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02/03/2020 Item 006
Mohave County Republican Party Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT October 1,2018- September 30,2020 Precinct# �d � Precinct Name: LL-R-r�� C_mj Y(, To Mohave County Republican Party Chairman; Sam Scarmardo, I am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman. •I understand that the terve for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered years. •I must fele petition for election in May of that year to place my name on the Republican ballot for election for Precinct Committeeman in the August Primary. On appointment; •I agree to assist the Mohave Republican Party in its goal of working toward party unity and electing all Republican candidates. •I agree to perform the following duties to the best of ray ability: -ATTEND precinct,statutory,regular and special county committee meet --SUPPORT party activities at the State,District and County level. MOHAVE Cot: -EXPAND the political knowledge of the precinct voters -ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the precinct. JAN 2 1 -PARTICIPATE in the"Get Out the Vote"(GOTV)drives and Election ay activities. -IDENTIFY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at all le -RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important,active working position ®_ rty7. . w Name: ��r I""�� Irl, �e Phone: Physical Address: , Zip: ^b C Mailing Address: - 7 51 Zip: 8 b ` ) 41 Email address (Necessary for correspondence) t J Signature: Date: 41 -b-f-=�-- OFFIC District# Approval "Ye o M C Recorder Validation �� Ef Registered to Vote District Director: YRepublican MCRCC Chai an pproval Y s No Q Address Chairman: Initials live T qjpp Mohave Country Republican Precinct Committeeman 1, � E �`TEICH F�� `�'�c��T�'�1 i��I��11 October 1,2018 'September 30,2020 -Precinct# ��� I�TaI�P: js To Mohave County Republican Party Chairman; Sang Scannardo, I alp a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the Mohave County Board or Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman. •I ondl eG eand dint Eine tema JbF E-his Position ends on Sepfen-abeP 30&in even-nn¢angberred,ye(ws. O it VaIN&O 10.0 iCs;,r�wlr�nn,r'c F �'..e� +-_� ••ter � i fl n � 77s peru We4sa.���GG� J n 4 k�i��nci coul,6B'L��LeewY11dn, in eheAlQat'�,,w_w L ViYP8&0Y. On appointment; I Na CC to assist the Mo�zave RepuabUcan Parrly in its�®c�g®y i,®rr��r��t®�rurr�.t LU�!r���,vern��y an ene�trcrn��?L�I�e�a��lx�e�����,��?�tTwt`Ws�. I agree to Perrjopw ffie otffouing domes ro the bests of rVEY ebigigyo -ATTEND precinct,statutory,regular and special county comumittee meetings. SlU 701 T party-activities at the State,District and County level. T >ZuIDa1�TAA ti�P nniitiri innrx�lPrioQF the*�*Ar+nr±s,�,fi -ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the precinct. -FARAT]CEPATE in the"Get Out the Vote"(GOTV)drives and Election Day activities. -RD'1`ITffr- T Sz RAECRUI T potential candidates for public office at all levels. RECOG.NIZE this is not just a tine but an important,active rvorldng position within the Republican Party. Marne. Phone: - f Physical Address: 22 Gt,vu JzQ�� dip: &(i44 Mailing Address: �� � � Lip: ���U 4 ] n Email address(Necessary for co ondence) : _ � �r r .yYpil4Liu�% 11�2Zle: l �� e:1 f i Disaict Ap es El Nr% M.C Recorder Validation _ �_ r�.eglsrewd to:Vote �is'ricE Director: } MCRCC Chai an A roval Yes No Address Chairman: Initials REVISED 07(01119 Mohave County Republican Party Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman A PP1.1f ATION FOR A PPOIN`('1VWNT October 2018- eptember 30020 Precinct# : 2 Precinct Name: To MnhnVP_.Cnrnnty Rennhlionn Party Chnirmnn; Snm Snarmardn I am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman. •I understand that the term for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered years. •I must file petition for election in May of that year to place my name on the Republican ballot fnr n1....fi..•. f prnnir.f.f I 'AtHs.11f'�I./.taf/Iff i" #L_ A•fI�111.* D�.:.s..lvl. JVI 4i44iiVIi�Vl L /444114•VVI/•I/ONi44ll 11111 ifi 4IO4 L1W{S t•VL L I41I it•f ►• On appointment; •I agree to assist the Mohave Republican Party in its goal of working toward party unity and electing all Republican candidates. •I agree to perform the following duties to the best of my ability; -Ai l END precinct,statutory,reguiar and special county committee meetings. -SUPPORT party activities at.the State.District and County level. 1. --_- I -EXPAND the political knowledge of the precinct voters MOHAVE COUNTY -ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the precinct. -PARTICIPATE in the"Get Out the Vote"(GOTV)drives and Election D y acti440 12020 -IDENTIFY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at all IevIs. -RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important,active working position w fff fON �► < �� Name: � Phoned . � •pA w ��, Physical Address:! /7E 2 g ei 1��� 1 �"�"� J `t'�( Zip✓ Mailing Address: . a �'t Ck Zip: Email address (Necess _for correspondence) Signator � Date- OFFICE USE ONU District# Approval ❑No M.C.R rder Validation U ncglmmc—u tv rvic District Director: - Republican 4 MCRCC Chairm A Appr xal [Yes ❑No Q Address (`hanrMn": ! 1 Tnitiale i REVISED 0;/01{19 .�uvilrrt u� ullV is tGtl m :bm; ti�)tlC m.,' .tJ�l'r��is(r, nppli ration f r AppoiI1t11 eat: Mohave-C'Ount}/ Republ"Ica'.h Prec hi.d. C orriC1 itteelllan 00 1 , 018 - IsCpt 30, 2020 ,4 I rectnc;t 8 & Natit�. _ Nr To Saill Searnlardo,.Mohave County Republl4an Pnrly C°hair nil: I am a registered republican in the above-limiled 111-vei"nct atld regtiesi y(ltu.re comilien(l;,lion le, the Moh'.i"y C'OMA\' 130ard al'aullervisnrs l'Or appoinhimit to the posilion C11 Reptiblila ll Precinct t onllllitteeillilll. I understand that the term for this tmition ends on Scolember 30th in even-numbered years. I must file petition for election in i1ity of that year to place my name on the ReImbliclut ballot fide election for. precinct Committeeman.in the Aumust Primary. Oil appointment, I AGRIIJI'TO ASSI.S'I 'I"l E M{)l IAVI' PARTY IN' ITS GOAL.,0.1' WORKING TO'NARD PARTY UNITY AND ELECTING, 0,111- I-IcAN CANDIDATES, and to perform ille following duties to the best ol'rrty ability. A I ENI) Precinct. Statutory,Regular and Special ('minty Conln1ittce Nteclings. SUPPORT Party actin ities at the State. District.anal County level. I X1'AND the rolitical knowledge of tllc l'rceinct veneers. ASSIS-1 in Registration ol'Republican voters in (lie precinct. PARTICIPATE in the"C;ct Out the Vote"(GOTV1 drivis and (;,lection Day activities. IQV NT'IFY &R1 C'R1JIT potential candidates l lr l"ublic tlflice at all levels. " RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important;active working position within the Republican Marty: esiden�-e Address: v2 _ � I lty/StateZ_ip: Date: .� ------_----- nature: � / �� O J - h � l iblOHAV OUNTY HAVE GOP Uifice Use Only: JAN 21 2020 inct Vacancy* date as of(date): en scat.enter date nt'Primt+r?t."(Icctinn) ('vtonth tl a1) EIR EGISTRATION ict Office#: Address: a .(3 I �j. AN Lip: Registered Repubiican: Yes _ No V .Current AC:. Yes- -- No Previoiis ('C'. Yes_ _ N r strict Director Approval: Date: ty Chain' n Approval: Date: f Mohave County Republican Party Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT �y October 1,2018-September 30,2020 -Precinct#; d Precinct Name: To Mohave County Republican Party Chairman; Sam Scarmardo, I am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request:your mcommendation to the Mohave County Board of Supervisors for apointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman. I understrtrtd AW the lean for this,position ends on September 311th in even-numbered years. 17a ustfile peon for elect ion in May o,f tai'year to pIwe my nit on She zpub&an baUot for election fir Precinct Committeeman in the August Primary. On appointment; I apre to asses Me Mohare Republican Party in its goal of working toward party unity and electing all Republican randidates. T agree to perform the following duties to the best o,f my ability.- - bility:-ATTEND preei ct,statutory,regular and special county committee meetin. -SUPPORT.party activities at-the State,District and County levels MOVHAVE(_, UN Ty y O��, -EXPAND the political knowledge of the precinct vers -ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the precinct. JAN N 2 12020 -PARTICIPATE in the"Get Out the Vote"(GOA V)drives and Election y activities. IDE�I'+1TIFY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at all lev I -RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an imps AmA,activeon _ �� working poste ratite: a�LLq l> t Pbone:_: Physical Address: Z ir CO tl _ Zip: Mailing Address: tyt Zip: Email address (Necessary for corres ce) Signature- i -� Date. 15 �l- o�• �% LJ OFFICE USE ONLY District# 17/?- - Approval ,]Yes []No M,C.Recordei Validation -a [DRegistered to Vote District Director. - Republican MCRCC Chairman A provai Yes ❑No E]"Address Chairman: &It,ginitials 4 Mohave County Republican Warty Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman APPF,TV ATTnN F(1112 A PP(111NT1%4FNT October 1,2018- September 30,2020/V041-% Precinct# : I Precinct Name: To Mohave.Cojinty Re.nilhlinan Partv Chairman; Sam Scarmardo; 1 am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman. •I understand that the term for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered years. •I must file petition for election in May of that year to place my name on the Republican ballot f r nlnnfi[+s. f+. Drnni++nf f`r�s+.s..iHnn•a+.+r+ ss. flan A+r..+rnf Dr.:+r..r+... fvr vwr.wvrrJw a r vvrrwr vvurnrwrc.v nrwrr rrr rw+.[tw�wur s rruwrr�. On appointment; •I agree to assist the Mohave Republican Party in its goal of working toward party unity and electing all Republican candidates. •I agree to perform the following duties to the best of my ability: -ATTEND precinct,statutory,regular and special county committee meetings. -SUPPORT party activities at.the State,District and County level. -EXPAND the political knowledge of the precinct voters aHAVE COUNT`{ -ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the precinct. -PARTICIPATE in the"Get Out the Vote"(GOTV)drives and Election Da;activitiAN 2 12020 � -IDENTIFY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at all level'. -RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important,active working position wi the Republican Party. VOTER[REGISTRATION Name: C �o���2 ��,k Phone: ' _ - Physical Address: C-) Zip: �Vm� !! Mailing Address: �\ n C4 R Zip: Email address (Necessary for correspondence) : •-� Signature: �-�% w �`" '` Date: /17/2- p l`l OFFICE USE ONLY District# f Approval Yes M C Recorder Validation C zwg1JlG1GLL tV YVLG District Director: f F�Jlepubiican MCRCC Chairman Approval Yes ❑No Address ('hairman• r Tniti�lc i M Ir 11 Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman AMP121 ATION FOL02, APP ffT'JUMENT October 1,2018- September 30,2020 Precinct# : _ Precinct llTame: '� t36:IYl o 0 T To Mohave County Republican Party Chairman; Sam Scarmardo, I am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman. I eandeostand that the terga for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered yeas. 1 OmWgfase V,e!id0n for CL-e'io;a in P,.4 of dw.r yGa.cted pr1,ice iqy ne.areie o ear°,RLepabIicait baIF1c j 'i 'a k��F� ErF'�Gl t�•F����&3Gti�GGF��b2(dFAafi�F�rF�6VCLl�1F�t�lL1 i 6nGud�u . On appointment; °I agree to assist the Mohave Republican PvrO in its goal of Tvonldng towaav-d,ps?-Iy wAnity and electing all Re ubiicaan candidates. I agree to perrfoaaae the foffozving duties to the best of aaey ability: -ATTEND precinct,statutory,regular and special county committee �gs������ a --SUPPORT party activities at-the State,District and County level. MOHAVE COUNTY - IFIXP.QA+MTif�the nolitir2l kT1_(�4x1ledT...of the nrPrilnf t�,�tP,S -ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the precinct. '! JAN 2 12020 -PARTICIPATE in the"Get Out the Note"(GOTV)drives and Elec on Day activities. -IDENTREY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at 1 �R REGiSTRRTIOIV -RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important,active worldng posi . Pu Name: e2 )P—J� Sc�l� Phone:' - f� r Physical Address: V2- IV, NSI��',� ��� zip:Z6�0 Mailing Address: Sri.til zip: K&b C Email address (Necessary for correspondence) v Date: I 2 _4 District#. f_ Approval Yes o M.C. Recorder Validation Registered to dote District Director: MCRCC Cha* a Ap roval es ® No '/ Address Chairman: Initials RF.VTSFT)07101/19 ! Mohave County Republican Party Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman A PPT IP ATIFON WAR A PP01NTX4F.NT a a� a iia V L a a a\/a • a V i m t�i a V ai • i L.rii a • i October 1,2018- September 30,2020 Precinct# : Precinct Name: Kr of r,M A Al So u • -h Tn Mohave.Cnijnty Reniihliran Party Chairman; Cam Scarmardn I am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman. •I understand that the term for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered years. •I must file petition for election in May of that year to place my name on the Republican ballot f'nr rs1'nnfi�•• r r D—i-4/ns••s•.iHnnsv.n+• is• fl•n A rr••rr•} Dr:.«.•r. J" .w --..J-r s •oa.terra.♦v wwnista:.•.nawr•ws rroo taws wur a 8&88w.J. On appointment; •I agree to assist the Mohave Republican Party in its goal of working toward party unity and electing all Republican candidates. •I agree to perforin the following duties to the best of.m,y ability; -A71TEND precinct,statutory,regular and special county committee meetings. -SUPPORT party activities at the State,District and County level. -EXPAND the political knowledge of the precinct voters MOHAVE COUnT -ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the precinct. ;; p -PARTICIPATE in the"Get Out the Vote"(GOTV)drives and Electi �n Day 4igej.2020 '! -IDENTIFY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at alllevels. Y -RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important,active working positi4 within the Reeppublican Paarrttyy. 6 VOTER RE 'ISTR.ATION 1 Name: Phone:` Physical Address: 3 JfaNAfXNAPOa Zip:?t ,/) Mailing Address: Zip: Email address (Necessary for correspondence) SignaD . OFFICEISE,COSLY District#. proval, es N R rValidation pa � ` AGg1JlG1CU LV YViC District Director: republican MCRCC Ch ' p' royal es ❑NoAddress r�'hp-irmQn• Tn�tialc REVISED 07/01/19 Mob ave County Reps blicann r'y Mohave County Republican precinct Committeeman AFPL1CAT1®I`4 ',F'(0? A71 OIN T MENT October 1,2013-September 30,2020 Precinct# :` Precinct Name: ( f�J ''r"s To Mohave County Republican Party Chairman; Sam Scarmardo, I am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Cornmitteeman. I uraderrstand that the Tema for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered years. o A pn F fi1g re.0idon f or 0-1-dicn in Hvy of d;at yea; to prace dray aa re e ora£°ie XepaVJIicait&aiaoi ,jc;�°�i�;�4.i��Er��G'�&c?��i'€���dFutF��k�r2�6uaQ.trZ�yZ iC��'�i►FQ�H�,�i�v`�6u�s�G�. On appointment; •I agree to assist the Alohave Republican Pvviq in its goal of worrFdng toward pvrlty Ygnity and electing all Republican candidates. •I agrree to perfonot the following dudes to the best of agcy ability: -ATTEND precinct,statutory,regular and special county committee meet.. gs -S[Jl�POli2T-party activities atthe State,District and County-level. 1tIOHAVE COUNT,�n � IF.WPANNID the political knowledge of the prednet voters + JAN-ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the precinct. ' 2020 - PARTRCIPATE in the"Get Out the Mote"(GOTV) drives and Election ay activities. -ERDENTRFY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at all Ic v .6 Eta REGISTRATION - RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important,active working position wi -n Na.rne b-z e 57�,� -- — — - Phone: Physical Address: LP r\ d-c_���E . , �a,n, A-?—zip: Mailing Address: C,,r,')e� Zip: Email address (Necessary for correspondences Dade: ;�iatiai:a►e. District# l Approy4i Y No M.C. Recorder Validation ( 1 Registered to dote District Director: MCRCCChaimAppro es ®No Address Chairman: Initials 1 Mohave County Republican Party Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT October 1,20181- September 30,2020 Precinct# : Precinct Name: �'t^- '' oAr l To Mohave County Republican Party Chairman; Sam Scarmardo, I am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman. •I understand that the term for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered years. •I must file petition for election in May of that year to place my name on the Republican ballot for election for Precinct Committeeman in the August Primary. On appointment; •I agree to assist the Mohave Republican:Party in its goal of working toward party unity and electing all Republican candidates. •I agree to perform the following duties to the best of my ability: -ATTEND precinct,statutory,regular and special county committee meetings. MOHAVE COUNTY -SUPPORT party activities at the State,District and County level. - EXPAND the political knowledge of the precinct voters JAN 2 12020 -ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the precinct. -PARTICIPATE in the"Get Out the Vote"(GOTV)drives and Election Day a ivities. -IDENTIFY& RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at all levels. VOTER REGISTRATION -RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important,active working position within t e Name: Phone: Physical Address:IaI,5-��`� Zip: Mailing Address: Zip: A _ Email address (Necess for correspondence) Signature:iDate: 1 Z- 2 ° OFFICE USE ONLY District# Approval Ye El-No M.C. Recorder Validation ©Registered to Vote District Director: [ZRepublican MCRCC C rman p Val Ye ❑ No Address Chairman: Initials REVISED 07/01/19 a� Mohave County Republican Party Mohave County Republican Precinct Committeeman APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT October 1,2018- September 30,2ZOA Precinct# : ZZ� Precinct Name: To Mohave County Republican Party Chairman; Sam Scarmardo, I am a registered republican in the above named precinct and request your recommendation to the Mohave County Board of Supervisors for appointment to the position of Republican Precinct Committeeman. •I understand that the tern for this position ends on September 30th in even-numbered years. •I must file petition for election in May of that year to place my name on the Republican ballot for election for Precinct Committeeman in the August Primary. On appointment; •I agree to assist the Mohave Republican Party in its goal of working toward party unity and electing all Republican candidates. •I agree to perform the following duties to the best of my ability: EJAN HAVE COuNTy -ATTEND precinct,statutory,regular and special county committee meetin -SUPPORT party activities at the State,District and County level. 2 1 2020-EXPAND the political knowledge of the precinct voters -ASSIST in registration of Republican voters in the precinct. -PARTICIPATE in the"Get Out the Vote" (GOTV)drives and Election DMEGISTRATION-IDENTIFY&RECRUIT potential candidates for public office at all leves. -RECOGNIZE this is not just a title but an important,active working position within the Republican Party. Name: Phone: ,, 6� Physical Address: _33 f �,�,� c /L �/L- Zip: k-4, Mailing Address: `� e- Zip: i r � Email address (Necessary for correspondence) II Signature: --' Date: / a OFFICE USE ONLY District# Ap oval Y ❑ No M. C.Recorder Validation 2egistered to Vote NizKDistrict Director: publican MCRCC Chair mai 'Ap oval ❑Yes ❑ NoQ Address Chairman: JI Initials ' REVISED 07/01/19