HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-371 ~'--1 3. Plb '-e .. l .. lI. -, #2 ilCllOFlLl,IE!l 4txm ~9~- _~., 155iJi BK 2326 FG 833 uFFlt.i.Al'RECnRDS OFffi3HAVE COUliT'f AI", *JuAN McCALL; MOHAVE GOUNTY RECOROER* i2il~i9J g:~fQ ~hn= Pj~El OF 3 i'fOHAVE COUiiW SOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORD IMG FEE !). 00 It.~ --~'---'"~-':~"~'~"'''- ' l?,'f"""';"-". ~ RESOLUTION NO. 93-371 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH A CHANGE OF USE PERMIT A~D A ZONING USE PERMIT ON PARCELS V-K, V-L, V-M, V-N AND A 7. 4-AC.RE PORTION OF PARCEL V IN THE SE~ SECTION 27 AND THE SW~ SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTIl, RANGE 16 WEST FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TEMPORARY OFFICE BUILDING AND STORAGE OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND EQUIPlmNT IN AN A-D (AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT) ZONE WITHIN THE KINGMAN AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK, LOCATED IN THE KINGMAN AREA, MOHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at thereg-ular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on December 6, 1993, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted for a change of use permit and zoning use permit on the above described property to applicant Jim Wilkinson, Executive Director of the Kingman Airport Authority of Kingman, Arizona, and WHEREAS, the area to be utilized is locateci in the soui:her1y portion o"f the Kingman Industrial Airport. Access is via Route 66 to Industrial Parkway to Industrial Boulevard southwesi:erly, then to Sante ,Fe Drive southeasterly, then to Windrose Lane southwesterly a~oximately 200 feet to the site's southeasterly corner. Windrose Lane is a dirt road that provides the, only access to Silva Street which bounds the site's northeasterly sicie, and WHEREAS, the site is vacant with the exception of a fenced area southwest of Parcel V-K containing disabled dump trudk:s and assorted dumpsters. Infrastructure is in place. Surrounding land uses are a mix of industrial, commercial and undeveloped land. Rail access' is within 100 feet. Review of Floodplain Map #040058...2170Binciicates that the property is within Zone C, an area of minimal flooding. The Kingman Industrial Pa.rk is within the urban/Building Overlay Zone and the Hua1apai Valley Fire District, and / -~_c,,,,,c.c~,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,~""=~='="""'~"":"=""""""''''TC"''''''''"'T"'~-"~.="-.,,,,,,,,, ... . , PAGE 2 OF 3 BK 2326 PG 83~ (FEE~93-71550) .. c...) RESOLUTION NO. 93-371 Page 2 WHEREAS, the Change of Use permit will allow the vacant land in Parcels V-K through V-N and a 7.4-acre portion of Parcel V to be utilized by Irby Construction Company. Irby is seeking a one to two-year lease with the Kingman Airport Authority for a temporary operations office and a construction yard. Operations and site usage will involve the receiving and dispersal of materials for the Salt River Project's "Lake Mead to Phoenix" transmission powerline. Materials will consist of tower steel, insulators, hardware and reels of conductor wire. The type of ~ uses proposed by Irby are not addressed in the A-D zone use regulations, and WHEREAS, in the A-D zone, the issuance of a Zoning Use permit will only allow for the storage of flammable liquids, gases and bulk fuels. Irby has indicated that these materials, which consist of gas, diesel fuel, oil, hydraulic fluid, transmission fluid and miscellaneous grease, will be stored above ground in 55-gallon drums, and WIEREAS, the Mohave County Zoning Regulations Section 13.1.C of the A-D (Airport Development) Zone states: "...each .".':::, individual and each subsequent use is individually approved by t.--',; the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission, subject to such ~. - '-.... . ,..~~~ condi tions and restrictions as they impose. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall give strong consideration to the recommendations and conditions forwarded to it by the Airport Authority ... in its recommendation to the Board of Supervisors." Attached is a letter of support from Jim Wilkinson, Executive t Director of the Kingman Airport Authority, and WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on November 10, 1993, the Commission recommended APPROVAL for a change of use and zoning use permit subject to the following: 1. That appropriate zoning, floodplain permits be development. building, obtained environmental prior to and any 2. That Irby Construction comply with all applicable provisions of the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance. CI 3 . Notification to and compliance with all local and state level fire codes for the containment area. 4. All areas near the containment area be maintained free of debris and weeds. "- :'/:1- . :~ / ~/ -. '-. "", (;~~, \~::) .. e Il .~ ~ \.31 .. <I. -- J , RESOLUTION NO. 93-371 Page 3 PAGE 3 OF 3 ~K 2326 PG 835 (F~E~93-71550) 5. The construction/office trailer shall connect to sewer. 6 . Change of Use: This approval is valid for two years, during such time construction on the project shall commence or the use authorized shall be initiated. Prior to expiration of the approval, the developer may request an Extension of Time from the Commission to initiate the project, and the Commission shall recommend to the Board an action based upon a finding of substantial grounds of which to grant such an Extension of Time up to one year. 7. The zoning conditions permit. use permit as stated shall mimic the same above for the change approval of use WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, November 21,1993, and posted November 19, 1993, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, December 6, 1993, APPROVED this change of use and zoning use permit as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: --5am--&~f!;r~__ Joan C. Ward, Vice Chairman