HomeMy WebLinkAbout88-021 FRANCHISE AGREEMENT MOH~VE COUNTY AND THOMPSON COMMUNICATIONS RESOLUTION #88-21 DATE OF AGREEMENT: March 14, 1988 LENGTH OF AGREEMENT: 25 YE!arS RENEWAL DATE: March 14, 2013 I An agreement between Mohave County and Thompson Communications permitting Thompson Communications to locate, construct, maintain and operate a cable communication system within certain unincorporated areas of Mohave County; granting Thompson Communications the privilege of using right-of-'way of Mohave County in accordance ~1ith established policy and procedures of Mohave County and it's various departments; providing for the payment of fees for the franchise. This agreement is in accordance with ARS 9-505, 9-506, 9-507, and 9-508.. Section 1. DEFINITIONS a) "'Board" shall mea.n the BO<31rd of Supervisors of Mohave County, Arizona or its successor as provided by law. b) "Permittee" shall mean Thompson Communications to whom the franchise is being granted. I c) "Cable Communication System (The System)" shall mean a system of antenna, coaxial cables, wires, wave guides or other conductors, equipment or facilities designed, constructed or used for the purpose of providing audio, video and all forms of digital information or FM radio service by cable or t.hrough it's facilities as contemplated in this agreement. d) "Gross Annua 1 ReCE~ ipts" shall mean any compensa t i on and other consideration in any form and any contributing grant or subsidy received directly or indirectly by permittee from subscribers or users in payment for signals or services received with the delivery area of the County from the permittee, including '.:my installation charge, monthly charge and line extension charge. This term shall not include any taxes on services furnished by the perml. ttee imposed di rectly on any subscri ber of user by any town, state or other governmental uni t and collected by the permittee for the governmental unit. e) "service Area" shall mean th9 incorporated area of Mohave County. See attachment A f) "Delivery Area" shall. include all of and made part of this agreement by words, or maps. See attachment A the area described legal descriptions I g) "Rights-Of-Way" shall mean t.he surface of and the space above and below any County right-of-way. h) "Subscriber" shall ';llean any person or entity receiving for any purpose the service of permittee. Section 2. ISSUANCE OF PERMIT A non-e,,:clus i ve permi tis hereby granted to Thompson Communications, its successors and assigns, to locate, constr1lct, maintain and operate a cable communication system in the delivery area located in the unincorporated area of Mohave County, Ari zona. Thi s J?ermi t shall include the 1 FRANCHISE AGREEMENT MORAVE COUNTY AND THOMPSON COMMUNICATIONS authority, privilege and power to construct, maintain and operate in, over, under, across and upon the County owned rights-of-way the necessdry equipment for the operation of a cable communication system in the delivery area consistent with the terms and conditions stated in Section 4. I Section 3. DURATIo.N o.F PERMIT: Co.MMENCEMENT o.F Co.NSTRUCTIo.N This permit shall be effective for a period of 25 years. The Board, may terminate this permit in the event the Board shall have found, after not ice and hearing that the grantt~e has failed to comply with any material provisions of this agreement and has failed to correct any failure after (30) days written notice. Section 4. TERMS AND Co.NDITIo.NS The permi t granted by thi s agreE:~ment shall be subject to the following conditions: a) This agreement shall not be deemed to limit the authority of the Board to include any other reasonable conditions, limitations or restrictions which it may deem necess.ary to imposE~ in connection with the permit or the administration of Rights-Of-Ways in general. b) The agreement is non-exclusive. I c) No pr i vi lege or exempt ion shall be granted or inferred unless specifically stated in this agreement. d) Any privilege claimed under the agreement by the permittee in any right-of-way shall be subordinated to any prior lawful occupancy of the right--of--way. e) Prior to commencing any Permittee shall submit plans of Works Director for approval. blueprints will be submit.ted at by the Public Works Director. work in a right-of-way the work to be done to the Public Completed or "as built" project completion as required f) Time shall be of the essence, however the permittee shall not bl~ rE!lieved of its obligation to comply promptly with any provision of this agreement by any failure of the Board or its agents to enforce prompt compliance. g) The permittee shall have no ,recourse against the Board or its agent.s for any loss, costs expense or damage arising out of any provision or requirement of this agreement or its enforcement. I h) The agreement shall not rE:~l ieve the obligation involved in obtaining pole department o~E the County I ut i 1 i ty company maintaining poles in the right-of-ways. permittee of any space f rom any or from others i) The permittee shall be subject to all requirements of County rules, regulations and specifications now in effect or that may be adopted from time to time by the Board or its agents. Section 5. RECo.RDS TO. BE KEPT: REQUIRED REPo.RTS: INSPECTIo.N o.F RECo.RDS AND PRo.PERTY BY THE BOARD a) Permittee shall prepare and furnish the Board such reports with respect to its operations, affairs, transactions or 2 FRANCHISE AGREEMENT MOHAVE COUNTY AND THOMPSON COMMUNICA'rIONS property as may be reasonably necessary or appropriate to the performance of any of the duties of the Board and its agents in connection with this permit. I b) The permittee shall at all times make and keep in the County full and complE~te plans a.nd records showing the exact location of all cable communication system equipment installed or in use by permittee in the streets and other places in the County. c) The permittee shall file with the Director of Public Works of the County on or before the last day of December of each year a current map or set of plans to scale showing all cable communication system equipment installed and in use in streets and other public places in the County. d) At all reasonable times the permittee shall consent to any duly authorized representative of the County to examine all permit property, together with any appurtenant property of the permittee situated within or without the County and to examine and transcribe any and all maps and other records kept or maintained by the permittee or under its control, which deal with the operations, affairs, transactions or property of the permittee. If any such maps or records are not kept in the County, or upon reasonable request made available to the Board" and if the Board shall determine that the examinat ion is necessary or appropriate then all travel and maintenance expenses necessarily incurred in making such examination shall be paid by the permittee. I e) Permittee shall maintain a local business office or agent. Permittee shall take reasonable steps to keep its cable communication system in good operating condition, and permittee shall cause all subscriber complaints to be duly investigated, and where the circumstances warrant, corrected within a reasonable pl~riod of time. Records reflecting such complaints and the time and manner in which the same are disposed shall be mainta,ined by Permittee for at least one year and shall be available for inspection by the Board. Section 6. INSTALLATION STANDARDS I a) All installations made by permittee shall be madE~ in a safe substantial condition and maintained in such condition at all times. All of such installation of equipment shall be of a permanE~nt nature, durable and of sufficient height not to interfere in any manner with the rights of the public or indi vidual property owners and shall not interfere wi th the travel and use of public places by the public nor during the construction, repair and removal shall not obstruct nor impede traffic. The Board reserves the right of reasonable regulat ion of the erect ion and construction of any work by the permittee and to reasonably designate where such works and construction shall be placed. The permittee agrees when requested by the Board to make minor changes in its equipment to conform to the reasonably necessary requirements wi thin a reasonable time. b) Permittee will be responsible to obtain all state and federal licenses and permits. c) Permittee will be responsi.bLe for meeting all state and federal installation standards. Section 7. UNDERGROUND LINES 3 FRANCHISE AGREEMENT MOHAVE COUNTY AND THOMPSON COMMUNICA'rIONS Permittee shall place it's lines underground in areas which it serves where telephonE~ and elect r i c power is underground at it's own expense. Section 8. ASSIGNMENT I The permit 9ranted herE!by shall not be assigned without wri ttl~n consent being first granted by the Board for such assignment. Said consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Section 9. LOCATION OF PERMIT PROPERTY Permit property shall be constructed or installed in a right- of-way only at such locations and in such manner as shall be approved by the Board or its agents acting in the exercise of reasonable discretion. Construction or installation of permit property in all other public places shall be subject to approval of an regulation by Board or its agents. Section 10. REPAIR OF STREETS ANn RIGHT-OF-WAYS The permi t tee shall, at its expE'!nse, promptly repa i r any and all stre€~ts, sidewalks or other public and/or private property damaged or destroyed by permittee, its agents servants or employees in exercisinq the privileges herein granted. Section 11. FAILURE TO PERFORM STREET WORK OR TO MAKE REPAIRS IN RIGHTS-OF WAY I a) Upon failure of the permittee to complete any work required in compliancE'! with this agreement the Board or its agents ~Iill notify thE! permittee of non compliance by registered mail. The permittee shall have fourteen (14) days from rec€!ipt of the not ice to complete the repai rs or to enter into an agreement with the Board for completion of the repairs. b) If, in the opinion of the Public Works Director or County Manager, the fa i lure to repa:l r or complete construct ion presents a serious and immediate danger to the public welfare or safety, they may take immediate action to mitigate the danger. Costs associated with these actions will be the sole responsibility of the permittee and due and payable thirty (30) days after receiving an itemized bill. Section 12. REMOVAL AND ABANDONMENT OF PERMIT PROPERTY I a) In the event that the use of any permit property is discontinued for any reason a continuous period of twelve (12) months of that permit property has been installed in any street without complying with the requirements of the permit, or the permit has been terminated, cancelled or has expired, the permi.ttee shall promptly remove from the streets all such propeJ::-ty other than any which the Board may permi t to be abandoned in place. In the ev.~nt of any such removal, the permittee shall promptly restore the street or other area from which such property has been removed to a condi tion satisfactory to the Board. b) Any property of the permi ttee remaining in place thirty (30) days after the termination or expiration of the permit snaIl be considered permanently .:lbandoned. The County t-lanager may extend such time not to exceed an additional thirty (30) days. 4 FRANCHISE AGREEMENT MOHAVE COUNTY AND THOMPSON COMMUNICA'rIONS c) Permit property to be abandoned in place shall be abandoned in such manner as the Board shall prescribe. Upon permanent abandonment of any permi t property in place, the permittee shall submit to the Board an instrument, satisfactory to the County Attorney, transferring to the County the ownership of such property. Sect ion 13. CHANGES REQUIRED BY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I The permi t tee shall, ,3.t its expense, protect, support temporarily disconnect, relocate, in the same street, alley or public place, or remove from any street, alley or public place" any permi t property when required by the Board by reason of traffic conditions, public safety, street vacation, freeway and street construction, change or establishment of street grade, i nsta lla t i on of sewers, dra i ns , water pipes, power lines, signal lines and tracks abandonment of the right- of-way or any other type of structures or improvements by governmental agencies when acting in a government.al or proprietary capacity, or any other structures or public improvements provided, however, that permi ttee shall in all such cases have the privileges and be subject to the obligation to abandon permit property in place; as provided in Section 12. Section 14. INDEMNIFICATION OF COUNTY I The permi ttee shall defend the County against all claims for injury to any person or property caused by the negligence of the permittee in the construction or operation of its property, and in the eVI~nt of a determination of liability shall indemnify the County. More particularly the per mi t tee~, its successors and ass i gns, does hereby agree to indemni fy and hold harmless thE! County, from any and all liability, claim, demand or judgment growing out of any injury to any person or property, as a result of the violat ion or failure on the part of the permittee, its successors and assigns, to observe their proper duty or because of negligence in whole or in part arising out of construction, repair, extension, maintenance or operation of its equipment of any kind or character used in connection with this permit. Section 15. LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED I a) Permittee agrees that at all times during the existence of this permit it will maintain in force, furnish and file with the Board, at its own expense, a general comprehensive liability insurance policy, in protection of County, its boards, commissions, officers, agents, employees, and the public, in a company authorized to do business in the State of Arizona, and in form satisfactory to the Risk Manager, protect ing the County and all persons against 1 iabi 1 i ty for loss or damages for personal injury, death and property damage occasioned by the operations of permittee under this permit, with minimum liability limits of $1,000,000 for personal injury or death of anyone occurrence, and $1,000,000 for damages to property resulting from anyone occurrence. b) The policies mentioned in the foregoing paragraph shall name the County, its officers, boards, commissions, agents and employees as additional insured and shall contain a provision that a written notice of a cancellation or reduction in coverage of said policy shall be delivered to the Board fifteen (15) days in advance of the effective date. If such insurance is provided in ei ther case by a pol icy which also covers pl~rmittee or any other entity or person than those above named, then such policy shall contain the st.andard crOSS-liability endorsement. 5 FRANCHISE AGREEMENT MOHAVE COUNTY AND THOMPSON COMMUNICATIONS I Section 16. FEES a) The permittee shall pay the County of Mohave, Arizona an annual fee of an amount equal to three (3) percent of the gross receipts for the calendar year. The fee owed by permi t tee for the previ ous year shall be paid to the County not later than the May first following the end of each calendar year and shall be a use fee upon the permi ttee in lieu of all other licensl~ or permit fees. A failure to pay such license or permit fee by May first following the calendar year in which it is due shall terminate this agreement and render the same null and void. b) The Board shall have the right to inspect permittee's records showing the gross annual receipts from which its permit payments are computed clnd the right of audit and recomputation of any amount paid under this section. No acceptance of any payment shall be construed as a release or as an accord and satisfaction of any claim the County may have for further or additional sums payable under this section or for the performance of any obligation under this agreement. I c) The percentage of gross annual receipts due the County and the insurance provisions of this Ordinance shall be subject to reevaluation and renegotiations by the County every five (5) years. If renegotiations of the amounts referred to results in a dispute, the dispute shall be presented to a neutral arbitration board for decision. The board shall consist of either one person mutually acceptable to both parties, or, one person selected by the Board, one person selected by the permittee and one person mutually acceptable to both parties. The standard procedures and policies of arbitration shall apply in all cases. Section 17. OTHER PROVISIONS a) Permittee shall provide free service to all public schools and municipal buildin9s within the delivery area as may be desired by the Board. b) The permittee's service and extension policies shall show no preferential or discriminatory practices and shall be on file with the County Clerk. c) The rate charged by p,ermitteE,' shall be fair and reasonable and designed to meet the necessary costs of the of the service including a fair rate of return on its investment of its property devoted thereto under efficient and economical management. d) No person in the existing delivery area of permittee shall be arbitrarily refused service provided, that permittee shall not be required to provide service to any subscriber who does not pay the appl icable connection fee or monthly service chargE! . I e) The delivery area may be permittee with Board approval. agreement will remain in force. expanded upon request All other terms of by the Section 18. SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or port ion of th is agree,ment is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed separate, distinct and independent provisions and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. 6 I I I FRANCHISg AGREEMENT MOHAVE COUNTY AND THOMPSON COMMUNICATIONS Section 19. RESERVATION OF POWERS a) There is hereby resE~rved to the Board every rig~ht and power which is required to be reserved and the permittee, by its acceptance of this permit agrees to be bound thereby, and to comply with any a~tion or requirements of the Board in its exercise of any such right or power enacted or established. b) Neither the grantinq of this permit nor any of the provisions contained herein shall be construed to prevent the Board from granting any identic.:il, or similar permit to any person or corporation other than the permittee. Section 20. OFFICIAL NOTICES Notices concerning this agreement shall be sent to: For the County Clerk of the Board Mohave County P.O. Box 390 Kingman, AZ 86402 For the Permittee: Thompson Communications P.O. Box 743 Eloy, AZ 85231 Section 21. EFFECTIVE DATE This permit shall take effect upon the effective date of this ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF MOHAVE this 14th day of March, 1988. (~/ .;)~" /(., 'r- APPROVED AS TO FO'RM, this /i/,lh , 1988: ! h1 Ct JJ. ~ J1 day of 1- --.-..-.--.......... ) ACCEPTED WITHOUT CHANGE: > . , , /' -' /'/ / !.'-'-) {. ( (___:/'2-(,77 / _...-~--' /-?t7,d /()5)(,,7. PERMITTEE (OR AGENT) TITLE ... 7 FRANCHISE AGREEMENT MOHAVE COUNTY AND THOMPSON COMMUNICATIONS APPENDIX A GOLDEN VALLEY AND VICINITY I SECTIONS 1-36 T21N, Rl9W SECTIONS 1-36 T21N, R18W SECTIONS 1-36 T22N, R19W SECTIONS 1-36 T22N, R18W I I 8