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The Board of Supervisors ~f Mohave County, Arizona met this
4th day of April in a Regular session pursuant to the call of the
Chairman in which all rnenbers joined; and
WHEREAS, the Board ~f Supervisors at their meeting on February
22, 1988 acknowledged r€'ceipt of a petition signed by Scott Cook,
Vice-President of Snobird Inc. of Heber, Utah requesting that
Snobird Way as dedicated and depicted on the Parcel Plat recorded
in Book 2 of Parcel Plats, page 7C be abandoned; and
WHEREAS, a petition signed by ten (10) resident taxpayers of
Mohave County was received complimenting the original abandonment
request; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors referred this petition for
abandonment to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and a
recommendation in accordance with Article 1.12 of the Mohave County
Subdivision Regulations; and
WHEREAS, the Parcel Plat for Cedar Hills Ranches, which
divided Section 21 and ~~9 into forty (40) acre parcels dedicated
Snobird Way and the other str~:~ets depicted on the plat to the
public for road and lltil-;~ty purposes. This offer of Dedication was
accepted by the Board of Supervisors and the Parcel Plat was
recorded on September 9, 1982 d t recept i on #82-47596, Book 2 of
Parcel Plats, page 5G; and
WHEREAS, Snobird Way is a short connecting road (850+ feet in
length) between Blake Ranch road and Ty Road; and
WHEREAS, the amended Parcel Plat for Cedar Hills Ranches was
accepted by the Board of Supervisors and recorded on September 27,
1982 in Book 2 of Parcel Plats, pages 7-7C. 'rhi s amended plat
designated Parcels 74 and 52 as part of Cedar Hills Hanches with
Parcel 74 fronting on Snobird Way; and
WHEHEAS, the owners of the Snobird Truck Stop have acquired an
adjoining ten (10) acre parcel north of the existing truck stop
site which is a portion of Parcel 74 including all of said parcel
fronting on Snobird Way as depicted on the amended plat for Cedar
Hi II s Ranches; and """,.1
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WHEREAS, the owners are requesting the abandonments of Snobird
Way as a public roadway in ord,;!r to consolidate their- individual
parcels into one (1) la'rge parcel. This will allow the entire
property to be utilized for a truck stop and accessory uses; and
WHEREAS, a new or alternative right-of-way has been dedicated
along the north side of this ten (10) acre parcel which was part of
Parcel 74, connecting Blake Ranch Road and the common intersection
of Ty Road and Kathy Road. 1'his new right-of-way, a physical
continuation of Kathy Road, was dedicated and accepted by the Board
of Supervisors per the Parcel Plat for Parcel 74, Cedar Hills
Ranches recorded on March 4, 1988 at Fee #88-8515; and
WHEREAS, this n€!w right-of-way provides legal and physical
access to the adjoining forty (40) acre parcels to the north and
east of the Snobird Truck Stop, and will not leave any adjoining
lands without legal access; and
WHEREAS, the Planning and Z,oning Commission, at their meeting
on Wednesday, March 9, 19B8 unanimously recommended approval of the
abandonment of Snobi rd Way as depicted on Parcel PlatEor Cedar
Hills Ranches, recorded in Book 2 of Parcel Plats, Page 5G, with a
stipulation that a ten (10') foot public utility easement be
reserved; and
WHEREAS, the abandoned right-of-way reverts to t~he abutting
property owner(s) as per A.R.S. 28-1902; and
WHEREAS, Snobird, Inc. of HE!ber, Utah is the owner of frontage
on both sides of Snobird Way; and
WHEREAS, Citizens Utilities Rural Company has requested that
the following area be rj:!served as a public utility easement, it
shall be a strip of land ten (10') feet wide, the centerline being
described as follows:
Beginning at a point that is: N28 36'25"E a distance of
304.83 feet from an existing A.D.O.T. Aluminum disc in
concrete with angle iron guard post, stamped Right-of-
Way P.O.C. 16+75, thence N70 42'47"w a distance of
167.50 feet, thence N76 02'20"w a distance of 93.11
feet, thence N79 29'11"W a distance of 500.00 feet,
thence S89 34'07"11'1 a distance of 101.33 feet more or
less to the Easterly edge of Ty Road right-of-way.
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IOO~ 1418 1*i'462
WHEREAS, the notice for public hearing for this proposed
abandonment was publishel~ in the Mohave Daily Miner, a newspaper of
general circulation in the County Seat on March 16 and 23, 1988 and
was posted on March 17, 1988 as required by Arizona Revised
Statutes and the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has the authority to abandon
said public roadway pursuant to ~.R.S. 11-806 and Section 1.12-7 of
the Hohave County Subdiv:lsion Requlations and under A.R.S. 29-1903
utility easements may continue as they existed prior to the
abandonment; and
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Supervisors
hereby abandon Snobird Way in :its entirety, and that the public
ut i.li ty r ight-of-wayeasement d,~scr i bed herein remain within the
new combined parcel; and
~OW THEREFORE, be it further resolved that the Board of
Supervisors instruct the Clerk of the Board to record this
Resolution No. 88-26 in the office of the County Recorder of Mohave
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,Je~"y ~Olt, Chairman
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Pat chasi;a:icn ,
Clerk of the Board
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lOOk 1418 ,~ 463