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WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Mohave County ml~t in
Regular Session this 4th day of October 1994, and
WHERE.AS, Mohave County Board of Supervisors has determined
that it would be in the best interest of the citizens of Mohave
County to enter into an Agreement, and
WHEREAS, Mohave Count:y has been awarded $537,370 from the
Communi ty Development Bloc};: Grant (CDBG) Program under Commerce
Contract # 038-95 for the following activities:
1. General Administ.rat.ion
2. Havasu Heights WatE~r System Improvement
3. Fire Protection Facility/Fort Mohave Mesa
Fire District Ambulance
4. Fire Protection/Oatman Fire District
Fire Truck
5. Mohave County Architectural Barriers
Removal Project:
($ 86,700)
($ 75,000)
($ 70,000)
WHEREAS, through thl:! Interqovernmental Agreement, Mohave
County agrE~es to receivE:! the CDBG funds and to comply with the
state and federal requirements of the CDBG Program, and
WHEREAS, the Int'~rgovernmental Agreement is made by and
between the! State of Arizona, Department of Commerce, pursuant to
A.R.S. Section 41-1504 B (2)(5) and Mohave County, pursuant to
A.R.S. Section 11-952, and
WHEREAS, Mohave Count:y is empowered by A.R.S. Section 11-
952, to E::!nter into agreements and acting by and through its
Board of Supervisors has rE'sol ved to enter into an agreement, and
THEREFORE BE IT RI~SOl.vED that Mohave County enter into an
Agreement t:o receive Community Development Block Grant funds as
set forth in the attached IntergovElrnmental Agreement.
PASSE:D, APPROVED AND .ADOPTED this 4th day of Octobe'r 1994.
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