HomeMy WebLinkAbout93-285 BE:~~)r.,..~.Vf E. COr;nED 'WD. D CORRECTED PAGE 2 t "'~r--~~' Y Jij) r2 (fil r2 n tln ~r;,~,~~~ ~ # tfu IS \!!J IS U \!I 0 #6 #5 ~~~~~ #2 -} A ~ 1994 ~NfJ~xW (,.>;;~~'" ftmEXFJ"'l. ~ o~ 1..._931:- lr 71503 8K 2326 PG 71 . ~~~ :;:9~-"7 1 ........ .....,.OHA ZONIN m.. ~CORDS OF nOHAVE COUNTY AZ.' ....... OFFICIAL Rr-COR:t - 90 B~_ 2,),)." PG 3aJ ~ .~. ~ 'l ,., "~CALL, MO~AVE eOUHTYRECORDER* ee f 'DA" i'i CA~L u::; - OF MOHAvt. COUNTY AZ~Dr...... ' ..... ...........~.1JI9.:: 3:30 P .n. PAGE 1 OF 1 1~/?~)9~ ?~r ~UHAVE COUNTY RECORDER* v~Q.- ."~~ nOHAVE CQUHTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS , tiOHAVE COUW' ..J . .M. PAGE 1 OF 2 1 64 RECOROIHb FEE 0.00 He .~ R"c'ocn~u- F..J! BOARD Of SUPERVISORS r. ''In.!'!lJ r.r. U . 00 NC ~~ " 01~~n]. \.;:,:z..,>~ y ~ .. c ~r I -,' ro..;.,?' . \~:',H' MtCROFlLMm RESOLUTION NO. 93-285 A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH A REZONE OF LOT 5, BLOCK GG, LAKE MORAVE COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES UNIT 3, FROM R-M/1A (MULTIPLE- RESIDENTIAL/ONE ACRE MINIMUM LOT SIZE) ZONE TO R-M!20M (MULTIPLE- RESIDENTIALj20,OOO SQUARE FOOT MINIMUM LOT SIZE) ZONE, LOCATED IN SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 16 WEST, IN THE KINGMAN AREA, MORAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, at the regular meeting of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors held on October 4, 1993, a public hearing was conducted to determine whether approval should be granted for a zone change on the above described property to owners Harry and Helen Chrisco of Kingman, Arizona, and WHEREAS, the subject property is within one-half mile of the Kingman City Limits. Access is via North Bank Street, thence west on Gordon Drive one block, thence north on Arizona Street approxim~tely one-half mile to the southeast corner of the subject property, and WHEREAS, the site is currently for sale and occupied by a double-wide mobile home and detached garage. Surrounding land uses consist mainly of single family residential homes with the remainder of the area being vacant land. The majority of the land within the southeast corner of Section 31 is zoned R-1/20M (Single Family Residential/Twenty Thousand Square Foot Minimum Lot Size). Block GG is zoned R-M/1A (Multiple-Resid,ential/One Acre Minimum Lot Size); however, a recent action by the Commission and Board (Resolution No. 93-163) allowed a zone change and resultant lot split from R-M/IA to R-M/20M, thereby establishing a precedent for the block. Prior to this action there had been one illegal split within Block GG (Lot 2), and. WHEREAS, the subject property is within the area known as the Mohave Wash. Reyiew of Floodplain Map #00458-2165C indicates that Lot 5 is within an AH zone, an area of 100-year shallow flooding where depths are between one and three feet. Development within an AH designation requires a Floodplain Use Permit. The Property Floodplain Determination also conditioned that the property owner cannot construct wi thout approval from the County's District Engineer and attached a memorandum dated July 8, 1992 from Harold Ganyo which states that "every request for development in the Mohave Wash floodplain will have to be examined on a case-by-case basis. Applications in most cases will need a Drainage Impact Study by a registered engineer," and ,t ~~ '. ,.-:.~~ f.-. '.'.'.:: \~ .~;,; -....~/ .,. (.~?=- 'z:.-..t~.-r>. ~'I'..,* .. a " (.~t.":-...""".:1' J , . RESOLUTION NO. 93-285 Page 2 WHEREAS, this proposed rezone is not part of an Area Plan but is within the Urban/Building Overlay Zone, and WHEREAS, at the public hearing before the Mohave County Planning and zoning Commission on September 8, 1993, the Commission recommended DENIAL of the zone change and resultant lot split based on the following: 1. A portion of the Mohave Wash bisects the Lake Mohave Country Club Estates Unit 3, thereby creating a large swath of land within an AH flood zone. The greatest amount of impact to the wash and resultant flood zone will be from the contiguous higher density residential land uses which exist as 20,000 square foot lots. The creation of additional 20,000 square foot lots within the AH flood zone would further aggravate an existing floodplain problem. Staff is concerned about increasing residential densities in an AH flo,od zone and, therefore, recommends denial of this rezone case. WHEREAS, the notice of hearing was published in the Kingman Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in Kingman, Mohave County, Arizona, November 21, 1993, and posted November 17, 1993, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes, and the Mohave County Zoning Regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting on December 6, 1993, denied this zone change, as recommended by the Mohave County Planning and Zoning Commission and outlined herein. ATTEST: MORAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~ e~. filih~ -Sam- aftde-rfef-,--€ha-i-rJftiHl-- Joan C. Ward, Vice Chairman P~GE 2 OF 2 BK 2333 PG ~~B ( ~y FEEt93-7i19Q)