HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-059 1'-,.....;.,... . i~ /;) RESOLUTION NO. 93-59 . tJ INDEXEIl' ~,~lcnOFlt:.1EI) <r.O' ... ~93- 18715 BK 2201 PG 1 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF HOHAVE COUNTY AZ. *JOAN McCALL, MOHAV~ COUNTY RECORDER* 04/08/9~ 3=00 P.M. PAGE 1 OF 6 MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD Of SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 He A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT AND PETITION OF EXCEPTION FOR WILLOW VALLEY ESTATES 20, TRACT 4134-A, BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, LOCATED IN THE SOUTH MORAVE VALLEY AREA, MORAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on AprilS, 1993, a public hearing was conducted to determine the approval of the Final Plat and Petition of Exception for WILLOW VALLEY ESTATES 20, TRACT 4134- A, and WHEREAS, the owner/developer of this tract is McKellips Land Corporation of Phoenix, Arizona. The engineer responsible for the plan preparation and drainage report for this subdivision is Z & H Engineering, Inc. of Phoenix, Arizona, and, WHEREAS, the project site is approximately fifteen (15) miles south of Bullhead City on State Highway 95 to King Street then west one and one-half (l~) miles to the project, and, WHEREAS, the approved preliminary plan depicts twenty-two a (22) acre single family development which will include eighty (80) developed residential lots with twenty-one (21) small . . . . PAGE 2 OF BK 2201 PG 6 2 (FEE~93-1871~) Page 2 .--.- I _:""\ ~.;~ :~~.J Resolution No. 93-59 parcels which will have a variety of uses. The overall density is three plus (3.6) lots per acre, and WHEREAS, the Final subdivision Plat, for Tract 4134-A, depicts approximately eight plus (8.38) acres being subdivided into fourteen single family lots and two parcels, and WHEREAS, the developer intends the domestic water supply to be provided by the Willow Valley Water Company; electric power by Mohave Electric Cooperative; telephone by Citizens Utilities Company; sewage treatment will be provided by Fort Mojave Tribal Utili ty Authority; solid waste disposal by Tri-State Disposal; and Fort Mohave Mesa Fire Department will provide fire protection, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board APPROVES the said plan conditional to the following: 1. The developer will make the same commitments for improvements in the Subdivision Questionnaire of this Real Estates Commission as required for approval of this tract by the Board. A copy of the draft and final report delivered to the Arizona State Real Estate Department shall be submitted to the county for library purposes. 2. The owner/subdivider shall cause the engineering and drainage related improvements to be completed as recommended by the project engineer and outlined in the detailed drainage report as approved by the County Engineer. 3 . The method of assurance will be as-builts approved and accepted by the Mohave County Engineer. _.. ~..\ . . . . PAGE '3 OF QK 2201 PG 6 3 (F~E~93-18715) Resolution No. 93-59 Page 3 4. The rezone shall become effective thirty (30) days after recordation of the Final Plat. If development is phased, then only the zoning for that phase shall become effective. That the rezone comply with all conditions set forth in Bas Resolution Number 92-104. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, corrected copied of all documents delineated above shall be submitted for staff review and upon receipt of the evidence that these conditions have been met, together with the excuted mylar and appropriate recording fee, the Director of Planning and Zoning will obtain the necessary signatures from the County Departments and officials and cause the final plat to be recorded. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the notice of hearing has been met and published throughout this subdivision process and the public was afforded notice of this final action throught advertisement of the Board of Supervisor's meeting for this date NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisor's, at their regular meeting on Monday, AprilS, 1993, approved this Final plat and petition of exception as outlined herein. . .J MORAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS .~m~L~~ Stander er, C airman ::,'."",,, .~.. ," \ ~ . . .. 3675 E. Andy Devine Avenue, Suite C P.O. Box 7000 KINGMAN, ARIZONA 86402-7000 TELEPHONE (602) 757-0910 FAX (602) 757-0912 'MOHA VE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS Richard A. Skalicky, P.E. Director M.P. Hendrix. P.E. Asst. Director County Engineer H.J. Ganyo, P.E. Asst. Co. Engineer B.M. Elters. P.E. Flood Control District Date: January 29, J.993 From: Harold J. Ganyo, P.E., County Engineer To: Planning and Zoning Department, Attn: Tom Aragon Re: Willow Valley Estates # 4J.34-A, B, C .REVIEW OF ITEMS RECEIVED J.-07-93 Engineers Cost Estimate (Revised) Improvement Plans (Revised) The submitted Revised Cost Estimate and Revised Improvement Plans appear adequate and are approved. ~.,..",,7 . .~. . .' PAGE 4 OF BK 2201 PG 6 4 (FEEO~3-18715) Building/Grounds Maintenance Owen R. Shultz Emergency Services Director Jerry D. Hill Landfills Roads M. Esquibel Parks Department Tom Brady Equipment/Vehicle Maintenance C.L Key ., ...... ">-\n 3_" ":1:'''' -.. 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