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9763-796 BK 2995 PG 5M
11/24/97 02:59P PAGE 1 OF 17
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WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Mohave County
met in Regular Session this 18th day of November, 1997, and
WHEREAS, Arizona Revised Statutes allows the Board of
Supervisors to subdivide or change voting precinct boundaries to provide
voters the most reasonablE~ access to the polls possible, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors determined that it
would be in the best interest of the voters of Mohave County to change
Hualapai, Logasville, London Bridge, Sara, Smoketree, Lakeview, Oro
Grande, and Thunderbolt voting precinct boundaries, adding new
election precincts proposed to be named, Long Mountain in the Kingman
area and Daytona, ChesapE~ake, EI Dorado, and Roadrunner in the Lake
Havasu City area. Additionally, changing the Kingman area precincts of
East Kingman #1 and East Kingman #2 to East Kingman and Beale
respectively. All of the listed changes and revisions are to be utilized in
the 1998-99 election cycles.
November, 1997.
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Carol S. Anderson, Chairman
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BK 2995 PG 565 FEEt9763796
Hualapai Elementary School 350 Eastern St.
Starting at the junction of U.S. Hwy.. 93 and old Hwy. 93 (abandoned) proceed South on
U.S. Hwy. 93 to Odle Ranch road at milepost 106. Proceed Northwest on Odle Ranch
Rd. to junction with Walnut Creek at the Section line between Sec. 13 and 24 T19N
R15W. Follow Walnut Creek West to the ridge line of the Hualapai Mountains and an
unnamed road at the Section line between Sec. 22 ana 23 T19N R 16W. Continue
Northwest along unnamed road (wrlich parallels Walnut Creek) to junction with another
unnamed road at Sec. 8 T19N R16 W. Continue North on unnamed road to another
. unnamed road at Sec.20 T20N R 1 EiW. Thence proceed East on the unnamed road to
junction with another unnamed road at Sec. 14T20N R16W. Follow North on this
unnamed road to junction with Hualapai Mtn. Rd. at Sec. 2 T20N R16W. Thence
Northwest along Hualapai Mtn. Rd. to junction with access road to Slaughterhouse
Canyon. Proceed on Slaughterhouse Canyon to BNSF railroad tracks. Thence North
along railroad tracks to Hualapai Mountain Road. Proceed East along Hualapai
Mountain Road to Monroe St. Proceed North along Monroe St. to Louise Ave.
Proceed East on Louise Ave. to junction with Transwestern Pipeline. Proceed East
along Transwestern Pipeline to U.S. 140 at Hualapai Interchange and old Hwy. 93.
Proceed Southeast on old Hwy.. 93 to intersection with U.S. Hwy. 93 and the original
starting point.
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BK 2995 PG 566 FEE~9763796
Trinity Episcopal Church 423 Spring Street Kingman
Kingman, Arizona
Starting at U.S. Hwy #40 and Pipeline Rd. proceed ScrtJtherly on Pipeline Rd. to the
jeep trail (White Cliffs Rd.). Thence easterly on the jeep trail to Western Ave. Thence
Southerly along Western Ave. to the Northwest corner of Maple St. Thence Easterly
. along Maple St. to State Hwy. #66 (Andy Devine Ave.). Proceed Southwesterly and
Westerly along State Hwy. #66 to its intersection with First St. Thence North on First St.
to Beale St. Thence Westerly along Beale St. to its intersection with U.S. Hwy #40.
Thence Northerly along U.S. Hwy. #40 to the original starting point.
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BK 2995 PG 567 FEE~9763796
Moose Lodge
302 Monroe Street Kingman
Starting at the intersection of Davis Dam-Prescott power line access road and the
Eastern Mohave County Boundary proceed South on Mohave County line to unnamed
road at Horse Lake. Thence West on unnamed Road1b Row Water Canyon Road.
Proceed West on Row Water Canyon Road to U.S. Hwy. 93. Follow U.S. Hwy. 93 North
to old Hwy. 93 (abandoned). Then proceed Northwest on old Hwy. 93 to U.S. Hwy. 40
. and Hualapai interchange Road and Davis Dam-Prescott power line. Thence West on
Davis Dam-Prescott power line to junction with Louise Ave. Proceed West on Louise
Ave. to junction with Monroe St. Proceed South on Monroe St. to Hualapai Mtn.
Road. Proceed west on Hualapai Mtn. Road to junction with BNSF railroad tracks.
Proceed North along railroad tracks to Louise Ave. Then West across railroad tracks to
intersection of Louise Ave. and StatE~ Hwy. 66. Proceed Northeast on Hwy. 66 to Airfield
Ave. Turn East on Airfield Ave. to Santa Fe railroad tracks. Proceed Northeast along
tracks to Castle Rock Road interchange. Thence West to State Hwy. 66. Proceed
Northeast on State Hwy. 66 to milepost 65.6 and unnamed road at Sec. 29. On
unnamed road proceed Southeast to Sec. 3 T22N R 15W. Proceed Northeast on
unnamed road to Sec. 36 T22N R 15W. Then South on unnamed road to junction with
another unnamed road in Sec. 1 T22N R 15W. Follow Southeast on this unnamed road
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BK 2995 PG 568 FEE~9763796
to Davis Dam-Parker power line. Proceed East on Davis Dam-Prescott power line to
East Mohave County line and original starting point.
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BK 2995 PG 569 FEE~9763796
Pentecostal Church of God
4087 N. Eagle Drive
Kingman, Arizona
Starting at intersection of State Hwy #66 and North Castle Rock Rd. proceed North on
North Castle Rock Rd. to Gordon Dr. Thence West ort"Gordon Dr. to Apache St. Turn
South on Apache St. to Sunshine Dr. On Sunshine Dr. proceed Southwesterly to
Diamond Dr. Then North on Diamond Dr. to Kino Ave. Thence West on Kino Ave. to
. Easy St. Then South along Easy St to Sunshine Dr. Proceed Southwesterly on
Sunshine Dr. to Shangri-la Dr. and the centerline of Rainbow Dr. Thence South on
Rainbow Dr. to Airway Ave. Proceed West on Airway Ave. to Kingman City limits at rear
lot lines of Bank St. East side residence. Proceed North on the rear lot lines to Gordon
Ave. Then West on Gordon AVE!. to Bank St. Proceed North on Bank St. to Northern
Ave. At this junction proceed East to North Castle Rock Rd. and junction of Diagonal
Way. Proceed Southeast on Diagonal Way to Hwy 66 at Section 33. Proceed
Southwestly on Hwy 66 to intersection with Castle Rock Rd and original starting point.
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BK 2995 PG 570 FEE~9763796
Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
1975 Daytona
Lake Havasu City
Starting at the junction of Pima Wash and shoreline of Colorado River proceed
Northeasterly to junction with Acoma Blvd. Proceed West on Acoma Blvd. to junction
with Smoketree Ave. Proceed South on Smoketree Ave. to junction with McColluch
Blvd. Proceed West on McColluch Blvd. to junction with London Bridge. Proceed North
along shore line to Colorado River. Proceed Southerlyr-along river to original point.
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BK 2995 PG 571 FEE~9763796
Calvary Baptist Church
1605 S. McCulloch Blvd. Lake Havasu City
Starting at the junction of McCulloch Blvd. and Sweetwater Ave. proceed East on
McCulloch Blvd. to Mohican. ProceE!d North on Mohican to junction with Chemehuevi
Wash. Proceed East on Chemehue!vi Wash to Lake Havasu City city limits. Proceed
North on Lake Havasu City city limits 200 ft. to Aqua Wash. Follow Aqua Wash
Northeast to ridge line to the Mohave Mountains and section line between 13 and 14
(Crossman Peak). Follow the Mohave Mountain ridge line Southeast to the junction
with, Dutch Flat Road. Proceed Southwest on Dutch Flat Road to the intersection with
. Hwy. 95. Continue Northwest on Hwy. 95 to Lake Havasu City city limits at Section 20,
R 19W T13N . Follow the Southern sl3ction line of Section 18 West to the original starting
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BK 2995 PG 572 FEE~9763796
Administration Annex
2395 Smoketree Avenue Lake Havasu City
Lake Havasu City, Arizona
Starting at the intersection of McCulloch Blvd and Bermuda Ave proceed North on
Bermuda Ave to EI Dorado Wash. Proceed West on Et Dorado Wash to South Palo
Verde Blvd. Proceed South on Injo Dr to Riviera Blvd, continue to intersection of
McCulloch Blvd. Proceed Southeast on McCulloch Blvd to Smoetree Ave to Pima Dr.
. Proceed Southeast on Pima Dr to intersection with Cisco Dr. Proceed Northeast on
Cisco Dr to EI Dorado Ave. Proceed South on EI Dorado Ave to McCulloch Blvd.
Proceed on McCulloch Blvd Northeasterly to original starting point.
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BK 2995 PG 5i'3 FEE~9763796
St. Michael's Methodist Church 2895 Jamaica Blvd Lake Havasu City
Lake Havasu City, Arizona
Starting at the junction of Jamaica Blvd. (extended) and the Lake Havasu City city limits
proceed East on Jamaica Blvd. to the junction with Eagewood Dr. Proceed West on
Edgewood Dr. to junction with Paseo Dorado. Proceed North on Paseo Dorado to
junction with Saratoga Ave. Proceed West on Saratoga Ave. to junction with Acoma
. Blvd. Proceed North on Acoma Blvd. to junction with Daytona Wash. Proceed
Southwest on Daytona Wash to shoreline of Colorado River. Proceed Southeast along
shoreline to original starting point.
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BK 2995 PG 574 FEE~9763796
Oro Grande Elementary School 1250 Pawnee Drive
Lake Havasu City
Starting at the junction of McCulloch Blvd. and the Lake Havasu City city limits proceed
East on McCulloch Blvd. to Mohican. Proceed Northwest on Mohican to junction with
Mockingbird Wash. Proceed Southeast on Mockingbird Wash to Lake Havasu City city
limits. Proceed East along city limits to original starting point.
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BK 2995 PG 575 FEE~9763796
Starting at the junction of Rolling Hills Dr. (extended) and the Lake Havasu City city limit
proceed North to Thunderbolt Ave. Proceed West and North on Thunderbolt Ave to
Indian Peak Wash. Proceed North on Indian Peak Wash to Saratoga Ave. Proceed
Northwest and West on Saratoga Ave. to junction with Jamaica Blvd. Proceed South on
Jamaica Blvd. (extended) to Lake Havasu City city limits. Proceed East along Lake
Havasu City city limit to original starting point.
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BK 2995 PG 576 FEE~9763796
Starting at the midsection of Sec 5, T24N, R15W, 8 miles east of Stockton Hill Rd.,
thence South on unnamed road 10 miles to State Hwy 66 at Sec 21. Proceed
Southwesterly on State Hwy 66 to intersection with Diagonal Way. Proceed
Northwesterly on Diagonal Way to the junction of Northern Ave and Castle Rock Rd.
Proceed North on Castle Rock Hd to Thompson Ave. Proceed West on Thompson Ave
to Marshall Dr. Proceed North on Marshall Dr to Jagerson Ave. (extension) then East
on Jagerson Ave to intersection with an unnamed road at Sec 20. Proceed on this
unnamed road Northwesterly to the Northwest corner 'of Sec 24. At the junction of the
unnamed road and the Telegraph-Coaxial Rd proceed Northeasterly to the Northeast
corner of Sec 8. Thence Northwest on unnamed road to Southwest corner of Sec 32.
. Follow unnamed road Westerly to Stockton Hill Rd. Thence northeasterly on Stockton
Hill Rd to unnamed road at Sec 18 (near Vock: Wash). Thence on unnamed at Sec 18
(near Vock Wash) proceed Northeasterly to East boundary of Sec 5 and original
starting point.
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BK 2995 PG 577 FEE~9763796
Starting at the juction of Daytona Wash and Hwy 95 proceed East to Acoma Blvd.
Proceed West on Acoma Blvd to junction with Daytona Ave. Proceed Northeasterly on
Dayton Ave to junction with EI Dorado Ave. Proceed Northwesterly on EI Dorado Ave
to junction with Cisco Dr. Proceed Southwest on Cisco Dr to Pima Dr. Proceed East on
Pima Dr to Smoketree Ave. Proceed Southeast on Smoketree Ave to junction with
Acoma Blvd. Proceed South on Acoma Blvd to junction with Pima Wash. Proceed
Southwesterly on Pima Wash to Colorado River shoreline. Proceed Southeasterly
along shoreline to original starting point.
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BK 2995 PG 578 FEE~9763796
Starting at the juction of McCulloch Blvd and Jamaica Blvd proceed East and South on
McCulloch Blvd to the junction of Tropic Blvd. Proceed East on Tropic Blvd to Coral
Reef Dr. Proceed South on Coral Reef Dr to the intersection of Chemehuevi Wash.
Proceed Southwest on Chemehuevi Wash to the intersection of Mohican Dr. Proceed
Northwest on Mohican Dr to intersection of Whitecap Dr. Proceed West on Whitecap
Dr to intersection of Saratoga Ave. Proceed West on Saratoga Ave to intersection of
Jamaica Blvd. Proceed North on Jamaica Blvd to original starting point.
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BK 2995 PG 579 FEE~9763796
Lake Havasu City
Lake Havasu City, Arizona
Starting at the intersection of Amberwood Ave" and S. Kiowa Blvd. proceed South on S.
Kiowa Blvd. to N. Jamaica Blvd. The~nce Easterly along N. Jamaica Blvd. to McCulloch
Blvd. At this intersection follow Southwesterly on McCulloch Blvd. to Bermuda Ave.
Proceed North on Bermuda Ave. to the intersection of EI Dorado Wash, thence West to
. the intersection of Palo Verde Blvd. Proceed Northeast on Palo Verde Blvd. to
Amberwood Ave. Proceed Northeast on Amberwood Ave. to original starting point.
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BK 2995 PG 580 FEE~9763796
Starting at the intersection of Mohican Dr and Whitecap Dr proceed Southeast on
Whitecap Dr to Saratoga Ave. Proceed West on Saratoga Ave to intersection of Indian
Peak Wash. Proceed Southwest on Indian Peak Wash to Chemehuevi Blvd. Proceed
East on Chemehuevi Blvd to interse:Ction of Thunderbolt Ave. Proceed South and East
on Thunderbolt Ave to intersection of Rolling Hills Dr. Proceed Southeast and South on
Rolling Hills Dr (extended) to Lake Havasu City city limits. Proceed East on Lake
Havesu City city limits to Mockingbird Wash. Proceed North and East on Mockingbird
Wash to Mohican Dr. Proceed Northwest on Mohicanl>r to original starting point.