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HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/07/2019 Item 006 l
Mohave County Republican Party
1, l 7 ' �� c '. ' ,the undersigned duly elected
or appoint member of the Mohave County_ Republican Committee from
Precinct# c-,l(_ Precinct name _do hereby
tender my resignation effective on the Jjj,�) day of , 20�.
Name: �(w61°�
Address: d,?,,50
Signature: �l} -c Date:
Special Notes:
to cc)
District Direct Date C airman Date
I, Ci-Le-TT-r-q Co A4 E(Z- , the undersigned, duly elected or appointed
member of the Mohave County Republican Central Committee from Precinct # C;7 CS ,
Precinct Name: ( 146 tit A-kS C'r,�"g--+C-- , Mohave County, State of Arizona,
(lei her'by tender my resignation effective on the day of
(month), 20�
Print Name
Address /
Phone No. -
Special Notes:
istrict Director Appr val Date Chain Date
Athe undersigned, duly elected or appointed
member of the Mohave County Republica:i Central Committee from Precinct # -;?, / 7 ,
Precinct Name: /f,`0< "„ C4 14 -5o U`f- Mohave County, State of Arizona,
do hereby tender my resignation effective on the _� day of
(month), 20
Print Name � �.�-, 0©05
Address r A-1 e:�2 14 ✓e
A/1 )�
Phone No. -
Signature Al Date
Special Notes:
District Director pproval Date airn an A proval Da
Mohave County Republican Party
Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman
October 1,2018-September 30'-,-2020
Precinct#: Precinct-Name:
To Mohave County Republican Party Chairman; Sam Scarmardo,
I am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the
Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman.
•I understand that the term for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered years.
•I must file petition for election in May of that year to place my name on the Republican ballot
for election for Rrecinct.Cbmmitteeman in the August Primary.
On appointment;
•I agree to assist the Mohave Republican Party in its goal of working toward party unity and
electing aft Republican candidates.
•I agree to perform the following duties to the best of my ability:
-ATTEND precinct,statutory,regular and special county committee meetings. at.the State,District and County.level,. ��t�'rJl i6lt CCat1t•,�.`
-EXPAND the political knowledge of the precinct voters �! SEP 2 5 2019
-ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the precinct.
-PARTICIPATE in the"Get Out the Vote"(GOTV)drives and Election Day activities.
-IDENTIFY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at all levels. 11 VOTER M-EGIS T RATI N
RECOGNIZE this is not just a tide but an important,active woddng position within the"Republican=
- - Q
Mr Gary A Genovese
Physical Addre: 2708 Promontory Dr Zip:
B the CitAZ 86429
Mailing Addre Zip:
Email address iNecessary for Ucoff�esdence). - - 0 Al
r �
District* _ Approval 0--!i�s FI-No M. Reorder Validation
Registered to Vote
District Director: © ReP ublican
MCRCC ChaU/'Appr,o,va,1 s ❑No Address
Chairman: Initials a
Mohave County Republican Party
Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman
October 1,2018-September 30,2020
Precinct# Precinct Name:
To Mnhave_.(_Dainty Republican Party Chairman;.Sam Scarmardo,
1 am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the
Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman.
•I understand that the term for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered years.
•I must file petition for election in May of that year to place my name on the Republican ballot
fib 4-VWVI�fVr P-nisi#Ct''0Im.,•li1lic- ►- ;-s t1.-L lisga's".�t D-of na-a ,
On appointment;
•I agree to assist the Mohave Republican Party in its goal of working toward party unity and
electing all Republican candidates.
•I agree to perform the following duties to the best of my ability; �,.. .
,.�i�,.4s+e •LF.h
-Al" END precinct,statutory,regular and special county committee meetings. VF Cl
-SUPPORT party activities at the State.District and County level. t
-EXPAND the political knowledge of the precinct voters SUP 2019 t5
-ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the precinct. 4
-PARTICIPATE in the"Get Out the Vote"(GOTV)drives and Election Day activ tiqI rE
-IDENTIFY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at all levels. ATiON
-RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important,active working position within the Republican Parry
Name: j r Phoned -
Physical Address: �� Zip: bot
Mailing Address: f�2Y �,�� kl'ad,4 420/11 Zip (q0
Email address (Nece r e pondence)
Signature: Date: ' l
District# Approval !s ❑No M.C.RFcorder Validation
.1 a.. I -
neglStUed w vvM
District Director: - Republican
MCRCC Chairmanp roval Yes ❑No Address
Phn rmnn• q,� L-1
Mohave County Republican Party
Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman
October 1,2018-September 30,2020
Precinct# : Precinct Name: K1,N1;V1A1N,( At� o r fi
Th Mnhave.County Ren»hl can Party Chairman.; Sam.Snarmardn.
I am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the
Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman.
•I understand that the term for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered years.
•I must file petition for election in May of that year to place my name on the Republican ballot
On appointment;
•I agree to assist the Mohave Republican Party in its goal of working toward party unity and
electing all Republican candidates.
•I a ree to er orm the ollowin duties to the best o m ab,'."
..g p. .f .f... . ...g ., _ ,f__.y .._may: �
-A1T�END precinct,statutory,regular and special county committee meetings. '' �.�E:Ct-°t=� `i
-SUPPORT party activities at the State,District and County level.
-EXPAND the political knowledge of the precinct voters 5 E P G 5 201.9 .
-ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the precinct.
-PARTICIPATE in the"Get Out the Vote"(GOTV)drives and Election Day acti vines;.-f;�n M-GIS-1-RA 11 ON
-IDENTIFY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at all levels.
-RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important,active working position within the Republican Party.
Name: Phone: -
Physical Address: 5 _F— , 4Z--A kAiC .4✓� J<i NJ SAI Zip: �Q 11
Mailing Address: ` L i Zip: t t
Email address (Necessary for correspondence) : — • ��
Signature. Dater
District# Approval Q Yes ❑ /' M.C.Recorder Validation
J . n .�___.a ... � _._
/ // ..•" AVg1bLC1rU LV YVLC
District Director: A '/ / Republican
MCRCC Cha'n-m A `proval 0
No Address
(�ha�rma�• rT Tnutiale
REVISED 07/01/19
Mohave County Republican Party
Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman
October 1,2018- September 30,2020
Precinct# : � Precinct Name: VNI� N
ToMohave County Republican Party Chairman; Sam Scarmardo,
I am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the
Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman.
•I understand that the term for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered years.
•I must file petition for election in May of that year to place my name on the Republican ballot
for election for Precinct Committeeman in the August Primary.
On appointment;
•I agree to assist the Mohave Republican Party in its goal of working toward party unity and
electing all Republican candidates.
•I agree to perform the following duties to the best of my ability:
-ATTEND precinct,statutory,regular and special county committee meetings. IVs'0 ` VCfft €q at.the_State,_District.and-County.level. ' SEP 2 5
-EXPAND the political knowledge of the precinct voters y
-ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the.precinct.
-PARTICIPATE in the"Get.Out the Vote"(GOTV)drives and Election Day acts , tle 1 EES REG;STRAT1f�rV
-IDENTIFY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at all levels.
-RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important,active working position within the Republican Party.
Name: Phone:
Physical Address: 3 b JZz1:41-2 4!/ Zip:
Mailing Address: fes' ;—I Zip:
Email address (Necessary for corre pondenc
Signature: Date:
District# A ov S ❑ No M.C.Recorder Validation
Registered to Vote
District Director: Republican
MCRCC Chairmaapproval ' : Ye No [Address
Chairman: Initials
REVISED 07/01/19
1 --ohaw County Republican Party
Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman
October 1,2018-
2//0,,18- September 30,2020
# Precinct Name: 44A 69 0 T/4
To Mohave County Republican Party Chairman; Sam Scarmardo,
I am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the
Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman.
•I understand that the term for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered years.
•I must frle petition for election in May of that year to place lily name on the Republican ballot
•for election for Precinct Committeeman in the August Primary.
On appointment;
•I agree to assist the Mohave Republican Party in its goal of working toward party unity and
electing all Republican candidates.
•I agree to perform the following duties to the best of my ability:
-ATTEND precinct,statutory,regular and special county committee meetings. F0HAVE COLI i°;
-SUPPORT-party.activities at.the State,_Districtand_County.level.
-EXPAND the political knowledge of the precinct voters SEP 2 5
—ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the.precinct.
-PARTICIPATE in the"Get.Out the Vote"(GOTV)drives and Election Day act'uM"PER-IDENTIFY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at all levels. REGISTRATION
-RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important,active working position within the Republican Party.
Name: N A a::& ✓,j Ul l�EA n=��(2 -Phone:
PhysicalAddress:J370? C.'jt3CO —4:;� Kt%gAA21 Zip:
Mailing Address: Mc, Zip:
Email address (Necessary for correspondence)
Signa ure: L�_ Date:�ri0� 20��
District# I Approval Y o M.C.Recorder Validation
Registered to Vote
District Director:
-MCRCC Chai Appro al Yes:El No Address
REVISED 07/01/19
Mohave County Republican Party
Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman
October 1,2018- September 340,2020
Precinct# : a-f Precinct Name: /1k)� '$'�t1 6—A
Th Mnhave Cniinty RPrnihliran Party Chairman- Sam Srsrmardn.
I am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the
Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman.
•I understand that the term for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered years.
•I must file petition for election in May of that year to place my name on the Republican ballot
f nlnnNn« f�. T1s.nni«nI/���«.«iflnns«n., s« #L- Ay-." Dr:•«�«n.
JVI 4WYYLVIi JV/ L /4YNiY6 V VI•!I/••••44//•{•/i LIi 1114 t1K5 wur 1 /4fl 140.1,.
On appointment;
•I agree to assist the Mohave Republican Party in its goal of working toward party unity and
electing all Republican candidates.
•I agree toperform the ollowin duties to the best o m ab
g f g �' 1'=
-AiTEND precinct,statutory,regular and special county committee meetings.
-SUPPORT party activities at the State.District.and County level. SSP 2 5 201
-EXPAND the political knowledge of the precinct voters
-ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the precinct. h:
-PARTICIPATE in the"Get Out the Vote"(GOTV)drives and Election Day activiiies;?" `=�<
IDENTIFY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at all levels.
-RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important,active working position within the Republican Party.
Name: Phone:c
Physical Address: �� 1-= Zip:
Mailing Address: Zip:
Email address 4(Necess7ary for jespondence)
I Signature: Date: ` j ` l 9
District# Approval EYFA
No M.C.Recorder Validation
District Director:
MCRCC Chai A proval ❑No Address
(`hp_?rman• 1—
REVISED 407/01/19
Mohave County republican Party
Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman
October 1,2018- September 30,2020
Precinct# : c�l Precinct Name: 31
Th Mohave Cn»nty Ren»hlir_nn Party Chairman; Cam Cnarmarrin,
I am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the
Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman.
•I understand that the term for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered years.
•I must file petition for election in May of that year to place my name on the Republican ballot
fi.rnln..IiL.ii f:s Arnnss,..f r....,.s..iHnns..ns,i« IT o A.ffr.fnf.D�isi.�ri.
JVf 4i44iiVIiJVI L I44ifi4i VVfI•II►iK441fiW1i iIi ifi4 LLWS WVi L f ilff.Wf,.
On appointment;
•I agree to assist the Mohave Republican Party in its goal of working toward party unity and
electing all Republican candidates.
•I agree to perforta the following duties to the best of my ab'.
-ATTEND precinct,statutory,regular and special county committee meetings.
-SUPPORT party activities at the State,District and County level. a E P
-EXPAND the political knowledge of the precinct voters
-ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the precinct.
-PARTICIPATE in the"Get Out the Vote"(GOTV)drives and Election Day activitieYPTER REG"STRATiolhj
-IDENTIFY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at all levels.
-RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important,active working position within the Republican Party.
Name ,,���� ice • Gtr ; Ce�� �, Phone: `
�fo�fa I
Physical Address: ��) , �n 4�r\0.rv� � Zip:
Mailing Address: �??� <D 11 `R� -4
Email address (Necessary for correspondence)
Signature: Date:
District# Approval es r No Recorder Validation
U Regist2rcd t0 Vvic
District Director:
__1\ Republican
MCRCC Ch:: Approval es ❑No Address
0 n fi 4 q-(,K LnifiallsklA
Mohave Canty Republican Party
Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman
October 1,2018- September 30,2020
Precinct# : l SCS -Precinct Name: 1' 0 $ wt a h &ors
To Mohave County Republican=Party=Chairman; Sam Scarmardo,
I am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the
Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman.
•I understand that the term for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered years.
•I must file petition for election in May of that year to place nay name on the Republican ballot
for election for Precinct Committeeman in the August Primary.
On appointment;
•I agree to assist the Mohave Republican Party in its goal of working toward party unity and
electing all Republican candidates.
•I agree to perform the following duties to the best of my ability:
-ATTEND precinct,statutory,regular and special county committee meetings. I40HA� C0UN-rY
-SUPPORT State,_Districtand_County level. y
-EXPAND the political knowledge of the precinct voters P 2 5 Z Q�
–ASSIST in registration of Republican-voters in.the precinct.
-PARTICIPATE in the"Get-Out the Vote"(GOTV)drives and Election Day activItIOUTE,i REGISTRATION
-IDENTIFY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at all levels. -n— _ +' 1
-RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important,active working position within the Republican Party. }
Name: -777,t-4, �poc/�S -Phone:`
Physical-Address: cJs., /.:—:7. A 4&g A✓P
Mailing Address: Zip:
Email address (Necessary for correspondence)
Signature: / Date: y
District# A royalR]4/5s
pp ❑No M.C.Recorder Validation
(%� Registered to Vote
District Director: ,� ]Republican
MCRCC Chaff pproval Yes:M No Address "
Chairman: ^ ` t 4 Initials
REVISED 07/01/19