HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-236 ~. ~\j) #2 #5 III2lllflI.Mm mtlEXED ~93- . .....4063 BK 2261 PG 64-1 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF nOHAVE COUNTY AI. "JOAN l'I"CALLP MOHAVE COUNTY i\'ECOROERl! 08/05/9~ l'GS P,r" PAGE 1 OF 3 MOHAVE COUNTY SOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 He B~SOLUTION NO. 93-236 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH A REQUEST FOR A CHANGE OF USE PERMIT FOR A FACILITY FOR THE MANUFACTURING AND WAREHOUSING OF LAUNDRY DETERGENTS ,ANI) SANITIZERS FOR WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION IN AN A-D (AIRPORT DE'ffiLOPMENT) ZONE ON PARCEL IV-H, RECORD OF SURVEY, IN THE SW~ SECTION 26, TOT~SHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 16 WEST, LOCATED AT THE KINGMAN AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK, KINGMAN AREA, MORAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held August 2, 1993, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted to William Edwards (Luseaux Laboratories, Inc. ) of Gardena, California, for a change of use permit, located in the Kingman Industrial Park, and WHEREAS, the Kingman Airport Industrial Park is located approximately three and one-half miles northeast of the eastern 1-40 and Highway 66 intersection. The parcel proposed for development by Luseaux Laboratories, Inc., 16818 South Gramercy Place, Gardena, California 90247, is approximately 5.7 acres and is accessed from Highway 66 southeasterly on Industrial Parkway, then southwesterly on Industrial Boulevard, then southeasterly on Santa Fe Drive to the intersection of Olympic Drive. The subject property lies north of the intersection of Santa Fe Drive and Olympic Drive, and WHEREAS, review of Floodplain Map if040058_2170B indicates this area to be clear of any designated floodplain. The site is currently vacant. Surrounding land uses consist of a mixture of industrial and commercial uses and undeveloped land, and WHEREAS, documentation provided to Planning and Zoning staff reveals that this company has been in business for 45 years. The applicant is proposing to construct a 30,000 square foot building which will house a facility for the manufacturing and warehousing of laundry products. Initial planning provides for 11 employees in the manufacturing end of the business with a potential for employment of up to 16 people, exclusive of the clerical employees. A 30"x 35", two-story office addition to house up to four Clerical employees is planned as an accessory use to the manufacturing facility.. and ,.<".~ \,:,'0':7 .....:--_~~t t;..,..,~ ..-. "-..-.:.;...~ ....;../ . . RESOLUTION NO. 93-236 Page 2 WHEREAS, the agent/applicant, Charles Edwards, has stated that he has filed for the required ADEQ permits which enable the use and/or storage of hazardous or toxic materials in the manufacturing of the laundry products. All controlled substances will be stored inside the warehouse in a diked area. There is no residual waste as a result of the manufacturing process. All spills and sweepings are neutralized, diluted and sewered. The amount of detergent dust and spills disposed of through the municipal sewer amounts to approximately 10 pounds per day. The company has had no significant spills to date. A list of all hazardous materials stored on site has been furnished to Mohave County Environmental Health and the Mohave County Director of Emergency Services, and WHEREAS, Mohave Coun"ty Zoning Regulations Section 13.1 of the A-D (Airport Development) Zone state: "A building or premises shall only be used for the following purposes as each indi vidual and each subsequent use is individually approved by the Board of Supervisors after recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission, subject to such conditions and restrictions that they may impose. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall give strong consideration to the recommendations and conditions forwarded to it by the Airport Authority or any other managing organization in its recommendation to the Board of Supervisors," and WHEREAS, Jim Wilkerson, representing the Kingman Airport Authority, recommends approval of this proposal, and WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on July 14, 1993, the Commission recommended APPROVAL of the requested Change of Use Permit with the applicant understanding and accepting the following conditions: 1. That appropriate zoning/building/environmental permits be obtained. 2. That the applicant comply with all applicable provisions of the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Standard, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, on June 26, 1993, and posted July 16, 1993 as required by Arizona Revised Statutes, and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. PAGE 2 OF 3 BK 2261 PG 6~2 (FEE~93-44063) ~~~~ t t'C7'~ ':-...~/ 4-$.. . RESOLUTION NO. 93-236 . Page 3 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, August 2, 1993, APPROVED this Change of Use Permit as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. M~UN~ ~ERVISORS If; Stand" fer, ~nnan PAGE 3 OF 3 BK 2261 PG 6~3 (FEEt93-44063)