HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-361 ~'/n, .('\ 61)~ #6 #5 MICROFILMED f-SgED.' "7 :t 51.4' BK23:U. PG 73... ..OFFICIAL.. REGORDS OF.-' :rroHA'JE COL~HY AZ. *JC'AH /icCALL, 11000AVE COUNTY RECURl}ER* 12113/9~ 3::30 f'.ii.PAGE1 OF :3 nOH/WE, rournv WARl}UF SUPERViSORS REC!lRli!~ FEE l).QO Me '11- }O~7 :z----loJ.Q9 ~ I ;j kf'{:.{L- 3 e 'o! ,A, .' ,"",,""~, RESOLUTION NO. 93- 61 <;:-7,.. ',ro,;",\1'">.. ~ "I' \ G::>\r"""",I.., .....5Pc?;tA"""\..4,."O ~~f'-JJ .1\.J A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH A REZONE OF A PORTION 01' LOT 258 IN THE NE% OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 19 WEST, FROM A- ..,. R/lA (AGRICULTURAL-RESIDENTIAL/ONE ACRE MINIMUM LOT SIZE) ZONE, TO C~2H (GENERAL~COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY FRONTAGE) ZONE, AND M (MANUFACTURING) ZONE, LOCATED IN THE GOLDEN VALLEY AREA, ]~OHAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on December 6, 1993, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted for a zone change for the above described property to owner Arlen Kaygay of Whittier, California, and WHEREAS, the subject property is located eight and on'3-half miles west of the intersection of Highways 93 and 68. The lot is located on the south side of Highway 68 between Laguna and Estrella Roads and is accessed directly from Highway 68, and .. WHEREAS, there is a building on the site used as a 'Jarage and what appears to be a residence, with a number of cars stored in the rear with a portion of the vehicles enclosed by a Chain link fence. The portion south of the parcel that is being propOE;ed for M zoning is vacant and appears to have been used as a sand and gravel operation. There is a large pit on a- portion of the area with the remainder being bladed, and WHEREAS, review of Floodplain Map #040058-232!5B indicates this parcel to be in Zones A and C. The portion in Zone A is an area of 100-year flood; base flood elevations and flood hazard factors not determined. This p'rea requires a Floodplain Use Permit for any development. The remainder of the parcel is in Zone C, an area of minimal flooding, and .. WHEREAS, the Valley/Sacramento indicates this Residential, and subject Valley parcel property is located within the Golden Area Plan boundary. The Area plan to be potential Mul tip1e Family ~i> #"~ .~~,:.:,. \ ':o~~ [fa ~~ rnnwrn till DE.G 21 1993 NiJ~::\'Jt LO. P~'~NI~G & n'l ...................... II .........................~........ - .,.,.~"-.=~~"'""''''.,,=^-=.,,'''''..,-" ,1::~ · ... ~ /'2~" \"-: .<:! . ;~.,;,~ f. o .. r.-:':J:'.".~.' \'" -"".-...; . . PAGE 2 OF 3 BK 2326 PG 73~ (FEE~93-71~14) RESOLUTION NO. 93-361 Page 2 WHEREAS, the Golden Valley/Sacramento Valley Area Plan was adopted per P&ZC Resolution No. 80-62. The area plan lists a number of proposals that indicate the problem/situation, lists the goals and identifies the objective/solution. Proposal H deals with commercial properties. The plan indicates that "In an effort to meet future demands, it is recommended that cluster commercial districts be encouraged as opposed to strip zoning along Highway 68 and 93. This would help protect the integrity of the highway function, that of carrying traffic through the area. " The plan specifically lists the areas which may be considered for commercial zoning classifications. The subject property is NOT one of the properties listed in the plan, and WHEREAS, in 1987 an amendment to the Golden Valley/Sacramento Valley Area Plan regarding the areas which may be considered for commercial zoning classifications was approved per P&ZC Resolution No. 87-26. The plan specifically listed properties along Highway 68 identified for consideration for commercial zoning that were not identified in the 1980 plan. The parcels identified in the plan are subject to the submittal of a development plan for a specific commercial use or activity, together with a formal zone change application, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning staff uses area plans as guides to help direct growth and development in the County. Zone changes without amending the area plan limits the ability of staff to properly plan the future needs of the County, limits community input and concerns and overrides policies approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Supervisors, and WHEREAS, a request for rezone for C-2 zoning on the northern 240 feet of Parcel 258 was unanimously denied by the Planning and zoning Commission in May, 1987 and was also denied by the Board of Supervisors in June, 1987. P&ZC Resolution No. 87-94 indicates that the Commission recommended denial for the proposed commercial zoning because the property is not within the commercial district identified in the Golden valley Area plan, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Department recommended denial of the proposed zoned change based on the following: 1. The area plan indicates this area to be MFR (Multiple Family Residential), and the plan has not been amended. 2. This change would set a precedent that would encourage changes without amending area plans, land use changes without proper analyses and continue commercial strip zoning along Highway 68, and 1i'..Ju.~. ~... .< . . ... -, RESOLUTION NO. 93-361 Page 3 " ~;} PAGE J OF 3 BK 2326 PG 736 (FEE+93-7151~) WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission on November 10, 1993, the Commission recommended APPROVAL for a zone change subject to the following: 1. The northern portion of the property be zoned C-2H/2A (General Commercial-Highway Frontage/Two Acre Minimum Lot Size), and the southern portion of the property be zoned M/4A (General Manufacturing/Four Acre Minimum Lot Size) . lit 2. The applicant comply with all applicable provisions of the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. Compliance with Section 27.P (Site Plan Requirements) and Ordinance 87- 1 (Dark Sky Ordinance) is also required. 3. That appropriate zoning, building, environmental and floodplain permits be obtained. ':;;" i-..~;t ~ -: ~~~-~... I,' ':-.,-~ ':;;d 4 . The rezone shall not become effective for 30 days after final approval of the change in classification by the Board of Supervisors, as per ARS 11-829E. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, November 21, 1993, and posted November t 19, 1993, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on Monday, December 6, 1993, APPROVED this zone change as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. MORAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ATTEST: :i~ e. W~ --s~ andeE.f~r-cna.i.anaa.-- Joan C. Ward, Vice Chairman D ,,~ :O:J~':~- i _..,::,~ ...... .