HomeMy WebLinkAbout97-127 . . . RESOLUTION NO. 97----1ll A RESOLUTION OF THE BOAR[) OF SUPERVISORS OF MOHA VE COUNTY, ARIZONA; APPROVING THE ADOPTION OF INTERIM GUIDELINES FOR MOHA VE COUNTY APPROVAL OF COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE 'TEAM ("C.E.R.T. n) PROGRAMS. WHEREAS, Community Emen~ency Response Team ("C.E.R.T.") Programs are designed to provide training to! citizen volunteers in responding to disasters and catastrophes; ;and WHEREAS, experience wiith G.E.R.T. Pmgrams in other areas has shown that trained voluntE!ers can be of significi:mt benefit to the community in times of disaster or catastrophe; and WHEREAS, the Department of Emer~lency Management has prepiElred the attached Interim Guidelines in OIrder to specify the requirements for MohavE~ County to approve C.E.R.T. Programs and recognize C.E.R.T. volunteers upon the completion of their trainin!~; and WHEREAS, the Board of Suplnvisors finds that the C.E.R.T. Programs can be of significant benefit to Mohave County and its residents in times of disaster or catastrophe, that the adoption of thle Interim Guidelines is appropriate to ensure that C.E.R.T. training meets the standards necess:ary for County approval, and that the participation cmd sponsorship by the Emergency Management Department as described in the Interim Guidelines is an appropriate activity of the Department, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Mohave County that the "Interim Guidelines for C:ounty Approval of Mohave County Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.) Program," together with the Program Seal and other materials attached thereto, are hereby approved and adopted and shall rema!in in effect until r1escinded, amEmded or suspended by the BOiElrd. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED on MARCH 24, , 1997. MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS __~1~/ ~~~-?A. CarlOl S. AndE~rson Chairman .I~PPR .~ AS TO FORM: 'J (___... tt:tiU~..~ ../tance Payette, Deputy County Attorney . . . IIN1rrn~!RillIMI GUIDELINES FOR COUNTY APPROVAL OF MOHA VE COUNTY COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (C.E.R.'n PROGRAM ~.",(I'COU.f ~ 1164 SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 There are a few things of which we may be certain in a disaster or catastrophe. Among those things we can be certain of is that the public's immediate life safety needs will exceed the public safety response capability of even the most prepared jurisdictions. Even if all transportation and communications were entirely intact and all available personnel could be immediately placed into service, the public's immediate needs for fIre suppression, search, extrication and rescue, medical services, and damage assessment would completely inundate the resources available. When complicated by the disruption certain to occur to vital transportation and communication systems, it is inevitablf~ that any jurisdiction's short-term response capabilities will be overwhelmed. 1.2 There is a public desire and need to help itself. When public safety response is unavoidably delayed, both the need and the desire of the public to take action is intensified. Untrained and unmanaged this inevitable public action can and frequently does result in further tragedy and loss. During the ,~arthquake disaster in Mexico, large groups of volunteers organized themselves and perf.ormed light search and rescue operations. Volunteers are credited with more than 800 successful rescues. Unfortunately, more than 100 untrained volunteers died during the 15-day rescue operation. The Mexico City experience demonstrated that a plan was needed to train volunteers to help themsdves and others as a backup to government response. 1.3 The CERT Program is based upon these inevitabilities. It is designed to provide training of a very basic but effective nature to a substantial number of citizens who would feel the need and desire to take action during the first chaotic hours after a disaster or catastrophe. Through basic training, these citizen voluntef:rs become part of the solution rather than part of the problem. They learn to minimize the safety risks to which they subject themselves while maximizing the benefit that they can bestow upon other citizlens who have become victims of the event. CERT training and operation is at a relativdy basic level. CERT members do not respond to emergencies; they respond to disasters and catastrophes. CERT members do not provide emer~ency medical assistance; they provide dis~ medical assistance:. The safety risk that CERT members will encounter during actual service cannot be entirely eliminated, it can be minimized. Whi1l~ CERT members can neither rescue or save all victims" the experience in major metropolitan area in California (including Los Angeles and San Francisco) has demonstrated that lhey can make a significant, indeed often a life and death, difference. Page 1 . 1.4 Emergency management is fundamentally a team concept. No jurisdiction responds to a disaster Cir catastrophe alone. Jurisdictions help each other whether under mutual aid agreements or through requests fCir assistance up the political chain. A critical element of effective mutual assistance is a commonality of training. Both local and outside CERT members can be most effectively used when their training and level of performance is consistent. A diversity of operating methods and techniques is undesirable, particularly during a disaster or catastrophe, and is contrary to the central concept of CERT operation. 1.5 The central goal of these guidelines is tCi foster a high level of skill, competence performance, and uniformity among CERT members operating within Mohave: County. Mutual assistance and cooperative response: are greatly facilitated if the government officials in charge can be confident that the CERT members with which they are working can realistically be expected to perform as expected and with the anticipated degree of skill. These guidelines seek to further these objectives without unduly restricting or influencing the sponsoring local Emergency Management's freedom or rights. SECTION 2 - m:NEFITS OF COUN.n:~APPROVAL 2.1 The most important benefit to be derived from county approval of CERT PrCigrams is consistency and uniformity among the programs. This facilitates mutual assistance and cooperative response since government authorities in: the affected area have a reasonable expectation that teams coming into their jurisdiction from other areas can perform to a known and acceptable level of efficiency and readily understand their mission and operating limitations. Similarly, those supervisory personnel brought into the affected area from other jurisdictions will have a familiarity with what can reasonably be expected of the local teams, what their needs will be, and how to effectively communicate mission assignments to them. Uniform training is recognition that "during the event is not the time for training, it is the time to put it into use that which has been learned, practiced and polished" . . 2.2 CERT members who successfully complete training in Mohave County Approved CERT Programs receive documentation from the Mohave County Department of Emergency Management recognizing their accomplishment:. Such documented recognition is valuable both in telms of a morale boost to the individuals who have volunteered a substantial amount of time and effort to complf:te successfully the training program and to provide a means of readily identifying those individuals who are members of approved teams and distinguishing them from others not similarly trained who may (for whatever reasons of their own) desire to be present or to assist. In other words, one of the best ways to identify those who should not be present is to identify clearly those who should. . Page 2 . Nationally, the CERT Program iis [essentially] a non-funded program. There are not currently funds in Mohave County earmarked for the Mohave County CERT Program. Nevertheless, the Division of Emergency Management will support in every way reasonably possible Mohave County Approved CERT Programs. Such support may include administrative services, training matt:rials, public information presentations, and the other benefits listed in this section of these guidelines. 2.4 The Division of Emergency Man.agement anticipates holding and sponsoring an annual CERT conference to which all members of Mohave County Approved CERT Programs will be invited. This conference will provide an opportunity to refresh existing training, acquire additional training, recognize CERT members' contributions, and maintain current relevant skills. 2.5 CERT members operate under the least desirable of circumstances. Risk 1to CERT members cannot be entirely eliminated nor can the risk that legal claims might be asserted against CERT members or their sponsoring jurisdiction. Significant mitigation of these hazards can be obtained, however, by consistent, good faith efforts to develop a high quality tra.ining program that is ac,curate in substance and realistic in approach. SECTION 3 - SPONSORSHIP . In order to be considered for Mohave County Approval, a CERT Program must meet the following criteria related to its sponsorship: 3.1 It must be conducted under thc~ authority of the Emergency Management Coordinator of Mohave County. 3.2 A single individual must be assiglll~d as course manager. a. The course manager must attend all training sessions. 1. In the case of unexpe(:ted serious illness, an acting course manager may be appointed so long as all obligations of the course manager are fulfilled and certified. b. The course manager shall submit 3l report on the course promptly upon its conclusion. . I. The report shall be submitted to the Emergency Management Coordinator of Mohave County. ii. The report shall contain generally that information required of course managers for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)-sponsored state training including verifieation that the proposed plan of instruction was essentially followed in all significant details and verification of the attendance of Page 3 . . . all student participants. 3.3 The course shall be taught with and aimed at a geographical area consistent with the geographical boundaries of the Mohave County Emergency Management Department. 3.4 The CERT Program and the training sessions shall be entirely non-commercial in nature. a. The CERT Program and the training classes shall not be part of any fund raising or business venture nor designed to fulftll any degree of fund raising or profit making by the spon'ioring entity. 1. This does not preclude compensation of the instructional staff. b. Citizen participants in the CERT Program shall not be charged to attend training sessions or for the instructional material used. I. This does not preclude charges to citizen participants reasonably calculated merely to reimburse a sponsoring agency for personal protection equipment or supplies utilized by .or required of the team members. 3.5 Citizen participation in the CERT Program or the training sessions shall not be mandated, denied, encouraged, discouraged, or in any way impacted on the basis of any CERT member's (or potential member's) race, re:ligion, national origin, gender, or other criterion prohibited by either the United State:s or Arizona Constitution. ****************************************************************************** Rationale for Sponsoring Criteria The sponsoring criteria set forth in these guidelines are designed to facilitate reporting (which will enhance the level of potential funding available for the Mohave County CERT Program) and emphasize the "team approach" to emergency management (by assuring that the program is conducted in conjunction with or under the: authority of the Emergency MarJiagement Department for th,e jurisdiction). These criteria are also designed to assure that the opportunity to participate in the Mohave County CERT Program is equally available to all citizens and that the Program is provided for the appropriate purpose of providing public service rather than private or monetary benefit. ****************************************************************************** SECTION 4 - C.QNTENT In order to be considered for Mohave County Approval, a CERT Program must meet the following criteria related to its content: 4.1 The program and training materials shall be based upon FEMA (National Emergency Page 4 . . . Training Center (NETC)/Emergency Management Institute (EM!)) approved materials but may include appropriate modifications to make the materials consistent with. policies, operations, and practices within Mohave County. 4.2 The content must include appropriate treatment of issues related to volunteers including Arizona's Good Samaritan and 'lolunteer Service acts and discussion of the duties and responsibilities of volunteers. 4.3 The program content must include the requirement that teams and CERT members (acting as such) operate only within their training and only within the circumstances a.nd safety limitations of the training. a. The requirement of operating within training must include a specific requirement that CERT members act {as such) only upon their reasonable belief that an event amounting to a disaster or catastrophe has occurred or upon n:quest of appropriate government officials. 4.4 The program content must not inc:1ude training related to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or other forms of advanced life support (ALS) techniques. ****************************************************************************** Rationale for Content Criteria The content criteria set forth in these guidelines are based upon and designed to maintain a consistent level of high quality instruction resulting in consistent levels of performance by CERT programs throughout Mohave County. This will foster and facilitate interoperability and cooperative response. The requirements related to teams operating within their training and not providing CPR address legal issues relating to the fact that CERT programs are designed to operate under disaster and catastrophic conditions rather than to provide response in routine emergency conditions. ****************************************************************************** SECTION 5 - QUALITY CONTROI~ In order to be considered for Mohave County Approval, a CERT Program must meet the following criteria related to quality cCintrol: 5.1 The CERT Program must utilize instructors who have successfully completed FEMA (NETC/EMI)--approved and Arizona State--approved Train-the- Trainer courses. 5.2 Instructors for each module must possess adequate subject matter expertise: a. The disaster medical sections (modules 3 & 4) must be presented by an instructor Page 5 . . . who holds either a cun-ent Arizona certification as a paramedic or emergency medical technician (EMT) or other medical qualifications, such as a physician or registered nurse with trauma and/or emergency room (ER) experience. b. The fire suppression sections (module 2) must be taught by a qualifi1ed (either paid or volunteer) fIrefighter. c. The light urban search and rescue sections (module 5) must be taught by an individual demonstrating substantial practical experience or qualifications in basic urban search and rescue skills. (It is noted that traditional s~:arch and rescue, mountain rescuc~ and similar skill are generally not relevant to the "urban search and rescue" operations that are part of the CERT program.) d. The psychological reaction to disaster section (module 6) must be taught by someone with significant appropriate training and/or expertise in the areas of disaster psychology, critical incident stress, and the like. 5.3 Instructors for all modules must have adequate instructional skills. (The single most important skill needed is the abililty to render sufficiently simple the decidedly complex issues relevant to this course so that they may be grasped, understood, and implemented by the citizen team members under circumstances that will be stressful, confusing and far from ideal with little or no outside guidance). a. Successful completion of FEMA-sponsored Comprehensive Emergency Management (CEM) training such as "Instructional Presentation Skills" and "'Effective Communication", together with appropriate practical experience in adult training are the: preferable ways to meet this requirement. 5 .4 An adequate means of monitoring and reporting participant attendance and performance must be inlplemented. a. As a minimum, attendance for all of each session is required. I. This requirement does not preclude allowing of "make-up" sessions which are, in the course manager's good faith opinion, essentially comparable. b. Participant performance must be obsf~rved during practical "hands on" exercises and activities during thc~ class as well as being gauged by a final, written examination. I. The requirement of a final examination does not preclude working with Page 6 . . . participants whose initial performance on the examination may be unacceptable so long as, in the course manager's good faith opinion, they ultimately achieve and demonstrate the requisite subject matter knowledge. 5.5 The course manager must attend all training sessions so as to verify and assurl~ that the instruction in substantial detail follows the approved plan of instruction. a. This requirement is subject to the provision Section 3.2 a.i. ****************************************************************************** Rationale for Quality Control Criteria The quali~y control criteria set forth in these guidelines are designed not only to assure the public that CERT members will be prepared and able to perform in a safe and effective manner given the difficult conditions with which they will be faced, but also to protect the reputation of the CERT Program on a countywide and national basis. Quality control also provides assurance to government officials that they may request and utilize the services of CERT Program members with confidence and safety. Quality control is essential if interoperability is to be achieved and mutual responses facilitated. Quality control also m€::ets the moral and legal obligations of both the CERT Program and the government otncials responsible for its implementation and utilization in the discharge of their duties to the public. ****************************************************************************** SECTION 6 - EQLLOW-UP AND INVOLVEMENT In order to be considered for Mohave County Approval, the CERT Program must meet the following criteria for significant, continuing participant involvement. 6.1 The CERT Program must contain an adequate: plan for each of the following: a. Refresher training designed to maintain the level of initial training; and b. Adequate drills and exercises with agencies of the jurisdiction so as to test the viability of the CERT Program and maintain and improve the ave:nues of communication among all of the various agencies with which the: CERT members might reasonably be anticipated to come into contact during an actual event; and c. Continuing training designed to assur,e that the CERT members are kept current with changes in relevant practices, regulations, and operating methods provided. Page 7 . . . d. The requirements of subsections a. and c. may be met, in whole or in part, by attendance at the County.-Sponsored Annual CERT Conference. 6.2 Participant involvement in continuing activities must be documented and a minimal level of involvement established. a. Continuing participant involvement: activities may include activities such as agency "ride-along" programs; and b. Public information activities (such as delivery of preparedness pres,entations and/or presentations relalting to the scope, purpose and operation of the CERT Program). ****************************************************************************** Rational for Follow-Up and Involvement Criteria Even full-time paid responders need periodic refresher training and continuing skill development. Even a highly capable and motivated CERT Program's members will see actual service only infrequently. In order to maintain and build morale, motivation, and readiness, these volunteers must be consistently and relatively frequently involved in meaningful, effective and productive activities. ****************************************************************************** SECTION 7 - AI)IMINISTRA TIVE AND REPORTING PROCEDURES In order to be considered for Mohave County Approval, a CERT Program must meet the following criteria relating to Administrative and Reporting Procedures: 7.1 To demonstrate compliance with thl~ "content" requirements of Section 4, any substantive changes from approved course materials (including the student manual (SM) or participant handbook (PH), the instructor's guide (lG), an.d handout materials) shall be identified by a clear and easily understood "redline" method. a" Materials which are being used without modifications may be described by title and edition so as to eliminate the need to submit large quantities of materials that do not contain changes. 7.2 Reports required (such as those required by Sections 3.2b and 5.4) shall be submitted on forms provided by the Mohave County Emergency Management Department. a. These reports shall be personally signed by the designated course manager. Page 8 . . . b. These reports shall be submitted within 15 days of the fmal session of the !Course. 7.3 A preliminary list of participants in each course shall be submitted to the Mohave County Emergency Management Department within 15 days of the completion of the second session of the course to facilitate acquisition of FEMA course completion certificates for the participants from NETC/EMI. 7.4 Aside from unforeseen "emergency" circumstances, any substantial deviation from the proposed plan of instruction shall be submitted to the Mohave County Emergency Manageml~nt Department as soon a.s possible but in no event less than 15 days prior to the conduct of the module to which the proposed change relates. SECTION 8 - INSURANCE 1.1 The State has agreed to cover trainees during training and exercises. 1.2 In the event of a disaster the County will have to insure the activated teams unless it goes State" EFFECTIVE DATES These Interim Guidelines shall remain eftective until rescinded, amended, or suspended. Page 9