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at the Regular meeting of the Board of
Supervisors held June 6, 1988 the Board of Supervisors
approved the commi tment in regards to fundi ng for the Thi rd
Division of Superior Court as follows:
1. That in FY 88-89 - Mohave County will commit to providing
an adequate Courtroom and related office facilities for the
Pro Tem Court early in our next fiscal year if full fuhding is
approved. This may be conjunction with other remodeling
plans, but will be completed independently if necessary.
2. That in FY 89-90 - Mohave County will absorb a reduction
of one-half the amount of the grant, exclusive of the Pro Tem
Judge's salary. This would require approximately $40,000 in
general fund monies.
3. That in FY 90-91 - Mohave County wi II agree to }:J)ear all
costs of the Pro Tern Court except the Judge's salary. Thi s
would require an additional $40,000 (approximately) in general
4. That in FY 91-92 - Mohave County will accept all costs of
the third division of the Superior Court and officially
establish it as a permanent division. This would entail
picking up one-half
Judges rBcei ve 50%
would be $40,000 at
of the Judges salary (all SuperiOr Court
of thei r salary from the state), which
proposed salary levels.
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors agrees that it is in
the best interest of Mohave County, to assure the Arizona
Supreme Courts Administrator's Office of Mohave County
willingness to continue funding the Judge Pro Tempore, as
outlined in the above commitments as approved.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED thi s 25th day of July,
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