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HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/03/2019 Item 031MOHAVE COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION FORM FORMAL ACTION: ❑ FROM: Kip Anderson, Superior Court Administrator CONSENT CONTACT/EXT: 4150 RESOLUTION ❑ DATE: May 23, 2019 OTHER ❑ BOS MEETING DATE: June 3, 2019 INFORMATION ONLY ❑ SUMMARIZE THE ISSUE & DESIRED ACTION CLEARLY/ATTACH BACKUP MATERIAL: During the May 20, 2019 Board meeting approval was given for the Superior Court to fill a part-time Commissioner/Judge Pro Tem position and support staff as requested in the FY 2019-2020 tentative budget effective July 6, 2019. Given the continued increase in filings/workload and the need to expand this position - as discussed and presented during the Board's budget workshop on May 17, 2019 - the Court now asks the Board to approve the hiring of a Full-time Commissioner/Judge Pro Tem and necessary support staff effective July 6, 2019 or as soon as possible after this date. See attached revised new initiative that is now included in the FY 2019-2020 tentative budget. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Approve the hiring of a Court commissioner, judicial assistant and courtroom clerk as requested in the FY 2019-2020 tentative budget effective July 6, 2019. Approve the creation of new position numbers for each of these classifications. Reviewed and Approved By: 210 r' County Attorney Human Resources 21 Finance rivCounty Administrator Approved as Requested Continued to 0 Board Action Taken: No Action Taken 0 Disapproved = Approved with the following changes: Acknowledged receipt and referred to: Filing Information and Retrieval Filed Bid Filed Agreement BOS Resolution Filed Yearly Correspondence Filed Petition Filed Dedication Filed Land Sold Filed Land Acquired Filed Franchise ID Resolution Filed Improvement District Filed Other Date Routed:LPIA-1 111 Additional Information: XC: 31 MOHAVE COUNTY FY2019-2020 NEW INITIATIVES REQUEST ITEM NUMBER 3 OF 3 (Lowest number = highest priority) ORG NAME & NUMBER Superior Court General Fund 100-1-2901 DATE: TITLE OF NEW INITIATIVE REQUEST NEW 1.0 FTE Commissioner/Judge Pro Tem, Judicial Assistant & Courtroom Clerk 05/20/19 DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: Click inside box and begin typing. If you do not have enough room in the box, please reduce the font size by clicking in the box below and then above on the font size box in the toolbar. During the past four years criminal case filings have continued to increase from 1837 filings in 2015 to 2355 filings in 2018. For 2019 it is estimated that filings will exceed 2450 for the year. The addition of a second grand jury this past year has contributed and will continue to increase the criminal casework as well. Currently the court has 3 full-time judges who handle all the criminal matters and their workload has reached the point where we need to add another judicial officer to ensure all matters are handled in a timely and effective manner. A weighted caseload review of the current assignments of the criminal judges indicates the three criminal judges are completing the equivalent work of more than five judges -it is necessary to add another judicial position to handle the increased work. It is noted that the judges handling the other case assignments are also working above a full caseload. In last year's budget the court was able to add the services of a Judge Pro Tem to assist with some criminal arraignments and to address the large juvenile dependency casework and the increase in civil matters and the results of this effort have proven very helpful. However, further assistance is needed to effectively balance the ongoing increase in the criminal work — this new position is targeted specifically to ensure the criminal casework is handled in a timely and effective manner. POSITION IMPACT: If a new position or classification, PCQ _ has _ has not been sent to HR. RATE CLASSIFICATION TITLE FTE SALARY BENEFITS 57.46 Court Commissioner/Pro Tem 1.00 119,517 90,518 17.68 Judicial Assistant 1.00 36,774 16,916 15.28 Courtroom Clerk 1.00 31,782 14,620 REVENUE SECTION (Please use negative sign ' -" for revenue) OBJECT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL REVENUE $ EXPENDITURE SECTION: OBJECT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 40110 Salaries 188,073.60 ERE 122,054 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 310,128 FINANCIAL IMPACT: INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN APPROPRIATIONS: REVENUE: $ - EXPENDITURE: $ 310,128 NET: $ 310,128 MOHAVE COUNTY REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION CORM FROM: Kip Anderson, Superior Court Administrator FORMAL ACTION: CONSENT ❑ CONTACT/EXT: 4150 RESOLUTION ❑ DATE: May 6, 2019 OTHER ❑ BOS MEETING DATE: May 20, 2019 INFORMATION ONLY ❑ SUMMARIZE THE ISSUE & DESIRED ACTION CLEARLY/ATTACH BACKUP MATERIAL: The Superior Court requests approval to fill the positions of part-time Commissioner/Judge Pro Tem, part-time Judicial Assistant and Courtroom Clerk as requested in the FY 2019-2020 tentative budget effective July 6, 2019. These positions are necessary to address an increase in workload and will allow the court to complete a re -assignment of existing and future cases amongst the current judges which ultimately will help improve service to the members of our community and those who have matters pending before the Superior Court. Please note that the Court has salary savings of approximately $40,000 in the most recent fiscal year that would more than cover the expenses necessary to start these employees on the date requested (approximately one month before the adoption of the final budget on August 5, 2019). Also, these positions were calculated and budgeted using 2,080 hours (full year) for FY2018-19. See attached new initiative information as contained in the FY2018-2019 budget package supporting the need for these positions. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Approve the hiring of a Court commissioner, judicial assistant and courtroom clerk as requested in the FY 2019-2020 tentative budget effective July 6, 2019. Approve the creation of new position numbers for each of these classifications. Reviewed and Approved By: , *\ , County Attorney Human Resources '-=� Finance �v County Administrator Approved as Requested Continued to Acknowledged receipt and referred to Filed Bid BOS Resolution Filed Petition Board Action Taken: No Action Taken = Disapproved a = Approved with the following changes: Filing Information and Retrieval Filed Agreement Filed Yearly Correspondence Filed Dedication Filed Land Sold Filed Land Acquired Filed Franchise ID Resolution Filed Improvement District Filed Other Date Routed. c i ems, Additional lnfoAtion: Xc MOHAVE COUNTY FY2019-2020 NEW INITIATIVES REQUEST ITEM NUMBER 3 OF 3 (Lowest number. hlghest priority) CRGNAME BNUMBER Superior Court General Fund 100-1-2901 DATE: TITLE OF NEW INITIATIVE REQUEST NEW .40 FTE Commissioner/Judge Pro Tem 04101/19 DESCRIPTION I JUSTIFICATION: Click Inside box and begin typing. If you do not have enough room in the box, please reduce the font size by clicking in the box below and then above on the font size box in the toolbar. During the past four years criminal case filings have continued to Increase from 1837 filings In 2015 to 2355 filings in 2018. For 2019 it is estimated that filings will exceed 2400 for the year. Currently the court has 3 full-time judges who handle all the criminal matters and It Is necessary to provide relieve to these judges In order to ensure all matters are handled in a timely and effective manner. A weighted caseload review of the current assignments of the criminal judges indicates the three criminal judges are completing the equivalent work of more than five judges. The judges handling the other case assignments are also working above a full caseload. Last year a full-time commissioner/judge Pro -Tem was added and this was critical in providing necessary relieve for the criminal matters as well as assistance for the juvenile dependency and civil cases that have also seen a significant increase in the past years. However, further assistance Is needed to effectively balance the ongoing increase In work— this new position Is targeted specifically to allow criminal hearings and some criminal trials to be handled by another judicial officer. The court requests the funding for this 16 hour a week Judge Pro -Tem position be provided by the general fund with funding for the staff positions to be provided by the courts Fill the Gap funds. POSITION IMPACT: If a new position or classification, PCQ _ has _ has not been sent to HR. RATE CLASSIFICATION TITLE FTE SALARY BENEFITS 57.46 Court Commissioner/Pro Tem OAO j 47,807 3,557 1:00 REVENUE SECTION (Please use negative sign "" for revenue) OBJECT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL REVENUE S EXPENDITURE SECTION: OBJECT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 40110 Salaries 47,807 ERE TOTAL EXPENDITURES -INANCIAL IMPACT: NCREASE I (DECREASE) IN APPROPRIATIONS: REVENUE:! $ EXPENDITURE:, $ 51,464 NET: $ 51,464 MOHAVE COUNTY FY2019-2020 NEW INITIATIVES REQUEST ITEM NUMBER 2 OF 2 (Lowest number = highest priority) ORGNAME BNUMBER Superior Court Fill The Gap Fund 805-1-2901 DATE: TITLE OF NEW INITIATIVE REQUEST .40 FTE of Judicial Assistantl.50 FTE Courtroom Clerk 04101/19 DESCRIPTION I JUSTIFICATION: Click Inside box and begin typing. If you do not have enough room In the box, please reduce the font size by clicking in the box below and then above on the font size box in the toolbar. During the past four years criminal case filings have continued to increase from 1837 filings in 2015 to 2355 filings In 2018. For 2019 it is estimated that filings will exceed 2400 for the year. Currently the court has 3 full-time Judges who handle all the criminal matters and it Is necessary to provide relieve to these judges In order to ensure all matters are handled in a timely and effective manner. A weighted caseload review of the current assignments of the criminal judges indicates the three criminal judges are completing the equivalent work of more than five judges. The judges handling the other case assignments are also working above a full caseload. Last year a full-time commissioner/judge Pro -Tem was added and this was critical in providing necessary relieve for the criminal matters as well as assistance for the juvenile dependency and civil cases that have also seen a significant increase In the past years. However, further assistance is needed to effectively balance the ongoing increase in work- this new position Is targeted specifically to allow criminal hearings and some criminal trials to be handled by another judicial officer. The court requests the funding for this 16 hour a week Judge Pro -Tem position be provided by the general fund with funding for the staff positions to be provided by the courts Fill the Gap funds. 'OSITION IMPACT: If a new position or classificatlon, PCQ _ has _ has not been sent to HR. RATE CLASSIFICATION TITLE FTE SALARY BENEFITS 16.04 Judicial Assistant 0.40 13,345 1,021 15.28 Courtroom Clerk 0.50 15,891 3,140 l 0.00 REVENUE SECTION (Please use negative sign' for revenue) OBJECT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL REVENUE $ OBJECT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Sala;:es 29,236 ERE - ._. _4,181 TOTAL EXPENDITURES FINANCIAL IMPACT: NCREASE I (DECREASE) IN APPROPRIATIONS: REVENUE:I $-.T'�', -• EXPENDITURE: I' 33,3971 NET:, $,".'• .33,38.7