HomeMy WebLinkAbout92-390 \-""\ c ., ,~o/ .5 -; INDEXED MICROfiLMED :::93- 5816 8K 2170 PG 522 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY AI. *JOAH McCAllr nOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER* 02/02/93 2:15 P.H. PAGE 1 OF ~ HOHAVE COUNTY 80ARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 Ne . " . RESOLUTION NO. 92-390 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE REZONING OF THE NW~ SW~ NW~ SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, FROM: A-R & C-2 (AGRICULTU~ RESIDENTIAL AND GENE~ COMMERCIAL) ZONES, PROPOSED TO BE: C-RE (COMMERCIAL RECREATION) ZONE, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH MOHAVE VALLEY AREA, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA WHEREAS, at the special meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on January 19, 1993, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted to Michael A. Difeo of Mohave Valley, Arizona, for a zone change " from the existing A-R & C-2 (Agricultural Residential and General Commercial) zones to C-RE (Commercial Recreation) zo~e, occupying the southeast corner of Teller Road and Highway 95, in the South Mohave Valley area, and WHEREAS, Section 26 is located two (2) miles south of Bullhead City's southernmost border and is bounded by Highway 95, Joy Lane, Mountain View Road and EI Rodeo Road. The subject property occupies the southeast corner of Highway 95 and Teller Road and has direct access to Highway 95, and WHEREAS, review of floodplain map #040058-2445C indicates this site to be within a designated floodplain. The site is currently vacant. Surrounding land uses consist of vacant land -,- "- #" . . i I Resolution No. 92-390 Page 2 -, to the east and south, partially occupied land to the north and commercial business to the west across Highway 95. The front three hundred (300') feet of this site was zoned C-2 (General Commercial) via Resolution P&ZC: 74-105. The remaining 329. 5 feet retained the A-R zoning. The South Mohave Valley Area Plan designates the entire portion of this site as potential commercial. The applicant desires to establish a golf driving range on this approximately four (4) acre parcel, and WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County 1992, the <~ Planning and Zoning Commission on November 18, Commission recommended a conditional APPROVAL of the requested .,3 rezoning with the applicant understanding and accepting the following conditions: NOTE: NOTE: ~~ ,~ 1. The applicant comply with all applicable prov1s10ns o~ Sections 25, 26, 27, and 31 of the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. Compliance with Section 27.P (Site Plan Requirements) and Ordinance 87-1 (Dark Sky Ordinance) is also required. THE FOLLOWING ITEM APPLY TO ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS. 2. Applicant submit proof of hookup to an approved sewage treatment facility and community water system. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS APPLY TO TRANSPORTATION RELATED REQUIREMENTS. 3. Adequate parking shall be implemented in accordance with the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance. 4 . If Highway 95 is expanded and the required parking within the existing fifty (50') feet CUE is moved to a site off Teller Road then the applicant shall pave all driveway access and parking within one (1) year after the relocation. The paving shall be in accordance with Mohave County Standard Specification #171, or better. PAGE 2 OF 4 &K 2170 PG ~23 (FEEt93- 581&> ; , . . _:~ j Resolution No. 92-390 Page 3 NOTE: 1 .:;j THE FOLLOWING ITEMS APPLY TO GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. 5. Based on the proposed use of this property a protective screen shall be placed along the north, south and east boundaries of this parcel. The placement of the screening may be phased as development occurs on surrounding parcels. However, the placement of a screen along Teller Road is to be done within six (6) months of the Board of Supervisors approval of this request. 6 . That appropriate zoning/building/environmental permits be obtained. 7 . Any remainder of the lot not used for development shall be maintained free of debris and the vegetation controlled to minimize potential fire hazards. Grasses /weeds shall be cut regularly to assure less than eight (8") inches of growth. If crushed rock is used then the soil shall be maintained in a weed free condition. 8 . No structures shall be placed within the fifty (50') foot Citizen's Utility Easement (C.U.E.) on the west portion of the parcel. This area may be used for parking. 9. The rezone shall not become effective for at least thirty (30) days after final approval of the change in classification by the Board of Supervisors. Being January 6, 1992, as per ARS 11-829E. 10 . I f these conditions are not met within one (1) year this approval shall be void. If at the expiration of this period the property has not been improved for the use for which it was conditionally approved, the Board after notification by registered mail to the owner and applicant who requested the rezoning shall schedule a public hearing to grant an extension, determine compliance with the schedule for development or cause the property to revert to its former zoning classification in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated, Title 11, Chapter 6, 11-832. :'" . ',; >i At the request of Roqer Esquerra, cartoqrapher, the Planninq Commission recommends Final Plat and Parcel Plat Boundaries be a triple wide line as the 1/8" blue line border obscures dimensions. PAGE 3 OF 4 BK 2170 P6 524 (FEE~'3- 5816) r' . . ';0"0 Resolution No. 92-390 Page 4 WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Standard, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, on November 20, 1992, and in the Mohave Valley Daily News, and posted November 21, 1992, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, December 7, 1992 CONTINUED this request to their December 21, 1992 special meeting. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their special meeting on Monday, December 21, 1992 CONTINUED this request to their January 4, 1993 regular meeting. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, January 4, 1993 CONTINUED this request to their January 19, 1993 special meeting. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their special meeting on Tuesday, January 19, 1993 approved this change in zoning as recommended by the Mohave ':1 Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MO~, ~ OF SUPERVISORS r- ~ .~~ en. an PAGE 4 OF -4 . BK 2170 PG 525 (FEE~93- 5816)