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f 11-251(9).
WHEREAS, Section 11-251(9) of the Arizona Revised Statutes authorizes the
Mohave County Board of Supervisors, with the unanimous consent of its members, to sell
or lease County property to any other duly constituted governmental entity, including a
city, without public auction; and
WHEREAS, Mohave County in 1939 granted a Right of Way for highway purposes
to the State of Arizona over that certain real property more particularly described as
follows (the "County Parcels"):
The parcels of land as described in Book 28 of Miscellaneous, Page 5 records of
Mohave County, Arizona situat<<~ in Section 23, T.21 N., R.17 W., G.& S.R.M., Mohave
County, Arizona being more particularly described as follows:
Lots 1 to 8, inclusive, in Block 1, all of Truct No.2, Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, also that
part of Lot 13 lying North of the Southerly 50 foot right of way line of the Kingman-Needles
Highway in Block 2, Bowers Addition to Kingman, Arizona, also all streets and alleys
adjacent to the aforementioned lots and tracts with the exception of that part of Rose Street
and Elm Street lying Southerly of the Southeasterly 50 foot right of way line of the Needles-
Kingman Highway, Federal Aid Project 85-A;
Also the following described parcel of land:
Bt~ginning at a point on the Southerly SOl foot right of way line of the Kingm~lD-
Boulder Dam Highway, F.A.P. 123-C., S.I023'W. :it distance of 50.4 feet, more or less, from
Engineer's Station 25+61.2, whence the South (Iuarter comer of said Section 23 bears
S.I023'W. a distance of 1737 feet, more or less, thence S.83053'E. a distance of 1180.42 feet,
more or less, to a point 50 feet Southerly of and at right angles to Engineer's Station 16+00;
thence S.18053'E. a distance of 415.0 feet, more or less, to a point on the Northwesterly
right of way line of the Needles-Kingman HighwaJT, F.A.P. 85-A, 100 feet Northwesterly of
and at right angles to Engineer's Station 149+00; thence along the Northwesterly 100 foot
right of way line of the said Needles-Kingman Hig;hway in a Southerly direction parallel to
a 60 center line circular curve concave to the Southeast a distance of 505.0 feet, more or less,
to a point 100 feet Northwesterly of and at right angles to Engineer's Station 144+46.0;
thence along a spiral transition to a 60 center Iinl~ curve a distance of 634.0 feet, more or
less, to a point of tangent 100.0 feet Westerly of and at right angles to Engineer's Station
138+46.0; thence S.Z043'W. along said Westerly 100 foot right of way line a distance of
112.2 feet to point of spiral transition 100 feet Westerly of and at right angles to Engineer's
Station 137 + 33.80; thence on a transition to a 10 (:enter line spiral curve a distance of 147.5
feet to a point of circular spiral at Engineer's Station 135+83.80; thence along said 100 foot
Westerly right of way line parallel to ;a 10 circular curve concave to the West a distance of
127.0 feet to the South line of said Section 23; thence along the South line of said Section 23
a distance of 150.0 feet, more or less, to the Easte"'y 50 foot right of way line; thence along
the Easterlly 50 foot right of way line on a curve parallel to a 10 center line circular curve
a distance of 124.0 feet, more or less, to a point 50 Easterly of and at right angles to
Engineer's Station 135+83; thence on a transitiolll to a 10 spiral curve a distance of 151.5
feet to a point of tangent, 50 feet Easterly of and at right angles to Engineer's Station
137+33.80; thence N.r43'E. a distance of 112.2 feet to a point of transition to spiral curve
50 feet Easterly of and at right angles to Engineer's Station 138+46.0; thence on a transition
to a 60 center line spiral curve a distance of 568.0 feet to a point of spiral curve at
Engineer's Station 144+46.0; thence on a spiral curve parallel to a 60 center line curve
concave t(]l the Southeast a distance of 610.0 feet to the intersection of the Southeasterly right
of way line and the West property line of Lark Slreet; thence N.6007'W. a distance of 457
feet, morf: or less, to a point on the Northerly right of way line of the Kingman-Boulder
Dam Highway, F.A.P. 123-C, at right angles to Engineer's Station 11 +81; thence along the
Nort.herly 50 foot right of way line of said Kingman-Boulder Dam Highway a distance of
1599.42 ft:et, more or less to a point 50.4 feet N.I023'E. of Engineer's Station 25+61.2;
thence S.Jl023'W. a distance of IOlL8 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, in
accordanc,e with the map or plat attached hereto ,and made a part hereof.
These descriptions have been faithfully reproduced herein as were cited in the
recorded instrument aforementioned. No plat was included with the original document,
WHEREAS, the State of Arizona in 1984 abandoned portions of the Right of Way
over the County Parcels by a Resolution of Abandonment recorded on November 1, 1984,
in the Office of the Mohave County Recorder in Book 1066 of Official Records, Page 839,
with the intent of abandoning these portions to the City of Kingman; and
WHEREAS, the County Parcels are locat,ed within the corporate limits of the City
of Kingman, and the portions abandoned by the State of Arizona are occupied by the
Kingman Area Chamber of Commerce, a nonprofit corporation, and the Mohave Pioneers
Historical Society, a nonprofit corporation, for purposes that serve the public interest; and
WHEREAS, Mohave County may retain a reversionary interest in tht~ County
Parcels under the terms of the Right of Way, but this interest is speculative and the public
interest would be served if it were conveyed to the City of Kingman; and
WHEREAS, the City of Kingman has an interest in that certain real property more
particularly described as follows (the "City Parcl~ls"):
Lots 1 and 3, Block 13, TOWNSITE OF KINGMAN, according to the plat of record
in the offic:e of the Recorder of Mohave County, Arizona, recorded January 24, 1929.
WHEREAS, the City Parcels are presently occupied by Mohave County for public
purposes; and
WHEREAS, the staffs of the City of Kingman and Mohave County have determined
that the value of the County's interest in the County Parcels is approximately equal to the
value of the City's interest in the City Parcels and that an exchange would serve the
interests of both entities as well as the public; and
WHEREAS, the County Attorney has determined that the proposed exchange is
within the scope of the County's authority pursuant to A.R.S. ~ 11-251(9); and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Councill of the City of Kingman at their regular
meeting on January 21, 1997, apprmred the proposed exchange and authorized all such
actions as may be necessary or appropriate to complete it; and
WHEREAS, the members of the Board of Supervisors find that the proposed
exchange is appropriate and in the best interests: of Mohave County and the public,
Supervisors of Mohave County as follows:
1. The exchange of Mohave County's interest in the parcels described herein as
the "County Parcels" for the City of Kingman's iinterest in the parcels described herein as
the "City Parcels" is hereby approved, said exchange to be accomplished by an exchange
of Quit-Claim Deeds in recordable form.
2. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to execute and deliver to the City of
Kingman a Quit-Claim Deed in the form attacJh.ed hereto as Exhibit A and such other
documents as may be necessary or appropriate to complete the exchange.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by unanimous vote on February _~,
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Pat Chastain, Clerk of the Board
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-. Lance B. Payette, Deputy County Attorney
VVhen recorded return to:
City Clerk
310 N. 4tl, Street
Kingman, AZ 86401
MOHAVE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Arizona ("Grantor"),
acting by and through its Board of Supervisors.. for the consideration of TEN DOLLARS
($10.00) and other valuable consideration, hereby quit-claims to the CITY OF KINGMAN,
an Arizona municipal corporation ("Grantee"), all right, title, and interest of Grantor in that
certain real property situated in Mohave County, Arizona, more particularly described in
Exhibit "A" hereto, incorporated herein by referE!nce.
day of
11 O!~7/8:22am
E )( H /8 l T "A"
The City of Kingman, a municipal corporation, does hereby accept the foregoing
Quit-Claim Deed and the terms and conditions thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Kingman has caused this Acceptance to be
executed by its Mayor pursuant to authority granted by its City Council, this ___ day
of ,1997.
a municipal corporation
Mayor, Lester Byram
Charlene Ware, City Clerk
The parcl:lls of land as described in Book 28 of Miscellaneous, Page 5 records of Mohave County,
Arizona situate in Section 23, T.21 N., R.17 W., G.& S.R.IVI., Mohave County, Arizona being more particularly
described as follows:
Lots 1 to H, inclusive, in Block 1, all of Tract No.2, Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, also that part of Lot 13 lying
North of the Southerly 50 foot right of way line of the Kingman-Needles Highway in Block 2, Bowers Addition
to Kingman Arizona, also all streets and alleys adjacent to the aforementioned lots and tracts with the
exception of that part of Rose Street and Elm Street lying Southerly of the Southeasterly 50 foot right of way
line of the Needles-Kingman Highway, Federal Aid Project 85-A;
also the following described parcel of land:
Beginning at a point on the Southerly 50 foot right of way line of the Kingman-Boulder Darn Highway,
FAP. 123-C, S.1 023'W. a distance of 50.4 feet, more or IE!SS, from Engineer's Station 25+61.2, whence the
South quarter corner of said Section 2:3 bears S.1 023'W. a distance of 1737 feet, more or less, thence
S.83053'E. a distance of 1180.42 feet, more or less, to a point 50 feet Southerly of and at right angles to
Engineer's Station 16+00; thence S.18053'E. a distancl~ of 415.0 feet, more or less, to a point on the
Northwesterly right of way line of the Needles-Kingman Highway, FA P. 85-A, 100 feet Northwesterly of and
at right angles to Engineer's Station 149+00; thence along the Northwesterly 100 foot right of way line of the
said Needles-Kingman Highway in a Southerly direction parallel to a 60 center line circular curve concave to
the Southeast a distance of 505.0 feet, more or less, to a point 100 feet Northwesterly of and at right angles
to Engineer's Station 144+46.0; thence along a spiral transition to a 60 center line curve a distance of 634.0
feet, more or less, to a point of tangent 100.0 feet Westerly of and at right angles to EngineE!r'S Station
138+46.0; thence S.2043'W. along said Westerly 100 foot right of way line a distance of 112.2 feet to point
of spiral transition 100 feet Westerly of and at right anglE!S to Engineer's Station 137+33.80; thence on a
transition to a 10 center line spiral curve a distance of 147.5 feet to a point of circular spiral at Engineer's
Station 135+83.80; thence along said 100 foot Westerly right of way line parallel to a 10 circular curve concave
to the West a distance of 127.0 feet to the South line of said Section 23; thence along the South line of said
Section 23 a distance of 150.0 feet, morE~ or less, to the Easterly 50 foot right of way line; thence along the
Easterly 50 foot right of way line on a curve parallel to a 10 center line circular curve a distance of 124.0 feet,
more or less, to a point 50 Easterly of and at right angles to Engineer's Station 135+83; thence on a transition
to a 10 spiral curve a distance of 151.5 feet to a point of tangent, 50 feet Easterly of and at right angles to
En~lineer's Station '137+33.80; thence N.2 D 43'E:. a distance of 112.2 feet to a point of transition to spiral curve
50 feet Easterly of and at right angles to Engineer's Statio n 138+46.0; thence on a transition to at 60 center
line spiral curve a distance of 568.0 feet to a point of spiral curve at Engineer's Station 144+46.0; thence on
a spiral curve parallel to a 60 center line curve concave to the Southeast a distance of 610.0 feet to the
intersection of the Southeasterly right of way line and the West property line of Lark Street; thence N.600TW.
a distance of 457 feet, more or less, to a point on the Northerly right of way line of the Kingman-Boulder Dam
Highway, FA P. 123-C, at right angles to Engineer's Station 11 +81; thence along the Northerly 50 foot right
of way line of said Kingman-Boulder Dam Highway a distance of 1599.42 feet, more or less to a point 50.4
feet N.1 023'E. of Engineer's Station 25+61.2; thence S.1 o23'W. a distance of 100.8 feet, more or less, to the
place of beginning, in accordance with the map or plat attached hereto and made a part hereof.
These descriptions have been faithfully reproduced herein as were cited in the recorded instrument
aforementioned. No plat was included with thE! original document.
11 mI7/8:22am