HomeMy WebLinkAbout97-208 \ ~ ~\J . fNDEXED "~CROAlMID 9729962 BK 2911 PG 561 OFFICIAL RECORD!) OF 110HAVE COUNTY, AZ JOAN MC CALL, MIlHAVE COUNTY RECORDER 06/06/97 02:10P PAGE 1 OF 1 MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 RESOIJUTION No. J~.z::/.lliL- WHEREAS, on March 10, 1997, the Mohave County Supcrvis,)rs acknowledged receipt and accepted a letter of petition requesting that Knox Drive be ac.cept(:d into the Mohave Coun~y Road System for Maintenance; and WHEREAS, a public meeting was held on June 2, 1997, in the Mohave County Board of Supervisors' Chambers at which time the request to accept was discussed and consider,ed by the Board; and WHEREAS, no one appeared to object and no written statement of objection opposing the granting of the request of said petition were received, and WHEREAS, an investigation has been made by the County Engineer and County Attorney who have reported to the Board that the design and construction of the street comp1:les with Article 4.11 of the Subdivision and Road Maintenance Regulations ofMohave County, Arizona, for unpaved roadway wherein it was established that: A. The right-of-way was properly established through dedications with the Lake Havasu Estates, Units 7,8, and 9 Subdivisions in or around 1963. B. The street has been properly laid out, opened and constructed without cost to the County within the confmes of the right-of-way, and in accordance with the Specifications outlined in said Article 4.11. j ,. . ~:;.~ C. The street is connected to public: roadways by at least one road or street meeting the requirements for p~ermanent access as defim:d by statute. WHEREAS, after a review of the requests, reports, and recommendations regarding this matter, the Board of Supervisors has dete:rmined that it is in the public i:l1terest to accept this street into the County system for Ma.intenance. NOW TifEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors as of this date does acc;ept into the Mohave County Road System, for the purpoSt: of maintenance, Knox Drive from Alamo Road East approximately 3.4 miles to \Vhispering Wmd Drive. FURTIlEU, BE IT RESOLVE)). 1bat tbe street will he maintained only to the degree of improvement (Stimdard SpecificatIOn 10 I.] 0 C for Unpaved Roadways) at which it is now being acc~fJted by the County and that Public Funds may be expended for maintenanee of this street here:in described if and when a public need exists for such mamtenance. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this _2n,:!._ dny of JUKE ,1997. MOl-IAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS . -~~~/ ~~ Carol S. Anderson, Chainnan