting of a continuance to permit such inspection or denial of the admission of the evidence. 7 . PA. 8 OF 18 BK 2049 PG 508 (FEE~92-25236) Section 7 ENFORCEMENT, HEARING OFFICER, APPEALS AND PENALTIES (continued) 3. HEARING OFFICER MEETING a. The order of the hearing officer proceeding shall be as follows: 1. The hearing officer shall call the case and briefly describe the procedures to be followed. 2. County's statement. 3. Testimony of the County's witnesses. 4. Respondent's statement. 5. Testimony of the respondent's witnesses. 6. Testimony of other attendees at the discretion of the Hearing Officer. 7. Respondent's rebuttal. 8. County rebuttal. 9. Cross examination of witnesses may be strictly limited to subjects or evidence elicited during direct testimony at the discretion of the hearing officer. 10. Closing statement of the parties or their counsel. 11. Ruling by the hearing officer. At the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing officer shall determine whether a zoning violation exists and, if a violation is found to exist, may impose civil penalties in accordance with Section 7D4a of this Ordinance. A ruling shall include the findings, conclusion and opinion of the hearing officer. b. At the discretion of the hearing officer, a hearing may be continued for a period not exceeding sixty (60) calendar days if it appears that the interests of justice so require. The hearing officer shall not continue a hearing without first giving notice to both parties. The hearing officer shall notify both parties in writing of the new hearing date. c. The hearing officer may question witnesses or representatives of either party. 8 . P' 9 OF BK 2049 PG 18 509 (FEE~92-2S236) Section 7 ENFORCEMENT, HEARING OFFICER, APPEALS AND PENALTIES (continued) 3. HEARING OFFICER MEETING 11. (continued) d. The Arizona Rules of Evidence shall not &pply before a hearing officer. Any evidence offered may be admitted subject to a determination by the hearing officer that the offered evidence is relevant. e. Audio tape recordings of the hearing shall be made and kept on record at the hearing office for a period of one (1) year. Any other type of record may be approved by the hearing officer contingent upon the alleged violator bearing the full expense of the alternate record and a copy of the alternate record being provided to the hearing officer at the full expense of the alleged violator. (,__:7.. f. If the alleged violator fails to appear at the time set for the hearing, the alleged violator may be found to be in default, the statement of responsibility shall be deemed admitted, and the hearing officer may enter finding for the County and impose a civil sanction, and report such judgement to the zoning inspector. r t'., j" .' g. If no witness for the County, excluding the alleged violator, appears at the set time for the hearing, the hearing officer shall dismiss the citation unless the hearing officer, for good cause shown, continues the hearing to another date. Any such dismissal shall be done without prejudice. h. At anytime, the hearing officer may set aside a finding entered upon a failure to appear if it is deemed by the hearing officer that the alleged violator was not served a citation, or for any other reason where necessary to prevent an injustice. 4. FINDINGS OF RESPONSIBILITY/CIVIL SANCTIONS a. If the alleged violator, after the hearing, is found responsible for the zoning violation, the hearing officer shall enter finding for the County and impose a civil sanction not to exceed the equivalent of a maximum fine for a Class 2 Misdemeanor for each violation. Civil sanctions shall consist of a fine, which may be any amount from zero dollars ($0), not to 9 . P~ 10 OF 18 BK 2049 PG 510 (FEE~92-25236) Section 7 ENFORCEMENT, HEARING OFFICER, APPEALS AND PENALTIES (continued) 4. FINDINGS OF RESPONSIBLE/CIVIL SANCTIONS (continued) a. ( continued) exceed seven hundred and fifty dollars ( $ 7 50.00) per day, per violation. b. The alleged violator, if found responsible for the zoning violation and penalized with a civil sanction, shall not be relieved from the responsibility of correcting any prohibited condition. Unless appealed to the Board of Supervisors within five (5) working days from the date of the hearing, the defendant shall correct the zoning violation within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of hearing. E. APPEAL TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1. Any party may appeal to the Board of Supervisors the final finding of the hearing officer. A written notice of appeal shall be filed with the hearing officer within five (5) working days after the hearing officer's finding. The written notice of appeal shall be accompanied by an Appeal Fee to cover the administrative cost of appeal, of one hundred dollars ($100.00), checks made payable to "Mohave County Board of Supervisors". i -' .,J ~'" j..;.~:j 2. The notice of appeal shall identify the finding appealed from. It shall be signed by the appellant or the appellant's counsel, and shall contain the names, addresses, and the telephone numbers of all parties and their attorneys. when a party appeals, the hearing officer shall send a copy of the notice to appeal to the other party or his attorney. 3. Appeals shall be limited to the record of the proceeding before the hearing officer, and no new evidence may be introduced. The record of the proceedings shall include all materials in the hearing officer's file, all evidence admitted at the hearing, and the official record as per Section 7D3e of this Ordinance. 4. Upon receiving the notice of appeal the hearing officer shall, within thirty (30) calendar days, prepare and transmit the record and schedule the appeal before the Board of Supervisors. 5. The parties may stipulate that the appeal may be heard on less than a complete record or upon stipulated 10 . . PA. 11 OF 18 BK 20+9 PG 511 (FEE~92-25236) Section 7 ENFORCEMENT, HEARING OFFICER, APPEALS AND PENALTIES (continued) E. APPEAL TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (continued) 5. (continued) facts. The designation of the stipulated record shall be in writing, filed with the hearing officer within fifteen (15) calendar days after the notice of appeal. 6. Upon sending the record to the Board of Supervisors, the hearing officer shall notify both parties that they have five (5) working days from the date of the letter to submit a memorandum stating the parties' position to be submitted at the Board of Supervisors' hearing. The memorandum shall be submitted to the Clerk of the Board and shall not exceed five (5) pages in length. 7. A notice of the appeal before the Board of Supervisors shall be posted at least twenty four (24) hours prior to the hearing. The hearing officer shall mail a notice of the hearing to both parties not less than five (5) working days prior to the meeting. 8. The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors shall preside at the appeal and shall decide on all questions pertaining to procedure. Final decisions on the merits of the case shall be made upon motion and majority vote of the quorum. 9. At the Board of Supervisors' hearing, arguments on appeal shall be limited to five (5) minutes for each party, unless extended by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. 10. After consideration of the merits of an appeal, and a specific finding of an abuse of discretion by the hearing officer, the Board of Supervisors may increase, decrease or modify any sanction imposed by the hearing officer and may: a. Affirm the action of the hearing officer; b. Affirm in part and reverse in part and, if necessary, remand for further proceedings; or, c. Reverse the action of the hearing officer and, if necessary, remand for further proceedings. 11 (':' r' .: , , t~::.;.~~ .. PA. 12 OF 18 BK 2049 PG 512 (FEE~92-25236) MOHAVE COUNTY HEARING OFFICER MOHAVE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING 3675 East Highway 66, Suite A/P.O. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 . COUNTY OF MOHAVE, Complainant CASE NO: VS. ZONING VIOLATION CITATION Respondent The undersigned Complainant, upon oath or affirmation, states as follows: 1. That I am the (Zoning Inspector) Mohave County, Arizona. (Deputy Inspector) of 2. That the Respondent's property, located within unincorporated area of Mohave County, identified as: the 3. That said property is of the following size and zoned: 4. That the Respondent has allowed a violation of the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance to occur on said property. The alleged violation is described as: ----------------------------------------------------------------- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE: A copy of this citation was served upon the Respondent by: Personal Service Certified Mail DATE OF SERVICE: ----------------------------------------------------------------- I certify that upon reasonable grounds I believe the Respondent is responsible for the condition of the property described contrary to law and I have served a copy of the citation upon the Respondent. Complainant Signature Date Subscribed and sworn to before me this , 19 day of Notary Public My commission expires 12 ( -:1 I. "\ \ 'I pfllt 13 OF 18 BK 2049 PG 513 (FEE~92-25236) MOHAVE COUNTY HEARING OFFICER MOHAVE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING 3675 East Highway 66, Suite A P.O. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 . COUNTY OF MOHAVE, CASE NO: Complainant VS. NOTICE TO APPEAR AND ENTER ADMISSION OR DENIAL OF RESPONSIBILITY RESPONDENT YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED TO APPEAR AND ANSWER to the attached Zoning Violation Citation within ten (10) calendar days of the date you were served with the citation. Failure to appear and submit an admission by said date will result in the violation deemed admitted and a default order and judgement may be imposed subject to the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance, Section 7D4: FINDING OF RESPONSIBILITY/CIVIL SANCTIONS. Hearing Officer Date *********************** I, the above named Respondent, do hereby enter the following admission: I ADMIT RESPONSIBILITY for the violation alleged in the Zoning Violation Citation, and waive my right to a hearing on the matter. I understand that I will receive notice of the time set for imposing sanctions and have the opportunity to state my position on the civil penalty to be imposed. I DENY RESPONSIBILITY for the violation alleged in the Zoning Violation Citation and request this matter be set for hearing. Respondent's signature Date 13 - ...~ . . PAGE 14 OF 18 BK 2049 PG 514 (FEE~92-25236) MOHAVE COUNTY HEARING OFFICER MOHAVE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING 3675 East Highway 66, Suite A P.O. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 COUNTY OF MOHAVE, COMPLAINANT CASE NO: VS. NOTICE OF CONTINUANCE OF HEARING RESPONDENT ORDER PURSUANT TO THE MOTION TO CONTINUE IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT THE HEARING OF , AT THE , DAY OF AT AND GOOD CAUSE APPEARING, IT IN THIS CASE SET FOR THE DAY IS VACATED AND RESET FOR , AT , HEARING OFFICER BY: HEARING CLERK COpy MAILED THIS DAY OF TO: 14 - , .... "oj . PA. 15 OF 18 BK 2049 PG 515 (fEE~92-2S236) MOHAVE COUNTY HEARING OFFICER MOHAVE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING 3675 East Highway 66, Suite A P.O. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 COUNTY OF MOHAVE, CASE NO: Complainant VS. RE: RESPONDENT NOTICE OF HEARING YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, THE ABOVE CASE HAS BEEN SET FOR HEARING BY THE MOHAVE COUNTY HEARING OFFICER ON , AT , LOCATED IN THE PLANNING AND ZONING OFFICE MEETING ROOM. FAILURE TO APPEAR AT THIS HEARING SHALL BE DEEMED ADMISSION OF THE ALLEGATION OF THE COMPLAINANT, AND THE HEARING OFFICER MAY ENTER JUDGEMENT FOR THE COUNTY AND IMPOSE A PENALTY AS PER SECTION 7D4a OF THE MOHAVE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE AND REPORT SUCH JUDGEMENT TO THE RESPONDENT. SHOULD YOU INTEND TO BE REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL AT THIS HEARING; SUBMIT EXHIBITS OR DOCUMENTS; OR PRESENT WITNESSES, YOU MUST STATE THESE INTENTIONS IN WRITING AND SUBMIT THIS STATEMENT TO THE HEARING OFFICE NO LATER THAN TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR TO SAID HEARING DATE, THE AFOREMENTIONED STATEMENT SHALL INCLUDE THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF COUNSEL, NAMES OF WITNESSES, AND LIST OF EXHIBITS OR DOCUMENTS TO BE PRESENTED. THE RIGHT TO COUNSEL WILL BE WAIVED UNLESS SAID NOTIFICATION IS MADE WITHIN THE PRESCRIBED TIME FRAME. HEARING OFFICER DATE 15 . . . . PAGE 16 OF 18 BK 2049 PG 516 (FEE~92-25236) MOHAVE COUNTY HEARING OFFICER MOHAVE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING 3675 East Highway 66, Suite A P.O. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 COUNTY OF MOHAVE, COMPLAINANT CASE NO: VS. ORDER AND SUMMONS TO REAPPEAR RESPONDENT IT APPEARS, FROM THE RECORDS OF THE MOHAVE COUNTY HEARING OFFICE, THAT THE RESPONDENT(S) IS IN VIOLATION OF THE JUDGEMENT ENTERED BY THE HEARING OFFICER ON THE DAY OF , 19 AND GOOD CAUSE APPEARING THEREFROM, IT IS ORDERED THAT YOU, RESPONDENT HEREIN, APPEAR BEFORE THE HEARING OFFICER ON THE DAY OF , AT IN THE MOHAVE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY, PLANNING AND ZONING OFFICE, KINGMAN, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA, THEN AND THERE STATE GOOD REASON, IF ANY YOU HAVE, WHY AN ORDER SHOULD NOT BE ENTERED FINDING YOU IN CONTINUING VIOLATION OF THE JUDGEMENT AND DIRECTING THE IMPOSITION OF ADDITIONAL PENALTIES. HEARING OFFICER DATE 16 -: . PA. 17 OF 18 BK 2049 PG 517 (FEE~92-25236) MOHAVE COUNTY HEARING OFFICER MOHAVE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING 3675 East Highway 66, Suite A P.O. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 . COUNTY OF MOHAVE, CASE NO: Complainant VS. RE: RESPONDENT JUDGEMENT ADMISSION: JUDGEMENT OF HEARING OFFICER: JUDGEMENT: ____Responsible ____Responsible ____After Hearing Not Responsible Not Responsible ____By Default FINE: $ INSTALLMENTS OF $ , BY , BEGINNING , EVERY ABATEMENT OF VIOLATION SCHEDULE OR OTHER ORDERS: I HAVE RECEIVED A COpy OF THIS JUDGEMENT FORM: RESPONDENT DATE HEARING OFFICER DATE 17 r:.c,; THEREFORE, I HAVE ENTERED THE DEFAULT OF THE RESPONDENT. , 1 ! . I ' L~.j -< . . p. 18 OF 18 BK 2049 PG 518 (FEE~92-25236) MOHAVE COUNTY HEARING OFFICER MOHAVE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING 3675 East Highway 66, Suite A P.O. Box 7000 Kingman, AZ 86402-7000 COUNTY OF MOHAVE, COMPLAINANT CASE NO: VS. RESPONDENT NOTICE AND ENTRY OF DEFAULT JUDGEMENT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT: THE CITATION DECLARES THAT THE RESPONDENT IS NOT IN THE MILITARY SERVICE. THE RESPONDENT HAS NOT ANSWERED THE CITATION AS PRESCRIBED. THE RESPONDENT HAS NOT APPEARED AT THE SCHEDULED HEARING. HEARING OFFICER DATE DEFAULT JUDGEMENT AND ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT A FINE OF $ PAYABLE BY , DELINQUENT IN IS DUE AND DAYS. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT THE RESPONDENT SHALL HAVE THIRTY (30) CALENDAR DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS JUDGMENT TO CORRECT THE VIOLATIONS AS PER THE FOLLOWING ORDER: JUDGEMENT IS ENTERED HEARING OFFICER DATE 18