HomeMy WebLinkAbout88-034 :;J' 12 tl;f ___){J I I I ABANDONMEN'l' OF PORTIONS OF ROADWAY EASEMENTS IN SECTION 17" TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 18 WEST BOARD RESOLUTION 88-34 rphe Board of SUpE!rV i sors of Mohave County, Ar i zona met thi s 2nd day of May, 1988 in a Regular session pursuant to the call of the Chair-man in which all member joined; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors, at their meetinq on April 4, 1988 acknowledged rE~ce:ipt of a petition signed by twelve (12) resident taxpayers of ]V[oh,ive County, together wi th a request from the owner/subdivider of Rancho Verde Estates, to abandon: The easterly 30.00 feet together with the southerly 30.00 feet of Parcel 74, the easterly 30.00 feet together with the northerly 30.00 feet of Parcel 82, the westerly 30.00 feet of Parcel 84, the northerly 30.00 feet together with the westerly 30.00 feet together with the easterly 30.00 feet of Parcel 83, the northerly 30.00 feet together with the easterly 30.00 feet together with the southerly 30.00 feet of Parcel 79, the sou ther ly 30.00 feet except the easterly 240 fee t thereof; together with the westerly 30.00 feet of Parcel 75, the norther ly 30.00 feet except the easterly 240 fee t thereof, together with the westerly 30.00 feet together with the southerly 30.00 feet of Parcel 78, as shown on Record of Sllrvey Map according to the plat of record in the office of the County Recorder of Mohave County, Arizona, recorded February 18, 1976, at fee No. 76-3773 and situated in Section 17, ~rownship 21 North, Ran<:re 18 West of the Gi laL and Salt River Base and Meridian; WHEREAS, at the same meet in:} the Board acknowledged another petition signed by twelve (12) resident taxpayers of Mohave County, together with a request from the owner/subdivider of Rancho Verde Estates, Tentative Tract 3016, to abandon: The southerly 8.00 feet of the northerly 50.00 feet of Parcel 70, the northerly 8.00 feet of the southerly 50.00 feet of Parcel 82, the northerly 8.00 feet of the southerly 50.00 feet of Parcel 83, the northerly 8.00 feet of the southerly 50.00 feet of the west 1/2 of Parcel 84 together with the northerly 8.00 feet of the southerly 50.00 feet of the west 1/2 of the east 1/2 of said Parcel 84, all as shown on Record of Survey Map, according to the plat of record in the office of the County Recorder of Mohave County, Ar i zona, recorded February 18, 1976 at fee No. 76-3773 and situated in Section 17, 'Pownship 21 North" Hange 18 West of the Gi la and Sal t Ri ver Base and Meridian; WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors referred this matter to the Planning Zoninq a formal review Commission for and and recommendat ion as per Art i cle 1.1 :;! of the Mohave County Subdi vi s ion Regulations; and WHEREAS, Rancho Verde Estates, Tentative Tract 3016 is a proposed subdivision of s>ortions of Parcels 70, 75, 77, 84 and Parcels 74, 78, 79, 82 and 83 as identified on the Record of Survey of Sect ion 17 recorded a t fee :1:90- 73301 BK 1807 PG 596 OFFICIAL RECORDS Of' MOHAVE COUNTY, AI. *JOAH noCAlL f nOHAVE COUNTY RECORDER. 10/11190 ~:10 P.~. PAGE 1 Of 3 BOS RECORDING tEE 0.00 He MICROFILMED PAGE 2 OF 3 6i\ 1807 f'ti 597 (f"EEt90- 73301> WHEREAS, the owner 18 requesting that fifty (50) foot roadway easements for Shipp and ~edwall Drives be abandoned in favor of a forty-two (42') foot dedicated right-of-way and an eight (8) foot public utility easement; and I WHERE:AS, the subdivider IS also requesting tha.t certain easements be abandoned to accommodate the curvilinear street pattern for this subdi vis ion. The streets as designed provide for extending San Pedro Road and Abrigo Drive through this tentative tract and will not leave any adjoining property without access; and WHEREAS, these requests to abandon port ions of the roadway easements are intended to accommodate the subdivision design as per the approved preliminary plan; and WHERE:AS, Section 17 was div:.ded into forty (40) acre parcels per a SIl!:vey map recorde,d in 1976. This plat granted 100 foot roadway easements for many of the perimeter roadways including Shipp a.nd Redwall Drives which form the north and south boundaries, respectively, for this tentative tract; and I WHEREAS, these two (2) streets are both sectionline roadways which, in accordance with Mohave County Classification of Roadways, require eighty-four (84) feet of right-of-way; and WHEREAS, Citizens Ut.ilities Electric Division has reviewed the proposed ('l,bandonment and stated that they have no objection to the abandonment of these roadway easements providing that the alternate roadways are dedicate!} and public utility easements reserved as per the approved tentative tract; and WHEREAS, a similar r'equest was approved in conjunction with the subdivision plan for Rancho Verde Estates Unit 1, Tract 3011 per Board Resolution 87-3; and I WHEREAS, this abandonment r'equest has been evaluated by the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with Article 1.12 of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations and their findings submitted to the Board of Supervisors in Resolution P&ZC: 88-60; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission, by adopted Resolut ion P&ZC: 88-60 recommended condi tional approval of these abandonments as petitioned and outlined herein, based on the understanding that the alternate right-of-ways and easements as depicted on the approved preliminary subdivision plan for Rancho Verde Estates shall be dedicated and granted on the final plat; and I I I PAGE J OF J BK 1807 PG 598 ffEEt90- 13301> WHEREAS, the notice for public hearing was published in the Mohave Daily Miner, a newspaper of general circulation in the County Seat on April 20 and 27, 1988 as required by Arizona Revised Statues and the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors may vacate or abandon streets to which the County may have received title as per A.R.S. 18-210 and A. R. S. 28-1902 and Article l.l2 of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations; and WHEREAS, reserved for existed prior and the Board of Supervisors may electric, tE!lephone or similar to the disposal or abandonment cause easements to be appurtenances as they as per A.R.S. 28-1903; WHEREAS, in accordance witl1 A.R.S. 28-1902-3, title to the vacated roadway shall vest in the owners of the abutting land; and NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Supervisors hereby abandons the ff fty (50 ') foot roadway easements for Shipp and Redwall Dri ves as d~:~scribed herein in favor of al forty-two (42') foot dedicated right-of-way and an eight (8 ') foot public ut i 1 i ty easement. The Board hereby abandons certai n roadways as described herein to dccommodate the curvilinear street pattern of the subdivision as per the approved preliminary plan recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission; and NOW THEREFORE, b,:! it further resolved that the Board of Supervisors instructs the Clerk of the Board to record this resolution wi th the County RecOl:der upon receipt of the approved and executed final subdivision plan for Rancho Verde Estates, Tract 3011 offering to dedicatf~ the al ternate right-of-ways referred to herein. M~~~~Y~ CC~U~TY ~:;DZ~F ZUPERVISORS , ,-- /" ,~-#- / 2 / ",-". ___<-..C I 'L" \.-' /";, / ;,<lerry~'- . Holt, Chairman ,{: .,\\111111'''''1/1// ,,\" (# :~~ \i ' ~ /7 !", 1,1>"" A~a;}hh:"',,~~ "" ': -"'- /~i;i;,f;,~';?J;\;; . : f4r.;:>e"l;;i' ,.,t;"i~t:t~ ',I,Ll', ~ (~~:~,&i'~~tiH'ri/ C1.erk of ---'-,---~). \,,~~':_= -~',' """,:' ;-'" A I. ! \\ ' ., " , I I I I , Ii, t, , , ~ I I I \" \ thf~ Board .1,a ~"'