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WHEREAS, the Board ofSupt:rvisors ofMohave County met in Regular Session this 10th
day of March, 1997: and
WHEREAS, the Board ofSupe:rvisors of Mohave County, Arizona, opposes the location of
a low level nuclear waste site at Ward Valley, California; and
WHEREAS, U.S. Ecology, as license designee to the State of California is plmming to
construct and operate a low level nuclear waste facility at Ward Valley, California, twenty-two miles
northwest of Needles, California and approximately thirteen miles from the Colorado Riv,er; and
WHEREAS, there is concern that the containment of low level nuclear waste will
conceivably merge with the Colorado River contaminating a main source of drinking water for
Arizona, Mexico, and Southern California; and
WHEREAS, the State of Arizona, Mohave County and Lake Havasu City view the
('olorado River as ,ill important domestk water supply, natural resource, and economic deveilopment
f~lctor; and
\VHEREAS, the citizens of Mohave County are concerned about the impacts of the
proposed California facility on this community and have serious questions regarding the adequacy
of research and environmental studies for the proposed project; and
WHEREAS, due to such concerns and questions, the United States Department of the
Interior has ordered additional soil and watt:r testing at Ward Valley.
NOW, THl':REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Mohave
County, Arizona, that upon consideration of the possible risks presented by the construction and
operation of the Ward Valley Low Levd Nuclear Waste Facility, the Board of Supervisors herein
states its opposition to the location of a low level nuclear waste facility at Ward Valley. This
Resolution should not be construed or interpreted as endorsing the location of such facilities at
alternate sites either in Mohave County or elsewhere in the State of Arizona.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman be, and hereby is authorized and
directed to make such distribution of this Resolution as she deems appropriate or expedient for the
purpose of communicating to appropriate parties the iment and substance of this Resolution.