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RESOLUTION NO. 94-248 WHEREAS, the Mohave Coun ty Board of Supervisors met in Special Session this 18th day of .July, and; WHEREAS, on the 5th dny of July, 1994, the Board of Supervisors of Mohave County, Arizona acknowledged and set for Public Hearing a request fot' the establishment of Shinarump Drive as a County Highway in compliance with Title 18, Chapter 2, Article 1, of the Arizona Revised Statutes, and; WlU~REAS, the right of way status has been reviewed by the Engineering Department and determined that the right of way has been acquired for Public Roadway use by right of way easement grant, and; WHEREAS, a map (Exhibit "A" attached) and description (recorded in Book 2351 of Official Records, Page 790) of said proposed road was available, a Public Hearing was set for 10:45 AM in the Supervisors Meeting room and Notice of same was given as prescribed by law, and; WHEREA.'3, said hearing was held at the time and place set and no one appeared to object and no written statements of objection opposing the granting ~t the prayer of said petition were received, and the Board considered the feasibility, advantages, and necessity of said proposed County Highway, and; . NOW TI-IEREFORE, BE IT Rli',.')OLVED, that Shinarump Drive be and is hereby established as a County Highway in accordance with A.R.S. 18-201; FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVl<:D, that Shinarump drive be functionally classified as Route No. 223, a County Highway. (From Oatman Highway to Apache Road). PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of July, 1994. MOHA VE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~~t, W~~ U,ioan C. Ward, Chairman A 1YfFBT: . INDEXE: , 1,.i'l Ii .It 5 +94- 43Cl76 ilK 2~36 PG 866 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY Ai. *JOAN ncCAlL, MOHAVE COUNTY RECGRDERi 07/2019~ 3:00 P.n. PAGE i OF '1 HOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 Ne 1IIIIIfUfP BOGnl " ('f' ,--- 'I ,:\1 I I, ;fi,:~;_\;;.~"~C"'U .". ~:\~ ),)/', I _ _\~,\.,~J F~ ~ --,.- "j '",[,e 1"1 /) \ \:\~I,I"I:I~\ (' . -~ 'J "'\\1" c'r/ ,I' ,J// "I"I'\/:! ".J !\ ___..) 1\ \ I (' I , ll\"""" --~-- .-1'''/ ,"~//' / r:" I" ,\. i,l' I \ \ \"', ' .' i\ ___ ---;- ')11,-/ ,r -/ " .......... 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