HomeMy WebLinkAbout88-088 , J -..L. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD of SUPERVISORS P.(). BOX 390 KINGMt~N,ARIZOI\IA 86402 Phone 753-0729 FAX 753-0'732 Dist.l W.J. Roper Dist.2 Jack Rose Dist3 Jerry A. Holt Dist.4 Dale J. D'Alessandro Dist.5 Becky Foster County Manager David J. Grisez Clerk of the Board Pat Chastain MEMORANDUM TO: Mike Rozycki, Planning and Zoning Director Pa.t Chastain, Clerk of thf:! Board Qfi5, FROM: DATE: November 2, 1988 SUBJECT: Board of Supervisors' Resolution 88-87 Board of Supervisors' Resolution 88-88 The Board of Supervisors at their Regular meeting held November I, 1988, voted unanimously to adopt the subject resolutions regarding abandonments. Per your request, we are Il\7i thholding these resolutions from recordation until directed to do so. Please advise when you wish to have these resolutions recorded. Thank you. Attachment cs I I I R1~SOLUTION NO. 88-88 ABANDONMENT OF CERTAIN RECOROF>' UTILITY EASEMENTS - P"- RECORD OF SURr SECTION 9, TOWNSHI \ ',- " C": \~ - 1st of The Board of Supervisors day of November, 1988 in a r thE:! Chairman in which all meml. r, ~. r -----~. .~. "'- oJ '\..~ ~__ ')L.- I..... c:"" ~> '-- 1\.).... C. ~.../ .- this call ----. ~,.::. '-.. -- ,,, V"," \' "", '\ ,\L9--~ '-,- { '.. ,,--- 'c:... WHEREAS, the Board of Su /p---....,. ~. _.':> on September 9, 1988 acknowledged r,e ~.___/ ten (10) resident taxpayers of Mohave lnt of certajLn recorded roadway and u _'" 33 and 34, Record of Survey Plat for t _~un 9, Township 21 North, Range 18 'West, as reCl un October 24, 1975 at Reception No. 75-26281 in the Mohave County Recorder's office, and WHEREAS, the Survey Plat hereabove referenced dedicated the roadways to the public and dedicated an easement for public utilities purposes over and under said roadways, and WHEREAS, this pr~)erty is located five (5) miles west of the junction of Highways 93 and 68. Parcels 33 and 34 front. on Highway 68. These parcels 1 ie between Verde Road and Adobe Road and are bounded on the south by Shipp Drive, and WHEREAS, a pre.limind.ry subdivision plan, La Questa, Tentative Tract 3020, has been submi tted and approved which depicts Parcels 33 and 34 subdivided into three (3) relatively different types of development, namely commercial, a Mobile Horne Park and single family residential lots, and WHEREAS, the owner is requesting that certain roadway easements be abandoned to accommodate the design of the La Questa subdivision, and .. WHEREAS, the owner is requesting the abandonmEmt. of the roadways and utility easements which were granted over this property per the plat which di vided this section into forty (40) acre parcels, specifically Marana Road from Highway 68 to Shipp Drive, as well as the roadway easement across the northerly fifty (50') feet of Parcels 33 and 34 lying between the e2lst line of Magma Road and the west. li.ne of Maverick Road, and WHEREAS, the preliminary subdivision plan for La Questa, Tentative Tract 3020 is designed with a curvilinear street pattern rather than continuing the grid street alignment set by the division of this section i.nto forty (40) acre parcels, and WHEREAS, on of the condit.ions of approval for La Questa, Tentative Tract 3020 is that "the roadway and utility easements for Marana Road from Highway 68 to Shipp Dr i ve and thE~ east-west roadway across the north boundary must be abandoned prior to recording of the final plat", and I I I RESOLUTION NO. 88-88 PAGE 'I'WO WHEREAS, the owner / subdi vider has revised this preliminary plan so that the roadway easement for Magma Road along the west boundary need not be abandoned to accommodate this subdivision, and WHEREAS, this abandonment request has been evaluated by the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with Article 1.12 of the Mohave County subdivision Regulations at their meeting on October 12, 1988 and their findings submitted to the Board of Supervisors in Resolution P&ZC: 88-181, and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission, by adopting Resolut ion P&ZC: 88-un :recommended approval of thi s abandonment sub jec t to described the abandonment of the roadway and ut i 1 i ty easements herein becoming effective upon recording the final plat(s) for La Questa, Tract 3020, and WHEREAS, the notice for public hearing was published in the Mohave Daily Miner, a n€!wspaper of general circulation in Mohave County on October 17, 1988 and October 24, 1988 and was posted on October 17, 1988 as rf:!quired by Arizona Revised Statutes and the Mohave County Zoning Ordinance, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has the authority to abandon roadway and public utility easements pursuant to A.R.S. 28-1907, A.R.S. 11-806.01 and Article 1.12 of the Mohave County Subdivision Regulations, and NOW THEREFORE, be it. resolved that the Board of Supervisors hereby abandons the following roadway and utility easements within the Record of Survey Plat for the S l/2 of Section 9, Township 21 North, Range 18 West, as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission as outlined in Resolution P&ZC: 88-181, as follows: Abandonment of the roadway and utility easements between Parcels 33 and 34 also known as Marana Road and the roadway and utility easement lying across the northerly fi fty (50 ') feet of Parcels 33 and 34 between the east line of Magma Road and the west line of Maverick Road. NOW THEREFORE, be it further resolved that the Board of Supervisors hereby adopts this Resolution 88-88 and instructs the Clerk t.o record thi s abandonmen t resolut ion s i mul taneously with, but not prior to, the recordation of an approved final subdivision Plat(s) for La Questa subdivision, Tract 3020. .,111 II""., SUPERVISORS ,\ : ' , , /.. ~ AT,]~Esrr : . \ ~ '. - .' i, , . : ';;'-':) ", .' ' 1- : "/." .... .A'" J_ .~ - /. ". ,,--,,/ ,', -~. . 4@ .x~':'::'{~';"lu-4i<':'l Par"lna~il:~To~' \~led( l "~"'J' " /"1 i L U \'\ ,\"" ~:\:~':... lllllllllllllil,\1