HomeMy WebLinkAbout88-007 FRANCHISE AGREEMENT MOHAVE COUNTY AND PEBBLE I~AKE WATER COMPANY OLD RESOLUTION NO: 763 DATE OF AGREEMENT: ,JUNE 19, 1972 LENGTH OF AGREEMENT: 2S YEARS RENEWAL DATE: JUNE 19, 1997 I RESOLUTION NO. 88-7 RESOLVED, by the Board o:E Supervisors of the County of Mohave, State of Arizona, that: WHEREAS,. Elma V. Beck, DBA Pebble Lake Water Company, filed applicati.on on l-lay 5, 1972 for a franchise to operate a water utility, and; WHEREAS, the applicat.ion June 19, 763, and; Board of Supervi sors approved said 1972 with the adoption of Resolution No. I WHEREAS, the original franchise rate or the Pebble Lake Water Company was inadvlHtently stated at .02% instead of 2% and all parties desire to correct this error effective on the date of this resolution, and; WHEREAS, Mohave County agrees not to seek franchise paymlents: due and owing to the County prior to January 1988, now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the franchise a9reement granted by Mohave County in favor of the Pebble Lake Water Company on June 19, 1972 be amended by the following conditions: I. This franchise is continuE!d for the term of twenty-five Yl~ars from the date of th.~ original franchise adopted by Resolution No. 763. 2. PE~rmi ttee shall pay to Mohave County for each calendar Y1ear or portion of a Yl3ar during all the time this provision shall remain in force and effect a total aggregate sum of two per cent (2%) of the gross n~ceipts, on a cash basis, for the water sold. Permittee shall make such payments annually on or before the 31st day of January following the end of each calendar year. I 3. Permittee shall submit with each payment a signed statement of gross revenue on which the franchise fee is computed, or copiE~s of such bus iness records, reports, or tax returns as necessary to document gross receipts. I I I FRANCHISE AGREEMENT MOHAVE COUNTY AND PEBBLE LAKE WATER COMPANY OLD RESOLUTION NO: 763 DATE OF AGREEMENT: JUNE 19, 1972 LENGTH OF AGREEMENT: 25 YEARS RENEWAL DATE: JUNE 19, 1997 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of Fl~bruary, 1988. MOHA VE C~U~T~./R~,~ OS PERVISORS ,/ ~ ,7 #., ~/J- / ~~~rC~ /~/ J~r~ ~:H01~' /Chairman ,,/ ~~~t""t~~..~ . '?'~'",,~":)Jt~.~~ . .,tttU'''"" .~ " . A'i!II'ES, ~ is 0 ~"""'" ......"\ ~,~ ". "T $ '*,r ,,--- ~ ..... + ~'.. , I' ....... 1./ ~-. :' . .,'t:. - ~~ : ,,,>.' .-.....--, ~~:: .~ ~ ~j~~. ;a\ frlbrk :.....;:. ,,!,.', ~.] - - 0- \'i' f\',:::.(;",. c'): ~\::'Jf. <:~:~~::~:-;/ ;J,,/: . " '1"" ~t ~- I ~I J \~ ,\ ,,\\' " , I " " .. I ~ " !' I j' II , I I l ' , \ ' \ 1 APPROVED AS TO FORM, this 16th February day of " /. /' . ~/.,.-- ,'- ""-; /~' , / ,/ .,' ,/<" . /~'-- / ' /></. '~~7r--"- ' ~~6GN y ATTORNyf-- , / / / ACCEPTEDWITHOU1>'CHANGE: ~'cI~ PERMITEE ( OR AGENT)--- , 1988: