HomeMy WebLinkAbout96-332 . . . RBSOLU',rI:O. .0. 96- 332 A RBSOL1J'.fI:OII AUTBOllI:ZI:1IG '.rBB POSTI:.G OP SPBBD LDlI:T 011 PI:ERCB PERRY ROAD I:. '.rBB IlBADVI:BW ARD. KOBAVE COmr.rY, AllI:Zon. WBBRBAS, the Board of supervisors of Mohave county met in regular session on september 3, 1996; and 1III'URllR, A.R. s. SS A!8-627, 28-643 and 28-855 authorize looal authorities to plaoe aJld maintain traffio oontrol devioes on streets and highways under their jurisdiotion as deemed neoessary to regulate, warn or guide traffio; and WBB9RllR, a Traffio Safety Committee was established to review the warrants and make rec:ommendations to the Board of supervisors for establishing traffic oontrol devioes within Mohave county; and WBBRBAS, the Traffio Safety committee has reviewed the oircumstanoes surroundin9 the warrants for posting traffio control devioes on oertain roads as presented herein; and WBERDS, the Traffic safety committee has made its recommendation for the pC1sting of traffio oontrol devices on suoh roads, 1I01f, IJ.'1[J9l~RB, BB l:T RBSOLVBD that the Department of Public Works is. hereby directed by the Board of supervisors to plaoe the following traffio oontrol devices as reoommended by the Traffio Safety committee: Post 30 Kile-Per-Hour Speed lillit on pierce Perry Roa4 fro. Byron LaDe to the Lake Kea4 Rational Recrea.tion Area BoUD4ary. PASSBD, APPROVBD AJlDI ADOPTBD on september 3, 1996. /COUftY BOARD OP SUPERVI:SORS /?_~fe*' Sam Standerf , Chairman