HomeMy WebLinkAbout92-232 ,\, ., \'-I"j \...\, ( (~ -~\\; . 4 l.EO '< -.; ;"'t'''n~' Pe'!l ~, :..oi~.i.i~~'~.lQ.1 ~ .'~'";:~, ,~" ., \ , \ I . ,-';f_~~~.. ,,~:,,>;'~~~:,,:I(?~, :;:5?2- 37263 EK 2076 PG 998 - "C:::-;-";":', OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY AZ. .:; ',f',""C->i *JOAN McC:ALb 110HAVE COUNr1 RECOROER* .;::~, , ", ,J:'.<':':./ 07/09/92 1.45 P.r.. PAGE 1 OF 6 ~;,~, ~.~/ "OHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ';~ RECORDIHG FEE 0.00 Ne RESOLUTION NO. 92-232 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE MOHAVE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS BY SETTING FORTH APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN WITH A PETITION OF EXCEPTION FOR COURTNEY PARK EAST, TRACT 4147, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE NW~ SW~ SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH MOHAVE VALLEY AREA, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on July 6, 1992, a public hearing was conducted to determine the approval of the preliminary ; subdivision plan and petition of exception for COURTNEY PARK '1 1 EAST, Tract 4147, and WHEREAS ,"I the owner/developer of this project is Dennis . I Gootrad, Mohave Developments, Inc. The Engineer responsible for plan preparation and drainage study is Jack Stovall, Stovall Engineers, Inc. of Bullhead City, Arizona, and WHEREAS, the proposed project is located approximately two (2) miles south of Bullhead City on Highway 95 and one-quarter ( .25) mile east of Highway 95 on Aztec Road at the southeast corner of the intersection of the proposed Mesa Villas Drive and Aztec Drive, and " <... . . Resolution No. 92-232 Page 2 WHEREAS, the preliminary subdivision plan depicts seven plus (7.12) acres divided into thirty-four (34) lots (4 units/lot) having a minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet and a maximum of 12,025 for an overall lot density of nineteen (19) units/acre. It should be noted that the Zoninq Division has expressed concern in reQard to the density of this tract. The Planninq Division recoqnizes that the density may chanqe Qy this request, however, this chanqe should necessitate ~ chanqe in desiqn. For example; several lots should be required to be desiqnated as open space "parcels" . Historically the Planninq Commission has required, when ~ subdivision has had this hiqh of ~ density, open space and amenities are required. This request should be treated the same as other tracts, and ,,( . WHEREAS, the existing zoning is A-R (Agricultural Residential). The zone change requested is R-M/7M (Multiple Family Residential/Seven Thousand Square Foot Minimum Lot Size), and WHEREAS, water will be supplied by Bermuda Water Company, electric power by Mohave Electric Cooperative, telephone service by Citizens Utility Company, fire protection by Fort Mojave Mesa Fire Department, sewage disposal will be a community sewer, solid waste will be by private carrier to Mohave County Landfill., and " PAGE 2 OF 6 BK 2076 PG 999 (FEEt92-37263) ~,' ~~ 1 ~ 1 ! ~ . . Resolution No. 92-232 Page 3 WHEREAS, Petitions of Exception were submitted for the following: A. Ten (10') foot public utility easements are proposed along the fronts of the lots. B. Street width less than County Standard. C. Private Street. This petition is submitted as a request that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to the Board of Supervisors the granting or exception from the Subdivision Regulations as outlined in Article 1.13 for the following reasons: A. The utility company (MEC) has requested easements to be placed in front of the lots. B. County Standards require thirty-two (32') foot paved section, and this proposal would provide forty (40') foot curb to curb paved section, thereby enhancing public safety and welfare. C. This is a limited access street, serving a minimal number of lots. The street will be maintained by the Property Owners Association. 1. .'( 'The granting detrimental to other adjacent of the petition will not be the public welfare or injurious to properties because: a. b. This request will not nullify the intent or purpose of the Master Plan of the county or other regulations because orderly and planned growth is intended. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, at their regular meeting on June 10, 1992, did recommend APPROVAL of the Petition of Exception based on the aforementioned justifications, and WHEREAS, the Commission, at their meeting on June 10, 1992, -, PAGE 3 OF , BK 2076 PG 1000 (FEEt92-37263) . . Resolution No. 92-232 Page 4 did recommend CONDITIONAL APPROVAL of the preliminary subdivision plan for Tract 4147, with the following noted: 1. The CONDITIONAL approval of this subdivision is based on the understanding of the Planning and Zoning Commission that all streets within the subdivision, adjacent to lots fronting on perimeter roads and access to the nearest paved roads will be constructed and paved with asphaltic concrete in accordance with Standards Specifications #171 and #101.l0D or better; the perimeter streets on the project side and interior streets will include curb and gutter; a water supply and distribution system including fire flow will be constructed to serve each lot; grading and drainage related improvements will be completed as recommended by the design engineer and as approved by the County Engineer in the submitted and approved drainage reports; arrangements will be made to extend underground electric and telephone service to each lot in accordance with Arizona Corporation Commission regulations; approval for sewage disposal system will have to go through the Mohave County Environmental Health Department to ADEQ; approval for water and sewage disposal system shall be obtained from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) prior to recording the Final Plat; water service ag~eement shall be obtained from the Bermuda Water Company; sewer service agreement shall be obtained from the entity servicing this project, both systems shall be included in the cost estimate for inclusion in the requirements of Article V of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations and approved by ADEQ; all lots and street centerline monuments will be staked and monumented in accordance with Standard Specification #102; fire hydrants will be provided at locations prescribed by the Fort Mojave Mesa Fire Department; street name and regulatory signs will be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations and as recommended by the design engineer and; the owner/subdiVider is responsible for the completion of improvements and shall provide assurance for all required subdivision improvements in accordance with Article V of the Subdivision Regulations. $ ~ " PAGE 4 OF 6 BK 2076 PG 1001 CFEE092-37263) . It, . . Resolution No. 92-232 Page 5 2. The developer will make the same commitments for improvements in the prospectus to the State Real Estate Commission as required for approval of this tract by the Board and a final copy of the State Real Estate Report shall be submitted to P&Z staff. This copy shall be for library purposes. 3. The County Engineer has made comments in regard to the compliance with Standard Specifications in a letter dated May 12, 1992. The concerns of the County Engineer shall be satisfied prior to submission of this subdivision to the Board of Supervisors for Final Plat actions. 4. The Planning and Zoning Commission is recommending the following conditions of approval: A. Draft Copy of the Developer's Prospectus for the Arizona Real Estate Commission shall be submitted. B. A draft copy of the CC&R's shall be submitted. C. That Mesa Villas Place, a private street, shall be maintained by a Property Owners Association and labeled as a "parcel". D. The Property Owners Association or other entity :'( shall be incorporated for the maintenance of all 'properties deemed private in nature. Moreover, a final executed copy of the Articles of Incorporation from the Arizona Corporation Commission shall be submitted prior to final recordation. E. Responsibility for the maintenance of the twenty- five (25') foot I&E easement shall be defined on all pertinent documents to be included with the submittal of the final plan. F. The design of this tract with the density requested should require the deletion of two (2) lots, establishing them as Parcels and providing recreation improvements to be maintained by the Property Owners Association. The Commission recommends Lots 17 & 18 be converted to open space and the private cul-de-sac be extended. This should be reflected on a "new" preliminary plan submittal. These lots should be contiguous and located so as to provide reasonable access by all property owners/renters. ", PAGE 5 OF 6 BK 2076 PG 1002 (fEE~92-37263) .. . .. '0 . . Resolution No. 92-232 Page 6 G. A non-access easement shall be established along the entire length of the eastern boundary of the tract and shall have a six (6') foot block wall or other approved structure erected upon it to provide separation between zone categories and limit access onto the private I & E's. At the request of Roqer Esquerra, cartoqrapher, the Planninq Commission recommends Final Plat boundaries be a triple wide line as the 1/8" blue line border obscures dimensions. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, July 6, 1992, conditionally approved the granting of this preliminary subdivision plan and the Amendment of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulation through a petition of exception as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. "t . I MORAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS .~'-/ Jf ~4~' / Lois J~ Hubbard,~Chairman ~ PAGE 6 OF 6 BK 2076 PG 1003 (FEE~92-37263) "