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RESOLUTION NO. 94-238 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Mohave County met in Special Session this 20th day of June, 1994; and WHEREAS, on the 6th day of June, 1994, the Board of Supervisors of Mohave County, Arizona acknowledged and set for Public Hearing a request for the establishment of Silver Creek Road as a County Highway in compliance with Title 18, Chapter 2, Article 1. of the Arizona Revised Statues; and WHEREAS, the right of way status has been reviewed by the Engineering Department and determined that the right of way had been acquired and accepted for Public Roadway use by Dedication; and WHEREAS, a map and description of said proposed road (Exhibit "A" & "B" attached) were available, a Public Hearing was SE~t for 11: 00 AM in the Supervisors Meeting Room and Notice of same was given as prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, said hearing was held at the time and place set and no one appeared to object and no written statements opposing the grantinq, of the prayer of said petition, were received. The Board considered the feasibility, advantages, and necessity of said proposed County Highway; and NOW THEREFORE, BE nr RESOLVED, that Silver Creek Road be and is hereby established as a County Highway in accordance with A..R.S. 18-201; FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that Silver Creek Road be functionally classified as Route No. 155, a Minor County Highway (from the West line of Section 21, Township 20 North, Range 21 West to the East line of Section 27, Township 20 North, Range 21 West) . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 1994. MOHAVE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1"\ j-' \ ,~1,~ 5 INDEXED MlCROmMED #94- 38862 BK 2427 F'G 129 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MOHAVE COUNTY AI. ~JOAN McCALL: MOHAVE COUNTY RECQRDER~ 06/2919~ 2:30 P.M. PAGE i OF 8 nOHAVE COUNTY BOARD O~ SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 Me . . . PAGE 2 OF 3 DK 2337 fG 66~ (FEE:9~- 7?~) UND DESCRIPTION Silver Creek Rond EXI-I~mT A PAGr 2 OF 8 BY. 2427 PG 130 (FEE~94-38862) A 100 foot wide strip of I:md ac:ross. a portion of Ihe Southewest One Quarter (SWl/4) of Section 21, T20N, R21W, G&SRM, Mohave Counly, Arizona, the centerline of which is described as follows: Deginning at n point on a curve which benrs NOoo08'~3 "E along the West line of saicl Section 21, a dislance of 789.25 feet from the Southwest corner (a 2" OD! Pipe \'iith 1915 USGLO Brass Cnp) of said Section 21; Thence SOlltheasterly, 126.58 feet along the arc of n curve being conc:tve to the Southwest, havil1g a central angle of 1053'56" and a radius of3R19.72 feet to the point of tangency; Thence S73017'55"E along said centerline 1020.09 fect to the begining of a tangent curve; Thence Easterly 390.87 feet along the arc of a curve being concave,to the North, having :l. central anglc of 22029'36" and :l. radius of 995.63 feet to a point of reverse curvc; Thcnce Easterly 97.54 feet along the :lrc of a curvc 111'ing concave to the South having a central :mgle of 05013' 19"and a radius of 1 070.21 fcet to thl' East line of that parcel described in Dook 2212, Onicial Records, Page 554 and the Ending P.oint of said strip; Thence SOoo 17'31 "W along said East line 447.27 fcC't to the South line of said Section :md the Southcast corner of said parcel; . Thence N89022' 59"W along said South line 1582.70 feet to said Southwest corner. Said strip contains an arca of 3.75 acres (calculated). The sidelines of said strip are to be lengthened or shortcned to terminate at the ownership line. : EXHIBIT A-I . . . PAGE . 2 DF 3 oK 2337 PG ft? (~ ~n, CQ r ~E'r1~- i%) LAND DESCRIPTION Silver Creek Road EXHIBIT A PAGE 3 OF 8 BK 2~27 PG 131 (FEE~94-388b2) A 100 foot wide strip of land across the South One Half of the South One Half of the South One Half (Sl/2S1I2S1I2) of Section 21, TION, R21\V, G&SRlYf, Mohave County, Arizona, the centerline of which is described as follows: Commendng at the South 1/4 comer (a 1 n ODr Pipe with 1915 USGLO Brnss Cap) of said Section 21; Thence N89022'59"W along the South line of said Section 21, a distance of 1054.49 feet to the Southeast, corner of that parcel described in Book 2212, Official Records, Page 554; " Thence NO 0 17'31"E along the East line of said recorded parcel 447.27 feet to the centerline of Silver Creek Road and the Point of Beginning of said strip; Thence Easteriy 289.81 feet along the arc of a curve being concave to the South, having a central angle of 15030'56" and a radius of 1070.21 feet to the point ~f tangency; Thence S75003'16"E along said centerline 513.62 feet to the beginning of n tangent curve; Thence Southeasterly 240.68 feet along the arc of a curve, being concave to the Southwest, having a central angle of 10049'50" and a radius of 1273.24 feet to the point of tmgency; Thence 564013 '26"E along said centerline 484.86 feet to the South line of said Section 21, :md t.he Ending Point of said strip, which bears S89021 '04"E. 392.67 feet from said South One Quarter corner. Said strip contains an area of 3.51 acres (calculat~d). The sidelines of said strip are to be lengthened or shortened to terminate at the ownership line. ~ McnE Rte 155 9-30-93 FSTY-5 li:XHIBIT A-2 . . . DEDICA TION PAGE ""'" .j. OF gf\ 2.427 PG 'F"'E:"''' \ c. 1I''i-4-3386:?) "- ; ..,;; J...:)L KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that George M. Aeed, for the consideration of One Dollar and other valuable considera- tions, hereby dedicate to the public for public road and utility purposes, all rights, title, and interest which it may have in the following described real property located in 1'Y10have County, State of Arizona, described as follows, to wit: A strip of land 100 feet in wIdth in Section 28, T20N, R21W, G&SRM, Mohave County, .Arizona, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at intersection of the center of the existing Silver Creek Road with east line of Section 28, being south 1400 feet, more or less, from Northeast Corner said Section, thence, northwesterly along said Road 2600 feet, more or less, to north line of said Section. Containing 6 acres, more or less, including that part now maintained and acknowledged as a public roadway. The side lines of said strip to be lengthened or shortened so as to terminate on said Section lines. The above described parcel is intended to be only a general corridor alignment which approximatelv follows the existing gravel road known as Silver Creek ROad, from former U. S. Highway No. 66 to east line of the City of Bullhead City limits, which is east line of Section 20, T20N, R21W of G&SRM. Said alignment and approximate location of said road is shown on map attached hereto arid made a part hereof. An exact location survey and accompanying R/W maps(Job 11155) will be made by the Department of Engineerin[/of s,aid County and will be file at office of said Department; IN WITJJSS WHEREOF this instrument is executed this 19903/1 (/ / ..;~. $ /2L ,;;:J1JC~ . ---1 ) ss. ,,(>>Ie; TlIC 'J"~ q / day of J,,.,,. STATE OF "r'(i-i)"-------;:;;~~;~----; i Loa RUTH A. MAYES ~ ~. ::.' NDllll"f Public. Stl1to 01 Atlzonal. 1 . MARICOPA COUtHY ~ ~__~..:E:.:!!:~~n;!.2~~~~.:!~~J ~i\:llii: lUllED COUNTY OF J ::=93- 27489 BK 2221 PG tlFFICIf'IL RECORDS OF HOHAVE COUHTY flZ IlJOAH NcCALL7 110HAVE COUNTY RECORDE: 05/19/73 2:35 P.M. PAGE 1 OF ' MOHAVE COmITY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORDING FEE 0.00 He . . . PAGE 5 OF BJ{ 2427 PG Q \..I 133 (FEEt94-38862) PAGE 2 O~ 3 BK 2337 PG 670 (FEE~9~- 797) LAND DESCRIPTION Silver Creek Road EXHIBIT A A 100 foot wid,~ strip of land across the Northwest One Qu:uter(NW1I4) of Section 27, TION, R21W, G&Sill'r'l, Mohave County, Arizona, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of' said Section 27, which b'ears NOo025'45"E, 1201.9'5 feet from the West One Quarter corner (a 1" ODr Pipe with 1915 USGLO Drass Cap) of said Section 27; Thence S67041 '37"E along said centerline '277.57 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve; , ' Thence: Southeasterly 120.44 feet along u1e arc of a curve being concave to the Southwest, having a central angle of 3036'47" and ;J. radius of 1909.86' feet to the point of tangency; Thence 564004'50"E along said centeriine 794.35 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve; Thence Southeasterly 344.35 feet alonf~ the arc of a curve being concave to the Southwest, having a centnl angle of 15029'45" and a radius of 1273.24 feet to the point of tangency; Thencl~ 548 ?35 '04 liE along said centerline 119.31 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve; " Thenc: SouthcJ.ster[y 343.85 feet along the arc of a curve being concave to the Nortlleast, having n. central angle of 2034'42" and a rndius of 7641.28 feet to a point of compound curvature; Thence Sout1lcJ.sterly 359.34 feet along the arc of a curve, being concave to t1le Northeast, having a central angle of 11 009'32" and.a radius of 1845.08 feet to'.the point of tangency; Thence S62019'18"E along said centerline 55.95 feet to the East-West center of Section line and the Ending Point of said strip which bears S89017'40"E, 2077.87 feet from said West One Quart,er 0V1/4) corner. Said Ending 'Point is coincident with the centerline as shown on Dook. 5, of Parcel Plats. Page 28. Said strip contains an area of 5.54' acres (calCulated). The sidelines of said strip ate to be lengthened or shortened to terminate at tile ownership line. EXHIBIT A-4 MCDE Rte 155 . 9/30/93 F5TY-2.7 . . . PAGE 6 OF 8 BK 2427?G 134 {FEE~9+-38862j LAND DESCRIPTION Silver Creek Road and Public Utility Easement Right of Way EXHIBIT "A" ROAD\VAY R/W: A 100 foot wide strip of land across the South Half (Slh) of Section 27, TION, R21W, G&SRM, Mohave County, Arizona, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East-West Center Section line of said Section 27, which bears S 890 17' 40"E, 2077.86 feet from said West One Quarter Corner (a I" a.D. Iron pipe with 1915 USGLO Brass Cap) of said Section 27; Thence,S 620 18' 03" E along said centerline 35.60 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve; Thence Easterly, 444.82 feet along the arc of a curve being concave to the North, having a central angle of 280 54' 49" and a radius of 881.47 feet to the point of tangency; Thence N 88047' 08" E along said centerline 1027.71 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve; Thence Easterly 393.96 feet along the arc of a curve being concave to the South, having a central angle of 240 20' 10" and a radius of 927.52 feet to the. point of tangency; Thence S 66052' 42" E along said centerline 525.06 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve; Thence Southeasterly 296.92 feet along the arc of a curve being concave to the Southwest, having a central angle of 200 03' 30" and a radius of 848.15 feet to the point of tangency; Thence S 46049' 12" E along said centerline 355.26 feet to the beginning oi a tangent curve; Thence Southeasterly 371.71 feet along the arc of a curve being concave to the Northeast, having a central angle of 270 52' 42" and a radius of 763.94 feet to the point of tangency; T:hence S 74041' 53" E along said centerline 6.19 feet to the East line of said Section 27 and the Ending Point of said strip which ~ears N 000 30' 30" E, 1718.54 feet from the Southeast Corner (a 2" O.D. Iron Pipe with 1915 USGLO Brass Cap) of said Section 27. Said strip contains an area of 7.94 acres (calculated). EASEMENT R/\V: A 16 foot wide strip of land lying outside of and adjoining the South right-of-way line of the above described 100 foot wide Roadway Right"of Way. The side lines of both strips are to be lengthened or shortened to terminate at the ownership line. EXffiBIT A-5 > t' " A R~; E A JI\l ~ .. I 0 ;5~r,'JI'! \..: '::1}2,""I';;,:~:;:~.':'}I;:':>,'\I~ .~.;~~~'. \\!, '." ~. ..,: ,i..':"""r;;l:'::;:J,.:r)A,.,:-:: 1 '-..~' .:.<::::~,>: ::;:;:\{Z~lrl:/'~~;~)):I'~'~:~/t;::. , - \~ K' -'. . . ,....<l,~' rj ...II!. .o\..., I ~~..' <'~~2;;0:%i;:~:I;.~ : ;/:FJ ;-':-\O:l~"" ,,' I ii' II \" -< . N. w To US 9S EXHIBIT B-1 LOCA110N T. 20 .. 6 .......~...... j T. 19 N. . "2 .8 ....~- /" .." / , .. FOR ElfL~RCEMEH,[ SEE PACE31~ '3 '8 17 If'1 ,C( .'."1~ ..~~ - I' .~~'" n "'2"'-- -- ,.', \ 29 ,,' 19 .' 30' MA TCH L.IHC TO 'AGE f. 280 000 FEET R. 22 W. R. 21 W. R.2DW. . PAGE BJ{ 7 OF 2427 PG 8 135 (FEE~94-38362) GENERAL HIGHWAY MAP MOl-lAVE COUNTY, ARIZONA .....ZONA HIOHWAY Dt[..AATMl!HT _____ ....___.. .~._ ..a..,............. -....e........' . -:---- PAt;;:- BK.- '"I ( ~ OF .!.-f2! PG g 1"!t:. ......,...1 -..... -_0- ..-..- -,-'- -- --....- ---.- .--- -..--.,..- I -)~~~ i '.-.: ~ ') n -~Jo,,' ',t ../'"...n :;:; r-- : , ! 1'1 .. . . ;,'1 ~, I -. 'I' .>C (J t,- ! " U 0 IU ~ ~. ~~.~.,I .... 9; -- . ,,' """M'~"" . .:.. .'. u). ~ ( ~; .. ')- .O,I- -.-J'Z CO .~ LL ~ 0 L.Ll ::> r-: 0- W o :j I \~ I . I I. ~ ~. :::> o. C> ~ :C o ""- 2:' , .' -:'J' (\/ ." !I -") -y .. .~ ----:> - ~-- ~', . ~ . .,\_, '1b' -- .' \.) "'>' ..__._ ...if} 0 (\j ...--.-.c:.. (} -~ Jl .. --- -.\ __._. 'II ____..11 tW--' , I..) I --_..:. . :- If) in . J \ 10 II") -;. ~, rt-: \ -.I., ...., ..0 '. ...." ". ~ -. U . I '..).. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ ;,\ '. )1 \11 ," .1 ..)~ II) ~ll - c.:i ' ':1: I.. 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