HomeMy WebLinkAbout95-382 . . . RESOLUTION 95-38E A RESOLUTION OF THE MOIl A VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR TIlE ESTABLISHMENT OIT A PRIMITIVE ROAD CLASSIFICATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARIZONA REVISED STATUTE U8-207.01 WHEREAS, the state of Arizona authorized Mohave County Board of Supervisors in A.R.S. ~11-25l to layout, maintain, control and manage public roads, and WHEREAS, Mohave County has mads that were constructed to County Standards and receive regular maintenance, and WHEREAS, the State of Arizonll allows counties in A.R.S. S18-207 to maintain public roads that were built prior to June 13. 1975 even if such roads and streets were not built in accordance with county standards, and WHEREAS, Mohave County provides limited maintenance pursuant to A.R.S. S.IS.-207 on roads built prior to June 13, 1975 even when such roads and streets were not built in accordance with county standards. NO"', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Mohave County may nominate certain roads as primitive roads in accordance with A.R.S. ~lS-.207.01 and that the Board of Supervisors does hereby establish a primitive roads classification and approve the nomination of the roads on the attached list as primitive roads. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a primitive road is one opened before June 13, 1975 and not constructed in accordance with county standards. BE IT FURTHER RESOINED that all approved primitive roads in Mohave County shall be posted with signs that state "primitive road, caution, use at your own risk, this surface is not regularly maintained", in locations adequate to warn the public. BE IT FURTHER RESOL VEl> that neither Mohave County nor its employees are liable for damages or injuries resulting from the use of a primitive road approved under this resolution and pursuant to A.R.S. ~18-207.01 except for intentional injuries or gross negligence caused by an employee acting within the scope of his employment, and BE IT FlTRTIIER RESOLVED that a state or county highway shall not be designated as a primitive road. . . . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shaH become effective thirty (30) days from the adoption date of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED thils 5th day of September, 1995. MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~r~7 Pat Holt, Chainnan ATIEST: 3675 E. Andy Devine AVfmue, Suite C P.O. Box 7000 KINGMAN, ARIZONA 86402-7000 TELEPHONE (520) 757-0910 FAX (5:~O) 757-0912 TOD 753-0726 e'10HA VE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS Richard A. Skalicky, P.E. M. p, Hendrix, P,E. Director/County Engineer Ass!. Director Ass!. Co. Engll1eer B, M. Elters, fl.E. Flood Control K. Budhecha, P.E. County Surveyor Improvement Districts D. W. Walker, R.L.S. Z. Wright l\D:MORANDUM DATE: August 23, 1995 TO: Richard A. Skalicky, F.E., Director/County Engineer Bassarn Elters, P.E., Assistant County Engineer / FROM: RE: Designation of Primitixe Roads Arizona Revised Statutes ~ 18-207.01 . In the summer of 1993, county engineers and county attorneys from around Arizona along with staff from the County Supervisors Association met in Payson to discuss a growing concern for public entities that maintaiii. rural roads that were not built to county standards. These concerns stem from the liability associated with these roadways. In an effort to reduce this exposure, a draft piece of legislation was drawn up and taken to the Arizona Representatives (H.B. 2257) and passed into law as A.R.S. ~ 18-207.01 in the spring of 1994. It became state law beginning July 17, 1994. A.R.S. ~ 18-207.01 gives the Board of Supervisors for each county the authority to classify public roads within its jurisdiction as primitive roads. Only roads opened before June 13, 1975 and not built in accordance with county standards can be classified as primitive roads. The Statute also requires the county to sign these primitive roads in a way that lets the public know that the roads are not maintained on a regularly scheduled basis. 1. Purpose: To establish a unifonn policy among the Counties of Arizona in adopting a resolution, policy/procedures and signing guidelines for the designation of "Primitive Roads", A.R.S. ~ 18- 207.01. 2. Description: . To help further clarify what roads are pJimitive, the following policy will defme road criteria, cross section, and signing guidelines. Facilities Management J. Jeffers Emergency Services J. D. Hill Landfills M. Hendrix Roads M. Esquibel Parks Department T. Brady EquipmenWehicle Maintenance C. L. Key . . . Primitive Road Classification applies to roads meeting three fundamental criteria and any or all of the other criteria: Fundamental Criteria: · Were opened before June 13, 1975 · Were not constructed in alccordance with County Standards · Are not county or state hilghways Functional Class: Primitive: local and collector Predominant Traffic Types: Dispersed recreation, local access, govt:~rnment, fann or ranch, administrative, commercial/cooperator (i.e., logging, mining, utilities access) Surface Types: Native material, gravel, or subsumdard paving Cross Section: · Does not conform to county standards · Has inconsistent or irregular width · Has a sutface which can vary from native material and rock, gravel, to substandard paving · Drainage, poor to non-existent Sipina: Requirements: The county shall place signs that state "primitive road, caution, use at your own risk, this sutface is not regularly maintained" on roads that are selected by the County for designation as a primitive road in locations adequate to warn the public. The minimum allowable warning sign shall be a horizontal rectangle with a size of 30 X 48 inches-See Exhibit "B". It shall have a yellow background with black legend and border. This sign is intended for use on roadways that have a posted speed in excess of 25 M.P.H. Warning signs shall be installed within 300 feet of the beginnings of a designated "Primitive Road". Warning signs shall be installed only at the entrances to Subdivisions that are designated as "Primitive Roads". The minimum allowable warning sign shall be a horizontal . . . rectangle with a size of 18 X 24 inches-See Exhibit "C". This sign is intended for use only in platted sub-divisions that have a posted speed of 25 M.P.H. 3. Exhibits: A. Exhibit "A" is a copy of - HOUSE BILL 2257, AN ACT, AMENDED TITLE 18, CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 1; RELATING TO COUNTY InGHWAY CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND ABANDONMENT. Arizona Revised Statutes ~ 18-207.01. Designation of primitive roads. B. Exhibit "B" shows an example of the minimum acceptable "Primitive Road" warning sign. C. Exhibit "C" shows an example of the warning sign to be used at entrances to sub- divisions. 4. Attachments: Mohave County's primitive roads classification list. . . . III BXHIBIT A FI rS€E91f ARtZOHA '~Ofl'tm .State of Arizona House of Representatives Forty-first Legislature Second Regular Session 1994 CHAPTER 138 HOUSE BILL 2257 AN ACT AHENDIHG TITLE 18, CHAPTE.R 2, ARTICLE 1, ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES, BY ADDING SECTION 18-207.01; RELATING TO COUNTY HIGH~AY CONSTRUCTIO~, MAINTENANCE AND ABANDONMENT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona: Section..1._ Title 18, chapter 2, article 1, Arizonc. RevisEd Statutes, is amended by adding section 18-207.01, to read: 18-207.01. Desianation of orimitive roads A. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MAY DESIGNATE A PUBLIC ROAD ',/ITHl N ITS JURISDICTION AS A PRIMITIVE ROAD AS PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. NEITHER A COUNTY NOR ITS EMPLOYEES ARE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES OR INJURIES RESULTING fROM THE USE OF A PRIMITIVE ROAD DESIGNATED UNDER THIS SECTION EXCEPT FOP. INTENTIONAL! INJURIES OR GROSS NEGLIGENCE CAUSED BY AN EMPLOYEE ACTING WITHIN THE SCOPE OF HIS EMPLOYMENT. . B. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SHALL NOT DESIGNATE A ROAD AS ~ PRIMITI VE ROAD UNLESS. IT WAS OPENED BEFORE JUNE 12, 1975 AND WtI.S ~iOT CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNTY STANDARDS. C. THE COUNTY SHAL~ PLACE SIGNS THAT STHE JlPRlHITIYE ROA.D, CAUnmJ, USE AT ,YOUR OWN RISK, THIS SURFACE IS HOT REGULARLY HAlHTAINED" ON EYERY ROAD DESIGNATED AS 1-, PRIMITIVE ROt..D IN LOCATIONS ADEQUATE TO WMH; THE PUBLIC. D. A BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SHALL NOT DESIGNATE A STATE OR CQUllTY HIGHWAY AS A PRIMITIVE ROAD. APPEOVED 8Y I .~ GOVERNOR f...F:;.IL 15, 1~:94 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF SEt">.:~TP..TE t-.PRI L 18Tl-: 1594 ~ ~. ------- .' '. EXHIBITS B & C MINIMUM: ACCEPTABLE . PRIMITIVE ROAD . .. CAUTION USE AT- YOU R OWN RISK THIS SU RFACE IS NOT REGULARLY MAINTAINED 5" 3" 30" X 48" EXHIBIT C IS SAME AS EXHIBIT B WITH THE EXCEPTION OF DIl\1ENSIONS WHICH ARE TO BE 18 X 24 INSTEAD OF 30 x 48 RECO~~ED POST INSTALLATION: "-0 telespar-type square tube (1 ~~ inch) 01' two U-channel type posts at Ie-inch spacing. " '. . . . MOH:A"VE COUNTY PRIMITIVE ROADS APPROVED BY SUPERVISOR DIST 1 - SAM STANDERFER SUPERVISOR DIST 2 - JOAN CAROL WARD SUPERVISOR DIST 3 - PAT HOLT APPROVAL DATE: REVIEWED BY DA VID J. GRISEZ, P. E. - COUNTY MANAGER DA TED: August 14, 1995 PREPARED BY: .$,.a !.~n Wl /;, +ey~ -::::::> c::::-- BASSAM M. ELTERS, P.E. . ASSISTANT COUNTY ENGINEER RECOMMENDED BY: DA TED: August 14, 1995 RICHARD A. SKALICK~ . E. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS . M 0 I-I AlVE COUNTY -----.--- (, 'r.\~ I 1)\, ~< rl~'\\ ... ik +~ "-~~,<, .~ \. .....d"'.. V \, n \ ..'t. '\ ~, l. \F ~'hl. \ 0, +" '\. .<t. , '!_,~ .;1'. ~/ N '9/ W<:>E / ...... " s ---r ..... D_.L~ /W'Ulu.n.1t A.Tw.d. _D. COUlRADO CITY . o "<1 CI ... o -;; u '--" \\ \ P.... , ;:-r- ~t........ 'W" f' ..k""., ladl.. SCALE IN WLES F---~ I I ~, 10 5 0 5 10 20 -__,__~ecl... HUla K1N~4f'I.. ~PllIlon Pia.. -. 1'11l. u.k. ~ . -....-\.r "1II1.",. . _M 0 llAYJ~--Cs) UNTY BLAI)1E ROUrT'ES ---------.--- . nfo"'ff Dam ./ .!i'J'~ / / U\Ul"n~M / I -"" (u^) I -.../ \ "- , "- " " , I COLOllAllO CITY Arwl'dll Scpn' . @ 1\ 'fa"", "). t; '"1:, ~ '1.. .~ :0.., ('O/. 0" "0'0 ~<> ..' ,f' ~ N W~E S . l"dhl" SCMY, III 1411.1"$ ~-'-:-T '-.~ 10 & 0 [, 10 20 06/26/95 111_____ BLADE ROUTE 1 STOCKTON HILL I ANTARES POINT I MEADVIEW AREAS ROAD NAME FROM TO MILES Jane Avenue Stockton Hill Road Parker Street 0.80 Parker Street Jane Avenue Jeffer Avenue 1.00 Gregg's Hideout Road Pieme Ferry Road Lake Mead 18.40 Subdivision Boathouse Drive Mead Drive Sand Point Drive 1.00 ----- Calico Drive Mead Drive Sandy Point Drive 1.00 ---- Campanile Drive Mead Drive Sand Point Drive 1.00 --"--- Cathedral Drive Mead Drive Sand Point Drive 1.00 - Crescent Drive Mead Drive Sand Point Drive 1.00 - Detrital Drive Mead Drive Sandy Point Drive 1.00 - Echo Drive Mead Drive Sand Point Drive 1.00 ---- Middle Point Drive Mead Drive Sand Point Drive 1.00 --_.- Overton Drive Mead Drive Sandy Point Drive 1.00 - Mead Drive Crescent Drive Cam anile Drive 1.00 - Sand Point Drive Crescent Drive Campanile Drive 1.00 ---"--- Total 13 31.20 ---.--- . 06/26/95 ::::(::::::::":'::')':::::::'::'::::::/:(/:::':"::::)/::::M:='tsU,A,\/IE'...::/~t:S'i::'tii;Im:V:::::CIi:I:n=:I."lttttDI~O::if/tj:CD)[DTI'j:mlt'.T'::::://'::'}:/:':}::'::"':':/::'::':':':\::'::(::':::"'? BLADE ROUTE 2 YUCCA AREA ROAD NAME ~ FROM TO MILES Planet Ranch Road 4 (L) Alamo Road Castenada Well 26.90 (aka Icebox Rd/C.astenuda Well Rd Co ote Wells Road 2 L Alamo Road Si nal Road 7.85 Highland Road 4 (L) _~Lg.!l~ll Road Signal Road 11.00 aka Powerline Road) Alamo Road Borianna Mine Road Alamo Lake 59.00 - Gem Acres Knox Drive 1-40 1.10 National Old Trails Road Access Road Knox Drive 0.30 TOTAL, 25 . 1 06.15 --- . . 06/26/95 . ::::::::::\:\,}/::i::(:://(/:)::::NiS:HiIIIE:'cmmti.lII('Em:G:I'NSIBI'Nm?m'Ee~HmMEN'F:::':::/:':'\:,":::::://""::"::,)',),/(:::):",, BLADE ROUTE 3 'NI KI EUP AREA --.--- ROAD NAM E SI GNS FROM TO MI LES Road (L) 8 - Odles Ranch 4 lakl3 Ranch Road State Hwy 93 1 9. 65 Road) - U~'lka Laughlin Ranch 2(Ll --.--- ~Qper Trout Creek Road Hwy_ 93 Lower Trout Creek Rd 1 70 _._._~- Bog les Ranch Road 6 (L) JJpe~~r Trout Creek Rd Old Burro Creek Rd 34. 50 Lower Trout Road ~ YSJ:~ 93 Upper Trout Creek Ad 2. 00 Old Burro Creek CrossinQ 41LJ- J}S J:lwy 93 Burro Creek 1 5.20 1 7 M ile Road 4 (L) US l:Iwy 93 Signal Road 1 4. 00 Back Road 4 (L) Cholla Canyon Road Bogies Ranch Road 1 6.00 ----- - TOTAL - 26 .. 1 03.05 -_._-- . . 06/26/95 .-- BLADE ROUTE 4 HACKBERRY I TRUXTON I PINION PINES ROAD NAME SIGNS FROM Dubois Rd (Frontage Rd) 2 (L) Blak,e Ranch Road I-- ._.L- ~__,_ ~cCarral Road 2-.Jbl._ .Q~~9is Road (t1ka Goat Roadl Hackberry Road ~ight Creek Road (,1ka C.ampa Ranch Road) 1-40 Frontage Road ---_.,- Cox Road Blake Road Powerline Road Old Trails Road Bv-Pass Road Flag Mine Road 6 (LJ A~.Jjwy 93 .!.1!l_ JiC!2~cberry Road TO McCarral Road ._._----- Old Hwy 93 Hwy 66 Willow Road MILES 2.00 ----- 1.70 22.70 12.80 2 (L) .t!C!2~cberry Road f.l!'!1J~ing Staion Road 1..llil_ Cox Road Cox Ranch Road --1---- 2 (L) Hwy 66 @ Gen. Store -- --- 2 (L) Old trails Road 2 (L) Hua!apai Mountain Road Silver Springs exit 4.00 Powerline road 1.30 Well & water tank 1.50 Cox Road 0.90 Hackberry Road 3.70 Hwv 66 1.90 Sl/4 Sec28,T20N,Rl.5W 3.70 . Total 23 56.20 . 06/26/95 . I~!II B LAD E RO UTE 5 LAKE: HAVAS U C ITY AREA - ROAD NAM E S I G N S FROM TO M I LES S ky - View 0 rive 1 ( L) Jordan Drive Coronado Road o. 60 ----- Tota Is 1 O. 60 --.--- . . . 06/26/95 . ::..:::.,:::.-:.::,..,.:::::-::-:.:-:..-:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:":'::':':'::::::::::::':::::':':'::'::::::a::an'L.i::A:\::tr::f:::hnl:::i:,"tT" v:::::mIii:J:n.J.i::Itt:mB......,':iii::I:~::::::iN:m:t~ili:'lfB...'.m:lit:mK.ttf:::::::::::::::::,',:::::::':::::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- BLADE ROUTE 6 GOLDEN VALLEY - SOUTH OF HWY 68 ROAD NAME Shinarump Drive Garnet Road Nava' 0 Drive MILES 4.00 7.00 1.80 FROM TO T. RSlosevelt Road (west) Guthrie Road ~_IJlQ~:lrump Drive Nav~o Drive Garnet Road Gold Road Trail Totals 6 12.80 . . 06/26/95 ...~-- . . BLADE ROUTE 7 GOLDEN VALLEY - NORTH OF HWY 68 . ROAD NAME Estrella Road Hermit Drive Colorado Road EgarRoad SIGNS FROM ---- 6 (L) _Az !jlwy 68 ~_ _US tiwy 93 2 TlJ Hermit Drive 6 (L) ~~wy 68 TO MILES 5.70 2.80 2.30 3.20 Troy Drive Glen Canyon Road US Hwv 93 Chinle Drive Totals 16 14.00 06/26/95 . BLADE ROUTE 8 THE ARIZONA STRIP . -, ROAD NAME SIGNS t-------FROM TO ~~~ ~~~~1~ind ROa~_ _ . ~ ltl_~~~~ ~::f~_~~~~~~~~~o~~ad Grand Gulch Road ~__!E=-_Nv Statelil)e Lake Mead Pakoon Springs Road 4 (L) Az-.Nv Stateline Grand Gulch Road ~av~o TraiL RQad - ~__ Mt Trumbull Loop Mt Trumbull Loop See 1:5,TI8N,RIIW See 28,T40N,R7W .gane Beds_'3gad-- - -- - 4 (L) --~~IlrumbUif L~oe---'- -Utah State Line See 24,T41N,R7W See 31,R42N,R5W -:;---- . ~__ CanE3 Beds Road Rouch road .. NE See27,T40N,Rl6W -- 2 (L) Rouch Road Gravel Pit --- - NE Sce27,T40N,R6W Sec34,T39N,R6W Rouch Road #1 2 (L1 l-iwy 389 Yellowstone Road Rouch Road #2 2 (L) Yellowstone Road Mt Trumbull Loop Craig's Ranch Road .!ibL_ Mt Trumbull Lo,QQ Mt Trumbull Loop _____ ,___ 1l~E..~:~,TI6N,R7W See 22,T35N,R9 Nixon Spring_F~oa~L 2 (L) _ fE~J~~s Ranc~Road Mt Trumbull Loop 1l~.E..2!T35N,R8W See 29,T35N,R8W ~oweap Road__ _.!l!:L_ _Mt Trumbull Loop Saddle Horse Canyon Mt Dellenba~h Road .~,ibL_ M!.Irumbull L~~ Grand Canyon National ~ka LillIe Tanks Road) __ Park Boundry ~~~~T36N,RlOW. See 25,TI2N,R12W 81L) !!~~_ 389 Mt Trumbull Loop 18 (L) Wolf Hole Cane Bed Road MILES 13.20 37.70 -- 11.94 17.12 29.81 13.60 Yellowstone Road #1 7.00 Yellowstone Road #2 7.72 9.00 7.00 16.30 4.00 13.10 42.15 Antelope Valley Road Mt. Trumbull Loop 38.40 91 Totals 80 359.04 . 06/26/95 . - BLADE ROUTE 9 PI ERCE FERRY ROAD l DOLAN SP RI N GS ROAD NAM E SI GNS F ROM TO M I LES Producer M ine Road 2 (L) US H1wy 93 W to c?tth:~g~ard 5. 00 ~- First Street -gjhL- hJ_~!j~ 93 Jose~h Road 5.00 ..- -- (aka Ranch Roa!!L. ----- Joseph Road 2 (L) First Street Cottonwood Road 1 .20 --.--- (aka Ranch Road) Seventh Street 2 (L) ~~~!jwy 93 Joseph Road 3. 30 (aka Smith City Road) --.--- - -- -_._-- Totals 8 1 4. 50 --'--- . . 06/26/95 .--- . . ROAD NAME ~ SIGNS Chloride Road I 2 (L) (Old Boulder Highway alignment) Murals Road 1 (L) Totals 3 BlADE ROUTE 10 CHLORIDE AREA FROM Mine!ral Park Road Tennessee Ave .. TO S Bndry Townsite MILES 6.80 Murals E of Chloride 1 00 7.80 06/26/95 .;:;:;:;:;:;:'::,;:;:;::;,;,;;:;:::::;:;:::::::::::;:::;:::::::;:;:;.;:::::;:;:::;:::;:::;:;:::;:::::::::::::t:jll:\ijiA;t:l'[t::::::~"'."::::I'"I:T\f::::::mIi;I'~'J':iiUZm'B'''":I':ii:':~:::;;:n;m:D;A;;bTih'C"'T';:;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;:,;;;:;:;:::;:::::':;;;:::':':':::':':';':':;:::':':-:':.;-:.:.:.:.:.: ROAD NAME Silver Creek Road Katherine Resort Lands Mohave Lk View Ranchos Mary's Road aka Katherine Mine Road Totals . . BLADE ROUTE 11 MOHAVE VALLEY I KATHERINE'S LANDING 8 FROM 2 mi IE Bullhead Cit limit KathHrine Road KathHrine Road Rte 68 TO 1 mi W of Oatman Rd Resort Lands Subdivision Katherine Landing MILES 7.60 2.40 2.00 5.70 17.70 06/26/95 . _1~_~ B LAD E RO UTE 1 2 N 0 RTH KI N G MAN AR EA ROAD NAME SIGNS I FRO M I TO M I LES - --1------'--- ---.--- ~~----------- --'-- ----, ., '--.------1------'--- Totals 0 o. 00 _... .. ----- ----- . . 06/26/95 . : : S:;:,ii;;~~~~~i~.._A_~~_j(. ..... '. : " ,'.:', '. ----~._-~~_._---,...-_._._-_.- r=-.---"'- --'------------ MI LES SIGNS --~-- -----.--.- .. ~-_. -------------~ t-- TOTAL 209 723.04 --.-.- -.-- ---..----. ,- ---.---------- Small (1~~" x 24" 1 0 __u___ Large (30" x 48" 1 99 f-------.---- --'--- ~------- ----- --'------~ . .